[Congressional Record Volume 148, Number 108 (Thursday, August 1, 2002)]
[Page S7889]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]


 Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I would like to take this 
opportunity to share with the Senate the memory of one of my 
constituents, Christopher Cairo Newton, who lost his life on September 
11, 2001. Mr. Newton was 38 years old when the plane he was on, 
American Airlines Flight 77, was hijacked by terrorists. As we all 
know, that plane crashed into the Pentagon, killing everyone on board.
  Mr. Newton's life was filled with many wonderful and impressive 
accomplishments. He was a successful businessman and world traveler who 
loved the performing arts and music, the game of golf, and any home 
improvement project he could find. He became an Eagle Scout at 14, 
graduated from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with high marks and earned his 
CPA. After completing his MBA at UCLA's Anderson School, he was named 
President and CEO of Work/Life Benefits.
  Close family friend Steven Falk said there was nothing in the world 
that Christopher cared more about than his children. Christopher, his 
wife Amy and two children Michael and Sarah had recently moved from 
Southern California to the Virginia suburbs outside of Washington, DC. 
He was in the process of relocating company headquarters to Virginia, a 
move that would put the company closer to key customers and allow 
Christopher to spend more time with his family. Christopher loved to 
attend school functions, coach his son's little league team, or just 
have a quiet dinner at home with his wife and children.
  Mr. Newton was also close to his parents and siblings. His father 
Michael said ``He was very bright. An avid golfer, a great skier, a 
champion Scrabble player. He never gave us a moment's trouble in his 
life.'' His brother Stephen says that ``Chris taught me to be patient 
and hopeful and to always play by the rules.''
  It is clear that Mr. Newton was serious, intense and committed to his 
responsibilities. Yet he was always able to laugh at himself. A quote 
from a friend says it best. ``He was confident with no airs, loving 
with no expectations, giving with no greed, funny with no offense.''
  Christopher is survived by his wife Amy, their two children Michael 
and Sarah, his parents Michael and Barbara Newton, sister Ann-
Elisabeth, brother Stephen, an aunt, cousins, nieces, a nephew and a 
close circle of friends.
  None of us is untouched by the terror of September 11, and many 
Californians were part of each tragic moment of that tragic day. Some 
were trapped in the World Trade Center towers. Some were at work in the 
Pentagon. And the fates of some were sealed as they boarded planes 
bound for San Francisco or Los Angeles.
  I offer today this tribute to one of the 51 Californians who perished 
on that awful morning. I want to assure the family of Christopher Cairo 
Newton and the families of all the victims, that their fathers and 
mothers, sons and daughters, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, 
will not be forgotten.
