[House Hearing, 107 Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] THE STUDY OF PLAN COLOMBIA: AN ASSESSMENT OF SUCCESSES AND CHALLENGES ======================================================================= HEARING before the SUBCOMMITTEE ON CRIMINAL JUSTICE, DRUG POLICY AND HUMAN RESOURCES of the COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT REFORM HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED SEVENTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION __________ MARCH 2, 2001 __________ Serial No. 107-24 __________ Printed for the use of the Committee on Government Reform Available via the World Wide Web: http://www.gpo.gov/congress/house http://www.house.gov/reform U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 76-478 WASHINGTON : 2002 ________________________________________________________________________ For Sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Internet: bookstore.gpo.gov Phone: toll free (866) 512-1800; (202) 512-1800 Fax: (202) 512-2250 Mail: Stop SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001 COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT REFORM DAN BURTON, Indiana, Chairman BENJAMIN A. GILMAN, New York HENRY A. WAXMAN, California CONSTANCE A. MORELLA, Maryland TOM LANTOS, California CHRISTOPHER SHAYS, Connecticut MAJOR R. OWENS, New York ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN, Florida EDOLPHUS TOWNS, New York JOHN M. McHUGH, New York PAUL E. KANJORSKI, Pennsylvania STEPHEN HORN, California PATSY T. MINK, Hawaii JOHN L. MICA, Florida CAROLYN B. MALONEY, New York THOMAS M. DAVIS, Virginia ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON, Washington, MARK E. SOUDER, Indiana DC JOE SCARBOROUGH, Florida ELIJAH E. CUMMINGS, Maryland STEVEN C. LaTOURETTE, Ohio DENNIS J. KUCINICH, Ohio BOB BARR, Georgia ROD R. BLAGOJEVICH, Illinois DAN MILLER, Florida DANNY K. DAVIS, Illinois DOUG OSE, California JOHN F. TIERNEY, Massachusetts RON LEWIS, Kentucky JIM TURNER, Texas JO ANN DAVIS, Virginia THOMAS H. ALLEN, Maine TODD RUSSELL PLATTS, Pennsylvania JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY, Illinois DAVE WELDON, Florida WM. LACY CLAY, Missouri CHRIS CANNON, Utah ------ ------ ADAM H. PUTNAM, Florida ------ ------ C.L. ``BUTCH'' OTTER, Idaho ------ EDWARD L. SCHROCK, Virginia BERNARD SANDERS, Vermont ------ ------ (Independent) Kevin Binger, Staff Director Daniel R. Moll, Deputy Staff Director James C. Wilson, Chief Counsel Robert A. Briggs, Chief Clerk Phil Schiliro, Minority Staff Director Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources MARK E. SOUDER, Indiana, Chairman BENJAMIN A. GILMAN, New York ELIJAH E. CUMMINGS, Maryland ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN, Florida ROD R. BLAGOJEVICH, Illinois JOHN L. MICA, Florida, BERNARD SANDERS, Vermont BOB BARR, Georgia DANNY K. DAVIS, Illinois DAN MILLER, Florida JIM TURNER, Texas DOUG OSE, California THOMAS H. ALLEN, Maine JO ANN DAVIS, Virginia ------ ------ DAVE WELDON, Florida Ex Officio DAN BURTON, Indiana HENRY A. WAXMAN, California Christopher A. Donesa, Staff Director Sharon Pinkerton, Professional Staff Member Conn Carroll, Clerk Tony Haywood, Minority Counsel C O N T E N T S ---------- Page Hearing held on March 2, 2001.................................... 1 Statement of: Beers, Rand, Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement, Department of State; Donnie Marshall, Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration; Robert J. Newberry, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, Department of Defense; and General Peter Pace, USMC, Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Southern Command, Department of Defense.................................................... 69 Letters, statements, etc., submitted for the record by: Beers, Rand, Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement, Department of State: Information concerning an appropriated $300 million...... 143 Information concerning Blackhawks........................ 78 Information concerning on-the-ground dollars............. 122 Information concerning Presidential 506 drawdowns........ 146 Prepared statement of.................................... 72 Davis, Hon. Jo Ann, a Representative in Congress from the State of Virginia, prepared statement of................... 68 Gilman, Hon. Benjamin A., a Representative in Congress from the State of New York, prepared statement of............... 62 Marshall, Donnie, Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration: Information concerning AWACS aircraft and aircrews....... 151 Prepared statement of.................................... 83 Newberry, Robert J., Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, Department of Defense: Information concerning Tethered Aerostat Radar Site Status................................................. 141 Prepared statement of.................................... 96 Pace, General Peter, USMC, Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Southern Command, Department of Defense: Information concerning lift capability................... 134 Prepared statement of.................................... 107 Schakowsky, Hon. Janice D., a Representative in Congress from the State of Illinois, prepared statement of............... 9 Souder, Hon. Mark E., a Representative in Congress from the State of Indiana, prepared statement of.................... 4 THE STUDY OF PLAN COLOMBIA: AN ASSESSMENT OF SUCCESSES AND CHALLENGES ---------- FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 2001 House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources, Committee on Government Reform, Washington, DC. The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 9:34 a.m., in room 2247, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Mark E. Souder (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding. Present: Representatives Souder, Gilman, Mica, Souder, Mrs. Davis of Virginia, and Ms. Schakowsky. Staff present: Christopher A. Donesa, staff director; Sharon Pinkerton and Charley Diaz, professional staff members; Tony Haywood and David Rapallo, minority counsels; Michael Yeager, minority senior oversight counsel; Ellen Rayner, minority chief clerk; and Teresa Coufal and Lorran Garrison, minority staff assistants. Mr. Souder. The subcommittee will now come to order. Good morning and thank you all for coming to our first subcommittee hearing for the 107th Congress. This is the start of an early series of concise hearings on our Nation's drug policy in which we hope to examine critical issues of both supply and demand. Today we will begin, or really, continue looking at Plan Colombia, an issue that is not only a key to American and Andean drug strategy but also a vital national interest and a cornerstone of our strengthening relationships with Latin America. Plan Colombia is coming to the forefront of the congressional and national agenda. Vice Chairman Gilman, Congressman Mica, and I have just returned from a subcommittee delegation to Colombia and several other Latin American nations. Over the President's Day recess, our Embassy in Bogota also hosted five other congressional delegations, one of which included Congresswoman Schakowsky, who I welcome to our hearing today. Earlier this week, Colombian President Pastrana met with President Bush at the White House. With the increasing attention, we scheduled this hearing to examine the current status of the implications of Plan Colombia and review requirements for continued U.S. support. We will consider other aspects and implications of Plan Colombia in future hearings in this series, including the views of outside groups and experts and specific issues such as human rights, support to law enforcement and alternative development. In fact, in an upcoming hearing, we will focus more specifically on the drug certification and human rights certification processes not only regarding Colombia but also including Mexico, Burma, Haiti, and other nations. We will move quickly to the witnesses' testimony and questioning, but first I want to emphasize a couple of points about Plan Colombia. First, it is important to understand that Plan Colombia is fundamentally, as it should be, an initiative of the Colombian Government and of the Colombian people. Any lasting or meaningful solution must come from within Colombia, and the Plan is an effort to address a broad spectrum of social, economic, and political issues which cannot and properly should not be resolved in any other way. It is equally apparent, however, that American assistance and cooperation with the plan is critical to make it work, and that the full support and commitment of the administration and Congress is essential to protecting our clear and vital national interests within our hemisphere. Our assistance is urgently needed and cannot come in half measures. Second, and along the same lines, Plan Colombia is not just about Colombia but is representative of an approach which we hope we can reinforce to spread throughout the entire Andean region, as Secretary of State Powell recently observed. In Bolivia, our delegation witnessed firsthand the remarkable success, which I think has been inadequately reported, that the government has had in virtually eradicating coca growth against tough odds. At the same time, we met with Peruvian officials and learned of the many difficulties their current interim government is facing. And earlier in the year, I met with Ecuadorian officials as well, who are concerned about traffickers moving along the border of Putumayo. All of this highlights great potential and great challenge and the constant need to consider the big picture as we proceed. Today, we have invited witnesses from the administration to discuss the current status of implementation of Plan Colombia and our assistance to Colombia. From the Department of State, we will hear from Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Rand Beers, who I would like to thank for having his Deputy, Ambassador Jim Mack, join our delegation at the Interparliamentary Drug Control Conference in Bolivia. From the Drug Enforcement Administration, we have the administrator, Donnie Marshall, who took a substantial portion of his time to accompany and work with our delegation. From our Defense Department, we have Robert Newberry, Principal Deputy for Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict. From the U.S. Southern Command, we have Commander-in-Chief, General Peter Pace, who I particularly thank for rearranging his schedule. Thanks to all of you for your willingness to testify on short notice and for accommodating us in your schedules. Along the same lines, I would like to recognize and thank our new ranking member, Congressman Cummings, who was unable to be here today due to schedule conflicts; but we have an arrangement to go ahead with this hearing and include some of his concerns in the upcoming hearing. Congresswoman Schakowsky, a member of the full committee and formerly of this subcommittee, will be sitting in his stead and again I welcome her. [The prepared statement of Hon. Mark E. Souder follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.001 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.002 Mr. Souder. I would now like to recognize Ms. Schakowsky for an opening statement on behalf of the minority members. Ms. Schakowsky. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Congratulations on your appointment to chair this important subcommittee. I appreciate your indulgence of my request to sit in on this hearing. As you know, I have been actively involved in the subcommittee's oversight of Plan Colombia in the past; and I will continue to closely follow the subject during the 107th Congress. I have a statement I would like to make and, in the interest of time, would like to submit a number of materials and some questions for today's witnesses for the record. Mr. Chairman, I recently had an opportunity, as you mentioned, to visit Colombia along with Congressman McGovern and a number of congressional staff, journalists, and others on a trip that was organized by the Washington Office on Latin American. We had a very busy 6 days which we had an opportunity to travel around Colombia and to meet with other various sectors of society that are impacted by the current U.S. policy. In addition to meeting with President Pastrana, the Minister of Defense, the Attorney General, the head of the National Police, the head of the Colombian Army and numerous other Colombian and U.S. officials, including Ambassador Patterson, we were able to hear testimony from hundreds of Colombian people. We heard from farmers and human rights workers in Putumayo. We met with nongovernmental organizations like Peace Brigades International and ASFADES. We met with communities of displaced people living in poverty because of the violence in Colombia. We met with Ambassadors from other countries and representatives from the United Nations, and we visited a peace community in San Jose de Apartado. Mr. Chairman, as you know, during previous hearings in the subcommittee about U.S. aid to Colombia, I raised numerous questions that U.S. aid to Colombia is too heavily weighted in helicopters and military hardware, instead of support for civil society, democratic institutions, and human rights defenders. I shared with my colleagues my fear that U.S. military involvement in Colombia may actually escalate the current conflict in that country. I have stated on numerous occasions that, in my belief, our current policy toward Colombia and the billions of dollars we are poised to send in addition to the over $1 billion appropriated last year will not achieve the stated goal of reducing the flow of illegal drugs to the United States. I have called attention to the fact that dollar for dollar, it is more effective to invest in treatment and prevention as opposed to interdiction and eradication at the source. I have also questioned whether the United States can be actively involved in counternarcotics efforts in Colombia without being drawn into the violence that rages in that country. Unfortunately, my recent trip has only reinforced and added to many of the concerns I had before going to Colombia. It is clear to me that collusion continues between the Colombian military and the paramilitary death squads in Colombia. The military has made ineffective and insufficient efforts to protect civilians who are targeted by paramilitary and guerrilla forces. Our fumigation efforts in Putumayo may be causing health problems for the local population, including children. And, despite the Embassy's enthusiasm about the accuracy of our spray planes, I heard testimony from farmers whose legal crops were destroyed, leaving them and their families without a source of income or food. Fortunately, Ambassador Patterson was with us in Putumayo; and she agreed to send medical professionals there to do more research on the possible human and environmental effects of aerial fumigation. This is a human rights emergency in Colombia. Peaceful civilians are harassed, robbed, and attacked on a daily basis. Entire communities have been displaced by the violence in Colombia; and despite their dire situation and commitments by the United States and Colombian Governments to help, there are hundreds of thousands of displaced Colombian people struggling to survive and failing to receive basic services actually estimated up to $1.8 million. The press in Colombia, while uncensored by the government, is censored by intimidation. Numerous journalists have been killed or forced into exile. While helicopters are on the way, fumigation is in full force, and U.S. military personnel are on the grounds, desperately needed funds for those charged with protecting against and investigating human rights abuse are still being held up by the United States. While I was in Colombia, there was a massacre in Cauca; and the human rights units of the Colombian prosecutor general's office did not even have the money to send investigators to the scene. The $3 million promised to the unit held up apparently because of a dispute between the State Department and the Department of Justice. The Human Rights Division of the National Police in Colombia has an operating budget of just $140,000. And, as you know, Members of Congress earn even more than that. Clear violations of human rights remain unpunished even when evidence of the perpetrators exist. The Santo Domingo massacre that took place on December 23, 1998 during which 17 civilians, including 6 children were murdered, remains an unresolved case, despite extensive evidence of Colombian military involvement and a cover-up. The Colombian Air Force unit and others implicated in the case remain cleared to receive U.S. military aid despite the fact that this appears to be a clear breach of the Leahy law. A few days after I returned from Colombia, the State Department released its human rights report, and I am not going to read much of it, but let me just say that overall the government's human rights record remained poor. I recommend that everybody look carefully at that State Department report. My constituents are very concerned about the situation there. They want to help the Colombian people and so do I. So I don't want a mistake that my criticism is that we should not help fund Colombia, I believe that we should. What is even more troubling is that, despite the expressed will of Congress in attaching human rights conditions to the aid approved last year, the President saw fit to waive these conditions, a decision that has sent a message to the Colombian military that they can keep doing what they are doing and U.S. aid will continue to pour in. Let me just summarize my last concern, less than 2 weeks ago, U.S. citizens working for the private military contractor Dyncorp came under fire from FARC guerillas. The privatization of our military and police assistance to Colombia raises important oversight questions as we get drawn deeper into Colombia's war. The most obvious question is why do we need to outsource and privatize our efforts in Colombia? I think we need to examine this. And I would suggest, Mr. Chairman, a possible oversight hearing on this issue, on the outsourcing of the war and the contracting that we are doing in Colombia and its potential for drawing us further in. When we begin to consider additional aid for Colombia this year, I hope all of my colleagues will take a close look at what we will be trying to accomplish. I will also be working to include strong and enforceable human rights conditions on any future aid that cannot simply be waived. And, again, I really do appreciate your indulgence, and I would like to submit my full statement for the record and the questions that I have remaining. Mr. Souder. I thank you. [The prepared statement of Hon. Janice D. Schakowsky follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.003 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.004 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.005 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.006 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.007 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.008 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.009 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.010 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.011 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.012 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.013 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.014 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.015 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.016 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.017 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.018 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.019 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.020 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.021 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.022 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.023 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.024 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.025 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.026 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.027 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.028 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.029 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.030 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.031 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.032 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.033 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.034 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.035 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.036 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.037 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.038 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.039 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.040 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.041 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.042 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.043 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.044 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.045 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.046 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.047 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.048 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.049 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.050 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.051 Mr. Souder. It gives me great pleasure to introduce and recognize the new vice chairman, the distinguished vice chairman of the subcommittee, Congressman Gilman of New York. Mr. Gilman. Mr. Chairman, we commend you for taking on the responsibilities of the problems in international narcotics in this committee. I want to thank you for conducting this important hearing today on Plan Colombia. Our congressional Souder delegation returned just a few days ago from visiting Colombia, visiting Bolivia and our Forward Operating Locations in the Americas; and we were able to participate in a very important international drug parliament conference in Santa Cruz, where we were elated to find that 30 countries were represented at that forum and over 170 delegates attended. We were also pleased that Donnie Marshall was able to join us, the Director of DEA, as well as representatives of the INL and many of our DEA personnel from that region were present. As we all know, Bolivia is a major drug-fighting success story within a sea of pessimism, as has been portrayed by the media, who contend that little can be done about illicit drugs. However, it has been demonstrated that where there is a political will and international support we can eliminate drugs, just as Bolivia is on the verge of doing at the present time. Bolivia can be held up as a model to the world in its successful efforts to eradicate its drug production. Within a few weeks, we think that will be reduced to a subzero. On the other hand, Colombia has become a basket case. Colombia's weak government is carving its nation into zones of impunity to appease the narcoguerillas. FARC, in turn, have responded to peace talks and gestures with more and more hostile attacks; and it is reported that the FARC have increased the coca production in its region by some 32 percent, that is 32 percent of an increase in that DMZ. And by some reports, it can go to even a higher figure this year. Regrettably, we have in Colombia a peace process without any peace. We have kidnappings, smuggling, drug production, all taking place within that zone of impunity. No sooner had President Pastrana claimed that the peace process was back on track, in recent days, the FARC responded by killing 10 innocent hikers. While we were visiting Colombia, the FARC shot down a Colombian National Police Huey II helicopter on a coca relief eradication and temporarily put out of commission one of the new CNP Blackhawks, just an hour after we had inspected it, by severing its fuel cell with hostile gun fire. Some peace process. With regard to U.S. policy, our bureaucracy reflects some frustrating confusion on the role of the counterdrug police in Colombia in comparison to that of the Colombian Army, as that recent Huey II shot down clearly demonstrated while we visited that beleaguered nation. Following 4 days of formally requesting the Colombian Army's assistance for security on the ground in that particular coca eradication effort in Caqueta, the Colombian police began their eradication without having any protective Army support, even though they had requested support for that eradication effort 4 days prior to undertaking it. As a result, the Huey II was shut down, a police pilot was hospitalized in Bogota, where our staff was able to visit with him. We were informed that the Colombia Army's counternarcotics battalion did not help, because they were out destroying low- level coca leaf processing labs, which normally is a law enforcement function supposed to be conducted by the police. In Plan Colombia, we were led to believe it was going to be clear that the police would do the eradication after the Army first secured the area to avoid any aerial shoot downs. The morale of the Colombian counternarcotics police regrettably today is at a low point due to this conflict in policy. The Army has been claiming credit for all sorts of things like eradication, which the police have been doing. In many cases, as the shootdown incident points out, the Army is not doing what it needs to be doing, needlessly exposing valuable police assets and officers and in some cases without any prior consultation and eradication operations when they need help. This certainly is not a pretty picture, and our Nation's policy lacks clarity. Clarity that is sadly needed right now. As we learned in Vietnam, that can result in real trouble. In addition, we are now finding that the scarce Colombian police drug-fighting resources are being diverted to the Colombian Army and away from any effective drug police who have a spotless human rights record--I might point out to our gentlewoman from Illinois, a spotless human rights record by the Colombian antinarcotics police--and their effective performance record in eradicating the illicit drugs to which both we and our DEA can attest to. A strong case that points to the erosion of support is that we learned of cheap, 50 caliber ammunition of Korean-era vintage, 1952, being foisted upon the CNP to be used in their defensive weapons on these new Blackhawks despite the fact that it violates the $750,000 gattling gun manufacturer's warranty resulting in a jamming of their weapons. This ammo cost saving, we have been informed, is to try to preserve money-per-round fired, while ignoring the cost of trying to secure $14 million helicopters that have been purchased at the costs of taxpayer money. Never mind protecting the priceless lives of courageous CNP officers and the men flying these choppers and fighting our fight. I think we have our priorities a little bit misconstrued and out of whack. This inexcusable list of problems goes on and on. Yes, we support the Colombia plan, but we want it to be an effective plan. We don't want the arm-chair generals diverting the funds that are needed by the warriors out there, who are doing a job, to other sources. Three of the six new Blackhawks that we gave to the CNP are now grounded. Why are they grounded? Because of a lack of spare parts which we have never shipped to the counternarcotics police. Two of the three police supply planes used to move vital fuel and herbicide to the front are also grounded, again, due to a lack of supplies. The police now have to rely on commercial trucks driven over dangerous roads or on commercial cargo flights, neither reliable in wartime and subject to a sudden FARC cutoff. Those commercial flight are costing up to $15,000 per day for moving few supplies alone. Does that make sense? These cargo planes have been requested by the police now for over 2 years, and still no response from our bureaucrats. We all recognize what such a supply problem means. We were told by the military on the ground that the supply line problem is Plan Colombia Achilles heel. Let me repeat that. That the supply line problem is Plan Colombia Achilles heel. If we mean what we say by Plan Colombia of over $1 billion to fight this war, then why aren't we giving the important equipment to the people who are fighting that war? Yet when we pressed and pressed from this committee, no one offered any plan for addressing the supply line problem, a question that we raised now for an undue amount of time. If the DOD and the State Department witnesses here cannot tell us today that they will make it a priority to get the CNP the kind of supply aircraft that they need now, I don't intend to support one more dollar for this plan; yet, I recognize how important the plan is and how needed it is. In addition, and I will end with this complaint, which is most troubling of all, we learned on the congressional delegation, the Souder delegation, and our visit that eradication of opium by the CNP with the new Blackhawks that we gave them last year was stopped, stopped while the coca eradication in the south took a priority. Yes, that coca eradication is important, but so is the eradication of opium in the north. In calendar year 2000, the police eradicated a record 9,200 hectares of opium in Colombia, the key ingredient in the deadly heroin that has been flooding our Nation. This year we are told that they are going to do less than one-third some 6,000 hectares of opium eradication. As a result, more of our young people caught up in the current heroin crisis here at home will die needlessly for a lack of an effective U.S. heroin strategy directed at Colombia where 70 percent of our problem now originates. As the FBI, the DEA, and the U.S. Customs told our House Committee on International Relations 2 years ago, opium eradication is the only real viable heroin strategy that truly works. Regrettably, we predicted this mess in my November 14th letter cosponsored by a number of my colleagues to General McCaffrey. Copies are available for all. I called then for a mid-course correction and clarity in our U.S. policy, and I do so again today. It is clear that the CNP antidrug unit should be doing the police function and fighting drugs. As a Nation, we must also consider and debate clear and unambiguous counterinsurgency aid to the Colombian military to help preserve its democracy without any distorted effort and confusion in our antidrug policy, especially within our State Department, which has been making unwise arm-chair military decisions as we observed firsthand on our recent visit and after talking to the people out on the front line. We need today a high-level interagency task force to take control of our American policy in Colombia, working with our Colombian allies to preserve their democracy and at the same time stopping this massive flow of drugs from Colombia into our Nation. I intend to take this up with Secretary Powell urging him to clean house at Bogota and here in Washington as well, and in INL in particular and our State Department. We can and must make a mid-course correction before it is much too late. Our national security, our families, our children deserve nothing less. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Souder. Thank you. [The prepared statement of Hon. Benjamin A. Gilman follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.052 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.053 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.054 Mr. Souder. We are also joined this morning by subcommittee member and distinguished immediate past chairman, Congressman John Mica of Florida. Do you have an opening statement? Mr. Mica. Thank you, Chairman Souder; and I am pleased to remain on the panel under your chairing this new effort to get our real war on drugs back in place in action. I share the concern of members of the panel who have expressed their outrage at Colombians who have been killed by either the right or the left. I think it is more than 30,000 to date in that country, which is such a beautiful country and a great neighbor. However, I am just as concerned that last year we surpassed 16,000 Americans who died as a direct result of illegal narcotic overdoses in the United States. So if we take the last 2 years, we have exceeded basically what has taken place in Colombia's civil war for some three decades on the streets of our communities, the silent war and death going on. I am very concerned about what is happening in our country. If you look at the homicides in this country that are less than the 16,000, probably half of those are also drug related. And then if we take the figures given to us by the former drug czar, Barry McCaffrey, he said if you extend that out and take all the deaths related last year, it exceeded 50,000. And nobody seems to give a wimp, particularly in the press. They are more concerned about hurting the hair on the back of some leftist narcoguerilla. I, too, returned and learned some interesting things. I learned that our Plan Colombia is still in shambles; that the history of the former administration is an absolute disaster, that they, in fact, displaced drug production, coca, in particular, and now heroin and poppy from Bolivia and Peru to Colombia first through their 1993 measures of stopping information sharing. How can you fight a war on drugs when you close it down, which they did in 1993? Not sharing information with those who could stop the production and trafficking of illegal narcotics. How can you fight a war in 1995 when they decertified and made a joke of our certification process without granting a national interest waiver and blocking for a number of years any real assistance to Colombia to stop the production, stop the growth of narcoterrorism? So what we have inherited from this administration is a disaster. The last several years, Mr. Gilman; myself; Mr. Souder; the Speaker of the House, former chairman of the subcommittee; we attempted to get aid to Colombia; and it was blocked. And then when they sent aid, they sent ammunition, we heard, that wouldn't fire. We asked for helicopters to be sent there, because in order to eradicate the drugs, you need helicopters or some way to get to these areas where they are first producing and dealing in the drugs. We finally got six helicopters, Blackhawks, to the National Colombian Police. We saw and we were told that three of them are operational, one is being cannibalized for parts and two were not operational. Now, how can you get the police there? Even in Colombia, the military are not law enforcement agents just like in the United States, they only can do surveillance, surround, and protect an area for defense purposes, and that is what they do for the police. Now how in heavens name can you get the police there when the main source of delivery is C-130's or helicopters? You heard here that one was shot down while we were there with inadequate defense of systems, also inadequate spare parts, inadequate maintenance, inadequate training, but how can you get troops there to protect that local populous and the police to do their law enforcement work when they have nine C- 130's and only one of them is operational? A military man from the United States told me that one national guard unit or possibly several on rotation could go down and in a few months train these people, and we could also supply spare parts which would be a unique approach to conduct this. So what we have had is the gang that can't shoot straight, trying to put together a $1.3 billion package. We have seen what works. We visited Bolivia. Bolivia pulled by hand the last few thousand acres of coca. They did it the hard way. We are spraying it. And I am pleased to report in the last 90 days we have sprayed 29,000 hectares, which, if we could continue that program and get our equipment operational, with a little bit of determination and not much money, we can get a handle on coca and heroin production which are killing our kids in unprecedented numbers. We also learned that the Forward Operating Locations, which were formerly out of Panama and which the administration failed to negotiate a lease of that base, which could have cost us several million dollars, a small amount to lease from Panama, where we already had $10 billion in infrastructure, we are now building it at a cost of $150 million runways to replace Panama's forward surveillance operations in the drug war. We found that that is still 2 years off; that we don't have agreement by Netherlands to locate in the Antilles, and then we found that we are building runways for planes that we don't have, the AWACS which were diverted by the Clinton administration aren't even available even when the runways will be available. So there are many questions raised about the execution of the plan. It is my hope, and I join Mr. Gilman, if we don't have this together, I will not support another penny, if we don't have the proper leadership-executed plan. It doesn't take that much money. In Bolivia, about $40 million, the plan that we worked on with President Banzer and the Vice President and others, they eradicated coca. We do know alternative development will work. And so far the U.N. has had about the best program, and we gave $5 million for alternative development in a contract so far out of a $1.3 billion program to the U.N. Office of Drug Control Policy, which is much better equipped than the United States and much more credible to deal in alternative development programs. We know the carrot and the stick does work. It has worked in Bolivia. Peru used a different approach. They shot the bastards down, and that worked. They caged the guerillas and that worked, and they jailed others and suspended civil rights. Well, that will work. I am not advocating that in each country. Each country has its problem, and Colombia, in particular, is a unique situation. But there is no reason in the world why we can't stop illegal narcotics production. And, yes, the liberals will say, oh, it is a treatment thing, and we can just put our money in treatment. Well, I will tell you, if you take that approach and not start a real war on drugs, you can use the Baltimore example, which went from a few thousand heroin addicts to 60,000. One in eight in the city of Baltimore, because of a liberal philosophy, tolerant philosophy, lack of law enforcement philosophy, is now an addict. And, thank God, we held a hearing there 1 year ago last month when the murders continued to hover over 300 consistently and decline in population increase in murders. I am pleased to report with higher--with one of Mr. Guliani's assistants that has fallen to about the 260 range with the help and the efforts of this subcommittee. So tougher enforcement, eradication, interdiction, and, yes, a balanced approach with treatment will work. It is a little bit lengthy statement, but as the former chairman, I get a little slack. Thanks, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Souder. Thank you. We are also joined by Congresswoman Davis of Virginia, a new member of our subcommittee. We want to welcome you. Do you have an opening statement as well? Mrs. Davis of Virginia. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. It is a pleasure to be here, and I look forward to serving on the subcommittee. I do have an opening statement, but for the sake of time, I would ask that it be entered into the record. Mr. Souder. Thank you. [The prepared statement of Hon. Jo Ann Davis follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.055 Mr. Souder. Before proceeding, I would like to take care of the procedural matter first. I ask unanimous consent that all Members have 5 legislative days to submit written statements, including the opening statements, questions for the hearing record; that any answers to the written questions provided by the witnesses also be included in the record. Without objection, it is so ordered. Second, I ask unanimous consent that all exhibits, documents, and other materials referred to by Members and the witnesses may be included in the hearing record; that all Members be permitted to revise and extend their remarks. Without objection, it is so ordered. As an oversight committee, it is our standard practice to ask all of our witnesses to testify under oath. If the witnesses will now rise and raise your right hands, I will administer the oath. [Witnesses sworn.] Mr. Souder. Let the record show that all the witnesses have answered in the affirmative. We will now recognize the witnesses for their opening statements, and I would like to thank you again for being here today. You all are experienced witnesses. We have heard from each of you in this subcommittee, as well as other subcommittees on the Hill. But I will remind our audience that we ask our witnesses to limit their opening statements to 5 minutes and include any fuller statement they may wish to make in the record. Secretary Beers, do you have an opening statement? STATEMENTS OF RAND BEERS, ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR INTERNATIONAL NARCOTICS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF STATE; DONNIE MARSHALL, ADMINISTRATOR, DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION; ROBERT J. NEWBERRY, PRINCIPAL DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR SPECIAL OPERATIONS AND LOW INTENSITY CONFLICT, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; AND GENERAL PETER PACE, USMC, COMMANDER- IN-CHIEF, U.S. SOUTHERN COMMAND, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Mr. Beers. Yes, sir. Thank you for taking my longer written statement for the record. Thank you for the opportunity for all of us to appear here today to talk about this enormously important subject of the implementation of Plan Colombia. As an overall judgment at this particular point in time recognizing that we are still early in this process, I believe that our efforts to date have been good, but that a great deal, a great deal more needs to be done, and a great deal of constant attention and effort both by Washington and by our people in the field will be necessary to carry this through in association with the people of Colombia, the forces of Colombia, but also other peoples and forces within the larger region. Last week, we were informed of our annual estimate with respect to Colombia, and I am disappointed to note that the overall coca cultivation in Colombia went from 120,500 hectares to 136,200 hectares. This represents an 11 percent increase from the proceeding year, and any increase is bad. I would add, however, this is the smallest increase that we have seen in several years, that the increases that did occur occurred mostly away from the areas of aerial eradication, and it does not include any information related to operations which began in Putumayo on December 18th. We are looking forward in the year ahead for the full effect of Plan Colombia to begin to help an overall effect on drug cultivation, but we are only at the beginning of that effort at this time. I have a longer list within my written statement, but let me just say with respect to the acquisition program that was requested and is being implemented in Plan Colombia, all of the aircraft that were to have been ordered have been ordered, except for one; and I will speak to that in a moment and all of the deliveries are, in fact, underway and have been briefed to this and other committees, including the 1N helicopters which are all in country, the Blackhawks which will arrive in July, the spray aircraft which will begin to arrive in July, the interceptors which will begin to arrive in July. With respect to the Huey IIs, we have completed an interagency review of the configuration for those Army helicopters; and we are in the process of negotiating a contract with U.S. Helicopter, even as we speak, in order to establish an appropriate delivery schedule for those aircraft. Having said that, I have to say that the issue of pilots and crews for all of these aircraft continue to remain an issue that we are working with the Colombians on and will continue, and that these schedules are all going to require constant attention and determination on the part of all of us to ensure that we can continue this significant buildup within Colombia in order to deal with these problems. In the area of alternative development and judicial reform, we have begun programs there, but we need to move faster. As was alluded to earlier by some of the opening testimony, we did begin Plan Colombia operations in Putumayo. We have sprayed 25,000 hectares there between December 18 and February 5, and since then, another 10,000 hectares elsewhere in the country. We have disrupted more than 70 labs, including 5 cocaine hydrochloride labs; and we have 2,900 hectares of cultivation under contract with communities to be eliminated in association with alternative development. Finally, I would add, that with respect to the regional program, while $180 million was devoted to that effort in Plan Colombia, most of which went to Bolivia, this administration, the Bush administration, is intending to move forward with a much broader Andean regional initiative. It will encompass, in addition to Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Ecquador, Brazil, Venezuela, and Panama. We do not have a final number for that request level yet, although the administration's guidance is that it will be larger than $500 million for the region overall. We expect to be prepared to brief that fully at the beginning of April along with the rest of the administration's budget. Let me stop there and turn to my colleagues for their statements. Thank you. [The prepared statement of Mr. Beers follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.056 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.057 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.058 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.059 Mr. Souder. In working this schedule for this morning, Mr. Gilman switched his schedule around to be here; and he asked me, because he has to leave, if he could ask Mr. Beers a few questions which I am sure Mr. Beers is looking forward to. These are the questions that we would like to have answered on the Colombian National Police items. Mr. Beers. One of my greatest pleasures is answering Congressman Gilman's questions. Mr. Gilman. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Beers and I have had some other dialog in the past. Mr. Beers, 9 of the 10 Colombian Air Force C-130 transport planes are not flying, and only one of the three CNP DC-3s needed to move vital fuel and herbicide are flying, even before the next round of helicopters will arrive that will require more fuel. They tell us this supply line problem is the Achilles heel of Plan Colombia. And in your testimony, I regret to see that there is no mention of providing transport planes. Can you tell us, are there any plans to do that? Mr. Beers. Sir, we have two C-27 aircraft in Colombia, which belong to the air division of INL, which are flying in support of the Colombian National Police principally within Colombia. In addition to that, I can assure you that we will work to get those DC-3s up and running within Colombia. It has been a constant source of irritation to you and to me as well. The situation there is unacceptable, and we will work to deal with that. With respect to the C-130's---- Mr. Gilman. Let me just interrupt in a moment. Will that be at an early date, Mr. Beers? Mr. Beers. Yes, sir. Mr. Gilman. How soon. Mr. Beers. Except for one of them, which is a deadline for major maintenance and corrosion control, which, unfortunately, is going to take some time, but we will get the other one back on-line. With respect to the C-130's that are Colombian Air Force, I will work with the Defense Department and U.S. Southern Command to see what we can do about those. Those have not been part of our regular program to date. Mr. Gilman. Of those 10 planes, 9 are not flyable right now. And with regard to the Blackhawks, to find that they are cannibalizing new Blackhawks in order to provide spare parts is incredible. They showed us the racks where spare parts are supposed to be there. They were cleaned out completely. What are your plans for providing the kind of spare parts that are needed? Mr. Beers. We will be signing a $29 million contract today with the Colombian National Police which will go toward filling these spares shortfalls. But I would add, sir, that your information about three of the Blackhawks only being mission capable was, unfortunately, incorrect. There were five that were mission capable on the day that you were there, only one of them was down, and it was down for 500-hour maintenance requirement. While it was down for the maintenance requirement, it is true, that some of the parts for that plane were borrowed in order to keep the other five aircraft mission capable. But on that day, sir, on that day, five of those aircraft could have been used in operations had the Colombian National Police chosen to do so. Since the beginning of this year, the operational readiness rate averaged over all of the days has been 66 percent, and for last year, the operational readiness rate for all of those Blackhawk helicopters was 78 percent, which is not unusually low. In fact, it is not considered to be a low rate. Mr. Gilman. 66 percent certainly isn't a high rate. Mr. Beers. I was talking about last year, sir. I'm sorry, this year the 66 percent is lower than we would like it to be. Mr. Gilman. What is the operational capability today of the Blackhawks? How many are capable today, this very day? Mr. Beers. I will get that for the record, sir. I can't tell you what the flight line is. Mr. Gilman. Will you provide that for the committee? I ask that it be made a part of our record. Mr. Beers. Yes, sir. [The information referred to follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.060 Mr. Gilman. Is there going to be any additional supply plane moneys for the CNP in the fiscal year 2002 budget? Mr. Beers. Sir, we haven't finally determined the full specific programmatic content of that budget, and I am not in a position to say that at this particular point, sir. Mr. Gilman. Are you going to make a recommendation? Mr. Beers. I will look at that issue, and we will make a determination. Mr. Gilman. Not look at it. Are you going to make a recommendation that this Achilles heel be corrected, that we are going to provide supply planes by putting it in your budget? Mr. Beers. I said that I would make an effort to ensure that there is adequate lift transport. If that requires buying another aircraft, we will look at that option, yes, sir. Mr. Gilman. I understand the C-27s that you referred to are used by the Dyncorp Corp. and not by the CNP; is that correct? Mr. Beers. No, sir, that is not correct. They are used by Dyncorp to fly CNP assets. Mr. Gilman. But they are devoted to Dyncorp and not to---- Mr. Beers. No, sir, they are devoted to the program overall and that includes support for the CNP. They do not fly resources for the Dyncorp for the air wing only. They fly resources in support of Plan Colombia. Mr. Gilman. But Dyncorp is the people who are flying them; is that correct? Mr. Beers. That is correct; yes, sir. Mr. Gilman. Dyncorp is a contract agency; isn't that correct? Mr. Beers. It is a contract agency of the---- Mr. Gilman. It is not the counterdrug police, the counterdrug police agency; isn't that correct? Mr. Beers. Sir, we have one team; and we are conducting one fight down there. And the distinction between our air wing and the CNP is an unfair distinction. We are working together with them. We are supporting them. Not every asset that is in Colombia belongs to the Colombian National Police, and some of those assets do belong to the air wing, and they do fly in support of the Colombian National Police. Mr. Gilman. Are you saying we have a separate U.S. air wing down there. Mr. Beers. I am saying that we have for years had an American air division within NRL which has supported counternarcotics throughout the region, including in Colombia, and they have flown aircraft in Colombia. Mr. Gilman. Why are the counternarcotics police having trouble getting the supplies to the bases and have to do it by truck and by commercial airline when we have a separate air fleet of our own? Mr. Beers. Sir, we are supporting everybody. We are all working together. And, yes, there is a deficiency of aircraft, which I regret, and which we will work on. But I am saying it is not just focused within the CNP and the effort is not just from the CNP. This is an effort by the United States and the Government of Colombia working together. Mr. Gilman. Mr. Beers, we found this to be a real problem when we were down there. We were there right on the front line, and we hope that you are going to correct this at the earliest possible date. I want to thank you, Mr. Chairman; thank you for allowing me to intervene at this point. I have to get back to New York very quickly. I changed my schedule in order to be here at this important hearing, and we thank you for doing it. I want to commend our DEA and commend DEA Director Donnie Marshall for being with us throughout this CODEL that was led by Mr. Souder. You added a great deal to it. We want to thank Customs, too, who were present with us in this CODEL. I want to thank our military. General, our military has been doing an outstanding job in the forward-operating locations. However, I think the point raised by Mr. Mica with regard to having prematurely left Panama and then going out to try to get these forward-operating locations underway, we find it has left a lot to be desired. It will be 2 or 3 years before they will be fully operational. Some are partially operational. They, too, don't have the equipment that is needed. The cost of this will exceed, I understand, some $130 million before they are done, if not more; $132 million to complete the construction and to provide the kind of effective forward-operating activity that we had at Panama. I hope our administration is going to reexamine the possibility of getting back to Panama despite the fact that we are moving ahead with some of these FOLs. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Souder. Thank you. We will put any additional questions you have into the record with Mr. Beers. We will go and proceed now in regular order with Mr. Marshall and your testimony. Mr. Marshall. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you for having me. I want to thank you, Mr. Chairman, and indeed the entire committee for the support that you have given to DEA over the years and, particularly, to the courageous men and women of DEA. I will make my comments brief. I do have a complete statement that I would like to submit for the record. I would like to start by pointing out that the international trafficking organizations that are based in Colombia do, I think, pose a substantial serious threat and a challenge to the national security of the United States. We have had some successes against the Medellin and Cali cartels over the years and those successes have resulted in a decentralization of the cocaine trade, and what we are seeing in the world today is a second generation of cocaine traffickers or, actually, a new type of cocaine trafficking organization. These organizations operate both through Mexico and through the Caribbean, and they control the production and distribution of cocaine and the flow of cocaine, but they no longer totally control the distribution of drugs inside the United States as Colombian traffickers once did. The vast majority of the cocaine base and hydrochloride destined for the United States is produced in laboratories in southern Colombia, and over the last 5 years, unfortunately, Colombia has become the major source of heroin in the United States. Now, as the Colombian Government expands and sustains their coke eradication operations, I would predict, I believe that any initial spillover effect may be limited to Colombia, moving back into the traditional growing areas of central Colombia and perhaps new cultivation in northern Colombia. Eventually though, if we sustain this, we could see coca cultivation and processing driven into Ecuador and Venezuela, perhaps Brazil, and perhaps back into Peru and Bolivia. Now, DEA is trying to guard against that by developing and promoting a regional strategy of intelligence gathering and criminal investigations. We have been instrumental in encouraging multilateral operations, operations across common borders, and, in fact, we have an international drug enforcement conference this year, April 3 to 5, in the Dominican Republic, and the theme of the conference is multiregional investigations and operations. The next thing that I am concerned about in Colombia is the connection between the FARC in Colombia and the drug trade. For quite a few years now, there has been an association between these leftist organizations and as well as right-wing paramilitary groups and the drug trade. They charge a surtax for protection and other services to the traffickers based in Colombia. The presence of those insurgents in the eastern lowlands and southern rainforests, I think, really hinders the Colombia Government's ability to conduct counterdrug operations in those areas. The paramilitary groups right now don't appear to be involved, as far as DEA sees, in any significant opium or coca or marijuana cultivation, but one of those leaders of one of the paramilitary groups has, in fact, stated in public that his group receives payments similar to the taxes levied by the FARC from coca growers in southern Colombia. Now, the Colombian National Police continue to pursue some very significant drug investigations in cooperation with DEA, and, in fact, those CNP results have been nothing short of remarkable over the last several years, and the actions of their CNP officers have been nothing short of heroic. We continue, DEA continues, to direct assets and resources at the command and control structures of the major international and Colombian drug trafficking organizations. That is our job, and ultimately all DEA programs in Colombia and, in fact, throughout the world ultimately focus on the identification and immobilization of these criminal drug organizations. We support that a number of ways, through our sensitive investigative units, the Andean Initiative, intelligence collection programs, and those units work simultaneously not only with the Colombians and regional law enforcement agencies, but also with DEA domestic offices in coordinated multinational transnational investigations. The programs that are in effect and in place in Colombia and throughout the region, I think, serve to complement Plan Colombia. Although DEA didn't receive any direct appropriations under Plan Colombia, we are about to receive $5 million in order to increase the capabilities of Colombian law enforcement agencies and the conduct of legal telephone communication intercepts. That is very badly needed because thus far that ability has been limited. I am concerned about one more thing, and I will try to end up very briefly here. I am concerned about extradition reform in Colombia. There was an extradition reform act of December 1997 that was passed by the Colombia--it was an amendment to the Colombian Constitution. That has resulted in the successful extradition of 13 Colombian traffickers thus far. But a recent Supreme Court decision in Colombia requires that Colombian law enforcement authorities investigate subjects that we seek for extradition. If their involvement in Colombia is such that they could be indicted there, then a technicality or a double jeopardy-type clause kicks in that may interfere with their extradition to the United States. That is so important to us because extradition is one of the absolute most valuable tools that we have utilized against the Colombian traffickers, and it is really the one element of our program that is most feared by the Colombian traffickers and, for that matter, traffickers throughout the world. So we will continue to focus on our main objective of identifying, immobilizing, indicting, prosecuting and hopefully imprisoning the command and control leaders of these organizations. The involvement of Colombian military and indeed other elements of their government is necessary, it is laudable. At the same time, we have to continue to very aggressively support the civilian antidrug agencies such as the CNP in Colombia, as well as other law enforcement agencies throughout this region, because no one agency and no one country can win this fight alone. Once again, I thank you for the opportunity, and I will be happy to answer any questions at the appropriate time. Mr. Souder. Thank you. We will insert your full statement in the record and hopefully draw some of those out in the questions as well. [The prepared statement of Mr. Marshall follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.061 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.062 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.063 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.064 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.065 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.066 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.067 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.068 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.069 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.070 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.071 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.072 Mr. Souder. Mr. Newberry. Mr. Newberry. Thank you for the opportunity to testify before the committee on the status of our implementation in Plan Colombia. I will just give a short, brief oral statement. Thanks to the supplemental resources the Congress provided us last year, both the Department of Defense and State Department are providing Colombians with some of the best equipment and training we have to offer. Of course, because some of this equipment is being procured new, some of the support is actually upgrading old systems, and some of the support involves base infrastructure construction, it will take probably a year or two before we complete the effort. But I think the initial equipment and training that the Department of State and DOD has provided the Colombians has quickly jump- started the Colombians' tactical operations in the southern part of Colombia, and I think you have seen the results. The success is already apparent. That said, there is a long way to go. The push in southern Colombia is only a couple months new, and they have to maintain their current OPSTEMPO. The momentum alone achieved by success in southern Colombia is not automatically going to transfer to the rest of Colombia. It is a difficult situation, and I am sure they are going to need continued support from the United States and other countries, the support to sustain the equipment and the people we are already working with and support to enhance their capabilities even further. Last, I do want to reiterate one item regarding the activities of the U.S. military people in Colombia. We certainly have numerous policy and legal restrictions that frame our limits for counterdrug support in Colombia. Suffice to say the process is comprehensive, but every deployment order says in no uncertain terms that DOD personnel are not to accompany host nation personnel on operational missions. Our people there are to train and not to advise. Thank you very much. I will await your questions. Mr. Souder. Thank you very much. [The prepared statement of Mr. Newberry follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.073 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.074 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.075 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.076 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.077 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.078 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.079 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.080 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.081 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.082 Mr. Souder. I want to thank General Pace again for being here and for arranging the briefing we had at on our CODEL to set out and lay out SOUTHCOM's framework of how we are working, and also having representatives at each of the four landing locations to explain how we are developing those airfields, and our conversations we had in Ecuador as well as here in Washington. I look forward to your statement. General Pace. Mr. Chairman, thank you, and thank the members of the committee and indeed the entire Congress for your very strong bipartisan support of not only counternarcotics, but also all the military does for you. I, too, would like to ask you to accept my written statement for the record. As you know, sir, I have been in command of the U.S. Southern Command for just over 5 months, and, during that time, I visited 19 countries, to include each of the Andean Ridge countries, several of those multiple times. In fact, this past weekend I just completed my seventh visit to Colombia. In each country that I visited, I have met with the key leaders, and in each there has been a long discussion about counternarcotics and the effects that the illicit drug trade has had on their societies, and essentially in Colombia the attack that this illicit industry represents on the foundations of that democracy. I am proud and I appreciate very much your comments and those of Mr. Gilman about the U.S. military efforts in support of our friends in Colombia right now. The Counternarcotics Battalion and Brigade training is ongoing, as you know. The Brigade headquarters and two of the three battalions have been trained, and there are efforts ongoing in the field as we speak. The third battalion is being trained, and that will be completed this May. The integration of these DOD-trained battalions with the Department of State-provided helicopters and crews has done exceptionally well, and we have seen very good coordination and cooperation between the police and the military, especially in the Putumayo. There is certainly more that can be done there, but the initial efforts in cooperation with each other has been very, very good. Again, sir, I appreciate this opportunity to appear before you, and I look forward to answering your questions. Mr. Souder. Thank you very much. [The prepared statement of General Pace follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.083 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.084 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.085 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.086 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.087 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.088 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.089 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.090 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.092 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.093 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.094 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.095 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.096 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.097 Mr. Souder. Let me start with Mr. Beers. In the comments from Mr. Newberry--and I wanted to make clear for the record that Plan Colombia, some of the public perception is that we have spent $1.3 billion, and what are the results that are occurring in Plan Colombia? Approximately how much of the dollars that were allocated are actually on the ground at this point in Colombia? Mr. Beers. Sir, in terms of actual on-the-ground dollars, I will have to give you a specific answer to that for the record. I don't have it. [The information referred to follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.098 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.099 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.100 Mr. Beers. I would tell you as a general proposition that most of the money with respect to Colombia at this particular point in time is not yet in Colombia. The helicopters, which we have provided in the form of the UH-1N helicopters, are in Colombia and operating. That is Plan Colombia money. The training and equipping that DOD and we have done is on the ground in Colombia and operating, and there are beginnings in other areas. But as Mr. Newberry quite correctly said, what we have done is contract for and established delivery schedules for the equipment which was appropriated for, and those will be delivered in Colombia on the schedule that is in my statement, and I can go into it in detail if you would like, sir. Mr. Souder. We will have the statement in the record. My primary concern is I want to make sure the record shows that while this committee has had differences with the past administration about how soon and how aggressive that effort should have been, the full impact of Plan Colombia is not being seen yet at this point, and that is to be measured over the delivery period of the equipment and the training. Another question in framing the Plan Colombia debate we are about to have in Congress in this year's budget, you said that the proposal coming to us will be in excess of $500 million. Is that for Plan Colombia and the Andean region combined? Mr. Beers. It is for Andean region initiatives which will include seven countries, sir. It is Colombia and the other six, yes, sir. Mr. Souder. There has also been a misnomer that I have seen in print and heard from other Members that we went from zero to $1.3 billion and now have this sustaining effort. Roughly what were we putting into the Andean region and Colombia pre-Plan Colombia? Mr. Beers. The INL contribution in that regard on an annual basis was between $150 million and $200 million a year. I would allow Mr. Newberry to talk about what the Defense Department contribution was. Mr. Souder. Mr. Newberry. Mr. Newberry. Yes. The baseline was probably around $100 million, and the supplemental gave us specifically for Colombia--from DOD perspective was about $250 million. So you had a spike in fiscal year 2000 that carries out as we procure and build the installations, and then we will probably go down to our baseline, which will be approximately $100 million. Mr. Beers. That is for Colombia only. Mr. Newberry. For Colombia only. That is specific Colombia. There are things that support Colombia that is not captured in that. It doesn't capture aircraft support for detection and monitoring. Those things are sort of broadly covered under a different budget line. This is specific Colombia support. Mr. Souder. I just want to make sure the record shows as we evaluate that we didn't go from zero to $1.3 billion to whatever number this year's number is. We, in fact, had a trend line of investment that doesn't include the DEA investment which is not directly part of Plan Colombia, but which has been an increase in resources in the Andean region that has been fairly steady. In other words, whether or not we have a Plan Colombia, we are going to have a major investment there. This is a ramping up to see if we can turn the corner and get ahead of that. I would also like to note that--as you had in your written statement--that the 25,000 hectares, which is not necessarily what--that is not the final--in other words, you are going to give a report only what actually was shown on the ground as to actually and permanently eradicated, or semipermanently. That is roughly about 2.5 acres per hectare for people to understand, 62,000. Mr. Beers. Yes, sir. Mr. Souder. That, given the new projection of 136,000, it is still roughly 20 percent of the entire acreage under cultivation in Colombia. I would like you to provide for the record an explanation of why you concentrated all the resources in December on the coca, and what that window of opportunity was. What would a typical month in eradication be as opposed to the 25,000 that were sprayed? Mr. Beers. Typically in a given month prior to this, which is a 45-day period, sir, prior to that, a good month, a high- quality month, of eradication of coca has been on the order of 12,000, 10,000 to 12,000 hectares a month. We sustained an effort that was double our best month. Mr. Souder. And was that partly because you had the military units on the ground? Mr. Beers. That was because we massed for the first time ever all of our spray aircraft, and because we had a joint police-military operation which reduced the amount of problems with respect to security. Even then, sir, we still had some bad weather days. We did not fly every day during that period. In one case we went a week within that 45-day period without flying. Mr. Souder. Thank you. Mr. Mica. Mr. Mica. Thank you. Let me get right into a line of questioning that the chairman started out. OK. The eradication, Mr. Beers, of coca, has been, you said, 25,000 and 10,000, so we are up to 35,000 hectares. What is the total coca? Mr. Beers. The current estimate for the end of calendar year 2000 is 136,200 hectares. Mr. Mica. So in 4 or 5 months we have eliminated what, 20 percent? Mr. Beers. In 45 days. Mr. Mica. What cost was that? Mr. Beers. You mean the dollar cost? Mr. Mica. Just a ballpark. A couple million, $5 million, $10 million? Mr. Beers. No, sir. It was on the order of, and I am not costing the cost of the aircraft, only O&M dollars, only the basis of that, on the order of about $5 million, sir. Mr. Mica. $5 million can get rid of 20 percent. I can't for the life of me not believe we can't get a few more bucks in. I know we are getting the stuff first that is easiest to get; is that correct? Mr. Beers. We are hitting the most concentrated area. But, please, sir, before you go on with that line of analysis, I was very careful to say I didn't give you any figures associated with the infrastructure and the aircraft and the people who are required to be there in order to use the gasoline and spare parts in order to effect this effort. We bought small planes, we bought helicopters. Mr. Mica. It is a very small part of $1.3 billion. The $1.3 billion, of course, half of it goes to the military, approximately, or less than half, $516 million; the National Police, $115 million; $228 million for economic development. I get into a question on that. My point is a little bit of money can eradicate a lot of potential drugs. Mr. Beers. If everything is in place. Mr. Mica. OK. The other thing, too, is we are concerned a little bit about poppy eradication. What is the schedule and what is the record on poppy eradication, which, of course, produces heroin? Has one been done at the expense of the other? Mr. Beers. If you want to follow that line of analysis, you can, sir. What we have chosen to do last year was to work with the CNP, and they sprayed about 9,000 hectares of opium poppy. Mr. Mica. Out of a total of how many that exists of poppy? Mr. Beers. Sir, there are 2,500 hectares of opium poppy estimated to be in Colombia. Mr. Mica. It is possible to concentrate, and we will have a program that eradicates both; is that correct? Mr. Beers. Yes, sir. But what we have done is focus our forces in one place---- Mr. Mica. Can we get rid of half of it in the next year? Mr. Beers. Of the opium poppy, sir? Mr. Mica. Both, with the spray schedule and others? Mr. Beers. If things are fortunate and we are able to contain additional growth, that is a possible objective. But if I could go back to the poppy for just a moment, sir, the discrepancy between the number of hectares we sprayed, which is well in excess of the number of hectares that exist, is because opium poppy grows in 90 days and you have to go back and spray it again and again and again in order to convince the campesino not to continue to grow it, because it is such an easy crop to grow. Mr. Mica. That is important. The most successful pattern that we could follow would be Bolivia. They pulled it out by hand, as I said, the hard way, but they also were replacing it with alternative development. Mr. Beers. Right. And we have a program for that. Mr. Mica. I met with the head of U.N. Office of Drug Control Policy, and I asked him how much work on alternative development had been contracted to them, because they have probably the best record in the world, and also more credible than the gringos or the United States going in and doing this or other folks. They said they got a $5 million contract. What are we doing as far as alternative development and contracting that out or getting it done, because it has to be done in sync, right? Mr. Beers. Yes, sir, that is the way that it works the best. We have had in association with the Government of Colombia a 3-year, $15 million program of alternative development with respect to opium---- Mr. Mica. 3-year, $15 million program. Mr. Beers. Sir, with respect to opium poppy only. We are now going into the third year. Mr. Mica. What about the coca? Mr. Beers. We began this year with the funds that were made available from Plan Colombia. Mr. Mica. Out of $228 million, there is what, about $90 million available? Mr. Beers. Yes, sir, for programs related to that, and there are Colombian Government programs. Mr. Mica. How quickly can we get that in, because, again, we are concerned about the peasants who are growing this stuff and that they have some alternative, and we found that if we eradicate it, they will go back to it if there is not some alternative. So it would have to work in sync. Mr. Beers. Yes, sir. Mr. Mica. What would be your schedule on getting the $90 million? Mr. Beers. Our schedule with respect to the overall program is to work community by community to develop projects in which--and this is United States and Colombian Government working together, not United States only. These are Colombian officials executing these projects to work community by community to establish projects for up to 30,000 hectares over a 2-year period. We have now--thus far the Colombian Government has now thus far established projects to cover about 3,000 hectares and 1,400 families. We hope by the beginning of April to have that total up to nearly 7,000 hectares. Mr. Mica. If you could give the subcommittee a schedule of what you intend to do and how we intend to disburse that, because by the end of September, that money is programmed through that time, and that is 10 percent of what we are eradicating, if we are doing---- Mr. Beers. Sir, we are not intending to do alternative development with all of the coca in Colombia. Mr. Mica. Heroin also? Mr. Beers. No, no. We have categorized it into two different threats. There is industrial coca and small plot- holder coca. We are only going to do the alternative development with the small plot-holder coca. We are not going to pay large agriculture industrial enterprises that are narcotraffickers to go into some sort of other business. They are criminals. We are going to deal with them that way. Mr. Mica. Absolutely. We have a good model. We have had someone who has conducted this. I strongly support the U.N. Efforts. That is coming from a pretty conservative Republican over, let's see, this is my right side, OK. But I have seen what they have done, and they have the credibility. So I think we could get some of that money out there, get somebody to do it, and give them an alternative as soon as possible. What kind of herbicide are you spraying? Mr. Beers. We are currently using a herbicide called glyphosate, sir. Mr. Mica. I had reports when I was down there that the drug dealers are using glyphosate to kill the weeds around the coca and the poppy plants. Mr. Beers. It is an herbicide. Mr. Mica. It is pretty dangerous stuff, isn't it? Mr. Beers. No, sir. Mr. Mica. It is killing the peasants. Mr. Beers. No, it is not, sir. We don't have any evidence to indicate it is killing peasants, sir. We tested it in the United States. Mr. Mica. They have severe health problems. We had the other Members on the other side who are down there hugging the guerrillas and the peasants saying that we are spraying them with toxic material. Mr. Beers. Sir, with all due respect to the reports that have come out---- Mr. Mica. Has this stuff been tested? Mr. Beers. This has been tested and approved for use within the United States. Mr. Mica. Actually people are using it in their backyards to eradicate weeds? Mr. Beers. Yes, sir. Mr. Mica. You are telling me it won't hurt the hair or harm the skin of any little guerrilla? Mr. Beers. Sir, if you were to drink a concentrated substance of this, it would hurt you. We spray this in such a density that there is about a milliliter of this substance which lands on a square meter of ground. That is the way it is dispersed. Mr. Mica. The New York Times had a picture of a spray plane spraying peasants. Is this your effort to go after these little folks? We heard also testimony or an opening statement today that you are wiping out the livelihood of little peasants. Is that how you targeted this to start out? Mr. Beers. No, sir. We target--we go in in advance, we look where we are going to spray, and only then we come back and spray. We monitor what we have done after we have sprayed to make sure that we are hitting what we are trying to. If there is cultivation of legal crops within coca fields, we do not not spray that because it is a coca-producing field. If they are choosing to try to deceive us by putting legal crops within an illegal field, it is an illegal field. If they put their crops separately from the illegal field, we don't spray them. Mr. Mica. You heard great concern about getting parts, spare parts, down there. You said today you are going to sign an agreement with the police. I know this will work, I mean, if we can get this all together, and I appreciate what you have done, Mr. Beers. Sometimes there has been different signals from different folks about putting this all together, but it can work, and I know you have a lot of responsibility, and it is a huge project. So we are not here to beat you up, although that is fun sometimes. We do want it to work, and we really--if you see something that is missing in this, we have gone down and we are giving you our observations, and there is no question again with a little bit of money and getting this together that we can eradicate a lot of the supply. Mr. Beers. Thank you, sir. I appreciate that. Mr. Souder. Mr. Mica, let me take a turn, and I will get back to you. Mr. Mica. I haven't gotten to Pace. I will get Pace in the next round. Get some of that military to block the door there. Mr. Souder. I also want to move to Mr. Marshall next in the questioning. Could you elaborate on what you think the heroin problem is becoming in this country? Do you see that as a declining or growing problem in relation to cocaine? Mr. Marshall. I think it is a growing problem, Mr. Chairman, and we are quite concerned about that because we have seen that we are sort of a victim of our own success. We had a lot of success over the years until wiping out the Southeast Asian market or suppliers to the U.S. market, and to a certain degree the Southwest Asia suppliers. What we saw then unfortunately was that the Colombian traffickers saw that opportunity, and they took advantage of it to move into the U.S. market. What they did was they aggressively marketed this product, which is a pattern that we see with the Colombia-based and Mexican-based traffickers. They did such things as offering low prices and high purities in particularly East Coast markets. We had a lot of reports early on that they did such things as giving away free samples, they did such things as selling a few kilos of heroin with a shipment of cocaine as a condition of selling that cocaine. Their goal was to create a market for heroin. So with all of those elements coming together, they did manage to successfully introduce it into the United States. The reason I think the market is growing is because they have managed to market this brand of heroin, this more potent product, to a new type of user in the United States. It used to be that heroin was associated with junkies, with needles, with very just grungy, unsanitary conditions, and a lot of people, middle-class, middle-income, younger people, college students, didn't want any part of it because of the needle aspect of it and the filth associated with it. Well, because of the purity of Colombian heroin, this product could be inhaled or snorted in a similar fashion as people use cocaine. So you had naive people thinking that because it was used that way, it would not become addictive. So college people, professionals, people that never ordinarily would have touched it started using it. They quickly found that it was just as addictive, and they quickly--we quickly saw that they moved to the needle and really became traditional junkies in a large sense. We saw that particularly in Operation White Horse, where we worked very closely with the Colombian National Police and authorities in New York, Philadelphia, Delaware, and we took out an entire Colombia trafficking organization, heroin trafficking organization that was marketing that product to essentially weak and vulnerable people in those areas. So it is growing in regard to coke. I apologize for making that answer so lengthy, but I think it is important that we understand the situation. Mr. Souder. In the United States, would you say that--what percentage of the heroin in the United States would you say is coming from Colombia? Mr. Marshall. I think our estimate right now is 65-70 percent from Colombia, of the U.S. market. Mr. Souder. And what was that--you said Asian heroin is declining. Has that shift occurred in the last year to 2? Mr. Marshall. It has occurred in the last 5 to 6 years, I would say. We managed to wipe Southeast Asia heroin largely out of the market in the early mid-nineties as a result of working with the Thai authorities, and again extradition was involved in an operation--the name of it escapes me right now, but we got a lot of the Southeast Asia heroin kingpins that we extradited back here. At the same time, the Thai authorities did a magnificent job over there and basically we hit them when they were vulnerable and the Colombians stepped in. That is really in the last 5 or so years. That operation was Tiger Trap that we did in Southeast Asia. Mr. Souder. When we first started this debate most heavily in 1995 after the Republicans took over Congress and started focusing on cocaine, we, generally speaking, were focusing on the cocaine problem. You are telling us over that period of time when we have been focusing on the cocaine problem in Colombia, we have seen the traffic move from Asia in the mid- nineties to Colombian heroin, and, second, are you seeing a rise in domestic use of heroin simultaneously? Mr. Marshall. That is correct, sir. Mr. Souder. Is there a particular reason why heroin would be grown in Colombia and not in other countries--or poppy, I should say? Mr. Marshall. Well, I am not an agricultural expert and I am not sure what specific conditions you have to have to grow the opium poppy. It is grown in many parts of the world. It is grown in Afghanistan, Southeast Asia, Burma, Mexico, Colombia. I would just assume that the temperatures and the growing season and the soil conditions are right in Colombia. If you would like, I will do a little research on what kind of soil conditions and that sort of stuff. But certainly the conditions in Colombia lend themselves to growing the opium poppy. Mr. Beers. And we are beginning to see indications in Peru as well. Mr. Souder. We heard in Ecuador they have some concerns, although not much evidence. Have you heard anything in Ecuador? Mr. Beers. I think the point that Donnie is making is absolutely correct. This is not a particularly geographic- specific crop. It can be grown essentially everywhere, and it is an issue where the traffickers want to organize themselves to market it. Mr. Souder. Is it true it is best at 8,000 feet? Mr. Beers. It grows at lower altitudes as well, but that is what happens to be convenient in Colombia, and they are also at high altitude--the indications in Peru are also it is high altitude there. It would appear in part to be because that is more isolated, more difficult for government presence to effect law enforcement actions against it or for any government programs, for that matter, to be made available. Mr. Souder. Also I wanted to ask Mr. Marshall, in Colombia do you feel that, particularly as the--kind of the pressures increase, both in cocaine and heroin, that you have sufficient resources in DEA in Colombia? Mr. Marshall. Well, certainly if you ask me if I need more resources in Colombia or anywhere else, I would have to say that, yes, I do need more resources. We did in fact work and put in several requests for resources within Plan Colombia. Unfortunately, we did not receive any of those. We are about to receive $5 million or so for wire intercept program within our regular budget. We had requested, I believe, something on the order of seven new agent positions and three support positions for Colombia in the--we requested it for several years, but most recently in the 2002 budget, I believe, and have not received that thus far. But, yes, I would like to have not massive amounts of new resources, but modest amounts of new resources. Mr. Souder. Aren't most of the major operations we do dependent on intelligence? Mr. Marshall. Yes. Mr. Souder. Because when we are looking in the Caribbean Sea or the Pacific region, how else would we identify which airplanes are prospects? Mr. Marshall. Well, we identify--I mean various intelligence information comes to us in various ways. I mean, we have human sources, we have undercover sources, we have domestic investigations that feed into the whole picture, we have State and local law enforcement agencies that feed into it, and we have our aspect where we attack the communications. Frankly, when we combine them all, our ability to attack the communications is really, I think, our most beneficial, our most useful, our most productive element at the moment. There is so much cocaine being shipped into the United States, when you look at the amount of sea that the Coast Guard has to cover, you look at the amount of traffic coming over the Mexican border, you look at the amount of containers in the port of Miami or Los Angeles, you have to have intelligence information to really impact that. Mr. Souder. When we look at the map of Colombia and see in green, the biggest coca regions in the DMZ is in between those two regions. Do you have concerns based on your information that might be solidifying their operations, or they are using that as a base to in effect hide out? Mr. Marshall. Well, yes, that is certainly our concern. I have to confess that since we can't get in that area, we don't know totally what is going on. That is a concern of the National Police, our counterparts, as well. I don't think we have any real hard numbers or evidence to know what is going on in there. But I think it is reasonable to assume that since you have cultivations on the other side, that there is probably at least some of that going on inside the zone as well. Mr. Souder. Mr. Mica. Mr. Mica. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. We are a number of months into Plan Colombia and it is difficult sometimes from the time Congress appropriates until the time things are brought on line. I would like, Mr. Beers, if you could provide the subcommittee and, General Pace, if you could provide the subcommittee, with any recommendations for altering any of the funds that we have appropriated to date. It got to be a feeding frenzy sort of at the end, and whoever was the biggest gorilla on the block got the most money. We have also got quite a bit of money into nation building. Maybe you could give us a candid assessment of what is doable, expendable, and where our gaps may be. I would like that to come to the subcommittee within the next 2 weeks in case we need to go back to the appropriators or somebody and shift this around or look at where our gaps may be coming up. Mr. Chairman, would that be acceptable? Mr. Souder. Yes. Mr. Mica. General Pace, we have one trained operational unit to date. Is the second one now completely trained? General Pace. Sir, there are a brigade headquarters and three battalions. The brigade headquarters and two of the three battalions are trained and operational in the field now. Mr. Mica. Trained and operational? General Pace. Yes. The third will be done the last week in May, sir. Mr. Mica. You have all of the equipment and resources ready to move? General Pace. Sir, it is either on the ground or en route. Mr. Mica. Can you provide the committee with a schedule, again in writing, of what the date is for the third unit, what is missing from being on the ground or en route, as you said? Could you do that? General Pace. Certainly, sir. The date is around May 25th, sir. It may be 1 day on either side. Mr. Mica. You heard Mr. Gilman and myself express our frustration about--of course, we have the police with helicopters that are not flying or cannibalized for some reason, and I think that is all because today they are going to sign the agreement. Now, with the military, we were told, I believe, there is 1 out of 10, or 1 out of 9 C-130's that can transport troops and equipment. Is that the Air Force? General Pace. Sir, that is the Colombian Air Force; yes, sir. Mr. Mica. Why in heaven's name can't we do something to get those planes flying? General Pace. Sir, we certainly can. Mr. Mica. I was told by one of your colleagues down there, a couple of National Guard units could come down or some technical people, or actually if we don't even want them there we could take folks out and train them someplace else to get that equipment going, maintained; but you can't have a Plan Colombia, you can't have any plan if we can't get it operational and get the troops and the equipment back up where it needs to go. Can you report to us in some way, some fashion, what you need to get that lift capability in place? General Pace. Sir, I can certainly report to you. [The information referred to follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.101 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.102 Mr. Mica. The same thing with the helicopters. The Hueys, I guess, are doing the same thing. Can you do that, General? Some plan. My God, you guys, I know you can do it, and any time we assign the military and give them an order, they do it. They don't whine, they get it done. So I am looking from you what it is going to take to get that done, again because the police are doing the law enforcement function. But we can't have the police function without the military providing the protection and also getting equipment and resources there, right? General Pace. Sir, it is not yet part of my mission, as you know, to do the Colombian Air Force or the Colombian helicopters. My mission is to train---- Mr. Mica. Who do you need permission from to get that? You are just training the troops and we have no way to get them there? General Pace. Sir, I am training the troops. Mr. Mica. Who is in charge of the whole thing? Who makes the decision? General Pace. Sir, that is a policy decision. Mr. Mica. Who? Tell me who. Come on. Who would pick up the--if someone picked up the phone and called you and said do it, who would do it? I mean, I am only 1 of 435. Turn that thing off, it bothers me. General Pace. Sir, I understand. I am not sure which one of your questions to answer first. I will try the last one. Mr. Mica. Do you need the Secretary of Defense? General Pace. I get my missions from the Secretary of Defense, yes, sir; and yes, we can in fact determine on the C- 130's---- Mr. Mica. We need a letter from the subcommittee to the Secretary of Defense. The whole thing won't work if we can't get the resources to where they need to go. It is that simple. This isn't rocket science. If you were going to fight a war and the strategy was only to treat the wounded, what would happen? General Pace. I don't understand the context of the question, sir. Mr. Mica. If you were going to fight a war and you were given orders, only treat the wounded, that is your only mission, what would happen? General Pace. Sir, I presume we would lose the war. But I still don't understand the context of the question. Mr. Mica. Well, you have answered it. Do you have any say or can you get the National Guard involved in any training missions? General Pace. Sir, the National Guard can be involved in these training missions if those assets are provided to me by the Secretary of Defense. They don't need, in my opinion, they don't need assistance in the Colombian Air Force on how to maintain airframes. What they need is assistance with getting the parts that they do not have to maintain their Air Force. So it is a dollar-and-cents issue, not a training issue. Mr. Mica. You are better at this. We were down there for a couple of days. You have seen it and your folks have seen it. If you can get to us in the next 2 weeks just a list of what it would take, and then we will go to whoever provides that. One of the things that concerns me, we visited JTF Bravo in Honduras, and they told us that they only had permission for 9 or 10 days for narcotics--anti-narcotics effort, and that order came from SOUTHCOM. General Pace. Sir---- Mr. Mica. They are there building hospitals and bridges and doing good works and drilling wells and they are doing training and other things, but they said that they are limited to 9 or 10 days, I forget what it was, but a very small number of days by SOUTHCOM. General Pace. Sir, I am SOUTHCOM, so they get their orders from me. Mr. Mica. Why is there a limit? General Pace. They have a limit on the number of hours they can fly per month, sir. The helicopters you saw at Soto Cano Air Base in Honduras fly more hours per month than any helicopters in the U.S. Army inventory. Mr. Mica. Right. We were told that. Why can't they do more anti-narcotics work? General Pace. Sir, they certainly can. We have an exercise called Central Skies. Mr. Mica. I love helping people, but, my God, there are people dying in our streets. What did we have nine---- General Pace. Sir, we have 18 helicopters there; 10 are Blackhawks that are troop carriers, four are Blackhawk Medivac, four are CH-47 heavy lift helicopters. Central Sky, sir, is the exercise that in fact is the exercise that we use to conduct lift of host nation police and military to eradicate primarily marijuana, but now assisting them in being set up to interdict cocaine shipments. Mr. Mica. And hopefully heroin, too. General Pace. Hopefully, sir. Mr. Mica. But can you relook at that? Because it seemed like we have--I mean, we landed there, and, my God, we had helicopters all over the place and resources. We said oh, this is great. We said how much of this is being devoted toward anti-narcotics efforts. Well, about 10 days. And who made that decision? SOUTHCOM. General Pace. If I may, sir, there is much more to my responsibilities than counter-narcotics. I certainly will take a look at that. I have the rest of engagements for all of Central America that I have to do with those helicopters. Mr. Mica. Again, we are facing a national crisis. How many wars do you know where we lost 16,000 Americans in a year on our soil? If they were lobbing bombs at us, you guys would sure as heck be down there responding. OK, FOLs. We don't have--we have a signed agreement with Aruba and Curacao, but we don't have the other Netherlands approval. Is that doubtful, Mr. Beers, or what do you think? Mr. Beers. Sir, I don't think it was doubtful. I thought that was signed as well. I will have to get back to you. Mr. Mica. No, the Netherlands has not approved it, so we can't start any construction. Mr. Souder. Their legislature hasn't approved it yet. Mr. Mica. The Netherlands Parliament, the local authorities, and I guess they are sovereign, but there is the connection to the mother country, but the Netherlands Parliament has not approved it, and I have been over twice and we have talked to them, and I was surprised when I got there that it still is in dispute. So we aren't going to put $40 million in one location and $10 million in another location until we have some contract signed, correct? Mr. Beers. You have to ask Mr. Newberry and General Pace about that, actually. General Pace. Sir, we will not expend the money that has been allocated to upgrade Aruba and Curacao until the government in the Netherlands verifies the treaty. Mr. Mica. Curacao, you have to refresh me, is that being designed to also take AWACS? General Pace. Yes, sir. Mr. Mica. Then we visited Manta, and I am told that Manta is going to be closed down for 6 months. General Pace. Correct, sir. Mr. Mica. Of course, with that closed down we do have a alternate plan to take up the slack; is that correct? General Pace. That is true, sir. Between Curacao itself and Compala at El Salvador, although the legs are longer, therefore you have less time for the airframe in the target area, you can in fact fly from El Salvador, you can fly from Curacao, to get to the area. Mr. Mica. But we have a plan when we close that to reinforce the runway in place to take up for the slack. General Pace. That is correct, sir. Mr. Mica. I am also concerned we will have plenty of these locations for AWACS. In fact, I was told in Honduras you could land AWACS on that runway. I think they told me it would take the Space Shuttle, it is so big. But then I was told we don't have the AWACS to support the mission. What is the plan there? General Pace. Sir, like any commander, if you ask me do I have enough assets, the answer is no, I do not. However, I feel that---- Mr. Mica. Are we building runways at a cost of $150 million or improving them for planes that we don't have? General Pace. No. Mr. Mica. But you don't have them now? General Pace. I have one now, sir, that I have on a recurring routine basis, and I am competing with my fellow CINCs who have other U.S. responsibilities; and we put our requirements on the table, sometimes I get the assets, and sometimes someone else with a higher priority gets the assets. Mr. Mica. Do you have a request in for an additional AWACS? General Pace. Sir, we do. We have a standing request in with the Joint Staff that when the asset is available, I can utilize two AWACS full-time. Mr. Mica. You don't have to give us publicly, but can you give the subcommittee a history in the last year, up to date, if possible, the use of AWACS in that arena? General Pace. Yes, sir. Mr. Mica. One last question. I got a report that the Air Force has taken down the aerostats on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Mr. Newberry, do you know about that? Mr. Newberry. Yes, sir, I am aware of that. Mr. Mica. What is happening? Mr. Newberry. Well, they are not down yet. They are still there. As you recall, Congress asked us to put together a report with Customs on the aerostat issue. Mr. Mica. About transferring them over. Mr. Newberry. Transferring them over. In that report also their effectiveness, their use, which will also address the Gulf State aerostats. Mr. Mica. Where are you? Mr. Newberry. We are still working the report with Customs. Mr. Mica. They are not down? Mr. Newberry. They are down for different reasons. They are not being closed down at this moment. But, that said, the Department of Defense has also a certain amount of funds and certain priorities and certain missions---- Mr. Mica. And this isn't a priority. Who makes that decision? Who would say whether they go up or down? Give me a name. Mr. Newberry. Well, I will give you my name, sir. Bob Newberry. Use my name. Mr. Mica. Well, there is great concern. I mean, we have over-the-horizon radar that takes in certain things. We have limited surveillance operations going on out there. We know the drug traffickers come in at low altitudes and are not detected by some of these gaps. Mr. Newberry. That is one of the areas we are looking at. In fact, our assessment shows the Gulf Coast routing never has been a problem, it is not a problem, and is probably the least priority of our problems for transiting drugs into the United States. Mr. Mica. Could it be because we had them there? Mr. Newberry. No, actually they have not been there that long. They are probably the last ones that were built. We had a lot of pressure from obviously the southeast States and a lot of unsubstantiated reports about aircraft trafficking in that area. But as of this date, that probably is not an air trafficking route into the United States. Mr. Mica. OK. We want to see where they can be best utilized if they are going to be taken down or transferred. Maybe we could get them all to Customs, work together, and then utilize them. We do know they are a deterrent, we do know they are a great detection source. We do know that drug dealers come in under radar and they have the capability to detect some of that. So can you give a little report to the chairman of the subcommittee and let us know, before anything comes down, or what you are going to do with them? Mr. Newberry. Sir, the report--we owe you an official report to Congress due in May, and nothing will come down before that report reaches the Congress. Mr. Mica. OK. Staff is screaming behind me that they are already down. Mr. Newberry. Sir, there are aerostats down all the time for different reasons. Hurricanes blow them down, they fall down. Mr. Mica. Give me a little record. There are no hurricanes in this month. I come from Florida. Can you please give us a record of when they have been up and down and what they are doing with them? Before May. Mr. Newberry. The current status of the aerostats. [The information referred to follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.103 Mr. Mica. Finally, Mr. Chairman, if you will indulge me, I asked General Wilhelm about the status of the Riverine Project, because we know when we get them in the air they go to the river or to other areas. And this was a hearing, House of Representatives, March 12, 1998. He promised to give me a quarterly report on what is happening there. The Department of Defense, I believe, has been derelict in that. General Pace, you have taken over. Can you give us an update on the Riverine status, where we are? We had some trouble getting, again, the equipment there and getting it operational? General Pace. In Colombia, sir? Mr. Mica. Sir. General Pace. Sir, I will take that for the record to give you an accurate answer. Mr. Mica. I think we are OK in Peru, but if you could give us an update as far as anything we are involved in Riverine equipment there. The final thing, Mr. Beers, 2 years ago we appropriated $300 million for this effort. Mr. Beers. Yes, sir, $232. Mr. Mica. Right. Is all of that expended? Mr. Beers. I will have to get you that report for the---- Mr. Mica. Can you get us that report? Mr. Beers. Yes, sir. [The information referred to follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.104 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.105 Mr. Mica. Then prior to that we have been asking for surplus equipment. What number is that? 506 drawdown. Has all of that been delivered? Mr. Beers. I will get you that for the record. We do report that on a regular basis with the Department of Defense and we will get you the most updated report on that, sir. [The information referred to follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.106 Mr. Mica. Mr. Chairman, the defense rests. Mr. Souder. I have some additional questions, and then we will wind up. First, I would like to ask Mr. Beers on the GAU-19 ammunition question which we ran into again in Colombia, that there is no question that some of the guns are jamming and they believe it is because of the ammunition. We heard that Crane had given some evaluation that the ammunition that was sent, the 50-year-old ammunition, would be workable. Is that where you received the information that the ammunition for the GAU- 19s would be workable? Mr. Beers. Yes, sir, we did receive that information from Crane, and that ammunition is currently being used by the Air Force, the Colombian Air Force. They have fired, I think, maybe 1 million rounds already of that ammunition. It works if you turn the select or switch to 1,000 rounds per minute instead of 2,000 rounds per minute. But I would also like to correct, at least from our understanding, none of the GAU-19s that the Colombian National Police used were down because of this ammunition. They only fired it once and that was a test firing. There have been some instances in which the GAU-19s are not operating, but it is not related to the ammunition. Because of that original General Dynamics indication that older ammunition shouldn't be used, they have not used it. But the Air Force is perfectly prepared to use it for their own mini-guns and use it successfully. Mr. Souder. For the record, I would like some sort of copy of whatever document or information you received from Crane that provided that analysis, and also whether or not any American units used that type of ammunition with that gun. Mr. Beers. All right, sir, we will get that for you. Thank you. Mr. Souder. Thank you. On the training question, as you heard from Congressman Mica, and you have heard from me in different forums, there is a concern about the training process. You heard from Congresswoman Schakowsky, too, about the contracting out. It was still unclear to me from the discussion here that prior to the troops going on--in other words, SOUTHCOM was providing training for the military units. Once they are trained, is there any followup training and is anybody working with those units in dealing with problems? General Pace. Mr. Chairman, thank you. We have had refresher training with the first two battalions that were trained, and it would be a normal part of a sustainment to send back teams of about 8, 10, 12 individuals who assist to make sure that the trainers who we--have been trained are still executing properly. So although I don't have that planned beyond these three battalions into the following year, because that still is a resource allocation decision to be made by the current administration, that would be a reasonable thing to continue to do. Mr. Souder. One of the concerns that popped up in a number of the testimonies is whether or not there is helicopter pilot training; and the helicopter pilots are the largest group contracted out, is that correct? General Pace. Yes, sir. Mr. Beers. With respect to the military helicopters, the UH-1N program has been funded and supported by the INL budget line. And we have used the INL air wing as the support entity that does that, and they do use Dyncorp, and some subcontractors actually implement that program in the field. We chose that route--that is, we, the U.S. Government chose that route, at a time in the fall of 1999, when it was a question as to who had the funds and who could move the quickest with respect to their authorities in order to undertake that program. With respect to the Blackhawk program, while we have been using State Department funds for the procurement, the training of the pilots will be handled by the Department of Defense. With respect to the Huey II program for the Colombian Army, we are still in the final determination stage as to who will execute that and who will fund that, but it will be executed, and it will be funded. Mr. Souder. I think I can speak for both the conservative Republicans and the liberal Democrats. We would like to see proposals from the State Department and the Defense Department to accelerate the training of Colombians, so we don't have to do the contracting out, who are largely Americans. Mr. Beers. No, sir, that is not true. Mr. Souder. The Dyncorp is not largely Americans. Mr. Beers. No, sir. What we have done with respect to the UH-1 program, and let me be very clear about this, because it is very important, we have U.S. instructor pilots, two of them who have been working with that training program. They are only permitted to operate in a training mode in a training area. They are not permitted to go on operations. While it is true that the pilots in some of the seats of some of those helicopters are contract pilots, they are not U.S. citizens. They are Colombians. They are Colombians who are hired out of the private economy, because the Colombian Army did not have and does not currently have sufficient pilots to man those cockpits. Rather than wait for the time that would be necessary in order to train those pilots and make them proficient in those cockpits, we went out on the civilian economy and found people who had that experience, and they are in those cockpits. They have been instructed, yes, by INL, but it has been coordinated--the program of instruction has been coordinated with the U.S. military, and that is who is actually out there flying the operational missions, not U.S. people. Mr. Souder. So you are saying they are not U.S. Government people. Can the Colombian private sector contract with American nationals? Mr. Beers. I don't know the answer to that, sir, but we are controlling that contract, and I am telling you how that contract is being controlled. Mr. Souder. When the helicopter was shot down and the helicopter went in to rescue them, our understanding was that those were U.S. pilots, not necessarily government, but U.S. nationals. Mr. Beers. There are a mix of helicopters that go on every mission that is flown with respect to eradication. And with respect to the individual helicopter which went in to pick up the pilot and crew from the first helicopter, the first helicopter that went in was manned entirely by Colombian National Police and extracted the pilot, the one who was injured, and some of the crew. The second helicopter that went in was an aircraft that had two medical rescue personnel on it who were private U.S. citizens, and I believe one of the pilots in that aircraft was a U.S. citizen contract pilot. By and large, with respect to the way that the operations are run overall, Colombian operations of the Colombian National Police which have heretofore, until we got to this operation, essentially been focused entirely upon the opium and poppy effort have been entirely Colombian operations. The coca operations have included U.S. individuals flying some, but not all, of the spray airplanes all the time and some, but not all, of the accompanying aircraft. That is, the helicopters that provide gunship support and they provide search and rescue support have been piloted by or copiloted by a contract employee who is a U.S. citizen. The rescue personnel for this part of the operation have been up to this point U.S. citizens. The Colombians have their own rescue capability, which they use in association with their activities. So that, on a day-to-day basis, there are some U.S. citizens who are flying some of those support helicopters, but it is not a U.S. operation entirely. None of the armament is manned by U.S. citizens, and none of the orders for any of the arms to fire are made by U.S. citizens. That is entirely a Colombian National decision chain, and the operations are in every instance commanded overall by Colombians. Mr. Souder. I appreciate that clarity for the record. I think it is safe to say that in working between the State Department, the Defense Department anyway we can make--move that toward to a 100 percent Colombian operation, whether it is through the military, the State Department, the Guard or whoever does the training. That is certainly going to be a combined goal of the U.S. Congress. We do not need the West Wing scenario that was on TV to occur or you will have a political backlash in this whole operation. This is a country that is a 200-year democracy. It is not like Vietnam. They have a military and a national police. They have been flooded with narcodollars threatening their country. But to the degree that a portion of the program becomes critical--I am not criticizing how you got to the point where you are now, because we escalated the effort and they are not trainees, but to make sure that component is a priority in the mix is very important in this package plan, because Americans do not like to hear about Americans being on the ground even if they are not shooting the gun but being put at risk. Mr. Beers. Yes, sir, and that is our objective. I appreciate your indulgence in understanding how we got here. But that is our objective. And at a meeting of our air wing, which I had just this week, I stressed that point again. It is our objective that those--the individuals, certainly, that are on operational missions be Colombian. We will be working with the Colombians in areas for some time to come, because of the interface between our logistical system in terms of getting things to them and their acceptance of that and maintaining of this equipment. So between ourselves and the Department of Defense contracts and personnel, we will have a presence there. But it is our objective to reduce that to the absolute minimum. Mr. Souder. Also, in the parts question that we discussed earlier, as to who is in charge and how that gets done, clearly, we do not want to have--almost every military operation in American history, the parts supply and support mechanisms are the vital lifeline in whether or not a project is going to be successful. And we can't just have the helicopters and $300 million in legal building and human rights building and not have the supply mechanism in place. We understand that this was a quick rampup and acceleration, but those questions do need to be focused on. Certainly, it will be followed up in the future. Mr. Beers. We are fully committed to that, sir. Mr. Souder. I also want to make sure that in the budget proposal and in the operational execution, some of which wouldn't be in a budget proposal, that intelligence operations are sufficient. Otherwise, we wind up looking for needles in haystacks, and that includes the internal decisions on where to put the AWACS. If we are putting $50 million to $60 million up in the Netherlands Antilles and over in Manta for facilities for AWACS, we need to make sure we have AWACS there, or this is an incredible waste of American taxpayer dollars. We heard constantly that while we had Rather coverage and others in the northern part, there is some concern about East- West and to make sure that gets in our mix if there needs to be additional intelligence capabilities. General Pace, and then Mr. Marshal. General Pace. Mr. Chairman, thank you very much for the opportunity to respond to that. I will provide to the committee the information on the AWACS. But, just as you know, there are other airframes that utilize those airfields. It is not just AWACS specific. It is P3 airplanes and many other types of airplanes that collectively assist us. So I will get the data about the AWACS to you, but there is much more to it than that, as you know, sir. Mr. Souder. Yes. I believe that--each location, however-- the runway length and the hanger capacity was costing more because we assumed there would be AWACS there and additional people. General Pace. That is true. Mr. Souder. Mr. Marshall. Mr. Marshal. If I can followup on your intelligence comments, I would like to point out in my earlier answer I said there were several iterations of requests for DEA resources, but in the final analysis, when we got down to the final push for our request in Plan Colombia, all of our requests in connection with Plan Colombia were intelligence-related. And, if I may, I will submit a detailed itemized listing of those for the record. [The information referred to follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.107 Mr. Souder. Well, thank you all very much for rearranging your schedules on short notice to come today. Also, for the record, Ms. Schakowsky asked to put her schedule into the record of where she was in Colombia. And while Mr. Mica did not get specific, she, in fact, did not meet with any of the leftist guerillas, and I think the record should show that. With that, the hearing stands adjourned. [Whereupon, at 11:41 a.m., the subcommittee was adjourned.] [Additional information submitted for the hearing record follows:] [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.108 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.109 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.110 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.111 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.112 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.113 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.114 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.115 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.116 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.117 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.118 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.119 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.120 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.121 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.122 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.123 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.124 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.125 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.126 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.127 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.128 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.129 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.130 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.131 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.132 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.133 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.134 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.135 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.136 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.137 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.138 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.139 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.140 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.141 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.142 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.143 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.144 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.145 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.146 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.147 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.148 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.149 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.150 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.151 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.152 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.153 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.154 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.155 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.156 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.157 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.158 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T6478.159 -