[Congressional Record Volume 152, Number 94 (Tuesday, July 18, 2006)]
[Pages H5345-H5352]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]


  Mr. BARTON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I move to suspend the rules and 
pass the Senate bill (S. 3504) to amend the Public Health Service Act 
to prohibit the solicitation or acceptance of tissue from fetuses 
gestated for research purposes, and for other purposes.
  The Clerk read as follows:

                                S. 3504

       Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of 
     the United States of America in Congress assembled,


       This Act may be cited as the ``Fetus Farming Prohibition 
     Act of 2006''.


       Section 498B of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 
     289g-2) is amended--
       (1) by redesignating subsections (c) and (d) as subsections 
     (d) and (e), respectively;
       (2) by inserting after subsection (b) the following:
       ``(c) Solicitation or Acceptance of Tissue From Fetuses 
     Gestated for Research Purposes.--It shall be unlawful for any 
     person or entity involved or engaged in interstate commerce 
       ``(1) solicit or knowingly acquire, receive, or accept a 
     donation of human fetal tissue knowing that a human pregnancy 
     was deliberately initiated to provide such tissue; or
       ``(2) knowingly acquire, receive, or accept tissue or cells 
     obtained from a human embryo or fetus that was gestated in 
     the uterus of a nonhuman animal.'';
       (3) in paragraph (1) of subsection (d), as so redesignated, 
     by striking ``(a) or (b)'' and inserting ``(a), (b), or 
     (c)''; and
       (4) in paragraph (1) of subsection (e), as so redesignated, 
     by striking ``section 498A(f)'' and inserting ``section 

  The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from 
Texas (Mr. Barton) and the gentlewoman from Colorado (Ms. DeGette) each 
will control 20 minutes.
  The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Texas.

                             General Leave

  Mr. BARTON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I ask that all Members may have 5 
legislative days within which to revise and extend their remarks on 
this legislation and to insert extraneous material in the Record.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the 
gentleman from Texas?
  There was no objection.
  Mr. BARTON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may 
  Mr. Speaker, I am happy to rise in support of this bill along with my 
good friend, Congresswoman DeGette of Colorado.
  I rise today in the strongest possible support of S. 3504, the Fetus 
Farming Prohibition Act. Every so often, we deal with a subject on this 
floor that is so ugly that the language almost is unable to qualify and 
quantify that ugliness. Today is one of those moments. When you know 
what fetus farming is, words like obnoxious and repugnant seem timid.
  As we know, fetus farming is the gruesome idea of creating a human 
fetus purely for research to harvest its organs. This bill would ban 
that practice, and we cannot ban it, in my opinion, soon enough. Most 
scientists today share the belief that human life should not be created 
just for the purposes of experimentation, or for harvesting the organs 
of one person to be given to another. The vast majority of scientists 
in our Nation uphold the ethical and moral principles on which our 
country forever rests, the inalienable right to life and the inherent 
value of human life in whatever form it may take. These scientists are 
working tirelessly with the knowledge that their efforts are to benefit 
life, benefit humanity, not to benefit one person for profit at the 
detriment of another person.
  Unfortunately, Mr. Speaker, we have seen clear examples in other 
countries that some scientists see things somewhat differently.
  It is towards these scientists that the pending legislation is 
directed. Rather than waiting for a horror story to appear on the front 
pages or allowing for the possibility of scientific advancement taking 
us down a slippery slope, this bill gives a clear signal that fetus 
farming in all of its forms will not be tolerated in the United States, 
nor will we allow human fetuses or embryos to be bought and sold for 
research like cattle.
  This legislation will ensure that nobody gains financially when 
unborn children are exploited for fetal tissue research. This 
legislation sends the right message on the importance of human dignity 
and life at the right time.
  Before the Pandora's box of fetus farming is opened and it is too 
late for us to do something about it, I will urge all of my colleagues 
on both sides of the aisle to support this bill.
  Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Ms. DeGETTE. I just must say, Mr. Speaker, this has got to be a new 
record of transmission of a bill from the Senate to the House. I was 
literally on the Senate floor a few minutes ago when S. 3504 was 
passed, and I had to run to the House to have it considered.
  I think this bill is just fine. I am not sure that there is a 
pressing problem in this country right now of fetal farming, but I will 
support it. Like my chairman, Mr. Barton, I have complete and abhorrent 
opposition to the idea of people doing fetal farming.
  I must say, though, that if people are worried about women becoming 
pregnant so they can be paid for making fetal tissue available for 
research, I want to point out that the current law already prohibits 
the sale of fetal tissue. Section 498(b) of the Public Health Service 
Act says: ``It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly acquire, 
receive or otherwise transfer any human fetal issue for valuable 
  In addition, a yearly amendment that we do, called Dickey-Wicker, 
already forbids the creation of a human embryo or embryos for research 
purposes. So while this bill is completely unnecessary, I guess we will 
just pass it today and move on.
  But here is the real reason this bill has been fast-tracked from the 
Senate, why there is a second bill that will be fast-tracked from the 
Senate, and that is because of H.R. 810, the Embryonic Stem Cell 
Enhancement Act, which has been cosponsored by my friend Mike Castle 
from Delaware and myself.
  This important piece of legislation expands embryonic stem cell 
research so that the 110 million Americans and their families who 
suffer from diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, diabetes, nerve 
cell damage and on and on, so that the bill would allow embryonic 
research to be expanded so that those patients can have hope for cures.
  Unlike many other kinds of stem cells, adult stem cells and cord 
blood, embryonic stem cells have shown great promise in being a 
potential cure for these diseases. That is why a majority of this body 
passed that legislation on May 24 of 2005.

                              {time}  1645

  This is why the Senate is poised to pass that legislation with over 
60 votes today.
  H.R. 810 will go directly to the President's desk. Sadly, the 
President has announced his intention to make H.R. 810 the very first 
veto of his 6-year administration. He has signed over 1,600

[[Page H5346]]

bills, but he has announced he is going to veto a bill that could 
provide hope for tens of millions of Americans.
  In order to do that, though, the President will need cover, since 72 
percent of Americans support embryonic stem cell research, and that is 
what this bill, S. 3504, and its companion bill from the Senate will 
hopefully I guess give the administration cover.
  There will be no solace, these bills, to the patients of America. 
These bills are merely a fig leaf to show that the veto that is 
happening is going to prevent the most promising research that could 
happen for all these patients, and so while I support S. 3504, no one 
would support fetus farming. Let us really call this what this is.
  This is the first in a pair of fig leaf bills designed to give cover 
to the President, and I, for one, think it is a sad day when we are 
rushing to judgment on such an important research potential.
  Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. BARTON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the 
distinguished gentleman from Georgia (Mr. Deal), the subcommittee 
  Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding, 
and I rise in support of this legislation. As a cosponsor of the House 
equivalent of this Senate bill to prohibit fetus farming, I believe it 
is something that we need to take action on.
  What is fetus farming? Simply put, it is the creation and development 
of a human fetus for the purposes of later killing it for research or 
for harvesting its organs.
  While advances in scientific research have led to some new and 
exciting treatments that have enlarged and enhanced the quality and 
length of human life, we must not lose sight as to what we are trying 
to accomplish. Scientific advancement should aim to affirm and to 
improve human life.
  Unfortunately, some have begun to pursue scientific research for its 
own benefit or for profit, without respect for human life. Science 
without respect for human life is degrading to us all and reflects a 
hollow and deceptive philosophy, a philosophy that we as a people 
should never condone.
  In the grisly process of fetus farming, a woman might become pregnant 
with the sole intention of selling the tissue of her unborn child. An 
unscrupulous individual could pay a young, underprivileged woman, for 
example, to become pregnant so that the fetal tissue could be 
harvested. Even more appalling and disturbing, human embryos could be 
harvested for their tissue after developing in the womb of a nonhuman 
  While some of these scenarios may seem like something out of the 
realm of fantasy, fetus farming is an emerging possibility in our 
world. As I stand here today, some scientists are engaged in animal 
research that uses cloned embryos, implanted and grown in the womb 
before being aborted so that the tissue could be harvested. Sometimes, 
cloned animal fetuses are allowed to develop almost to the newborn 
stage before being aborted and used to test new therapies.
  We now know that human cloning is not only a possibility but is 
already happening. Many of my colleagues may have heard or read about a 
technique called somatic cell nuclear transfer, also known as 
therapeutic cloning, in which a cloned human embryo is created and then 
destroyed for the purposes of harvesting its cells. It is only one 
small step further to begin creating and developing human fetuses for 
the purposes of research or for harvesting the unborn child's organs.
  Just because scientists have the knowledge to do it, the technology 
to do it, and some may even have a financial motive or other incentive 
to do it, does not make it right.
  Congress should take this proactive step to eliminate fetus farming. 
Human life should never be made into a commodity, and I urge my 
colleagues to vote in favor of S. 3504.
  Ms. DeGETTE. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.
  That message from the Senate, I guess, means that within moments, 
sheer moments, S. 2754 will also be up on the House here because, as I 
said, this entire package is being railroaded through so that it can 
reach the President's desk in a neat little package.
  Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.
  Mr. BARTON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the gentleman 
from the First State, Delaware (Mr. Castle), the distinguished former 
Governor, to speak on this particular bill.
  Mr. CASTLE. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding. I hope I 
have the right bill. I am a little confused, too, the way bills are 
flying through here.
  I do rise in support of the bill the chairman has spoken of, S. 3504, 
legislation which is aimed at preventing so-called fetal farming; and 
while such fetal farming may not be taking place now, I applaud my 
colleagues for being forward thinking and targeting such an exploitive 
practice now.
  This legislation is critical because it places ethical restrictions 
on what can and cannot be done in federally funded research.
  Ethical guidelines are absolutely critical to guide all federally 
funded research. That is exactly why Representative Diana DeGette and I 
have been pressing strongly for President Bush to sign H.R. 810, the 
Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, into law. Contrary to popular 
belief, H.R. 810 does not increase funding for embryonic stem cell 
research, nor does it fund the creation or destruction of embryos. 
Rather, it allows researchers access to the best and most promising 
stem cell lines, while creating for the first time an ethical construct 
to guide this research at the National Institutes of Health.
  H.R. 810 has strict financial prohibitions in place, and it prohibits 
the creation of embryos for research purposes. It enables the creators 
of the embryo to first make a decision about what they want to do with 
leftover embryos, which are really 5-day-old blastocysts, no bigger 
than the tip of a pencil. If they choose discard, it allows them the 
option to donate these embryos to research, instead of medical waste. 
No money can exchange hands throughout the process. The legislation 
only allows federally funded research on stem cell lines derived 
ethically with private funds. No Federal funds can be used.
  Mr. Speaker, biomedical research is something that must be carefully 
monitored and rigorous guidelines must be established. That is exactly 
what this bill, S. 3504, aims to do, and it is what H.R. 810 aims to 
do. I ask my colleagues to support the underlying legislation and to 
urge President Bush not to veto H.R. 810.
  Ms. DeGETTE. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to yield 2 minutes to the 
gentleman from New York (Mr. Engel).
  Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague from the Energy and 
Commerce Committee for yielding to me and want to commend her on the 
outstanding job she is doing in fighting for embryonic stem cell 
research, which the American people want. The American people across 
ideological lines understand that this is something that will help 
people in their battles against illness; and why there is such rigid 
ideology on the other side, I just really do not understand.
  The Fetus Farming Prohibition Act of 2006 is fine the way it is. None 
of us oppose it. None of us would take issue with it, but it does not 
really do what the American people want us to do.
  The American people know that the United States has always led the 
way with medical research. We have always led the way in finding cures 
for diseases. We have always led the way in terms of our health care.
  And what is happening is obviously because there has been a 
prohibition on stem cell research, that we have fallen behind, and so 
other countries are eclipsing us, other countries which I believe 
cannot do it as well as we could do it if we were allowed to do it. And 
so as a result, people are dying and being injured with no help every 
day when, if we were permitted to have stem cell research, we could 
have the help that we need.
  This is an undertaking that really the Federal Government needs to 
put itself behind and which cannot work if it is left to the private 
sector. It cannot work if it is only going to be certain kinds of cells 
or certain limited amounts of cells.
  This has to be something that we have to do. I am very sensitive to 
people who care about this issue; but this, to me, has nothing to do 
with the issue of abortion or any of those issues. This is about saving 
people's lives and making it easier for people who have loved

[[Page H5347]]

ones, who are ill and who would rely on this kind of research to get 
better soon.
  So I would hope that my colleagues would support stem cell research 
and vote for this bill; but again, this bill is only a scratch. We need 
to do much more.
  Mr. BARTON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the 
distinguished gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. Smith), one of the leaders 
in the pro-life community.
  Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, I thank my friend for yielding.
  Mr. Speaker, fetus farming, the growing of embryos and fetuses so as 
to derive tissue or organs and other cells for research or treatment, 
turns human beings into commodities.
  Fetus farming is a grave violation of human rights and is an act of 
research violence that Congress must stop.
  The harbinger of human fetus farming, Mr. Speaker, can be found in 
animal fetus farming studies already under way. We know that 
researchers are not doing this research to advance veterinary medicine.
  Dr. Robert Lanza, for example, of Advanced Cell Technology, attempted 
to clone cows for their liver stem cells. The cloned cow fetuses were 
implanted and grown in the womb for 3 to 4 months before being aborted 
so their liver tissue could be harvested. Dr. Lanza said ominously, 
``We hope to use this technology in the future to treat patients with 
diverse diseases.'' He is not talking about cows. He is talking about 
human beings.
  Another researcher, Dr. Smadar Evantov-Friedman of the Weizmann 
Institute of Science in Israel, conducted research to determine the 
best ``gestational time windows for the growth of pig embryonic liver, 
pancreas, and lung precursors.'' They determined that the best windows 
for tissue ranged from more than 2 months to more than 6 months, and 
that is 6 months of gestation.
  This is not science fiction, Mr. Speaker. This is actual animal 
research. I have no doubt that Dr. Lanza and Evantov-Friedman and 
others are not investing enormous amounts of money and talent in 
research for cures for animals.
  And the loopholes to allow fetus farming already exist in State laws. 
In my home State of New Jersey, a law was enacted in 2004 that defines 
a cloning ban in such a bizarre way so as to ban it only if the cloned 
human being is grown to the newborn stage.
  Thus, in my State, a cloned embryo could be grown to the later fetal 
stage and then aborted for research. I would point out parenthetically 
that many of us raised these issues with our Governor, then Gov. 
McGreevey. I gave him a letter outlining these concerns about the 
legislation. They knew that what they were doing would allow the 
harvesting, the fetus farming of these individuals.
  S. 3504 makes it unlawful to solicit or knowingly acquire, receive, 
or accept a donation of human fetal tissue knowing that a human 
pregnancy was deliberately initiated to provide such tissue or 
knowingly acquire or receive or accept tissue or cells obtained from a 
human embryo or fetus that was gestated in a nonhuman animal.
  Fetus farming is dehumanizing. It is a serious violation of human 
rights. Every human life is precious, Mr. Speaker, and has innate value 
and dignity. Every human life, regardless of age, maturity or condition 
of dependency deserves respect. Every human life, no matter how small, 
deserves protection from harm, inhumane experimentation or slaughter.

                              {time}  1700

  Ms. DeGETTE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentlewoman from 
Texas (Ms. Jackson-Lee).
  (Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas asked and was given permission to revise 
and extend her remarks.)
  Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, let me thank the gentlewoman 
from Colorado and the distinguished gentleman from Delaware, and a 
number of others, along with the cosponsors, of which I am very proud 
to have been a cosponsor. And I thank the Energy and Commerce 
  I rise to acknowledge and support S. 3504. This bill prohibits the 
harvesting of human fetal tissue or embryos for scientific research, 
which is consistent with current science research practices anyway. I 
am delighted to join in and support this moral boundary to prohibit 
heinous practices that are already law.
  At the same time, I would ask that we move quickly to pass H.R. 810, 
the Castle-DeGette Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act which would 
expand Federal funding for enormously promising embryonic stem cell 
research; but more importantly, as those who are languishing in our 
districts, some who have lost their life, others who are seeking some 
relief with spinal injuries, if you will, spinal cord injuries, with 
Parkinson's disease, begging that we move forward on H.R. 810, 
embryonic stem cell research has the potential to unlock the doors to 
treatments, diseases, and cures for numerous illnesses, including 
diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, Lou Gehrig's Disease, 
multiple sclerosis, cancer and spinal cord injuries. The very same 
voice that Nancy Reagan raised, we are raising on this floor.
  Embryonic stem cell research could benefit an estimated 100 million 
Americans, those with these diseases and those having family members 
with these diseases. More importantly, children who have not seen the 
future before them could now have an open opportunity.
  Senator Bill Frist said it right: Embryonic stem cells uniquely hold 
specific promise that adult stem cells cannot provide. Our country's 
leading scientists and biomedical researchers support H.R. 810. The 
Santorum-Specter alternative stem cell research bill is no replacement 
for that bill.
  Yes, we can support the Fetus Farming Prohibition Act of 2006. We can 
support it, but I hope we will rush to the floor and support H.R. 810 
so Americans might still live.
   Mr. Speaker, I rise today to support S. 3504, the Fetus Farming 
Prohibition Act. I am under no illusion that this bill will contribute 
significantly to the advancement of stem cell research.
  This bill prohibits the harvesting of human fetal tissue or embryos 
for scientific research, which is consistent with current scientific 
research practices anyway. There is no argument that the provisions in 
this bill would prevent repulsive practices from occurring, but there 
is also no evidence that these practices would ever occur. By 
designating this moral boundary, this bill requires researchers to find 
a way to make stem cells reap the potential benefits while skirting a 
politically divisive issue.
  As a Member of the Science Committee, I am committed to the 
advancement of science. I believe we should explore creative 
initiatives and pursue sound research. By demonizing science, we only 
hurt ourselves and make it more likely that our country will fall 
behind other countries in the critically important fields of science, 
technology, and innovation.
  For many of us, our driver's license exhibits a tiny red heart, which 
indicates to any emergency personnel that, God forbid, in a fatal 
accident, I have voluntarily chosen to be an organ donor. A similar 
option exists for those who prefer to dedicate themselves to scientific 
research postmortem.
  For those who may not know, the first scientists to successfully 
separate and grow cultures of stem cells in 1998 utilized discarded 
tissue. In all cases, it was from an unrelated yet previous decision, 
such as non-living fetuses obtained from terminated first trimester 
pregnancies. The distinction is important--this is not sacrificing one 
life for another, it is the possibility of bringing more life out of a 
  What the authors of this bill call fetal farming, the scientific 
community calls ``therapeutic cloning.'' Therapeutic cloning involves 
removing the DNA from an unfertilized human egg and replacing it with 
DNA from a patient. The egg then divides through mitosis to become a 
blastocyst. A blastocyst is a clump of several dozen cells that then 
produces stem cells with DNA identical to the patient.
  Though a fetus could not develop in these conditions, many contend 
that the resulting blastocyst is still a human embryo. It is important 
to note that the process does not involve a human pregnancy.
  Ethical boundaries are crucial to the integrity of science. Naming a 
bill creatively, on the other hand, and making a big issue out of a 
non-contentious point does not improve the law.
  Unfortunately, however, this simple little bill and its companion, 
which we are also discussing today, do not weigh the consequences of 
any of these valid policy discussions. Instead, it does little to 
advance the very serious and promising area of scientific research that 
is reflected in H.R. 810; this research is supported by a majority of 
this House, and hopefully will be reaffirmed by this House later this 

[[Page H5348]]

  This bill prohibits the ``harvesting'' of human fetal tissue or 
embryos for scientific research, which is consistent with current 
scientific research practices anyway. There is no argument that the 
provisions in this bill would prevent repulsive practices from 
occurring, but there is also no evidence that these practices would 
ever occur. By designating this moral boundary, this bill requires 
researchers to find a way to make stem cells reap the potential 
benefits while skirting a politically divisive issue.
  I am not opposed to this Jill, although it does not further 
scientific research. I strongly urge my colleagues to vote in favor of 
science, scientific research, and the promise of scientific advancement 
later this week.
  Mr. BARTON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman 
from Ohio (Mrs. Schmidt).
  (Mrs. SCHMIDT asked and was given permission to revise and extend her 
  Mrs. SCHMIDT. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of S. 3504, the 
Fetus Farming Prohibition Act. As my colleagues know, researchers have 
already published studies in which cloned animals were grown in utero 
to harvest fetal tissue. Some researchers have indicated that cells or 
tissues from human fetuses are more desirable than embryonic stem 
  It is morally shocking to think that someone would engage in so-
called ``fetus farming'' of a human embryonic embryo. It is essential 
that Congress act today and pass the Fetus Farming Prohibition Act to 
prevent and prohibit such gruesome research from ever being performed 
on a developing human child.
  Congress has a moral obligation to protect women and the unborn, and 
I urge my colleagues to support S. 3504 to do just that.
  Ms. DeGETTE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from 
Missouri (Mr. Carnahan).
  Mr. CARNAHAN. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman from Colorado for 
her leadership on this important issue. I rise today to talk about S. 
3504, the Fetus Farming Prohibition Act of 2006. Sponsors of this bill 
say it is necessary to ban the practice of fetal farming, which is the 
development of embryos for the sole purpose of research in questionable 
  I support this bill and intend to vote for it, but at the end of the 
day this bill does little more than ban researchers from taking actions 
they don't want to take anyway. It does draw a line in the sand which I 
think is important to have in our law, but it does nothing to advance 
scientific research in our country. It does nothing to fulfill the 
promise of stem cell research.
  I understand just minutes ago the other body passed H.R. 810, a 
landmark bill that would allow the kind of research necessary to help 
tens of millions of Americans who suffer with a genetic sentence of 
disability or death. H.R. 810, which passed this House last year 
through an extraordinary bipartisan effort, would apply strict ethical 
guidelines to and expand Federal funding for the most promising methods 
of stem cell research.
  H.R. 810 is the only bill this Congress has debated that has the 
potential to truly unlock the doors to treatments and cures for so many 
who really need them. I am bitterly disappointed that the President has 
threatened to use his first veto to stop this important scientific 
  Unfortunately for some, the bill before us now has been a 
distraction, or worse yet, a source of political cover for those who do 
not support this landmark bill, H.R. 810.
  I urge my colleagues to continue the bipartisan spirit that this 
House started last year that could be so meaningful to millions of 
people around this country. Let's continue this work for meaningful 
progress in stem cell research. Let's not get sidetracked by political 
gamesmanship. The American people demand it.
  Mr. BARTON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, we are so happy the Senate is 
working today. It gives us something to do, but I only have one more 
speaker, the sponsor of the House companion bill, Dr. Weldon.
  Ms. DeGETTE. Mr. Speaker, we rushed over here literally from the 
Senate floor. I do have other Members who would like to speak on this 
bill, but they are not here yet. I intend to close for my side.
  Mr. BARTON of Texas. We only have one other speaker, so if you would 
like to close for your side.
  Ms. DeGETTE. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself the balance of my time.
  Mr. Speaker, S. 3504, the Fetus Farming Prohibition Act of 2006, 
which as we mentioned just passed the Senate a few moments ago, is 
important in the sense that it is Congress' way of saying that we need 
to ensure that the scientific research that we do is ethical, that what 
we do to try to cure diseases is always ethical.
  I, frankly, very rarely find myself agreeing with people like Mr. 
Smith and Mr. Weldon on this issue. But in the case of S. 3504 I do, 
because I don't agree we should have fetal farming. None of us agree 
that we should have fetal farming. It is wrong, and it is unethical.
  But nobody should again convince themselves that this bill has 
anything whatsoever to do with the great promise that embryonic stem 
cell research holds. In addition, S. 2754 which came over here just on 
the heels of the other legislation, this bill is also attempting to 
give cover to those who say that they want to support research, but 
they don't support embryonic stem cell research.
  As I will discuss moments from now when we bring up that bill, that 
bill is no substitute for embryonic stem cell research. In fact, the 
greatest promise for creating cures to diseases that affect millions of 
Americans is H.R. 810 which, as we just now learned moments ago again, 
has now passed the Senate by a solid majority, bipartisan Members who 
consider themselves pro-choice and Members who consider themselves pro-
life. The reason they support embryonic stem cell research is because 
the vast majority of scientists agree that research holds the cure to 
potentially curing diseases that affect 110 million Americans and their 
  I have a 13-page letter signed by many, many groups, universities, 
patient advocacy groups, all kinds of folks, and this letter says: 
``We, the undersigned patient advocacy groups, health organizations, 
research universities, scientific societies, religious groups and other 
interested institutions and associations, representing millions of 
patients, scientists, health care providers and advocates, write you 
with our strong and unified support for H.R. 810, the Stem Cell 
Research Enhancement Act.
  ``Of the bills being considered simultaneously, only H.R. 810 will 
move stem cell research forward in our country. This is the bill which 
holds promise for expanding medical breakthroughs. The other two bills 
are not substitutes for a ``yes'' vote on H.R. 810.
  ``H.R. 810 is the pro-patient and pro-research bill. A vote in 
support of H.R. 810 will be considered a vote in support of more than 
100 million patients in the U.S. and substantial progress for 
  I include this letter for the Record.
                                                    July 14, 2006.
     U.S. Senate,
     Washington, DC.
       Dear Senator: We, the undersigned patient advocacy groups, 
     health organizations, research universities, scientific 
     societies, religious groups and other interested institutions 
     and associations, representing millions of patients, 
     scientists, health care providers and advocates, write you 
     with our strong and unified support for H.R. 810, the Stem 
     Cell Research Enhancement Act. We urge your vote in favor of 
     H.R. 810 when the Senate considers the measure next week.
       Of the bills being considered simultaneously, only H.R. 810 
     will move stem cell research forward in our country. This is 
     the bill which holds promise for expanding medical 
     breakthroughs. The other two bills--the Alternative 
     Pluripotent Stem Cell Therapies Enhancement Act (S. 2754) and 
     the Fetus Farming Prohibition Act (S. 3504)--are NOT 
     substitutes for a YES vote on H.R. 810.
       H.R. 810 is the pro-patient and pro-research bill. A vote 
     in support of H.R. 810 will be considered a vote in support 
     of more than 100 million patients in the U.S. and substantial 
     progress for research. Please work to pass H.R. 810 
       AO North America, AAALAC International, AARP, Abbott 
     Laboratories, Acadia Pharmaceuticals, Accelerated Cure 
     Project for Multiple Sclerosis, Adams County Economic 
     Development, Inc., AdvaMed (Advanced Medical Technology 
       AMDeC-Academic Medicine Development Co., America on the 
     Move Foundation, American Academy of Neurology, American 
     Academy of Nursing, American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, 
     American Academy of Pediatrics, American Association for 
     Cancer Research, American Association for Dental Research, 
     American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, American 
     Association for

[[Page H5349]]

     the Advancement of Science, American Association of 
     Anatomists, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 
     American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine, 
     American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, American 
     Association of Neurological Surgeons/Congress of Neurological 
     Surgeons, American Association of Public Health Dentistry, 
     American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association, American 
     Brain Coalition, American Chronic Pain Association, American 
     College of Cardiology, American College of Medical Genetics, 
     American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, American College 
     of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
       American Society for Cell Biology, American Society for 
     Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, American Society for 
     Microbiology, American Society for Neural Transplantation and 
     Repair, American Society for Nutrition, Affymetrix, Inc., 
     Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, 
     Alliance for Aging Research, Alliance for Lupus Research, 
     Alliance for Stem Cell Research, Alnylam US, Inc., Alpha-l 
     Foundation, ALS Association, Ambulatory Pediatric 
     Association, American College of Surgeons, American Council 
     on Education, American Council on Science and Health, 
     American Dental Association, American Dental Education 
     Association, American Diabetes Association, American 
     Federation for Aging Research, American Gastroenterological 
     Association, American Geriatrics Society, American Institute 
     for Medical and Biological Engineering, American Lung 
     Association, American Medical Association, American Medical 
     Informatics Association, American Medical Women's 
     Association, American Pain Foundation, American Parkinson's 
     Disease Association, American Parkinson's Disease Association 
     (Arizona Chapter), American Pediatric Society, American 
     Physiological Society, American Psychiatric Association, 
     American Psychological Association, American Public Health 
     Association, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular 
     Biology, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, 
     American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental 
     Therapeutics, American Society for Reproductive Medicine, 
     American Society for Virology, American Society of Clinical 
     Oncology, American Society of Critical Care 
     Anesthesiologists, American Society of Hematology, American 
     Society of Human Genetics,
       American Society of Nephrology, American Society of 
     Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, American Surgical Association, 
     American Surgical Association Foundation, American Thoracic 
     Society, American Thyroid Association, American Transplant 
     Foundation, Americans for Medical Progress, amFAR, The 
     Foundation for AIDS Research, Arizona State University 
     College of Nursing, Arthritis Foundation, Arthritis 
     Foundation, Rocky Mountain Chapter, Association for Clinical 
     Research Training, Association for Medical School 
     Pharmacology Chairs, Association for Prevention Teaching and 
     Research, Association for the Accreditation of Human 
     Research, Protection Programs, Inc., Association of Academic 
     Chairs of Emergency Medicine, Association of Academic 
     Departments of Otolaryngology.
       Association of Public Health Laboratories, Association of 
     Reproductive Health Professionals, Association of Schools and 
     Colleges of Optometry, Association of Specialty Professors, 
     Association of University Anesthesiologists, Assurant Health, 
     Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, Athena Diagnostics, 
     Aurora Economic Development Council, Axion Research 
     Foundation, B'nai B'rith International, Baylor College of 
     Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine Graduate School of 
     Biomedical Sciences, Biotechnology Industry Organization, 
     BloodCenter of Wisconsin, Inc., Blue Cross and Blue Shield 
     Foundation on Health Care, Boston Biomedical Research 
     Institute, Boston University School of Dental Medicine, 
     Boston University School of Public Health, Brigham and 
     Women's Hospital, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Broadened 
     Horizons, LLC.
       Children's Research Institute (Columbus), Children's 
     Research Institute (Washington), Children's Tumor Foundation, 
     Childrens Hospital Boston, Christopher Reeve Foundation, City 
     and County of Denver, City of Hope National Medical Center, 
     Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Coleman Institute for 
     Cognitive Disabilitites, University of Colorado System, 
     Colfax Marathon Partnership, Inc., Colorado Bioscience 
     Association, Colorado Office of Economic Development and 
     International Trade, Colorado State University, Association 
     of Academic Health Centers, Association of Academic 
     Physiatrists, Association of American Medical Colleges, 
     Association of American Physicians, Association of American 
     Universities, Association of American Veterinary Medical 
     Colleges, Association of Anatomy, Cell Biology and 
     Neurobiology Chairs, Association of Anesthesiology Program 
     Directors, Association of Black Cardiologists, Association of 
     Chairs of Departments of Physiology, Association of 
     Independent Research Institutes, Association of Medical 
     School Microbiology and Immunology Chairs, Association of 
     Medical School Pediatric Department Chairs, Association of 
     Medical School Pharmacology Chairs, Association of Professors 
     of Dermatology, Association of Professors of Human and 
     Medical Genetics, Association of Professors of Medicine, 
     Brown Medical School, Buck Institute for Age Research, Burns 
     & Allen Research Institute, Burrill & Company, Burroughs 
     Wellcome Fund, C3: Colorectal Cancer Coalition, California 
     Biomedical Research Association, California Institute of 
     Technology, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, 
     California Wellness Foundation, Californians for Cures, 
     Campaign for Medical Research, Cancer Research and Prevention 
     Foundation, Canon U.S. Life Sciences, Inc., Case Western 
     Reserve University School of Dentistry, Case Western Reserve 
     University School of Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Health System, 
     Center for the Advancement of Health, Central Conference of 
     American Rabbis, CFIDS Association of America, Charles R. 
     Drew University of Medicine and Science, Charles River 
     Laboratories, Child & Adolescent Bipolar Foundation, 
     Children's Memorial Research Center, Children's 
     Neurobiological Solutions Foundation, Columbia University, 
     Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, Columbia 
     University Medical Center, Community Health Partnership, 
     Conference of Boston Teaching Hospitals, Connecticut United 
     for Research Excellence, Inc., Conquer Fragile X Foundation, 
     Cornell University, Council for the Advancement of Nursing 
     Science, (CANS), Creighton University School of Medicine, 
     CURE (Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy), Cure 
     Alzheimer's Fund, Cure Paralysis Now, CuresNow, Damon Runyon 
     Cancer Research Foundation, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, 
     Dartmouth Medical School, David Geffen School of Medicine 
     at UCLA, DENTSPLY International, Digene Corporation, 
     Discovery Partners International, Doheny Eye Institute, 
     Drexel University College of Medicine, Drexel University 
     School of Public Health, Duke University Medical Center, 
     Dystonia Medical Research Foundation.
       FD Hope Foundation, Federation of American Scientists, 
     Federation of American Societies for Experimental, Biology 
     (FASEB), Federation of State Medical Boards of the United 
     States, Inc., Fertile Hope, Fitzsimons Redevelopment 
     Authority, Florida Atlantic University Division of Research, 
     Ford Finance, Inc., Fox Chase Cancer Center, Fred Hutchinson 
     Cancer Research Center, Friends of Cancer Research, Friends 
     of the National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial 
     Research, Friends of the National Institute of Nursing 
     Research, Friends of the National Library of Medicine, 
     Genetic Alliance, Genetics Policy Institute, George Mason 
     University, Georgetown University Medical Center, Guillain 
     Barre Syndrome Foundation International, Gynecologic Cancer 
     Foundation, Hadassah, Harvard University, Harvard University 
     School of Dental Medicine.
       Jacobs Institute of Women's Health, Jeffrey Modell 
     Foundation, Johns Hopkins, Johnson & Johnson, Joint 
     Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations 
     (JCAHO), Joint Steering Committee for Public Policy, Juvenile 
     Diabetes Research Foundation, Keck School of Medicine of the 
     University of Southern California, Kennedy Krieger Institute, 
     Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, KID 
     Foundation, Kidney Cancer Association, La Jolla Institute for 
     Allergy and Immunology, Lance Armstrong Foundation, Lawson 
     Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society, Leukemia and Lymphoma 
     Society, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, Georgetown 
     University, Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at 
     Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, East Tennessee State University 
     James H. Quillen College of Medicine, Eli Lilly and Company, 
     Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, Emory University, 
     Emory University Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, 
     Emory University Rollins School of Public Health, Emory 
     University School of Medicine, FasterCures.
       Harvard University School of Public Health, Hauptman-
     Woodward Medical Research Institute, Inc., Hereditary Disease 
     Foundation, HHT Foundation International, Inc., Home Safety 
     Council, Howard University College of Dentistry, Howard 
     University College of Medicine, Huntington's Disease Society 
     of America, IBM Life Sciences Division, Illinois State 
     University Mennonite College of Nursing, ImmunoGen, Inc., 
     Indiana University School of Dentistry, Indiana University 
     School of Medicine, Indiana University School of Nursing, 
     Infectious Diseases Society of America, Institute for African 
     American Health, Inc., Intercultural Cancer Council Caucus, 
     International Foundation for Anticancer Drug, Discovery 
     (IFADD), International Longevity Center--USA, International 
     Society for Stem Cell Research, Invitrogen Corporation, Iraq 
     Veterans for Cures, Iris Alliance Fund, Iron Disorders 
       Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, 
     Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of 
     Dentistry, Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute, Loyola 
     University of Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, Lung Cancer 
     Alliance, Lupus Foundation of America, Inc., Lupus Foundation 
     of Colorado, Inc., Lupus Research Institute, Lymphatic 
     Research Foundation, Mailman School of Public Health of 
     Columbia University, Malecare Prostate Cancer Support, March 
     of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, Marine Biological 
     Laboratory, Marshalltown [IA] Cancer Resource Center, Masonic 
     Medical Research Laboratory, Massachusetts Biotechnology 
     Council, Massachusetts General Hospital, Massachusetts 
     Institute of Technology, MaxCyte, Inc., McLaughlin Research 
     Institute, Medical College of Georgia, Medical University of 
     South Carolina, Medical University of South Carolina 
     College of Nursing, MedStar Research Institute (MRI), 
     Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry.
       Miami Children's Hospital, Midwest Nursing Research 
     Society, Morehouse School of

[[Page H5350]]

     Medicine, Mount Sinai Medical Center, Mount Sinai School of 
     Medicine, National Alliance for Eye and Vision Research, 
     National Alliance for Hispanic Health, National Alliance for 
     Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, National Alliance 
     on Mental Illness, National Alopecia Areata Foundation, 
     National Asian Women's Health Organization, National 
     Association for Biomedical Research, National Association of 
     Hepatitis Task Forces, National Caucus of Basic Biomedical 
     Science Chairs, National Coalition for Cancer Research, 
     National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship, National 
     Coalition for Women with Heart Disease, National Committee 
     for Quality Health Care, National Council of Jewish Women, 
     National Council on Spinal Cord Injury, National Down 
     Syndrome Society, National Electrical Manufacturers 
     Association, National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias.
       New York Presbyterian Hospital, North American Brain Tumor 
     Coalition, North Carolina Association for Biomedical 
     Research, Northwest Association for Biomedical Research, 
     Northwestern University, Northwestern University, The 
     Feinberg School of Medicine, Nova Southeastern University 
     College of Dental Medicine, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, 
     Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Oral Health America, 
     Oregon Health & Science University, Oregon Health & Science 
     University School of Nursing, Oregon Research Institute, 
     Oxford Bioscience Partners, Pacific Health Research 
     Institute, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Parent Project 
     Muscular Dystrophy, Parkinson's Action Network, Parkinson's 
     Disease Foundation, Partnership for Prevention, Pennsylvania 
     Society for Biomedical Research, Pharmaceutical Research and 
     Manufacturers of America.
       Society for Male Reproduction and Urology, Society for 
     Neuroscience, Society for Pediatric Research, Memorial Sloan-
     Kettering Cancer Center, Memory Pharmaceuticals, Mercer 
     University, Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation.
       National Health Council, National Hemophilia Foundation, 
     National Hispanic Health Foundation, National Jewish Medical 
     and Research Center, National Marfan Foundation, National 
     Medical Association, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, 
     National Osteoporosis Foundation, National Partnership for 
     Women and Families, National Pharmaceutical Council, National 
     Prostate Cancer Coalition, National Quality Forum, National 
     Spinal Cord Injury Association, National Venture Capital 
     Association, Nebraskans for Research, Nemours, New Jersey 
     Association for Biomedical Research, New Jersey Dental 
     School, New York Blood Center, New York College of 
     Osteopathic Medicine, New York State Association of County 
     Health Officials, New York Stem Cell Foundation, New York 
     University College of Dentistry, New York University School 
     of Medicine, Pittsburgh Development Center, Princeton 
     University, Project A.L.S., Prostate Cancer Foundation, 
     Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum International, Quest for the Cure, 
     RAND Health, Research!America, Resolve: The National 
     Infertility Association, RetireSafe, Rett Syndrome Research 
     Foundation, Rice University, Robert Packard Center for ALS 
     Research at Johns Hopkins, The Rockefeller University, 
     Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, Rush 
     University Medical Center, Rutgers University, Salk Institute 
     for Biological Studies, sanofi-aventis, Scleroderma Research 
     Foundation, Secular Coalition for America, Sjogren's Syndrome 
     Foundation, Inc., Society for Advancement of Violence and 
     Injury, Research (SAVIR), Society for Assisted Reproductive 
     Technology, Society for Education in Anesthesia Society for 
     Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Society for 
     Women's Health Research, Society of Academic Anesthesiology 
     Chairs, Society of General Internal Medicine, Society of 
     Gynecologic Oncologists, Society of Reproductive Surgeons, 
     Society of University Otolaryngologists, South Alabama 
     Medical Science Foundation, South Dakota State University, 
     Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Spina 
     Bifida Association of America, Stanford University, State 
     University of New York at Buffalo School of Dental 
     Medicine, State University of New York Downstate Medical, 
     Center College of Medicine at Brooklyn, State University 
     of New York Upstate Medical University, Stem Cell Action 
     Network, Stem Cell Research Foundation, Steven and Michele 
     Kirsch Foundation, Stony Brook University, State 
     University of New York, Strategic Health Policy 
     International, Inc., Student Society for Stem Cell 
     Research, Suicide Prevention Action Network-USA (SPAN), 
     Take Charge! Cure Parkinson's, Inc.
       The Georgetown University Center for the Study of Sex 
     Difference in Health, Aging and Disease, The Gerontological 
     Society of America, The J. David Gladstone Institutes, The 
     Jackson Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg 
     School of Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University School 
     of Nursing, The Medical College of Wisconsin, The Medical 
     Foundation, Inc., The Michael J. Fox Foundation for 
     Parkinson's Research, The Ohio State University College of 
     Dentistry, The Ohio State University College of Medicine and 
     Public Health, The Ohio State University School of Public 
     Health, The Parkinson Alliance and Unity Walk, The Research 
     Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc., The Rockefeller 
     University, The Schepens Eye Research Institute, The 
     Scientist, The Scripps Research Institute, The Smith-
     Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, The Society for 
     Investigative Dermatology, The Spiral Foundation, The 
     University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, The 
     University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine.
       University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine, 
     University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Nursing, 
     University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Public Health, 
     University of Arizona College of Medicine, University of 
     Arkansas for Medical Sciences, University of Buffalo, 
     Targacept, Inc., Temple University School of Dentistry, 
     Texans for Advancement of Medical Research, Texas A&M 
     University Health Science Center, Texas Medical Center, Texas 
     Tech University Health Sciences Center, The Arc of the United 
     States, The Association for Research in Vision and 
     Ophthalmology, The Biophysical Society, The Brody School of 
     Medicine at East Carolina University, The Burnham Institute, 
     The CJD Foundation, The Critical Path Institute (C-Path), The 
     Endocrine Society, The FAIR Foundation, The Food Allergy and 
     Anaphylaxis Network, The Food Allergy Project, Inc., The 
     Forsyth Institute, The Foundation Fighting Blindness, The 
     George Washington University Medical Center.
       The University of Iowa College of Dentistry, The University 
     of Iowa College of Public Health, The University of 
     Mississippi Medical Center, The University of Mississippi 
     Medical Center School of Dentistry, The University of 
     Oklahoma College of Dentistry, The University of Oklahoma 
     Health Sciences Center, The University of Tennessee Health 
     Science Center, The University of Tennessee HSC College of 
     Nursing, The University of Texas Health Science Center at 
     Houston, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San 
     Antonio, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, 
     The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston School of 
     Medicine, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical 
     Center, The University of Toledo Academic Health Science 
     Center, Tourette Syndrome Association, Travis Roy Foundation, 
     Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, Tulane 
     University, Tulane University Health Sciences Center, Union 
     for Reformed Judaism, Union of Concerned Scientists, 
     Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, United 
     Spinal Association, University of California System, 
     University of California, Berkeley, University of California, 
     Berkeley School of Public Health, University of California, 
     Davis, University of California, Irvine, University of 
     California, Los Angeles, University of California, Los 
     Angeles School of Dentistry, University of California, Los 
     Angeles School of Medicine, University of California, San 
     Diego, University of California, San Francisco, University 
     of California, San Francisco School of Dentistry, 
     University of California, San Francisco School of Nursing, 
     University of California, Santa Cruz, University of 
     Chicago, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, 
     University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences 
     Center, University of Colorado at Denver and HSC School of 
     Dentistry, University of Colorado at Denver and HSC School 
     of Nursing, University of Connecticut School of Medicine, 
     University of Florida, University of Florida College of 
     Dentistry, University of Georgia, University of Illinois.
       University of Michigan School of Dentistry, University of 
     Michigan School of Nursing, University of Michigan School of 
     Public Health, University of Minnesota, University of 
     Minnesota School of Public Health, University of Missouri at 
     Kansas City School of Dentistry, University of Montana School 
     of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences, University of 
     Nebraska Medical Center, University of Nebraska Medical 
     Center College of Dentistry, University of Nevada, Las Vegas 
     School of Dental Medicine, University of Nevada, Reno School 
     of Medicine, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 
     University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of 
     Dentistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School 
     of Public Health, University of North Dakota, University of 
     North Texas Health Science Center, University of Oregon, 
     University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, 
     University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, University of 
     Pennsylvania School of Nursing, University of Pittsburgh 
     Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh 
     School of Dental Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of 
       Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, WE 
     MOVE, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, Whitehead 
     Institute for Biomedical Research, WiCell Research 
     Institution, Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, University 
     of Illinois at Chicago, University of Illinois at Chicago 
     College of Dentistry, University of Illinois at Chicago 
     College of Nursing, University of Iowa, University of Kansas, 
     University of Kansas Medical Center, University of Kansas 
     Medical Center School of Nursing, University of Kentucky, 
     University of Kentucky College of Dentistry, University of 
     Louisville, University of Louisville School of Dentistry, 
     University of Maryland at Baltimore, University of Maryland 
     at Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, University of 
     Maryland at Baltimore School of Nursing, University of Miami, 
     University of Michigan, University of Michigan College of 
     Pharmacy, University of Michigan Medical School.
       University of Rochester Medical Center, University of 
     Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of 
     Rochester School of Nursing, University of South Carolina 
     Office of Research and Health Sciences,

[[Page H5351]]

     University of South Dakota School of Medicine and Health 
     Sciences, University of South Florida, University of South 
     Florida College of Nursing, University of Southern 
     California, University of Southern California School of 
     Dentistry, University of Utah HSC School of Medicine, 
     University of Vermont College of Medicine, University of 
     Washington, University of Washington School of Dentistry, 
     University of Washington School of Nursing, University of 
     Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine, 
     University of Wisconsin-Madison, Van Andel Research 
     Institute, Vanderbilt University and Medical Center, 
     Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Virginia 
     Commonwealth University School of Dentistry, Virginia 
     Commonwealth University School of Medicine, Wake Forest 
     University School of Medicine, Washington University in St. 
     Louis, Washington University in St. Louis Center for Health 
     Policy, Wisconsin Association for Biomedical Research and 
     Education, Woodruff Health Sciences Center at Emory 
     University, Wright State University School of Medicine, Yale 
     University, Yale University School of Medicine, Yale 
     University School of Nursing.

  Ms. DeGETTE. Mr. Speaker, many have said that adult stem cell 
research can be a substitute for embryonic stem cell research. To those 
people I would say that is simply not true. I support adult stem cell 
research. I support cord blood research. I support anything that could 
help cure all of the diseases that affect Americans.
  But those who say adult stem cell research will be a substitute are 
demagoguing that issue for political gain and that is wrong.
  Dr. Harold Varmus summarized it for all of the hundreds of 
researchers and the people who have done studies when he said just this 
week: ``Compared to adult stem cells, embryonic stem cells have a much 
greater potential, according to all existing scientific literature.''
  Some researchers have said well, maybe we can find cures through 
adult stem cell research. Some researchers have said maybe we could do 
embryonic stem cell research in alternative ways, but those methods 
have shown no promise whatsoever.
  By way of contrast, recently researchers were able to create beta 
cells in mouse pancreases which then became insulin-producing islet 
cells. Even more recently, researchers were able to take embryonic stem 
cells and make nerve cells to help with nerve damage and paralysis. 
Adult stem cells cannot be used for that purpose.
  So in fact, the only promise for many diseases like the ones I 
mentioned, is embryonic stem cell research. That is why, Mr. Speaker, 
it is all well and good if people want to vote for S. 3504. It is all 
well and good if they want to say they support these other kinds of 
research, but in truth the only research that the tens of millions of 
Americans will rely on is embryonic stem cell research.
  In closing, our President has said that he will veto this 
legislation, H.R. 810, and sign S. 3504. I will say this to the 
President: In 6 years in office, over 1,600 bills he has signed, he has 
signed bills that make our budget deficit the worst in our country. He 
has signed bills that allow us to go to war against other nations. He 
has signed post office namings, and so many other bills. This bill, 
Mike Castle and I, we drafted this bill to be very narrow.

                              {time}  1715

  We only allowed embryos which are created to give life for in vitro 
fertilization clinics and are then slated to be destroyed as medical 
waste to be donated voluntarily by the donors to be used for embryonic 
stem cell research. This is the pro-life alternative. This is the 
alternative that lets people, once they have had their babies for in 
vitro fertilization, say, I don't want my embryos thrown away. I want 
them used for medical research. I want those embryos to be used to save 
  I just have one personal thing to say in closing. When people say 
that a 12-celled embryo is more important than patients today, I think 
of my 12-year-old daughter who suffers from type I diabetes. I think of 
the medical test that she does every day, sticking her finger. I think 
of the insulin that she must have to stay alive, and I say to the 
President, and I say to those that think that those embryos are more 
important than they are, I say, you know, come walk in her shoes for a 
  Come walk in the shoes of Lane Evans, our colleague who cannot appear 
on this floor because of his debilitating illness.
  Come walk in the shoes, unfortunately you couldn't walk in the shoes 
of our colleague, Jim Langevin, who was paralyzed in a tragic gun 
accident and never walked again. And you tell all of those people that 
an embryo which is going to be thrown away for medical waste is more 
important than those people.
  And that is why tens of millions of people will be watching this 
vote, and tens of millions of people will be watching the President 
this week. I suggest that the most important vote we can take is a vote 
for life and a vote for 810.
  I want to thank my colleagues in the House for passing this bill. It 
was a bipartisan effort. And I want to urge them to think about that 
later this week if, as expected, a veto override vote comes to the 
  Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time.
  Mr. BARTON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, to close on this very important 
piece of legislation, I yield to the House sponsor of the companion 
bill, Dr. Dave Weldon of Florida.
  Mr. WELDON of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I want to thank Chairman Barton. 
And I particularly want to thank the cosponsor of this legislation, 
Subcommittee Chairman Deal. And I am certainly pleased that this 
legislation that we introduced passed the Senate unanimously. I fully 
expect something similar here in the House.
  This bill, and I just want to point out to my colleagues, we are not 
revoting H.R. 810. We are talking about the bill to ban the procedure 
called fetal farming. And we are taking up the Senate version of the 
bill, which is a verbatim equivalent to the bill that Mr. Deal and I 
  This bill sets a very, very important ethical boundary for biomedical 
research in this country, and obviously there is an ethical boundary 
that today we all agree on. It is a modest, but important, update to 
the Waxman 1993 fetal tissue research prohibitions.
  These laws, as developed in the 1990s, attempt to protect women from 
being coerced into having an abortion for the purpose of providing 
fetal tissue for research. What they were trying to do is say you can 
only use voluntarily aborted fetal tissue. Then, as now, the concern 
was that women would be exploited. Because of this, in my bill the 
researchers are held accountable, not any woman who may be engaged in 
this procedure.
  My bill adds a simple provision that would hold researchers 
criminally liable for intentionally implanting a human embryo, either 
in a womb or in an animal womb, for the purpose of harvesting the 
tissue for research.
  Otherwise, the Waxman language is the same. It stays the same. The 
criminal penalties are the same. The definition of the fetus is the 
  When Congressman Waxman originally developed these laws, the thought 
of fetus farming hadn't even crossed our minds. Even now, most of us 
and most scientists would say that fetus farming is unthinkable. 
Science Magazine, in their reporting on the bill, stated, this bill, 
the one we are debating now, not H.R. 810, that fetus farming was 
``ethically taboo for any legitimate researcher.''
  However, what I want to get into now, and that is the reason I have 
the posters, this is the reason I have introduced this legislation. It 
may be considered taboo now, but I don't know if it will still be 
considered taboo in 2 or 3 or 4 years. And the way these things usually 
progress is they start doing it in animals and it shows a little bit of 
maybe potential, and then people start saying, we can cure diabetes and 
Parkinson's disease if we just start doing this in humans. And that is 
the direction they want to go.
  Now, this was the first study that caught my attention, and as I have 
stated many times on the floor of this Chamber, I am a physician. I 
still see patients once a month. I have treated diabetes and 
Parkinson's. My uncle died of complications of Parkinson's. My father 
died of complications of diabetes. I have dealt with this as a 
professional. I have dealt with this in my family.
  What they did is this is a cow study, and I would be happy to provide 
this to anybody. They did cloning, but then they took the cloned 
embryos, put them in a cow, and cardiac and skeletal tissue from 5- to 
6-week-old cloned natural fetuses were used in this study,

[[Page H5352]]

and they tried to show that it had some therapeutic potential.
  This was a second one, a cow study where they did the exact same 
thing, cloning, and they put it in a cow and they grew it into the 
fetal stage. And that is because embryonic stem cells are really a 
hassle to work with. It is really easier to use fetal tissue. And that 
is one of the arguments I have been making ever since I introduced my 
original bill to ban human cloning.
  If you don't think scientists want to start doing this, here it is. 
This is one of the researchers involved with this. He says, ``We hope 
to use this technology in the future to treat patients with diverse 
diseases.'' And that is usually the way we go. We say, oh, this is 
ethically taboo. Oh, we don't want to do this. And then somebody with a 
Ph.D. on the end of their name comes along and says, we are going to be 
able to cure this and cure that, even though there is very little 
evidence, scientifically, to say that the cures will be there or at 
least, like in the case of human embryonic stem cell research, most 
credible researchers in moments of honesty will acknowledge it is 10 to 
20 years, if ever, going to be applicable.
  But that is what they will do. They will say we are going to cure 
this. We are going to cure that.
  So I am very grateful the Senate voted unanimously. I fully expect 
this bill to pass overwhelmingly on suspension. And we will draw a line 
in the sand to say we are not going to take this whole area of tissue 
therapies into the realm of where we are exploiting fetuses.
  Today, there is a majority in both bodies that want to exploit 
embryos. But we are saying collectively, as a Nation, through the votes 
of the Members of both Chambers, that we are not going to start 
exploiting fetuses. I think it is the right thing for us to do, and I 
am very, very pleased at the expedited action on this bill.
  And, again, I want to thank Chairman Barton and particularly my 
cosponsor, Chairman Deal.
  Mr. TERRY. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of S. 3504, the 
Fetus Farming Prohibition Act.
  This critical legislation will help prevent the dangerous potential 
for creation of human ``fetus farms'' to harvest children's tissues and 
organs for medical research. It would make it a federal crime 
punishable by up to ten years in prison to knowingly buy or sell human 
fetal tissue from a pregnancy deliberately initiated for the purpose of 
harvesting organs and tissues.
  Unless S. 3504 is enacted, the potential for exploitation of women 
and children is tremendous. Animal research has already been conducted 
that raises severe ethical concerns for application in humans. For 
example, Advanced Cell Technology attempted to clone cow fetuses, 
implanted the fetuses within a womb and grew them for three to four 
months before aborting the cows to harvest their liver tissue for 
research. In addition, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology cloned 
and grew mouse fetuses to correct an immune deficiency, but the 
research was only successful when the mouse was aborted at the newborn 
stage for cell harvesting.
  Some researchers have already indicated that cells or tissues from 
human fetuses are more desirable than embryonic stem cells because they 
are more developed and adaptable for transplantation. While the 
biotechnology industry claims no interest in maintaining cloned human 
embryos past 14 days, it has supported State laws such as the New 
Jersey law which allows ``fetus farming'' into the ninth month of 
pregnancy to harvest more developed organs and tissues. The potential 
to pay women to act as incubators for children to be grown and aborted 
for ``research'' is easily seen. S. 3504 would prevent this horrific 
situation, and I am proud President Bush has agreed to sign this 
legislation into law upon passage by Congress today.
  I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting S. 3504 to uphold human 
life and protect women and children from exploitation in unethical 
  Mr. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I support S. 3504 because I think it is 
essential to have the strictest of guidelines that reflect our Nation's 
values regarding the creation and responsible treatment of human 
  Having said this, if we pass this bill without also enacting 
legislation to allow for federally funded and regulated stem cell 
research, we are saying ``no'' to the potential of life saving 
treatments for millions of Americans who suffer from diseases for which 
there are currently limited or no treatment options.
  Later this week, the House will likely vote on H.R. 810, the Stem 
Cell Research Enhancement Act, a bill which puts into place critical 
federal support for embryonic research under the strictest ethical 
requirements, and I'm proud to be an original cosponsor of this bill.
  Under H.R. 810 embryonic stem cell lines will be eligible for 
research funding only if embryos used to derive stem cells were 
originally created for fertility treatment purposes, are in excess of 
clinical need, and are donated for the purpose of research.
  H.R. 810 will bring embryonic stem cell research under the National 
Institutes of Health, ensuring rigorous controls and ethical guidelines 
on this research that only NIH can impose. We have a moral imperative 
to ensure that this research is conducted in adherence to sound 
medical, ethical, and moral guidelines.
  The Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act will advance medical science 
and will almost certainly save lives and provide hope to millions of 
Americans afflicted with suffering from diseases and injuries, 
including Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, heart disease, and spinal injuries.
  Without federal funding and standards, scientific progress will move 
overseas and Americans' access to the most important medical 
innovations will be limited.
  I join Dr. Frist, the Senate Republican leader, in support of this 
bill, as well the governor of California, Governor Schwarzenegger, who 
has asked the President to withhold his veto.
  The Federal Government has a key role to lead, to encourage and to 
assist in the cutting-edge research which can and will save the lives 
of our citizens.
  I urge my colleagues to support H.R. 810 and support stem cell 
research, and I implore the President to reconsider his pledge to veto 
this crucial legislation.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the motion offered by the 
gentleman from Texas (Mr. Barton) that the House suspend the rules and 
pass the bill, S. 3504.
  The question was taken.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of 
those present have voted in the affirmative.
  Ms. DeGETTE. Mr. Speaker, on that I demand the yeas and nays.
  The yeas and nays were ordered.
  The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX and the 
Chair's prior announcement, further proceedings on this question will 
be postponed.
