[Senate Hearing 108-918] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] S. Hrg. 108-918 AIDING TERRORISTS: AN EXAMINATION OF THE MATERIAL SUPPORT STATUTE ======================================================================= HEARING before the COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY UNITED STATES SENATE ONE HUNDRED EIGHTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION __________ MAY 5, 2004 __________ Serial No. J-108-72 __________ Printed for the use of the Committee on the Judiciary ---------- U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 95-100 PDF WASHINGTON : 2008 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Internet: bookstore.gpo.gov Phone: toll free (866) 512-1800; DC area (202) 512-1800 Fax: (202) 512-2104 Mail: Stop IDCC, Washington, DC 20402-0001 COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY ORRIN G. HATCH, Utah, Chairman CHARLES E. GRASSLEY, Iowa PATRICK J. LEAHY, Vermont ARLEN SPECTER, Pennsylvania EDWARD M. KENNEDY, Massachusetts JON KYL, Arizona JOSEPH R. BIDEN, Jr., Delaware MIKE DeWINE, Ohio HERBERT KOHL, Wisconsin JEFF SESSIONS, Alabama DIANNE FEINSTEIN, California LINDSEY O. GRAHAM, South Carolina RUSSELL D. FEINGOLD, Wisconsin LARRY E. CRAIG, Idaho CHARLES E. SCHUMER, New York SAXBY CHAMBLISS, Georgia RICHARD J. DURBIN, Illinois JOHN CORNYN, Texas JOHN EDWARDS, North Carolina Bruce Artim, Chief Counsel and Staff Director Bruce A. Cohen, Democratic Chief Counsel and Staff Director C O N T E N T S ---------- STATEMENTS OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS Page Feingold, Hon. Russell D., a U.S. Senator from the State of Wisconsin...................................................... 17 Hatch, Hon. Orrin G., a U.S. Senator from the State of Utah...... 1 prepared statement........................................... 153 Leahy, Hon. Patrick J., a U.S. Senator from the State of Vermont. 3 prepared statement........................................... 155 WITNESSES Bald, Gary M., Assistant Director, Counterterrorism Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C................................................ 11 Bryant, Daniel J., Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Policy, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C................. 8 Cole, David, Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C................................................ 24 Rosenzweig, Paul, Senior Legal Research Fellow, Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, The Heritage Foundation, Washington, D.C. 26 Wray, Christopher A., Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C............... 6 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Responses of Christopher A. Wray to questions submitted by Senators Leahy and Grassley.................................... 44 Responses of Daniel J. Bryant to questions submitted by Senator Feingold....................................................... 78 Responses of Gary M. Bald to questions submitted by Senator Feingold....................................................... 103 Response of David Cole to a question submitted by Senator Leahy.. 107 SUBMISSIONS FOR THE RECORD Bald, Gary M., Assistant Director, Counterterrorism Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., prepared statement........................... 108 Bryant, Daniel J., Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Policy, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. , prepared statement...................................................... 115 Chesney, Robert M., Assistant Professor of Law, Wake Forest University School of Law, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, prepared statement............................................. 127 Cole, David, Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C., prepared statement........................... 136 Moschella, William E., Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legislative Affairs, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., letter......................................................... 150 Rosenzweig, Paul, Senior Legal Research Fellow, Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, The Heritage Foundation, Washington, D.C., prepared statement....................................... 159 Wray, Christopher A., Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., prepared statement...................................................... 175 AIDING TERRORISTS: AN EXAMINATION OF THE MATERIAL SUPPORT STATUTE ---------- WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 2004 United States Senate, Committee on the Judiciary, Washington, DC The Committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:08 a.m., in Room SD-226, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Hon. Orrin G. Hatch, Chairman of the Committee, presiding. Present: Senators Hatch, Craig, Leahy, Durbin, and Feingold. OPENING STATEMENT OF HON. ORRIN G. HATCH, A U.S. SENATOR FROM THE STATE OF UTAH Chairman Hatch. I think we will begin the hearing. I think every American would agree that our government continues to face an unprecedented challenge. On September 11, 2001, we suffered a devastating attack on American soil that resulted in the unprovoked and tragic death of well over 3,000 of our fellow citizens. The Bush administration responded in a decisive and careful manner, as we did here in Congress. One of the key actions this Committee took was to write, pass, and oversee the PATRIOT Act and other laws that provide the tools, information, and resources necessary to combat terrorist threats. As equally important, this Committee took the responsibility of overseeing the application of these laws. This is part of our continuing bipartisan series of hearings examining the effectiveness of current laws aimed at protecting America from terrorism. One of this Committee's challenges is to ask whether additional tools and oversight are needed as we evaluate the adequacy of current laws, including the PATRIOT Act's impact on our security, privacy, and civil liberties. I would like to thank my colleague, Senator Leahy, as well as other members of this Committee for their cooperation in conducting these important hearings. I also want to express my appreciation to the men and women in the Justice Department who are leading this Nation's vital efforts to prevent terrorism, and I look forward to hearing the Department's witnesses today and their views. Two of the Justice Department's most respected prosecutors recently represented the Department of Justice at a Judiciary Committee field hearing in my home State of Utah. Deputy Attorney General James Comey and U.S. Attorney Paul Warner provided very thoughtful testimony on how the anti-terrorism statutes are being implemented. Prior to the enactment of the 2001 law, uncertainty existed as to whether the ban on giving material support to terrorists by U.S. citizens included expert advice and assistance applied to acts occurring outside the United States. We fixed that uncertainty with Section 805, which also strengthened the prior material support ban by, one, adding to the list of underlying terrorist crimes; two, making it clear that material support includes all types of monetary instruments and activities; and three, enhancing penalties for those convicted of providing material support to terrorists. The law has enabled prosecutors to stop a number of terrorist plots, and this law has facilitated the prosecution and conviction of several terrorist cells and many individuals throughout our country. In one of the first cases using this new provision, six U.S. citizens who lived near Buffalo, New York, were convicted for providing support or resources to terrorists by participating in a weapons training camp at an Al Qaeda terrorist training camp in Afghanistan. In March, Section 805 enabled the successful convictions of terrorists in Virginia who aided the Taliban. And currently, Section 805 is allowing the prosecution of a graduate student in Idaho charged with aiding terrorist groups devoted to waging jihad against Russia and Israel. I think this Committee can be justifiably proud of writing and passing Section 805. Of course, I am aware that some people are concerned that, at some point in the future, one of the as-yet-unused material support provisions might be misused. I am opposed to any misuse of the provisions, as anyone else. I am also mindful that on two separate occasions, once in the Ninth Circuit and most recently in a California district court, this statute has been found to be vague. It is unfortunately the case the courts in the Ninth Circuit are often not the best barometer of constitutionality. I look forward to learning more about this litigation today and I am pleased to read that the Department is open to making any necessary refinements or additions to this particular section of the statute. I hope that this hearing will both bring to light the very real successes stemming from the PATRIOT Act's terror-fighting tools as well as to provide the Committee an opportunity to share constructive suggestions for clarifying the Act, if necessary, and I know that our witnesses will share those things with us today. I know that everyone on this Committee shares the common goal of protecting our country from additional terrorist attacks, and I believe we are all committed to achieving that goal with complete respect for the fundamental freedoms that all of us as American people come to appreciate and to expect. This Committee has an historical tradition of examining, debating, and resolving some of the most important legal and policy issues that have been presented to Congress. We are once again faced with an important task that will have a profound effect on our country's security and liberty. As we face the reauthorization of the PATRIOT Act next year, by the end of next year, I know we will be up to the task, and it is going to be because of excellent witnesses like we have today who will help us to understand these things more. We appreciate your taking time. We appreciate your being here and we look forward to your testimony. [The prepared statement of Senator Hatch appears as a submission for the record.] With that, I will turn to our Democrat leader on the Committee, Senator Leahy. STATEMENT OF HON. PATRICK J. LEAHY, A U.S. SENATOR FROM THE STATE OF VERMONT Senator Leahy. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am glad to have this long-awaited continuation of the series of oversight hearings that we started last year on the USA PATRIOT Act. It is the first, really, oversight hearing of any kind we have had this year and I welcome it and I welcome our distinguished witnesses. I thank the Chairman for scheduling this at a time when witnesses on all sides could be heard. This is a complex issue and sometimes we have a time when we can hear one side or the other. Of course, it is a lot better if we can hear all the sides. We are still waiting for Attorney General Ashcroft to appear before this Committee. He made a brief appearance and told us it could only be brief on March 4 of last year. I know he has been hospitalized, but I think of how this Committee used to bring his predecessor up here and see her almost every other day because one or another member of the Committee, including, at that time, then-Senator Ashcroft, wanted to ask her questions, ask the AG questions. I know the Attorney General was hospitalized for a medical condition, but he did return to work 2 months ago. He has had a number of press conferences around the country, and I wish he would find time to come by this Committee, so we could at least give Americans the impression that we really are carrying out our oversight duties. In that regard, if there is anybody here from the Justice Department other than our distinguished witnesses, if you might, I am sure you still have the same address down there. Check on some of the dozens of letters that have been sent to you by myself and by Republican members and other Democratic members of this Committee that seem to go into the lost letter division down there. Feel free to answer them. Our address remains the same, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C. I have a listed number. Feel free to call if you would like to answer. I would love to do it while the administration is still here. We are also still working on a time to hear FBI Director Mueller. I understand that he was available to testify next Wednesday, but we cannot do it that day because Secretary Ridge is unavailable. I would like to hear from the FBI Director: after all, we have direct oversight over his agency. Let us hear from him. There seems to be this feeling that you have to have people testify in tandem. The FBI Director is the FBI Director. He is not Director of Homeland Security. The Homeland Security Director is the Homeland Security Director, he is not the Director of the FBI. We should not have to wait until they can both be here like ventriloquists or something. We ought to be able to hear them separately. If we cannot have a hearing next week with the FBI Director because the Homeland Security Director is not available, then maybe we could hold a hearing on the administration's claim that it can designate United States citizens as enemy combatants and hold them incommunicado without charges. We see the Hamdi and Padilla cases working themselves all the way up to the Supreme Court--they will be decided by that Court within the next two months and we have not found time to do any oversight on the issue ourselves. I have also asked the Chairman to hold a hearing on the reported abuse of prisoners by Americans in Iraq. Given the wide-ranging jurisdiction of this Committee over civil liberties and prisons, the reported role of civilian contractors, our role in enactment of the Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act, and the lack of Congressional oversight, I think we need to act. It is amazing to me that the Bush administration has known about these atrocious things in the prisons of Iraq for 5 months and never said a word to either the Republican leadership or the Democratic leadership of the House or the Senate. They knew about it for 5 months, and then when the press reports it, they said they are shocked. They are appalled. Well, I think all Americans are shocked and appalled and the very, very brave American men and women who are fighting in Iraq and following the rules, and following our traditions and doing what they are supposed to do are equally shocked and appalled. But the administration has known about this for 5 months and they only become shocked when the press reports it. In fact, they asked the press to hold off reporting it for a couple of weeks. Now, I realize by not allowing it to come out until the time they did, it did not interrupt campaign schedules. But this should go way beyond campaign schedules. We have created a horrendous problem for ourselves in the Middle East and a horrendous problem for the next time, God forbid, an American soldier is captured. And to keep it well hidden from everybody, including--and maybe it is an example of what happens in this Congress--we don't do oversight and maybe the White House knows they have such a complacent Congress that we will never ask questions, so why bother to volunteer any answers? But it is the height of hypocrisy for anybody in the chain of command in this administration to stand up and say they are shocked because it became public when it is something they have known about for 5 months, and never once did they express that shock to the people they are supposed to respond to. Now, back to the focus of this morning's hearing. We have two criminal statutes that have come under fire in the Federal courts. Sections 2339A and 2339B of title 18 prohibit the provision of material support to terrorists and to designated foreign terrorist organizations. Since the 9/11 attacks, these statutes have become the weapon of choice for domestic anti- terrorism prosecution efforts. But with the increased use of these statutes, some problems have come to light. For example, several courts have held parts of the definition of material support to be unconstitutionally vague, and the Chairman has referred to that. Other courts have raised questions about the level of intent required to obtain a conviction. Many have expressed justifiable concern that the statutes impose guilt by association. We all know that was rejected by the Supreme Court decades ago during the McCarthy era. There have been other problems raised, as well. Former Assistant Attorney General Viet Dinh, who has been a staunch defender of the PATRIOT Act, has recognized a need to clarify the material support laws to avoid government overreaching. In January 2004, he said, quote, ``I think we can all agree that there are certain core activities that constitute material support for terrorists which should be prohibited and others which would not be prohibited. Congress needs to take a hard look and draw the lines very clearly to make sure that we do not throw out the baby with the bathwater,'' close quote. This hearing should give us a chance to discuss where those lines should be drawn. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. [The prepared statement of Senator Leahy appears as a submission for the record.] Chairman Hatch. Thank you, Senator. I, too, have been very upset and disturbed by what has happened over in Iraq and am happy that the Intelligence Committee is holding a hearing today that I will attend. Senator Leahy. A closed-door hearing. Chairman Hatch. Well, I agree, but it is a very important hearing. And then the Armed Services Committee is very strongly looking into it and I think will hold hearings on this. I am not objecting to hearings in this Committee, but we are going to have to see what our jurisdiction is before--I have to be satisfied to that before we do anything along those lines. But I am hopeful that at least those two Committees in the Senate will get to the bottom of this, and I hope that the people who committed these atrocities will be punished severely for them. Senator Leahy. If I might, Mr. Chairman, I absolutely agree with you in saying the people who did this should be punished, because the vast majority of the American men and women who are over there putting their lives on the line do follow the rules. What bothered me is that this Congress, both the Republican and Democratic leadership, was never told about something that we should have been told about. The question comes to my mind, are there other things we haven't been told about? And I have a terrifying suspicion that what we have seen is only the tip of the iceberg and the rest has been held back. Chairman Hatch. I hope you are wrong, Senator-- Senator Leahy. I do, too. Chairman Hatch. --but assuming that you are wrong, what has happened is unjustifiable under any circumstances. Americans and our military are certainly not the type of people who would do things like this ordinarily. So this has been a terrible, terrible chapter and a very difficult time for, I think, the world and our country, as well. I think we have got to get to the bottom of it and we will. I am pleased to have our first panel of witnesses here today. I am pleased to have Christopher Wray, who is the Assistant Attorney General of the Criminal Division in the Department of justice; Hon. Dan Bryant, who is the Assistant Attorney General of the Office of Legal Policy at the Department of Justice; and finally we are going to hear from Gary Bald, Assistant Director of the Counterterrorism Division at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. We really appreciate all three of you being here and appreciate the Department of Justice in sending so many of its representatives to join us today, those who really do have expert opinions and information on this matter and we look forward to hearing your testimony today. We will start with you, Mr. Wray. STATEMENT OF CHRISTOPHER A. WRAY, ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL, CRIMINAL DIVISION, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. Mr. Wray. Mr. Chairman, Senator Leahy, members of the Committee, thank you for asking the three of us here today. I am pleased to discuss with you the importance of the material support statutes in our efforts to prevent future terrorist attacks. We have scored key victories. Since September 11, we have charged 310 defendants with criminal offenses as a result of terrorism investigations. One hundred seventy-nine of those have already been convicted. We have broken up terrorist cells in Buffalo-- Chairman Hatch. How many did you say you have charged? Mr. Wray. We have charged 310 with criminal offenses that arise directly out of terrorism investigations. Chairman Hatch. And 170-- Mr. Wray. And 179 have been convicted thus far. Chairman Hatch. They have actually been convicted of terrorist activities? Mr. Wray. Yes, sir, and we have--a number of the other cases are, of course, pending at this time. We also have a wide geographic scope. We have broken up terrorist cells in Buffalo, Charlotte, Portland, and Northern Virginia. We are dismantling the terrorists' financial network. One hundred thirty-six million dollars have been frozen in 660 accounts around the world. But the recent tragedy in Madrid was yet another grim reminder that our enemies continue to plot catastrophic attacks. Several weeks after that, British authorities arrested nine suspects and seized half a ton of ammonium nitrate fertilizer. And just a few weeks ago, Osama bin Laden urged Al Qaeda and its supporters to continue their terrorist attacks against the United States. The Department's top priority is to prevent terrorist attacks. Because our adversaries not only accept, but glorify killing themselves in the course of attacking innocent people, we cannot and will not limit our role to simply picking up the pieces after terrorist attacks. Our offensive strategy targets both the perpetrators of violence and those who give them material support. The chronology of a terrorist plot, I think, is best understood as a continuum from idea to planning to preparation to execution and attack, and the material support statutes enable us to strike earlier and earlier on that continuum. We would much rather catch a terrorist with his hands on a check than on a bomb. The statutory definition of material support indicates the breadth of resources that terrorists need. They need weapons, obviously, but they also need the money to buy them, the training to use them, and the personnel to wield them. Furthermore, while planning their attacks, they need housing, expert advice on targets and methods, means of transportation, and documents to cross borders. Of course, the material support statutes also allow us to prosecute those who actually seek to commit violence. Members of a cell in Lackawanna, New York, as you mentioned, Mr. Chairman, attended a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan and pleaded guilty to material support charges and have all agreed to cooperate. They are serving prison terms ranging from eight to 10 years. Members of another cell in Portland, Oregon, tried to travel to Afghanistan after September 11 to fight with the Taliban, and after being charged with conspiring to provide material support, they pleaded guilty to seditious conspiracy and IEEPA violations and were sentenced to terms ranging from seven to 18 years. Tens of thousands have attended camps to learn skills like bomb-making and covert communications, and it is very difficult to know when and how they may go operational. Nor should we wait to find out. The material support statutes enable us to take these defendants off the streets, into court, and on to prison. These statutes also allow us to disrupt earlier stages of terrorist plots by pursuing those who support the front-line killers. For example, Iyman Faris extended airline tickets and surveyed a potential target for Al Qaeda. He was recently sentenced to 20 years for providing material support. In March in San Diego, two other men plead guilty to providing material support to Al Qaeda. They sought to buy missiles to sell in turn to Al Qaeda associates. Each of them faces up to 15 years in prison for this offense. And, of course, terrorist supporters can also provide money itself. For example, we uncovered a group in Charlotte, North Carolina, that used the proceeds of a cigarette smuggling ring to fund Hezbollah. The lead defendant in that case was convicted of 16 counts, including material support, and was sentenced to 155 years in prison. Terrorist financiers also conceal their activity through front organizations. For example, in Tampa, former professor Sami Al-Arian faces material support charges for allegedly serving as a leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, sometimes called PIJ, and PIJ, as the Committee may know, has killed over 100 people, including U.S. citizens. Terrorists themselves have voiced frustration at the success of our efforts thus far to cut off their funds. I keep coming back to the example of Jeffrey Battle, who is a member of the Portland cell, who in a recorded conversation that Mr. Bald's colleagues at the FBI picked up, complained, and I am quoting now, ``We don't have support. Everybody is scared to give up any money to help us because that law that Bush wrote about, everybody is scared. He made a law that says, for instance, I left out of the country and I fought, right, but I wasn't able to afford a ticket but you bought my plane ticket. You gave me the money to do it, and by me going and me fighting, by this new law, they can come and take you and put you in jail.'' Battle was right. His ex-wife, who knowingly helped fund his travel to fight in Afghanistan, was prosecuted, pleaded guilty, and is now in prison, like Battle himself. We also know that our pursuit of terrorist financiers can lead to the conviction of the violent terrorists themselves. As I noted earlier, members of a cell just across the river in Northern Virginia were recently convicted of providing material support. In her opinion, Judge Brinkema quoted a report admitted into evidence that was written by a fundraiser for Benevolence International Foundation, or BIF, which I think, as Senator Durbin knows, is an Islamic charity in Chicago. This fundraiser had been invited, the evidence showed, to observe the Virginia cell members' military-style training, and he praised their fervor and their training in his report. This report first came to the attention of investigators in Chicago, who suspected BIF of diverting charitable contributions to terrorist organizations. They forwarded the report to the Department and to Federal prosecutors in Virginia. The result is that in Chicago, the BIF director pleaded guilty to racketeering conspiracy, admitting that donors were misled into believing that their donations would be supporting peaceful causes when they weren't. He was sentenced to over 11 years in prison. In Virginia, nine defendants on the other end have been convicted of offenses arising out of their jihad training. The relationship between these two cases and between these two investigations illustrates the proactive strategy that the Department is pursuing and needs to pursue to win the war on terror. Mr. Chairman, I thank you again for inviting us here and giving us the opportunity to discuss how the material support statutes are being used to fight terrorism, and after you hear from my colleagues, Mr. Bryant and Mr. Bald, I would be happy to respond to any questions you or the other members may have. Chairman Hatch. Thank you, Mr. Wray. [The prepared statement of Mr. Wray appears as a submission for the record.] Chairman Hatch. We will turn to Mr. Bryant now. STATEMENT OF DANIEL J. BRYANT, ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL, OFFICE OF LEGAL POLICY, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. Mr. Bryant. Good morning, Mr. Chairman and distinguished members of the Committee. Thank you for the opportunity to join you to discuss recent court decisions concerning the material support statutes and to offer some ideas for improving those important statutes. A critical aspect of the Department's strategy for fighting and winning the war against terrorism is preventing and disrupting terrorist attacks before they occur, and the material support statutes are an invaluable tool for prosecutors seeking to bring charges against and incapacitate terrorists before they are able to cause death and destruction. As this Committee is well aware, there has been recent litigation involving certain provisions of the material support statutes. In my testimony today, I will review some concerns expressed by courts a bout various aspects of the material support statutes, concerns that, unfortunately, may interfere in the future with the Department's ability to prosecute those providing vital assistance to terrorists and terrorist organizations. I will then discuss the Department's response to these concerns and some ways that Congress might consider addressing them. Finally, I will briefly suggest a couple of other ideas for improving the material support statutes. Some courts have found key terms in the material support statutes' definition of material support or resources to be unconstitutionally vague, potentially undermining the Department's ability to prosecute those supplying assistance to terrorists or terrorist organizations. The Ninth Circuit, for instance, has held that the terms ``personnel'' and ``training'' in the definition of material support or resources are void for vagueness under the First and Fifth Amendments because they bring within their ambit constitutionally protected speech and advocacy. The Ninth Circuit has specifically expressed the concern that an individual who independently advocates the cause of a terrorist organization could be seen as supplying that organization with personnel, and thus has concluded that the term ``personnel'' could be construed to include unequivocally pure speech and advocacy protected by the First Amendment. Likewise, the Ninth Circuit has asserted that the term ``training'' could be interpreted by reasonable people to encompass First Amendment protected activities, such as instructing members of foreign terrorist organizations on how to use humanitarian and international human rights laws to seek the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Applying this Ninth Circuit precedent, the United States District Court for the Central District of California recently held the term ``expert advice or assistance'' in the definition of material support or resources to be impermissibly vague. The Justice Department respectfully disagrees with these decisions holding key terms in the definition of material support or resources to be unconstitutionally vague, and is either pursuing or contemplating whether to pursue further judicial review in these cases. The Department, for example, has filed a petition for rehearing en banc with the Ninth Circuit, asking that the court reconsider the decision of the three-judge panel finding the terms ``personnel'' and ``training'' to be unconstitutionally vague. In its petition, the Department has pointed out that the term ``personnel'' has a discernible and specific meaning found in basic dictionary definitions of the word. It describes those working under the direction or control of a specific entity. As a result, independent advocacy of a designated foreign terrorist organization's interests or agenda falls outside the scope of the statutes' coverage. Just as one independently extolling the virtues of McDonald's hamburgers is not supplying personnel to the restaurant chain, neither is one independently advocating on behalf of a foreign terrorist organization supplying personnel to the organization. Likewise, the Department has argued in its petition for rehearing en banc that the term ``training'' is not unconstitutionally vague. The material support statutes unequivocally prohibit persons within the United States or subject to its jurisdiction from providing any form of training to terrorists or to designated foreign terrorist organizations, and again, the word ``training'' is a common term in the English language, a clear definition of which can be found in any dictionary. The Department is also currently considering whether to appeal to the Ninth Circuit the Central District of California's decision holding the term ``expert advice or assistance'' to be impermissibly vague. As the Department argued in the district court in that case, the Department does not believe that the meaning of the term ``expert advice or assistance'' is insufficiently clear. Expertise is a familiar concept both in the law and to those outside of the legal profession. Rule 702 of the Federal Rules of Evidence, for example, defines ``expert testimony'' to be testimony based on scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge. To be absolutely clear, the Department believes that the terms ``personnel,'' ``training,'' and ``expert advice or assistance,'' as they are used in the material support statutes, are not unconstitutionally vague and should not need further clarification in order to withstand constitutional scrutiny. Even so, given the court decisions reviewed above, which, if not overturned, threaten to hamper the Department's ability to prosecute those who provide assistance to foreign terrorist organizations, Congress may wish to consider amending the material support statute to provide more specific definitions of ``personnel,'' ``training,'' and ``expert advice or assistance.'' Similarly, in light of the reservations expressed by some courts that the material support statutes could be interpreted to prohibit activities protected by the First Amendment, Congress may wish to consider amending the statute to make it absolutely clear that the statute should not be construed so as to abridge the exercise of First Amendment rights. In addition, if Congress were to revise the material support statutes to respond to these court decisions, there are at least two deficiencies with the current statutory language that Congress might also well consider addressing. First, at present, the material support statutes reach a limited number of situations where material support or resources are provided to facilitate the commission of terrorism. Title 18 U.S.C. Sec. 2339A currently forbids the provision of material support or resources for only certain Federal crimes likely to be committed by terrorists, but not others. Consequently, the Department would support clarifying the scope of the statute to ensure that all terrorist attacks are covered, and we would be happy to work with Congress toward that end. In addition, Congress may wish to consider revising the definition of material support or resources. The types of property and services specifically enumerated in this definition potentially may not include all of the possible types and forms of support that could be given to terrorists or to foreign terrorist organizations. For this reason, the Department would support refining the definition to encompass any tangible or intangible property, or service, while at the same time maintaining the current statutory exemptions for medicine and religious materials. Such a refinement would heighten the efficacy of the material support statutes and make it less likely that an individual prosecuted in the future for providing property or services to a terrorist or a foreign terrorist organization would be able to take advantage of any lack of clarity in the statutes. Thank you, Mr. Chairman and members of the Committee, and I look forward to answering your questions. Chairman Hatch. Thank you, Mr. Bryant. [The prepared statement of Mr. Bryant appears as a submission for the record.] Chairman Hatch. Mr. Bald, we will turn to you. STATEMENT OF GARY M. BALD, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, COUNTERTERRORISM DIVISION, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. Mr. Bald. Good morning and thank you, Mr. Chairman, Senator Leahy, for inviting me here to speak to you today on the importance of the material support statutes to the FBI's investigative efforts in the counterterrorism program. Since 9/11, the FBI's counterterrorism program has made comprehensive changes to meet its primary mission of detecting, disrupting, and defeating terrorist operations before they occur. We have spent the last two-and-a-half years transforming operations and realigning resources to meet the threats of the post-September 11 environment. As a part of this transformation, the FBI has undertaken a number of initiatives to improve information sharing and coordination with our National and international partners. We are committed to the interagency partnerships we have forged through our Joint Terrorism Task Forces. Likewise, we are committed to fostering international partnerships and recognize the critical role that they play in our ability to develop actionable intelligence. To be fully successful, however, these partnerships must have the legal tools necessary to investigate the entire range of terrorist activities, including the provision of material support. To prevent terrorist attacks, we need to be able to dismantle the entire terrorist network, from those that actually pull the cord on a suicide vest, to those who train the person making the bomb, to those who raise the money and facilitated the planning of the attack. By aggressively attacking the entire network, we maximize our ability to disable the networks on which successful terrorist operations depend. To accomplish this goal, we need the means to neutralize persons who occupy positions within the terrorist organizational structure but are also at a distance from the actual terrorist attacks themselves. The material support statutes, as broadened by the USA PATRIOT Act, are a vital component of our investigative and preventative efforts, targeting the support and resource needs of terrorist networks. Post-9/11, the FBI's main focus has been on preventing the next attack. In order to accomplish this mission, we must be able to identify and disrupt and dismantle what we refer to as ``sleeper cells'' present in the United States. Once we identify these groups and their members, we must be able to take proactive measures to ensure that their future plans are no longer viable. We must be able to take appropriate law enforcement action to put them out of commission, either through the appropriate material support statutes or other criminal violations or by using immigration laws to deport them. The terrorists who pose the most imminent danger to the United States today are those that facilitate financial transactions through clean bank accounts and other monetary systems, those that provide weapons and tactical training, those that recruit new members for terrorist organizations, those that set up safe and secure Internet accounts for facilitation of communication, those that provide safe havens to other terrorists, those that provide expert advice on U.S. targets and how to attack those targets, those that manufacture and procure identity documents, those that facilitate and provide transportation and other logistical duties, and finally, those individuals who have actually traveled overseas to attend Al Qaeda and other terrorist training camps and provide instruction on how to make bombs, surveil a target, and other terrorist trade craft, and have returned now to the United States to await further operational direction. Mr. Chairman, I will skip the portions of my written for- the-record statement that deal with specific successes that we have had, many of which were detailed by Mr. Wray previously, and I will be happy to answer any questions that you might have. Chairman Hatch. Thank you, and we will put all full statements in the record as if delivered. [The prepared statement of Mr. Bald appears as a submission for the record.] Chairman Hatch. Let me begin with you, Mr. Wray. In your written testimony, you describe the danger we face from sleeper agents, individuals who attended terrorist training camps and then entered our country where they keep a low profile until the day that they become operational. In light of the fact that there may have been tens of thousands around the world who received such training in the camps, I am deeply concerned that there may be a number of sleepers in the United States right now. If you were to locate a person who had traveled from some other country to a terrorist camp where he received months, if not years of training in things like bombs, bioterror, and conducting terrorist operations and then took up residence in the United States, and even if he made no explicit threats against our country, do the statutes we have been discussing today provide law enforcement with all the legal tools that are necessary in order to incapacitate such a person? Mr. Wray. Mr. Chairman, I think you have kind of put your finger on a significant concern that I think we all have. I think that my guess is that most Americans would think that an individual found within the United States fitting the profile that you have described should be behind bars. The truth is, it may be harder than most people would expect for us to put him there. And while the sort of person you describe is regarded as extremely dangerous and not someone we would want walking the streets, it may be more difficult than people would expect or that I believe Congress intended for us to make a case against such a person, because training to commit terror under certain circumstances may not be a crime, which just stands logic on its head. And, of course, a sleeper by definition is someone who has, in effect, gone to sleep, is in a sort of dormant wait-and-see kind of mode, and if the person has been well trained in covert communications and operational discipline, it may be very hard to--even if we know the person, for example, has been in a terrorist training camp in the past, to identify something right here, right now that the person is actually doing. They may be waiting for a message, for a signal, that kind of thing. Analyzing our options, our starting point would always be the material support statutes, in particular whether the camp that that person might have been at was associated with something like Al Qaeda and whether we might be able to charge 2239B, providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization. But we still have to prove that the sleeper did something that qualified as providing material support, and usually, we would go in the direction of showing that the person provided himself as personnel. The person went and trained in a terrorist training camp, intending to conduct terrorist activities. But even in the Ninth Circuit, especially in the Ninth Circuit, that and all the people who live in that circuit, that is a risky option now in light of some of these court cases. We think the court got it wrong, but that is a problem in that district, I mean, that circuit now. Assuming we got over those hurdles, though, we still have the issue of looking for--it may often be that the information that links the person to the kinds of acts that would get us over the hump are often foreign intelligence information that is of such a sensitivity that even with the protections of CIPA, the Classified Information Procedures Act, we can't use it because of agreements with the Foreign Intelligence Service and that sort of thing. So even leaving all those aside, we may be able to deport the person under the immigration laws, and while that should give us some comfort, the fact is, if we go that route, the person is removed to another country and turned loose there and we have no ability to make sure that they are not engaged in further terrorist activity. Chairman Hatch. Thank you. Mr. Bryant, let me just ask you this question. Some people are concerned that prosecutors might use this section against completely innocent people who, through no fault of their own, donate money or other resources to an organization they would have no reason to believe is a foreign terrorist organization. The Ninth Circuit's opinion quoted my statement upon introduction of the Senate conference report as proof that Congress intended that there be a scienter requirement in the statute. The court defined the term, quote, ``knowingly'' in 18 U.S.C. 2239B to mean that the government must prove that the defendant either, one, knew of the organization's designation as a terrorist organization, or two, knew of the unlawful activities of that organization. Do you think that Congress needs to clarify the scienter requirement in the statute, and if so, do you think that the Ninth Circuit's approach is the correct way to define the scienter requirement? Mr. Bryant. Thank you, Senator. We think that Congress may do well to clarify the scienter requirement after the Ninth Circuit's decision in Humanitarian Law Project v. Department of Justice in December of last year. The reason for that, as you have laid out, is that the scienter requirement articulated by the court in that case is not what we think is appropriate under Section 2239B. That is, the court there held that a defendant either needed to know of the designation of the foreign terrorist organization, or have knowledge of the underlying activities that gave rise to the designation made by the Secretary of State. Those underlying activities are often classified, known only to a small number of people that participate with the Secretary in the designation order. As a consequence, we think that is an unduly burdensome scienter requirement that the government would be hard-pressed to meet. As a consequence, we think, and we have argued as such in our petition for rehearing en banc in the Ninth Circuit, that the scienter requirement should be understood to require either knowledge of the designation of the foreign terrorist organization or knowledge that that organization participates in terrorist activities. Chairman Hatch. Thank you. Senator Leahy, my time is up. Senator Leahy. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. We had extensive notice of this hearing, actually not just for weeks but for months, but for some reason, we didn't receive the administration's testimony until late last night. We would be happy to drive down and pick up these things if you are having trouble getting stuff through the mail, or we also have fax machines, too. So I will send--this seems to be the rule, not the exception for the Department of Justice. I will send you detailed questions on that, but let me ask you a couple of questions. Mr. Wray, perhaps you can answer this. What actions has the Department of Justice taken with respect to investigating and possibly prosecuting criminal conduct by American civilians at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq or at any of the other places where the administration has evidence, and the administration does have evidence, of other torture that has not been made public yet? What actions have you taken? Mr. Wray. Senator Leahy, my principal awareness of the abuse that you are describing, that you are referring to, is through the news media, and like you and like so many others, obviously I deplore any mistreatment-- Senator Leahy. Sure. I know you do, and I don't question that. Mr. Wray. I just think it is-- Senator Leahy. What steps have you taken since you heard about it? Mr. Wray. Since we have heard about it, we have attempted to determine whether--what sort of Federal jurisdictional requirements apply to the Justice Department as opposed to the Department of Defense. As you may know, there is a fairly intricate framework of statutes and MOUs that apply to dividing up responsibility and jurisdiction between-- Senator Leahy. Would the Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act of 2000, would that not give you jurisdiction? Mr. Wray. The Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act, or MEJA, applies to certain kinds of offenses and provides us with jurisdiction over certain kinds of people when evidence has been referred to us of a possible Federal crime. In the instance that we are discussing right now, I gather that the Department of Defense has been conducting an investigation for some time and the normal practice would be for, as the Department of Defense is conducting an investigation--which I have reason to believe and every confidence that they are conducting thoroughly and fairly--if they come across evidence that a Federal crime may have been committed over which we would have jurisdiction and they would not, the normal practice would be for them to refer that matter or report that matter to us. I am not aware of any referral from the Department of Defense to the Justice Department or the FBI relating to these matters. Senator Leahy. I want to make sure I understand that. Even though you would have jurisdiction, for example, over criminal acts of civilians who are accompanying U.S. Armed Forces, the Department of Justice waits for the Department of Defense to determine whether you have jurisdiction and something should be referred? Are you doing any proactive investigation of your own? That is basically my question. Mr. Wray. We have begun reviewing the information that we have received. As I said, there has been a longstanding Defense Department investigation, and as a professional investigator and prosecutor myself, when there is an ongoing longstanding investigation, I have always believed that it is very important to proceed carefully so that we don't disrupt the existing investigation to which they clearly have devoted a significant amount of attention and time. And so while I am not suggesting that we should sit still or anything like that, I am suggesting that because there has been, in this instance, a longstanding investigation by another agency, consistent with our usual practice, even in matters of this significance, we need to proceed very carefully so that we don't disrupt their investigation. Senator Leahy. Do you think there is any possibility the Department of Justice could keep the Chairman, at least, and following the procedure of certainly the 30 years I have been here, the Chairman and the Ranking Member apprised of your proceedings? Mr. Wray. Consistent with whatever professional obligations and legal and ethical obligations we have, I think it is certainly appropriate that we work closely with the Committee in its oversight responsibility. Senator Leahy. That would be a welcome change. My other question is, Mr. Wray, you said that the Department should be able to prosecute a person for training at a terrorist camp to become a sleeper agent on the theory that the person, and I believe I am restating this, the person gave his own services as personnel to the terrorist organization. Why couldn't you just simply use the conspiracy laws that have been on the books for decades? You are a prosecutor. I was a prosecutor. I know my experience as a prosecutor was always to use something that had been on the books for some time because you have built up stare decisis and you are less apt to make a mistake. Why not just use those conspiracy laws? Mr. Wray. We do often charge and use the conspiracy provisions, both separately in Title 18 and in the material support statutes themselves. However, as you know from your prior experience, sometimes you get into issues with the court and the defense about whether you have got a single conspiracy or multiple conspiracies. There may be disputes or evidentiary problems over whether or not the scope of the agreement between our proposed defendant and his co-conspirators is over the same objective. That can get complicated. We prefer to be able to charge material support because, frankly, when we don't have the problems that Mr. Bryant and I have gone through, it is actually a more user-friendly statute for the kinds of scenarios that we are coming across. These terrorist training camps churn out huge numbers of people who are often going in different directions for different plots, and so sometimes that makes--your question is a good one, but sometimes that is, for prosecutorial consideration, it makes using that theory more complicated than it might at first blush appear. Senator Leahy. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I will have other questions. Chairman Hatch. Thank you, Senator Leahy. We will turn to Senator Craig. Senator Craig. Mr. Chairman, thank you very much. I might say to the Ranking Member, I had the opportunity to have dinner the other night with the Attorney General. He grows increasingly robust and strong and I would guess there would be a time when he would want to come before the Committee again. But he sends his high regards. Senator Leahy. I am sure he does. After a year and a half, I would hope that he would be strong enough to come up here for more than a couple hours. Chairman Hatch. I don't blame anybody for not wanting to come before this Committee. [Laughter.] Senator Leahy. He probably, having been a member of this Committee for a number of years and seeing how we used to have his predecessor up here almost every week, he probably wants to make sure that doesn't happen to him. Senator Craig. In other words, you are suggesting he knows better? Well, anyway-- Senator Leahy. He knows how he treated her and he probably doesn't want the same treatment. Senator Craig. Let me turn to the gentlemen on the panel, and thank you for being here today. I, like all of us on this Committee, feel that oversight and extensive oversight on the PATRIOT Act is necessary and appropriate and will continue to be so as we move toward the reauthorization of it. One of the reasons the oversight is important and one of the reasons most of us are extremely concerned about the way it is being administered, I think, is reflective of the circumstance and situation and the tragedy oftentimes that occurs under given circumstances. We are now faced with what appears to be one coming out of Iraq. Man's inhumanity to man simply goes on, tragically enough, and if this Committee and others don't do extensive oversight, under the best of intentions, sometimes structures break down and civility breaks down. But I must tell you that I am pleased you are here, and I am also pleased that you are recognizing, as some would not suggest, that there may be need to fine-tune the PATRIOT Act. In the area of material support, I think we have a case going on in Idaho right now, and we will find out how far that can be taken under the statute, because I want to make sure that this is an effective law and that if there are areas of ambiguity, as the Ninth Circuit might propose, then I am pleased you are willing to come before us and say, here are ways to correct it. I notice in doing so, at least I hope in doing so, you will not be called less than patriotic or less than diligent in your job, because I am one who believes the PATRIOT Act is a necessary law, and I support it. But now I am being accused of being less than patriotic when I propose changes to it. So I am glad to see the administration coming forward and proposing changes, also. It is necessary and important. This is work in progress. We have got to get it right, and I think we will, because the end result in getting it right is making sure that this country is a safer place for all of us, and, at the same time, that we are not willing to allow the environment of terrorism in this country to take away from us our civil liberties. That is a fine line that we are now walking, and I am extremely pleased, Dan, that you would come forward to suggest that there are areas that we need to look at that might disallow what I sometimes call the most dysfunctional circuit in the nation from misjudging the intent of the Act. If they misjudge it or if they view it in a certain way, others may do the same, and if that is the case and if we can clarify that, then let us do that. You are proposing changes. The President has proposed changes. And I must tell you, I am proposing some changes. Other colleagues on this Committee are proposing changes, as well. And that is why, Mr. Chairman, it is so darned important that we do a very thorough oversight process as we move toward reauthorization. I want to vote again for the PATRIOT Act, but I want to vote for it again knowing that we have corrected some areas, adjusted some areas, that it is a finer-tuned law that can get at the heart of any terrorist activity or organized effort in this country to perpetrate wrongdoing against the American citizens. So I thank you gentlemen for being here today. I have no specific questions. I do appreciate your dedication and your successes. I think we are a safer country today, although some would allege that is not the case, because of your diligence and because of this law. So let us move forward, Mr. Chairman, with a very thorough oversight prior to our effort to reauthorize. Thank you for being here. Chairman Hatch. Thank you, Senator Craig. Senator Feingold? STATEMENT OF HON. RUSSELL D. FEINGOLD, A U.S. SENATOR FROM THE STATE OF WISCONSIN Senator Feingold. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you for holding this hearing. Let me first just compliment Senator Craig for his leadership and bipartisanship in trying to do what he just said, getting this thing right. It is a difficult environment in which to raise these issues, but I am extremely proud of his courage in indicating to the American people that this is about Republicans and Democrats together, particularly on this Committee, working together to make the changes that need to be made to make the PATRIOT Act legislation that Americans can be comfortable with, so I thank you for that. Mr. Chairman, I was pleased when you announced last fall that you would hold a series of oversight hearings on the administration's anti-terrorism efforts. I am glad that the Committee is resuming this task. I certainly hope we will have the additional hearings that you planned soon, including, as the Ranking Member indicated, a chance to discuss these issues with the Attorney General, who has not appeared before the Committee in over a year. Mr. Chairman, as you know, the President recently made a number of speeches calling on Congress to renew the PATRIOT Act now. Most of the PATRIOT Act is, of course, already permanent law. Of the over 150 provisions in the law, only 16 provisions are due to expire at the end of 2005. There is, I think, a public misconception that the whole bill is set to expire. That simply isn't true. The sunset provision was a recognition by Congress in October 2001 that it was acting without the kind of deliberation that such an important piece of legislation would normally receive, especially in the area of surveillance. Significant changes in the law were enacted without the kind of close scrutiny that provisions that touch on delicate constitutional balances deserve. The sunset was an important and crucial provision. It would allow Congress to revisit some of the more controversial provisions with more care and with more information on which to base its judgment. Mr. Chairman, between now and December 2005, I urge you to hold hearings on how the administration has used the powers granted by the PATRIOT Act. I also urge you to hold hearings on reasonable proposals to address concerns raised by the PATRIOT Act, such as the SAFE Act, which Senator Craig and I both have cosponsored and which has been introduced by Senator Durbin, as well, and which I strongly support. Mr. Bryant, Mr. Wray, as you know, in January, a Federal judge in California ruled that a provision of the PATRIOT Act criminalizing the provision of expert advice and assistance to a terrorist organization was vague and, therefore, unconstitutional. The judge found that the term ``expert advice and assistance'' could be interpreted to include unequivocally pure speech and advocacy protected by the First Amendment. The judge found that the PATRIOT Act bans all expert advice and assistance and places no limit on the type of expert advice and assistant that is banned. The Justice Department has argued to the court that the PATRIOT Act does not criminalize advocacy, association, or other activities protected by the First Amendment. Does the Department believe that providing peacemaking and conflict resolution advice is barred by the PATRIOT Act, and what other kinds of advocacy or associational activity does the Department believe is not barred by the PATRIOT Act? Mr. Wray? Mr. Wray. Senator, I think the Department has tried to construe and apply the provisions at issue judiciously. I wouldn't want to--I don't think I am in a position to sort of sit here and describe every form of activity that I think would not be covered. I do believe that Congress, I think intended, and we would all want for the material support statutes to reach every form of support to terrorism that does not run afoul of constitutional limitations. In other words, I would think that the appropriate objective of Congress--and we believe it is reflected in the statute, but obviously the Ninth Circuit disagreed--is to reach all forms of support other than those protected by the Constitution. Senator Feingold. It sounds like you would not want to bring into the sweep of that, then, peacemaking and conflict resolution advice, would you? Mr. Wray. Well, the reason I am hesitating is the following. You may be familiar with, and I want to be careful about how far I go into this just because it is a pending case, but you may be familiar with the case in the Southern District of New York, the Sattar case. I am not sure how you pronounce the defendant's last name, but it involves Lynne Stewart and others and relates to their assistance to the so-called ``Blind Sheikh''. And underlying the allegations in that case, as described in, I believe, public record information is the Sheikh's imposition and then withdrawal of support for a cease fire. So that may not be--I assume that is not the kind of peacemaking that you are describing, but you could see why that, under certain definitions, that could be a kind of peacemaking in the sense that he says to his followers, ``stop attacking,'' and then withdraws his support, which in effect says ``resume attacking.'' So in that situation, we would-- Senator Feingold. I appreciate that answer. I think it is a little different than what I was referring to, but I look forward to further refining this issue. Mr. Wray. I don't know if Mr. Bryant may have a-- Senator Feingold. Mr. Bryant, do you have something to add on this? Mr. Bryant. Only that, as Chris has indicated, we respectfully disagree with the Central District's finding that the term ``expert advice or assistance'' is unconstitutionally vague. We think it is a term that has a common meaning. Certainly the notion of expertise is well known within the law and outside of the law. Federal Rule of Evidence 702 provides a useful definition which involves defining expert testimony as testimony based on scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge. So I think the answer to your question would turn on whether or not the nature of the assistance provided was assistance based on scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge, which then assisted the foreign terrorist organization in question. Senator Feingold. Mr. Bryant, last September, after much public outcry about the potential abuse of Section 215, the business records provision of the PATRIOT Act, the Department disclosed that it had not yet used this provision. But since that time, Department officials have been cagey about whether they have used this section since September. In March, I sent a letter to the Attorney General asking to clarify whether Section 215 has been used since September 18, 2003. Mr. Bryant, I have not received a response to that letter. Can you tell me whether the Department has used Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act since September 18, 2003, and will you make sure that my questions about the use of these provisions are answered properly? Mr. Bryant. I will do what I can with respect to seeing that you receive an answer to your letter, Senator. I am not in a position to tell you whether or not that section has been used since September when the number was declassified because I don't know the number. Moreover, as you know, it is a classified number. The number itself is classified unless unclassified, so we would need to discuss it in a different setting. Senator Feingold. So when the statement was made to the Committee previously that it had not been used, that fact had to be declassified, is that correct? Mr. Bryant. That is correct. Senator Feingold. So you have to go through that process again? Mr. Bryant. That is correct. Senator Feingold. Well, I would urge you to do so quickly in light of my request, and in light of the fact that you gave this information before, I think it would only make sense that it would be declassified again so that we can know what is happening with this provision. Mr. Chairman, is my time up on this round? Chairman Hatch. Yes, but I am not going to go another round, so if you have-- Senator Feingold. Could I ask one more question, if I may? Chairman Hatch. Sure. Senator Feingold. I thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Wray, prior to the PATRIOT Act, the legal standards for delayed notification or ``sneak and peek'' search warrants were set by the courts. Section 213 of the PATRIOT Act has been characterized of the Second Circuit decisions on the delayed notification warrants. Section 213 allows sneak and peek searches where the court finds reasonable cause to believe that notification would have certain adverse results. Adverse results are defined to include not only instances where notification would threaten human life or the destruction of evidence, but also any situation that might otherwise, quote, ``seriously jeopardize an investigation or unduly delay a trial.'' I am concerned about this catch-all provision for delayed notification warrants. I am concerned that it could swallow the rule, because notification of almost any search warrant arguably jeopardizes the criminal investigation. Last October, the Department reported that as of April 1, 2003, it had sought and courts had ordered delayed notice warrants 47 times. That was over a year ago and I am sure that the number is much higher now. How many times has the Department sought and received authorization to execute a delayed notification search since enactment of the PATRIOT Act, and obviously you can provide this in writing if you prefer, but if you could give us a ballpark figure now of the number of such searches since April 1, 2003, it would be very useful. Mr. Wray. Senator Feingold, I don't have an updated number for you. The 47 number was the number that I had the last time I collected the number, so I wouldn't want to try to guesstimate here just because I think I would be doing you and the Committee a disservice by doing so. But I would be happy to take a look at that and see what information we can provide to supplement my testimony on the number issue. I do think it is important to point out that a court--not the government unilaterally--decides not only whether or not there is probable cause for the warrant in the first place, but also whether or not it is appropriate to delay notice--not deny notice--but delay notice for the various reasons set forth. So a court has to agree and accept the government's reasons for that. We have high faith in the integrity and the independence and the good judgment of the courts in this country and I think the fact that the 47 times we sought delayed-notice approval by a court for a search, the courts agreed with and accepted our reasoning in those cases. So I certainly take your concern. We try to be very careful and judicious in our pursuit of that particular technique, but as you know, it has been in the law for a long time and it is a very important tool for us to ensure that, especially as we are acting more and more proactively, terrorists aren't able to be tipped off and essentially jump the gun in particularly critical investigations. Senator Feingold. I know I am over my time, but let me just say in response that this particular variation on sneak and peek has not been in the law for a long time. In fact, Senator Craig and I and others have proposed in the SAFE Act that there be a renewal process, that the delayed notice not be indefinite. The only way we are going to be able to evaluate with our colleagues whether we are right or you are right or what we should do is by getting this information. So I am going to urge you to give us this information, and Mr. Bryant, as soon as possible. I would just remind you, the President of the United States in his State of the Union demanded that these provisions be renewed now. For this Committee to be asked to act in response to the President's request without this fundamental information is unreasonable. We need this information at this time. So I am making that request as strongly as I can and I would appreciate the information as soon as possible so this Committee can evaluate it. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for the extra time. Chairman Hatch. Thank you, Senator. Just one question so we don't ignore Mr. Bald. I understand that the Department of Justice has brought approximately 60 prosecutions involving the material support statute. Can you please explain to us how this statute has changed the handling of terrorism investigations at the Bureau, the FBI? Mr. Bald. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The material support statutes provide us the opportunity to get involved and take action earlier in an investigation than we typically would be able to. Some of the facilitating actions that we are investigating may fall outside of other criminal statutes. For example, we may have a particular scientist that is providing advice, guidance, or training to terrorists on how to weaponize a particular type of biological weapon, that in and of itself, the providing of training might not be illegal. However, with the material support statutes, it does allow us to address those kinds of very serious weapons of mass destruction terrorist support actions that we face. So I appreciate your question and I appreciate the Committee's work on the material support statutes. It is a very vital tool for us. Chairman Hatch. Thank you. I do encourage you to help us on the Committee to understand this as well as we can, because we do have some objections to the PATRIOT Act. I haven't seen any really legitimate objections, in other words, where the Act has been misused. But we want to get it right when we reauthorize it next year and I would like to see that it is done in the best possible way we can so that you can continue to use this very, very important Act to protect our citizens. I want to compliment each of you for doing exactly that. Did you have another question, Senator? Senator Leahy. I was just curious. There is one, and I am not asking you to talk about an ongoing case, but what prompted my attention, there is an article in the paper that the Department is using the material support statute to prosecute a Saudi graduate student, basically charged, as I understand it, with serving as a webmaster, a discussion group moderator. He is not writing anything, but he is the webmaster, and the theory of the prosecution seems to be that he helped to create and maintain websites for various Islamic groups that publish content advocating jihad and provided, quote, ``expert advice and assistance'' to those groups. Now, as I say, I don't want to talk about an ongoing case, but what would prevent the Department from using the same theory to go after an Internet service provider. They often give technical assistance if you want to set up a website. You might want to set up a website, ``Tours of the Middle East,'' for example. They could set that up and then as you get into that, people are using the chat room or whatever to send things back and forth. Could you not go after that, the same theory, could you not go after the Internet service provider? Could you go after a repairman who came by to work on the computer? Mr. Wray. Senator Leahy, I appreciate your concern, which I share, about speaking too precisely about a case that is pending, and not only is it pending, but the case in question, as Senator Craig knows, is pending in front of a District judge and a jury in his State, and out of respect for them, I want to be very careful not to do anything-- Senator Leahy. I don't want to go into that. Mr. Wray. Okay. Senator Leahy. That was what prompted my attention, but I am just asking, what about my hypothetical? Mr. Wray. Sure. Senator Leahy. Christopher Wray helps set up the ``Tours of the Middle East'' web site and you are the Internet service provider and then it is used from then on, or a lot of the use of it is a chat room to talk about these various issues. Mr. Wray. Again, not speaking about a particular case, but since we are talking in general terms, the key to the kinds of scenarios that you are alluding to is the intent requirement of the statute. So take the repairman that you mentioned, for example. If he goes to someone's house and repairs the guy's telephone or his computer and it happens that the person whose house he went to is one of these sleepers that we were talking about before, but he doesn't know the guy is a sleeper or has no idea that the guy is going to be using the phone or the computer for terrorist activity, then there would be a significant issue, to say the least, as to his intent. On the other hand, if the sleeper needed his phone fixed so he could communicate with his accomplices and called an associate who happens to be a repairman and says, ``You need to come over and fix my phone and computer so I can communicate with the other Al Qaeda associates with whom I am working,'' and the guy says, ``I will come over and fix the phone to help you do just that,'' then I think we might be in a situation where he was providing services to assist in terrorist activity and there would be an intent issue that would be satisfied. Senator Leahy. Let me take another step. We put a criminal prohibition in the PATRIOT Act, a prohibition on providing expert advice and assistance. Can that be applied to a lawyer who is representing a designated terrorist group and challenging the group's designation? I understand the Department has given licenses to lawyers to represent groups in such challenges, but suppose they said, no, we are not going to give a license. They say to the group, you are on your own. We are not going to license an attorney for you. Would then, if the attorney went and challenged the designation, would that be criminally prescribed? Mr. Wray. Well, obviously, whatever we did in connection with a lawyer's services would have to be done in a manner consistent with the Constitution and the rights to effective assistance and counsel and so forth that are provided therein. There are, of course, instances, including one pending case, in which a lawyer provided her services specifically to facilitate, as we allege, a terrorist activity, and that is a pending case in New York right now, so-- Senator Leahy. I am well aware of that case. I am trying to stay away from that one. Mr. Wray. So I think it depends a lot, again, on the question of intent, on exactly what the activity was that the lawyer was engaged in. Certainly, we would not suggest that a lawyer who is, for example, defending his client in a terrorism case is in itself providing material support to terrorist activity. If you start getting into situations where lawyers are effectively like in-house counsel, sort of like the old mob analogies to a terrorist organization, then there might be situations in which the statute could be constitutionally applied. Senator Leahy. How do you determine this license? Mr. Wray. I am not in a position to address the licensing issue. I would be happy to try to follow up in writing if that would be helpful, but-- Senator Leahy. You have argued, I am told, that the Department charged under 2239B a defendant who may not have intended to further terrorist activities, just it needs to know that it was a terrorist organization, is that correct? Mr. Wray. I believe the-- Senator Leahy. So to use the mob analogy, here comes--the capo di capi comes down the road in his car and you put gasoline in it because he is low on gasoline, do you get charged? If these are terrorist organizations and you don't intend to further any of their activities, but you knew it was a terrorist organization and you served a meal to them, can you be charged? Mr. Wray. I think the position that we have consistently taken is that the defendant must know the identity of the foreign terrorist organization recipient and either one of two things, that the recipient of the support was a designated foreign terrorist organization, or that the organization was engaged in violence and terrorist-type activity. Senator Leahy. I have another question, and I may want to follow up on this with you. I will try and do this, but I will go into specific cases. Maybe you and I should just have a conversation, because I do know the Idaho case, of course, and New York case and I do not want to ask questions here to compromise an ongoing case, but I think we should have a further discussion of this, Mr. Wray, perhaps privately. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Hatch. Thank you, Senator. We appreciate you gentlemen coming today and we appreciate the advice that you have given to the Committee and we will try to heed it. Thanks so much for being here. We welcome our second panel of witnesses. We will first hear from David Cole, Professor of Law at the Georgetown University Law Center. Mr. Cole has been involved in numerous cases involving the material support provision. Following Mr. Cole will be Paul Rosenzweig, the Senior Legal Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation. Mr. Rosenzweig is an adjunct professor of law at George Mason University. We want to thank both of you for being with us today and we look forward to hearing your testimony and any suggestions you can make for us. Mr. Cole? STATEMENT OF DAVID COLE, PROFESSOR OF LAW, GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY LAW CENTER, WASHINGTON, D.C. Mr. Cole. Thank you, Senator Hatch. Thank you for inviting me to testify, and I ask that my written remarks be incorporated into the record. Chairman Hatch. Without objection, we will put all written remarks into the record as written. Mr. Cole. There is no doubt that cutting off funding for terrorist activity is an important and legitimate government objective, but Congress and the executive have pursued it through unlawful means. There are, in fact, three statutes that impose penalties on people for their associational support of organizations that have been designated as terrorists. One is 2339B that is the principal focus of this hearing. Another is IEEPA, the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, which allows the government to designate anyone-- citizen, foreign national, U.S. corporation, nonprofit, or foreign organization--as a terrorist using a definition that is nowhere provided in any statute or any regulation and then make it a crime for people to support that individual or group. And the Immigration Act, as amended by the PATRIOT Act, authorizes the government to deport foreign nationals for providing support, whether or not it is wholly innocent or not, to any organization that the Attorney General and the Secretary of State have designated as terrorists under a definition so broad that it would literally include the Department of Homeland Security. That is how broad the definition is. There are three problems with these statutes, generically speaking. First, they impose guilt by association. They penalize not material support for terrorist activity. That is 2339A. There is no problem with that statute. But instead, they penalize support for blacklisted organizations, organizations that have been labeled terrorist regardless of whether the support has anything whatsoever to do with the terrorist activity of that group. So, for example, in the case I am litigating in California, the Humanitarian Law Project, the government has maintained that our client, who is providing--was providing human rights advocacy training to a group in Turkey that represents the Kurds to encourage it to pursue its means through lawful, nonviolent means, is covered by this statute and would be prosecutable if they continued to urge this group to stop engaging in terrorism and to engage in lawful, nonviolent means. Second, the statute is vague and over-broad. It would include the person who gives gas to a person who--knowing that the person is a leader of a foreign terrorist organization. It would, as a Federal judge in Miami recently wrote, it would include a cab driver who gave a ride to the leader of a foreign terrorist organization who was here to testify at the U.N. All the government would have to prove is that the cab driver knew that the person was a leader of this terrorist organization and that the organization was designated. There would be no requirement that the cab driver's ride in any way facilitated any kind of criminal activity. Third, these statutes afford the executive branch unfettered discretion in labeling political groups as terrorist groups. They either provide no review of the labeling process or meaningless review. Under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, as I referred to before, there is literally no definition of what a specially designated terrorist is. Yet President Clinton named a U.S. citizen, Mohammed Salah, a specially designated terrorist. That means that it is now a crime for anyone to provide Mr. Salah with any support whatsoever, whether it be a piece of bread, whether it be a newspaper, whether it be medical services, whether it be legal services. The statute makes it a crime to provide support to him in any way, shape, or form. He is essentially subject to internal banishment, and if this were enforced literally, he would starve to death. Yet he has never been provided a hearing. There has been no grand jury. There is no jury trial whatsoever. And there is no definition of the label that President Clinton affixed to him, specially designated terrorist. I submit that that is a statute which is written far too broadly to deal with the legitimate objective of cutting off support for terrorist activity. We have seen this kind of government response before. In the Cold War, we were concerned about a foreign organization, the Communist Party, that had illegal ends, that Congress found engaged in terrorist means to further those ends. And the argument was, we need to cut off all support to that group and we need to facilitate investigation of communists whether or not they are supporting the illegal activities of the group. The Supreme Court accepted the factual assertion that the Communist Party engaged in illegal ends, used terrorist means to further those ends. But it nonetheless held that it was unconstitutional to punish someone for support or membership of that group, the Communist Party, without proof of specific intent to further the terrorist activity or the illegal activity of the Communist Party, and it held that in a series of cases. Section 2239B, if construed not to require that kind of specific intent to further the terrorist activity of the group, imposes guilt by association in violation of the First Amendment and in violation of the Fifth Amendment. Thank you very much. Chairman Hatch. Thank you. We appreciate having you here. [The prepared statement of Mr. Cole appears as a submission for the record.] Chairman Hatch. Mr. Rosenzweig, we will take your testimony. STATEMENT OF PAUL ROSENZWEIG, SENIOR LEGAL RESEARCH FELLOW, CENTER FOR LEGAL AND JUDICIAL STUDIES, THE HERITAGE FOUNDATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. Mr. Rosenzweig. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman, members of the Committee. Thank you very much for inviting me to come to be with you today. I join with everybody else who has appeared today in agreeing that thoughtful consideration of the provisions of the PATRIOT Act is an important and ongoing obligation of this Committee, and as the Act comes up for reenactment next year, it will no doubt occupy far more of your time. I think, also, that it is important to note that there seems almost uniform agreement as to some aspects of the material support provisions that are the immediate subject of your discussion amongst all the panelists, from the Department and Professor Cole and I, which is that the key, or the single most significant way in which we can cabin the potential for prosecutorial abuse, which there is a real potential in any system of laws, the key is proper construction of the scienter requirements. I agree, by and large, with the Ninth Circuit's construction of the statute requiring some showing of specificity, some showing of specific intent to actively support an organization, knowing either the organization has been designated by the executive branch as a terrorist organization, or knowing the true nature of the conduct which the organization is engaged in. I think we could all agree that the knowing support in advancing terrorist activity is wrongful conduct that can and should be punishable. Where I think the courts in the Ninth Circuit and the District Court in California have gone slightly off the rails is in misusing the vagueness doctrine where what I think they are really talking about, or what they ought to have been talking about is the question of over-breadth. There is, in my judgment, nothing vague in the statutory terms used by this Congress. It may prove necessary for you to clarify them if the Ninth Circuit decisions become more widely adopted, but verbs like ``to train,'' as in training, are commonly used in all sorts of provisions. We use ``cell,'' we use ``pollute,'' we use ``harass.'' All of them are simple verbs of conduct addressing particular things that an individual is engaged in and are commonly understood by those natural meanings. If the verb ``to train'' and ``training,'' its related cognate, are unclear and vague, then so, too, is selling drugs. So, too, is polluting, and I think that that is wrong. Similarly for personnel. If the idea of a personnel is vague, then the Office of Personnel Management doesn't know what it is doing in our executive branch. It is clearly intended to encompass not independent advocacy, but the provision so employee-type services, agency relationship under somebody's direction and control. I have similar reservations about the understanding of expert advice given by this Central District of California. What is really at issue here, however, is over-breadth, that is, the potential application of these clear terms to protected core First Amendment or Sixth Amendment activity, and I will answer your question, Senator Leahy. I would be quite confident and would urge a court that if the Department of Justice were to try and deny a license and thereby deny somebody their attorney, that interpretation of the material support provisions would be, as applied in that particular instance, unconstitutional and over-broad, and I would urge that position on any court in the land. I think what we need to talk about here, or where the courts have gone wrong, is whether or not over-breadth challenges should be made on a complete facial basis, thereby invalidating an entire statute and all of its potential uses, including the core uses that everybody would seem to agree are appropriate uses, or whether or not those over-breadth challenges should come as applied in individual cases. If the Department of Justice were to go crazy and seek to prevent people from having lawyers, or, as Senator Feingold mentioned, seek to prosecute somebody for giving legitimate training in peace advocacy to an organization, that is right at the core of your First Amendment concerns. I would assume that, first off, it would never get out of the Department of Justice, but if it did, that the District courts would rightly shut it down. But that is not a reason, in my judgment to invalidate the entire statute as facially vague or over-broad and thereby disable the completely legitimate and appropriate uses of the statute at the core that everybody agrees are the right things to be prosecuted. I see my time is up, so I will be happy to answer your questions. Chairman Hatch. Thank you so much. [The prepared statement of Mr. Rosenzweig appears as a submission for the record.] Chairman Hatch. Professor Cole, I have read your statement and I find it intriguing. It is an interesting and very well thought out statement. I don't agree with it all, but I am open to some of the suggestions you make. You take the position that the current material support statutes unwisely and unconstitutionally, that this statute unwisely and unconstitutionally penalizes innocent association activity. What I am going to challenge you and Mr. Rosenzweig to do for us, because we are going to rewrite this bill next year and we may reauthorize, I think, almost all of it, but this is a particularly important section. What I would like you to help us to decide is where we draw the line between innocent association and culpable conduct. This is important that you help us with this, and we are open to your suggestions. I want them to be valid suggestions and I would expect no less from you. Now, I will ask both you and Mr. Rosenzweig to provide us for the record a marked-up version of the current statute with your suggested changes and, of course, your rationale for making those changes. That would be very helpful to the Committee. I think we would love to have you do that, if you would. Senator Leahy. Lucky guys. Chairman Hatch. What? Senator Leahy. I said, lucky guys. Mr. Cole. Could I address that orally, just very briefly? Chairman Hatch. Well, you have taken a great interest in this, as I do and as many others do, and I think it would be very helpful to us if, with your wisdom, you could give us some assistance here, so sure. Mr. Cole. I think that there is a way to solve the problem and that is essentially to impose a scienter requirement, as Mr. Rosenzweig has suggested, but a different scienter requirement from the one that he suggests. Mainly, the scienter requirement that should be imposed is the one that the Supreme Court said is constitutionally required with respect to all the Communist Party cases, and that is that you can penalize someone for supporting a terrorist organization if you show that his purpose in doing so was to further its terrorist activities. But if you show that his purpose in doing so was to further its lawful activities or to discourage its terrorist activities, you cannot punish that person. In fact, that is the line that Congress itself thought it was adopting in the PATRIOT Act when it adopted expert advice and assistance. Chairman Hatch. I would be very interested in getting your suggestions on that. Mr. Cole. But the way Congress--if you look in my testimony on page 12, I quote the House report and the section-by-section analysis of the PATRIOT Act that was offered in the Senate, both of which say that expert advice or assistance would be a crime only if it is provided knowing or intending that the assistance will be used in preparation for or in carrying out any Federal terrorism offense. That was Congress's understanding. The problem is, the drafters wrote it--the drafters, the Justice Department--wrote it more broadly so that it includes not only supporting-- providing expert assistance and knowing that it is going to further a terrorist expense, but also any expert advice or assistance provided to any organization that has been labeled, even if that expert advice or assistance is designed to discourage terrorism, as is the case in-- Chairman Hatch. The way for somebody to interpret what you are suggesting here, and what your testimony seems to suggest to me, as well, is that Congress can avoid vagueness issues by merely listing the crimes that we intend to prohibit. Now, that solution itself would concern me as it would, I think, be nearly impossible to anticipate the myriad ways that terrorists could receive material support. Furthermore, I think it may very well give the terrorists a road map of how to comply with the letter of the law and still achieving their goals. So again, I am not confronting you. I am saying, help us. Help us with this so that we can accomplish our goals to protect the American people but not hamstring law enforcement so much, overly hamstring them to the point where we can't prevent the terrorist activities that are about to occur. Mr. Rosenzweig, I found your statement particularly persuasive with regard to the term ``personnel,'' that the term ``personnel'' was not unconstitutionally vague because it can be easily defined by just looking in the dictionary. In fact, as you note, the term has been used in a variety of other statutory contexts. Would you please tell the Committee what other contexts, if you can right off the top of your head, what other areas that term has been used and how long these statutes have been on the books, and as far as you know, have any of those other statutes that use the term ``personnel'' been determined to be unconstitutionally vague? Mr. Rosenzweig. Mr. Chairman, I listed several instances in which the term ``personnel'' was used on page nine of my testimony. There were one, two, three, four, five, six, seven different instances, all in title 18-- Chairman Hatch. Have any of those been declared unconstitutional? Mr. Rosenzweig. I have found--I was once advised never to say never, but I have found no such instances. I confess I do not know how long any of those statutes have been on the books. I do hazard the guess that all of them predate the AEDPA in 1996, though I am not even 100 percent certain of that. Chairman Hatch. Okay. Again, I am going to challenge you, as well, to give us legitimate suggestions as to how we might improve this bill, because my goal here is not to uphold the PATRIOT Act regardless of what anybody says. We want to improve it if we can. No statute, to my knowledge, is absolutely perfect unless it is a one-liner, maybe. I might be able to come up with some that are perfect, but there aren't very many that are because we have got to get too many people to agree in this 535-dual-member body. Mr. Rosenzweig, let me ask you this. Mr. Bryant has suggested in his testimony that we consider clarifying the definitions of the terms ``personnel,'' ``training,'' ``expert advice or assistance.'' We would also like to have both of your advice, if you can, on how we might better define them. You have heard Mr. Bryant's testimony of how he would further redefine. We would like you to look at that testimony and give us your best suggestions as to how we might further improve on the language of the PATRIOT Act in these areas. Now, they made the case that they did not think that the Ninth Circuit is right or that the District court out there is right in these cases. But they also have indicated a willingness to consider stronger language. But where the balk, and I think rightly so, is are we going to put language in that makes it even more difficult to interdict and stop the terrorists, for instance, the 310 that we have already stopped and 179 that have been convicted. If we are going to make it more difficult to accomplish those very important goals, then let us find a way of doing it within the law and within the definitions of the law that hopefully can be improved through your suggestions to the Committee. I am offering to both of you and other, for those who are watching, other constitutional experts, as well, to help us to write the provisions so that they are written better. Nobody here--I believe the PATRIOT Act has done a terrific job for this country and I think most people do believe that and it is absolutely true. But that doesn't mean it is perfect. It doesn't mean we can't perfect it. It doesn't mean we can't make it better. So we are looking forward to reading whatever you two submit to the Committee and others, as well. We challenge all constitutional experts to help us to understand this better, how we might better do our job here in the Senate Judiciary Committee. I will turn to Senator Leahy at this time. Senator Leahy. Thank you. He has not enthusiastically supported the sunset provisions that Dick Armey and I put in. Chairman Hatch. I don't support that. Senator Leahy. Interesting philosophical coalition, if you don't have one. Chairman Hatch. It shows the two extremes can get together. [Laughter.] Senator Leahy. I do appreciate the testimony I have heard here. Mr. Rosenzweig, I absolutely agree with you on the question of counsel. I can't--I remember different times when I was a prosecutor, we had some heinous crime and somebody said, ``Isn't it awful that John Smith or Mary Jones is defending that terrible person,'' and I said, ``Why? How can you possibly say that?'' I am doing my job to prosecute the terrible person and I hope I will get a conviction. But I would hate to think that they didn't have strong defense because the next day it may be me, or it may be you or anybody else. I know from your own writings and your own statements that you have always been consistent in that and I applaud you for it. It doesn't mean, and again, as defense counsel, we like the people or support the people or agree with the people that are being defended, but we are going to protect all of us in doing that. Mr. Rosenzweig. I certainly hope that is the case. One of my current clients is doing nine life terms for nine serial-- nine alleged--well, he has been convicted--nine murders. His case is on appeal. So I wouldn't want it to be the case that my representation of him necessarily affiliated me with his acts and I don't think that is a fair thing to say. Senator Leahy. No, and as I said, I know the more heinous the crime that I prosecuted, especially if there is assigned counsel, the more I would urge the court to assign very good counsel. For one thing, it made it not only a better trial but you didn't have to worry about, if you did get a conviction, it getting overturned based on incompetent counsel. With you, they would not have incompetent counsel. Professor Cole, I am delighted to see somebody here from my alma mater, Georgetown, and I appreciate your willingness, and both Mr. Rosenzweig's willingness, to give your section-by- section comments. In his written testimony, Assistant Attorney General Bryant proposed several amendments of the material support laws, including expanding the list of predicate offenses. He wants to include all Federal crimes of terrorism. He wants to specify that material support can include both tangible and intangible property or services. Do you have a comment on those proposals? Mr. Cole. Well, with respect to the first, it depends on what ``all Federal terrorism offenses'' mean. I don't generally have a problem with Section 2339A because it requires proof that someone provided material support to a specific terrorist act and there is no constitutional right to provide support of any kind to a terrorist act. It, of course, depends on what you mean by Federal terrorism offenses, because one of the statutes that the Justice Department refers to as a Federal terrorism offense is, of course, 2239B, which permits convictions without any connection to any kind of terrorist act. So if it included 2339B, it would obviously cause problems. But with respect to others, I don't think that would be a problem. With respect to adding tangible and intangible property or services to the definition of material support, the Justice Department has just lost cases involving personnel, involving training, and involving expert advice or assistance. Now they want to expand it further to something that includes intangible services. If expert advice and assistance, personnel, and training are too vague and over-broad, intangible--I don't even know what intangible services are. So I think that would raise many of the same concerns. It would presumably--it could certainly conceivably include all sorts of speech, just as personnel, training, and expert advice or assistance do, and, therefore, raise very serious First Amendment concerns, as outlined in my testimony. Senator Leahy. Mr. Rosenzweig? Mr. Rosenzweig. While I think I disagree with Professor Cole about training, personnel, and expert advice, and I think I probably would disagree about tangible property--I think I know what that means and I think that that is pretty clearly defined--I, too, was struck by the idea of an intangible service, and perhaps that was just a drafting error and they didn't mean it. I can't even think of what that is, and if I can't think of what that is, then it may very well be a bit vague, though I am obviously not the test. Senator Leahy. I am glad to hear that, because I couldn't figure out what it meant, either, and I thought I would go to guys like you who are far more knowledgeable to see what you thought. Mr. Rosenzweig. We do have a concept of intangible property, I mean, tangible and intangible property, but intangible services is new. Senator Leahy. Let me ask just one more question, and I apologize to Senator Craig for taking time on this, but the government has argued that money is fungible and so it should be able to cut off all funds to any group that engages in terrorism, whether the group also supports vital social services. What is wrong with that rationale? Mr. Cole. Well, this is-- Senator Leahy. Is there any constitutional difference between a prohibition on providing funds to a terrorist organization and a prohibition on providing other sorts of physical assets and services? Mr. Cole. This is the government's principal argument. Money is fungible and, therefore, the cab driver who gives the ride to the leader of the foreign terrorist organization is somehow providing some support that even if it doesn't lead to a terrorist act would free up some other individual who otherwise would have given him the ride to the U.N., and therefore--and that individual might then engage in terrorism and therefore we should be able to criminalize the cab driver. What is wrong with that is that it goes way too far, and I would suggest that we don't believe-- Senator Leahy. Isn't that a little bit more specific, Professor, than the question of money? If I am going to send-- Mr. Cole. Right. Senator Leahy. --ten thousand dollars to a known terrorist organization because I do like the fact that they also have a school lunch program, and I think, gee, that is nice to have the school lunch program so here, guys, here is ten grand. Gee, I really hope you put it in the school lunch program. Isn't that a little bit different than the cab driver? Mr. Cole. I am not sure that it is. The government certainly argues that it isn't. That is why they define material support to include not just money but all services, all sorts of personnel, training, and the like. But even with respect to money, I don't believe we as an American people believe that you are personally liable because you have paid money that has then been used by someone else. I pay taxes, but I don't think anyone would suggest that because my taxes support the U.S. military, I am personally liable for the torture inflicted on Iraqi prisoners. We don't believe that because money is fungible, it is unconstitutional for the State to provide subsidized transportation and subsidized textbooks to children in religious schools. If the argument was money was fungible was accepted, then that would be an establishment of religion. But no, that is not an establishment of religion. We don't believe that everyone who donates to the anti- abortion group Operation Rescue is personally liable because Operation Rescue has violated criminal laws. Those in Operation Rescue who have violated criminal laws are personally liable, but those who have made a donation to this organization are not, by virtue of that donation, liable. We don't believe that every person who donated to President Nixon's Committee to Re-Elect the President is personally liable for the Watergate burglaries. We believe that the people who committed those burglaries and who authorized them and who supported those burglaries are liable, but not every person who made a donation to the Committee to Re-Elect the President. So I think we have historically drawn a line between people who support an organization that happens to engage in illegal activities and people who support the illegal activities itself, and I think that line is precisely the line that the Supreme Court has held is constitutionally required both by the First Amendment right of association and by the Fifth Amendment requirement of a showing of personal guilt. Mr. Rosenzweig. If I might, because this is, I think, perhaps the most difficult question you face and perhaps one where I disagree more with Professor Cole than in other areas, because the deepest difficulty you face is the question of blended organizations, organizations that serve or purport to serve two purposes, a terrorist purpose and an unrelated humanitarian purpose, and how you deal with that. I don't think, frankly, that it is too much of a burden to oblige organizations that are blended to split apart when one of the activities engaged in is, ex hypothesi, a support for terrorist activity, and that type of activity is far different from the types of things that Professor Cole was discussing, affiliation with CREEP. If you gave money to President Nixon's Committee to Re-Elect knowing that that money would go to support an organization that was going to engage in criminal activity, then you might be liable under some broad conspiracy theories of the type you alluded to. Most people don't pay the taxes to America knowing that it is going to go to fostering the abuses in Iraq that we all condemn. In fact, we assume it won't. So the question for you is, where is the balance, and in that regard, you have to begin with something that doesn't get mentioned, but we know now, at least after the BCRA, that money isn't speech, right? At least in most instances, the giving of money has an expressive form, but it is regulable speech in a way that is different from core expressive conduct, and the Supreme Court has told us that. So I don't think that it is at all unreasonable for Congress to say, if you want to have a humanitarian arm, you have got to make it a different humanitarian body and you cannot act in affiliation with an existing organization that has been designated lawfully, through the processes of the Department of Treasury, as a terrorist organization. That doesn't seem to me a huge burden to impose upon the organization to be able to receive the funds. Senator Leahy. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Hatch. Senator Craig? Senator Leahy. I thank the Senator from Idaho because I know he could have asked to have his time at that point. I thought these were important questions and I appreciate his usual courtesy. Senator Craig. Thank you. Gentlemen, thank you, and I appreciate the challenge the Chairman has put before you. I hope you will engage in that energetically as we work through this process. Let me for a moment this morning, Mr. Rosenzweig, turn to you because I am frustrated by some of the things you have said, but more importantly, some of the things you have written. Let me first go to a paragraph in your opening statement before the Committee--I should say your written statement before the Committee. Mr. Chairman, I am going to take the luxury of reading it into the record. ``It is a commonplace for those called to testify before Congress to condemn the Representatives or Senators before whom''--to commend, excuse me. [Laughter.] Senator Craig. --``Representatives or Senators''-- Chairman Hatch. I was wondering about that. [Laughter.] Senator Craig. --``before whom they appear for their wisdom in recognizing the importance of whatever topic is to be discussed, so much so that the platitude is often regarded as mere puffery. Today, however, when I commend this Committee for its attention to the topic at hand, the difficulty of both protecting individual liberty and engaging our intelligence and law enforcement organizations to combat terror, it is no puffery but rather a heartfelt view. I have said often since September 11 that the civil liberty/national security question is the single most significant domestic legal issue facing America today, bar none, and, as is reflected in my testimony today, in my judgment, one of the most important components of a reasonable governmental policy addressing this difficult question will be the sustained, thoughtful, nonpartisan attention of America's elected leaders of Congress,'' and so on. Now I have before me your legal memorandum from the Heritage Foundation entitled, ``The SAFE Act Will Not Make Us Safer.'' I found it interesting reading. In it, you use words like ``fig leaf,'' political fig leaf. You go on to talk about pandering to hysteria and not being a leader, and then you use a variety of other terms, and lastly, you use one here, it says the proposed modifications of the PATRIOT Act misses the point completely, so much so that one doubts whether any of the authors is a serious student of either law enforcement or intelligence activities. I think those could generally be classified as ad hominem attacks. Mr. Rosenzweig. Well-- Senator Craig. Let me now go to the concluding paragraph of this article. These are your words and the words of Ed Meese. ``In reviewing our policies and planning for the future, we must be guided by the realization that this is not a zero-sum game. We can achieve both goals, liberty, and security to an appreciable degree. The key is empowering government to do the right things while exercising oversight to prevent the abuse of authority. So long as we keep a vibrant eye on police authority, so long as the Federal courts remain open, so long as the debate about governmental conduct is a vibrant part of the American dialogue, the risk of excessive encroachment on our fundamental liberties can be avoided.'' I find that all very curious and I find that in phenomenal conflict, and I guess I will just leave it at that. To be accused of being less than patriotic, to be accused of pandering to hysteria, to be accused of crafting a political fig leaf, legislative proposals ``based on fear. . .'' You are darn right I have fear, fear that somewhere, at some time down the road, these statutes might get misused. And I would suggest that I am going to err on the side of a person being free and unabused rather than having to defend them in court because they were abused and lost their freedoms and their reputations were destroyed. So I am going to be easy on you today. I am going to suggest that you retitle this, and you call it ``The SAFE Act Will Not Make Us Safer.'' Why don't you say, ``But the SAFE Act Might Make Us Freer'' ? Gentlemen, I thank you for your participation today and look forward to continuing to engage with you as we work through this most difficult time in our country. We have got to get it right, but I would suggest that it is less than constructive to be involved in ad hominem attacks against those of us who work as diligently as do you to try to get it right. Thank you, gentlemen. Chairman Hatch. You can respond, Mr. Rosenzweig. If I could add, I read the same article and I don't think they were ad hominem attacks. I think they were your opinion that, you know, every time we give law enforcement tools, if they are abused, they can invade civil liberties But I would be interested in your response to Senator Craig. Senator Craig. Certainly. Mr. Rosenzweig. Thank you very much, Senator Craig, at least for reading the paper. I appreciate that. Senator Craig. You see, I am a fan of the Heritage Foundation. I read most of its work. Mr. Rosenzweig. I do want to make at least one clarification, and I believe that this is 100 percent correct. Nothing in anything I have ever written has ever suggested that anybody with whom I disagree on substantive provisions of the SAFE Act or any other provision of the PATRIOT Act is in any way less than patriotic. I will eat that paper if you can find that in it. As for the characterization of some of the responses to the PATRIOT Act as hysterical, I, and by these I mean the external responses, I stand by that characterization. I have seen ads of hands ripping up the Constitution. I have seen ads of teary- eyed white-haired gentlemen coming out of bookstores saying, ``I don't want the government to read my books.'' I don't, either, and I am sure you don't. But in my judgment, with respect to the SAFE Act, the provisions, and I know that Senator Durbin is here, too, and I am sure that he will ask me some more questions, but with respect to the provisions identified in the SAFE Act for correction, I think you are looking in the wrong direction. Those are not the sources of problems. The material support provisions are potential sources of problems and we have been talking about them. I call them the way I see them, and in my judgment, on the merits, the fears that have given rise to the SAFE Act are not founded in a realistic appraisal either of the realities of executive and judicial oversight, and legislative, I might add, or in a realistic understanding of the legal structures that exist out in the world today. If you perceive that as an ad hominem attack, I sincerely regret that. It was not our intention in any way to be speaking in an ad hominem manner. But I do think it is a fair criticism of some who support the PATRIOT Act to say that they are basing their legislative proposals to you more in fear than in reality. I take great comfort and great heartfelt comfort in the notion that you are here and are approaching this in the forthright and thoughtful manner that you are. I, with respect, disagree with you as to the necessity of the SAFE Act provisions. There were other portions of the SAFE Act, by the way, that we did not say were unnecessary because I don't think that they are unnecessary. I think the national security letter provision, for example, is one as to which I have some concerns about the expanded government use, and that is not addressed in the paper. Perhaps it ought to have been, and I might rethink that at this point or write another paper about it. But in candor, I think that some of the provisions of the SAFE Act that you have sponsored rest upon premises of abuse that are not well founded. I will end where I end when I often answer this question. I am comfortable with the PATRIOT Act provisions even if the next President is John Kerry, and I will stand by that and I will say that next year if that is what happens. Senator Craig. Well, I thank you for those comments. Mr. Chairman, thank you for the indulgence here. I have not yet had a chance to get to know you, Paul. I know Ed Meese and value his friendship. I will remain diligent in this area no matter what the Heritage Foundation might suggest. As I did when I voted for this Act, I voted for it with caution, recognizing a time and place and a need. At the same time, I said my job is scrutiny, constant oversight to make sure that the powers of government are not abusive. I would also suggest that I have a healthy fear of an abusive government, and as a result of that, I am going to err on the side of a freer citizenry. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Hatch. Thank you. Some think we are erring on the side of a safer citizen, so as you can see, this debate is a very important debate and I, for one, personally appreciate the ideas of others, as I am sure both of you do. Senator Durbin, we will turn to you. Senator Durbin. Thanks, Mr. Chairman. I want to thank my colleague for joining me in this effort. We couldn't be more different in terms of our votes on the floor. We are probably at polar ends of the spectrum when it comes to the way we vote. But we do come together in common cause here, I believe because, as they say, this political spectrum is not linear, it is circular. When you move to a certain point to the left, you end up finding yourself on the right. At this point, we have found left, right, and center coming together in support of the SAFE Act. Let me try to remember some of the basics from my logic course, and this goes back many decades in college, about what an ad hominem attack is, and that is a generalized attack. All lawyers are crooks. All politicians are dishonest. Those are ad hominem attacks. Another example would be a statement made by former Attorney General Ed Meese on the ``Today'' show where he said, ``I think librarians, unfortunately, some of them, at least, are more interested in allowing pornography to go to children than they are fighting terrorism.'' That would be an ad hominem attack. I think your statements, Mr. Rosenzweig, in the beginning of your article do qualify as ad hominem attacks in that they say, ``in the end, they appear to be little more than a political fig leaf intended to allow politicians to assert they have responded to public will and fixed the PATRIOT Act. But capitulating to hysteria is pandering, not leadership. The SAFE Act will not make America safer.'' So I think that is a generalized ad hominem attack, but you get more specific in your article. You decide that you want to really address the authors of the SAFE Act, who happen to be here today greeting you, and let me quote. ``The proposed modification of the PATRIOT Act misses the point completely, so much so that one doubts whether any of the authors is a serious student of either law enforcement or intelligence activity.'' Those are your words. So if we take some umbrage at what you have written, I am afraid you have to live with it. You wrote these words, you published them, and I assume you still stand by them. I hope that you understand that many of us on this panel, including Senator Craig and myself, believe that questioning motives at this point is not appropriate. But let me start, and I would like to ask you both this question. I want to know your starting point on the debate. We just had an interesting statement made by Senator Craig. He said, ``I think we ought to err on the side of a freer citizenry,'' to which Senator Hatch responded, ``I think we ought to err on the side of a safer citizenry.'' There is the debate. It is freedom versus security. So what is the starting point for both you, Mr. Rosenzweig, and for you, Professor Cole? Do you start with the premise that we do have certain inalienable rights and liberties, that they are protected and embodied in the Constitution, and that when this government wants to take away any of our rights, invade our privacy, the burden is on the government to prove that we should have to surrender our rights, or is it the other way around, and your quote from Locke and others suggest the first thing is order and security. Then we can talk about freedom. So where is your starting point, Mr. Rosenzweig? Mr. Rosenzweig. We need both, order, liberty-- Senator Durbin. Oh, that sounds like a good political answer. Mr. Rosenzweig. Well, I am going to try very hard to be politic today since I obviously failed, in your judgment, in the drafting. Our Constitution recognizes that both are important. It speaks of unreasonable searches and seizures, for example. Reasonable is a variable that changes in the circumstances. The same type of search that is unreasonable in order to prevent drunk driving becomes immensely reasonable-- Chairman Hatch. It is a pretty vague word, isn't it? [Laughter.] Senator Durbin. Let me ask you, this Fourth Amendment that you are referring to also talks about probable cause and specificity. Now, that is not too equivocal, and frankly, when it gets down to it, the PATRIOT Act, at least my objections to it, get to that point, whether there is probable cause, whether there is specificity in terms of government action. That, I think, is the standard of reasonableness that we ought to be looking for. Mr. Rosenzweig. Actually, you are addressing what is a longstanding debate in the history of the Fourth Amendment, because obviously, as you know, the particularity and probable cause standards apply to the issuance of warrants and are in the second clause of the amendment. The reasonableness standard is in the first clause, and many scholars believe that the two were at least originally intended to act as independent, that the warrant requirement with the particularity and probable cause that you have addressed was simply going to be a protector for the police officer against subsequent tort actions for violations. If he got a warrant, he couldn't be sued in tort because he had satisfied these requirements. And that the initial standard is essentially a free-standing definition of what is and is not reasonable. We went away from that and defined reasonableness in terms exclusively of probable cause and particularity, most in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s through the Warren Court, but in the last 15 years or so, the Court, the Supreme Court and most of the other courts, have gone back towards kind of a divergent view of those two. If we really believed that particularity was an absolute requirement for all searches and seizures, then, for example, this Congress could not have approved roving wiretaps in the 1980s and the courts would have rejected them. They have not because they understand that the two are not necessarily-- Senator Durbin. I want to let Professor Cole also respond, but I think that you are too far off in the weeds here. The question is whether or not under the PATRIOT Act our government should be given authority over our liberties and freedom and privacy where they cannot clearly demonstrate it is necessary for the security of this country, for example, those sections of the PATRIOT Act that have not been used and those that loom over us, and the administration is saying, not only do we want those, we want more. We want more of your liberty. We want more of your freedom. And I assume the premise that I hear from many is, in the name of security, give it up. Professor Cole, what is your thought? Mr. Cole. This is a hard question. My view is that there is a balancing act that has to be struck here, that it is a difficult balance, that most rights in the Constitution are not absolute but do envision that for compelling State interests, it is justified to infringe upon them. But--so I start with the proposition that it is a balance and there are trade-offs to be made. But then I go to looking at our history, and what you see if you look at our history is that in every period of crisis, we have overreacted. In every period of crisis, we have given the government too much power, given it too broad a scope to go after people in the name of facilitating investigation, as Senator Hatch suggested with the question to Mr. Boyd, and facilitated investigation to make it a crime to speak out against the war during World War I. It facilitated investigation to make it a crime to advocate communism during the Cold War. But in each of those historical periods, we have learned that those kinds of responses are a mistake and we regret them after the fact. Therefore, it seems to me, we ought to put a thumb on the scale, and a pretty strong thumb on the scale of liberty and require precisely the showing that you are suggesting, that is that there is a demonstrated need for this particular measure in order to respond to the problem. Third, it seems to me that in striking the balance between liberty and security, we ought to do so in ways that equally affect all of us. We ought not take the easy way out and strike the balances in a way that impose burdens and obligations on others that we would not bear ourselves. And I think, unfortunately, in the wake of 9/11, we have taken that easy route out, particularly by targeting foreign nationals, and I think that is problematic. And then the fourth point is that I think there is a--this is not often stated, but I think there is a relationship between liberty and security which is that when we sacrifice basic liberties, we may make ourselves more insecure. If you look at a world opinion about the United States today and compare it to September 12, 2001, September 12, 2001, we had the world's sympathy. We had the world's sympathy. Le Monde's headline, ``We Are All Americans,'' right? Today, there is a higher degree of anti-Americanism around the world than ever before in the history of this country. That is the greatest threat to our insecurity--to our security over time. That is what makes it hard for us to find the terrorists. That is what makes it easy for terrorists to recruit people to our side. And if you look at what is the basis for that rising tide of anti-Americanism, it is perceived hypocrisy on the part of the United States in sacrificing liberties that we insisted other countries must abide by, and asserting powers to lock people up without any showing that they are, in fact, dangerous, without any hearing, without any trial, and imposing on other people's nationals burdens and obligations that we would not bear ourselves. So I think it behooves us from a security standpoint to put a thumb on the side of liberty as well as from a liberty standpoint. Senator Durbin. Thank you. I am way over my time and I thank you for your forbearance, Mr. Chairman. I would like to ask, last fall, you suggested and said that you would schedule a hearing on enemy combatants, and I hope that in light of this discussion, what has happened with the Iraqi prisoners, I hope that we can do that. I really think that is an important thing for us to talk about, the standards for detention and imprisonment that we are abusing in Guantanamo and other places, and I hope this Committee will do that. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Hatch. That is a fair comment. I am headed down to Guantanamo in just a short while and I am going to go look that situation over and we will certainly--I think we probably will do exactly that. I want to thank both of you for being here. I think you both added a lot to this hearing and I think you both have agreed that we need to be safe, we need to be secure, but we need to be free, and we have got to balance those great goals, and the question is, how do you do it? Now, one of the most amazing things to me is that this is now the fifth hearing on the PATRIOT Act that I have conducted and I have yet to see one evidence of abuse of the Act. Now, I hear a lot of theory and I hear a lot of legal theory from the left to the right, but the Act has worked particularly well. As everybody knows, I was against sunsetting it. Now, there are a number of proposals floating around Congress dealing with various provisions of the PATRIOT Act. One of the reasons I have been holding this series of hearings and of terrorism-related hearings is to hear complaints or concerns about the PATRIOT Act, to see if changes are necessary. Proponents of the SAFE Act argue that additional provisions of the PATRIOT Act should sunset so that the Congress can provide oversight. Well, I have got news for them. The Senate Judiciary Committee always has the authority to hold oversight hearings over the Department of Justice regardless of whether various provisions in the criminal laws of this country are subject to sunsets or expiration dates. We have the right to do that no matter what and we are going to. For example, after the recess, we will again have a hearing on the material support clause of the PATRIOT Act which does not sunset. Additionally, I am wary of adding sunsets to a host of new provisions. As many of you know, the Senate has been the site of unprecedented filibusters this Congress. This has allowed a minority of Senators to thwart the will of the majority. We have had obstruction like I have never seen in my 28 years in the Senate over the last couple of years. Almost every bill that has any question by the other side is going to be filibustered and is going to have to have 60 votes in the Senate. It used to be you would have maybe one, two filibusters a year and it was always on some profound, very, very important issue where there really was tremendous division. Now, it is on everything. So a minority of Senators can thwart the will of the minority, and should a minority of Senators decide that they don't want any PATRIOT Act provisions reauthorized, that minority could then filibuster and cause these provisions to lapse despite the will of the majority. So naturally, I haven't been very enthusiastic about the sunset clause, but I lost in that matter, primarily because the left and the right getting together, and maybe that is for the best. I don't know. But I will tell you this. If we don't reauthorize the PATRIOT Act and a number of these provisions, I think this country is going to be really in peril. I have read your article on the SAFE Act and you make a lot of powerful points there. And Larry, I think they are worthwhile reading, as you have done. I also know my colleague from Idaho, what a fine man he is and how patriotic he is and how very much he yearns and gives every aspect of his being to try to do what is right here. And so I interpret the SAFE Act to be a great attempt at trying to do what is right here, and there are differences on the PATRIOT Act. I happen to differ on the SAFE Act. I can't imagine why anybody wouldn't get rid of roving wiretaps in this modern age. I just can't imagine it, especially since they have been used for 20 years in other forms of law, which brought the PATRIOT Act finally up to speed with regard to domestic terrorism. You can go down each one of these provisions that are being criticized and, I think, show the validity of them and the necessity of them. And I agree with Professor Cole. They could be misused, just like all criminal laws can be misused by an improper and obnoxious set of law enforcement officials who don't abide by the laws themselves, yes. That is why we have oversight. Yes, they can be misused, but that is true of any criminal law, or virtually any criminal law. I guess I had better not be that broad because I can think of some things that might not be able to be abused, they are so insignificant. At this time, I would like to submit into the record the written testimony of Professor Robert Chesney from the Wake Forest Law School, who was unable to appear before us today. We are going to leave the record open for one week for any written questions by Senators on these matters. I am also going to put into the record a May 5 letter from the Department of Justice to me as Chairman and it is an interesting letter from William E. Moschella, the Assistant Attorney General, and we will put that in the record, as well. In the meantime, I have kept the door open for both of you, as experts in the field, to write to us and help us know how to do this better, because we are going to reauthorize this bill, and personally, I would like to reauthorize all those sections that you, Mr. Cole, think should not be, and some of which you might have questions about, Mr. Rosenzweig, but I can be convinced. I can be persuaded with good legal reasoning. So I am opening the door for you to persuade me. If nothing else, give us your suggestions on how we make this better, how we resolve some of these conflicts that you think are constitutional conflicts that are currently unresolvable. Believe it or not, we really want to do what is right. The one thing I do want to do is I want to make sure that with the protection of the freedoms of this country, we do the ultimate that we can to protect the safety of the people in this country, because that safety was not protected very well before the PATRIOT Act. It is now being protected as well as we can with the PATRIOT Act, and that is not to say we can't provide greater protections through a renewal of the PATRIOT Act by adding some sections that might be even better than what we have. But again, I will come back to my point. I have had five hearings and I have yet to have one substantive showing of an abuse-- Senator Craig. Mr. Chairman, I totally agree with you. Chairman Hatch. That is the thing that amazes me. Senator Craig. We are being prospective. Chairman Hatch. No, I understand. Senator Craig. We have got quality people at the Justice Department. You and I both know the integrity of our Attorney General, and if he ever sensed there was going to be abuse under his administration, he would pull it back. Chairman Hatch. Yes, he would. Senator Craig. The SAFE Act is prospective, and I think that is a very important part of it. I would fear that we would act after the fact, after we had destroyed somebody's reputation because of an abuse-- Chairman Hatch. Well, I-- Senator Craig. --and that is where we come from here. Chairman Hatch. And I think that is where you come from and I admire you for it and respect you for it, but I also fear that if we do away with some of these provisions that the SAFE Act would do away with, that we are exposing American citizens to unnecessary and undue exposure to terrorism, and that is why the PATRIOT Act was enacted to begin with. And I think before we change those provisions, somebody ought to show me where those provisions have not operated properly, where those provisions have been abused, where those provisions will not do for us what 310 criminals indicted and 179 of them convicted has done for us. You know, I may be considered a hard-nose on crime, but I will tell you, I want to see some real substantive reasons. We had a hearing out in Utah. It was amazing to me. We allowed the other side to come in and people from the Eagle Forum and from others came in. I mean, there were a lot of generalities, a lot of generalities. There was not one substantive thing said as to what was wrong with the PATRIOT Act, or what really has been done wrong with the PATRIOT Act, not one thing. And yet the media played it like they were all there really giving us the business on the PATRIOT Act. Well, I think you have got to have some substance behind it and not just fears that law enforcement might not live up to law enforcement's obligations. Yes, we have got to make sure law enforcement does, but we ought to have some substantive criticism before we take away provisions that may save American citizens from another 9/11. I think that is just a given. But then again, there are 535 members here and maybe a majority will not agree with me, and if that is so, I can live with that. What I can't live with is another 9/11. What I can't live with is not doing everything in our power to protect the people of this country. I think the PATRIOT Act does that. I think most people believe that because they have seen it do it, and here is the testimony here today, pretty strong testimony that it has been doing it for us. Before we change it, and I just cite roving wiretaps as an illustration. In this day of cell phones, Blackberries, you name it, it is nuts to go with what was the law before, basically having to go to the FISA court to get a warrant every time against the phone and not against the terrorist and have to get one in every jurisdiction where the phone shows up. I mean, that is ridiculous, and yet that is what the state of the law was with regard to terrorism beforehand and-- Senator Craig. Mr. Chairman-- Chairman Hatch. --how we can combat terrorists. Senator Craig. I am not here to debate you. Chairman Hatch. I know. Senator Craig. It does not eliminate roving wiretaps. It creates greater specificity. You and I started this debate and worked together some years ago when we saw the technologies changing and the hard wire moving to digital and all of us understand that. But I do believe you are not erring when you are asking for some degree of specificity instead of just a general approach. Chairman Hatch. Well, they do have a degree of specificity. That is the point that I am trying to make. Senator Craig. We will have ample time to debate this, but the idea of suggesting that we have eliminated it, I don't believe is a fair analysis. Chairman Hatch. Let me be more clear on that, then. It prevents the government--the SAFE Act would prevent the government from obtaining a roving wiretap, as I understand it, unless the government can specify the suspect's name, and currently the government can obtain an order to intercept the communications of a suspect even when the identity of the suspect is not known. All they have to do is provide a sufficient description of the subject. And this would make it harder to get roving wiretaps in terrorism cases than in narcotics investigations, where roving wiretaps were available prior to the USA PATRIOT Act. I don't think anybody can deny that. Senator Craig. And I support that. Mr. Chairman-- Chairman Hatch. No, that is not what it says. Senator Craig. --there is a difference between a roving wiretap and a John Doe wiretap. That is what we eliminate. Chairman Hatch. Okay. Senator Craig. Thank you. Chairman Hatch. Well, we are probably going to have a hearing on it and see, but I don't agree with that. And frankly, I think it is a dangerous thing. But be that as it may, Senator Craig, I know you are sincere and I know you may prevail on it and that may be the case. I don't know. I just hope not. It will be a worthy debate and I just hope not because I am concerned. I am concerned that we should do everything we possibly can to protect our people while at the same time protecting civil liberties, and I think the PATRIOT Act, even with some of the defects that have been mentioned, does that. With that, we will recess until further notice. I want to thank you two again for being here. [Whereupon, at 12:34 p.m., the Committee was adjourned.] [Questions and answers and submissions for the record follow.] [GRAPHIC(S) NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT]