[Title 32 CFR A]
[Code of Federal Regulations (annual edition) - July 1, 2002 Edition]
[Subtitle A - Department of Defense (Continued)]
[Subpart A - Department of the Navy Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office]

  Subpart A--Department of the Navy Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 

Sec. 701.1  Purpose.

    Subparts A, B, C, and D of this part issue policies and procedures 
for implementing the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552), and 
Department of Defense Directives 5400.7 and 5400.7-R series \1\, 
Department of Defense Freedom of Information Act Program, (See 32 CFR 
part 286) and promote uniformity in the Department of the Navy Freedom 
of Information Act (FOIA) Program.

    \1\ Copies may be obtained if needed from the Navy FOIA Website at 

Sec. 701.2  Navy FOIA website/FOIA handbook.

    (a) The Navy FOIA website (http://www.ogc.secnav.hq.navy. mil/foia/
index.html) is an excellent resource for requesters and FOIA 
coordinators. It provides connectivity to the Navy's official website, 
to other FOIA and non/FOIA websites, and to the Navy's electronic 
reading rooms.
    (b) FOIA requesters are encouraged to visit the Navy FOIA website 
prior to filing a request. It features a FOIA Handbook which provides: 
guidance on how and where to submit requests; what's releasable/what's 
not; addresses for frequently requested information; time limits and 
addresses for filing appeals, etc. FOIA requesters may also use the 
electronic FOIA request form on the website to seek access to records 
originated by the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) or the Chief of Naval 
Operations (CNO).

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Sec. 701.3  Applicability.

    (a) Subparts A, B, C, and D of this part apply throughout the 
Department of the Navy (DON) and take precedence over other DON 
instructions, which may serve to supplement it [i.e., Public Affairs 
Regulations, Security Classification Regulations, Navy Regulations, 
Marine Corps Orders, etc.]. Further, issuance of supplementary 
instructions by DON activities, deemed essential to the accommodation of 
perceived requirements peculiar to those activities, may not conflict.
    (b) The FOIA applies to ``records'' maintained by ``agencies'' 
within the Executive Branch of the Federal government, including the 
Executive Office of the President and independent regulatory agencies. 
It states that ``any person'' (U.S. citizen; foreigner, whether living 
inside or outside the United States; partnerships; corporations; 
associations; and foreign and domestic governments) has the right 
enforceable by law, to access Federal agency records, except to the 
extent that such records (or portions thereof) are protected from 
disclosure by one or more of the nine FOIA exemptions or one of three 
special law enforcement exclusions.
    (c) Neither Federal agencies nor fugitives from justice may use the 
FOIA to access agency records.
    (d) The Department of Defense (DoD) FOIA directive states that the 
FOIA programs of the U.S. Atlantic Command and the U.S. Pacific Command 
fall under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense and not the 
Department of the Navy. This policy represents an exception to the 
policies directed under DoD Directive 5100.3, ``Support of the 
Headquarters of Unified, Specified, and Subordinate Commands.''

Sec. 701.4  Responsibility and authority.

    (a) The Head, DON PA/FOIA Policy Branch [CNO (N09B30)] has been 
delegated the responsibility for managing the DON's FOIA program, which 
includes setting FOIA policy and administering, supervising, and 
overseeing the execution of the 5 U.S.C. 552 and Department of Defense 
Directives 5400.7 and 5400.7-R series, Department of Defense Freedom of 
Information Act Program (see 32 CFR part 286).
    (1) As principal DON FOIA policy official, CNO (N09B30) issues 
SECNAV Instruction 5720.42; oversees the administration of the DON FOIA 
program; issues and disseminates FOIA policy; oversees the Navy FOIA 
website; represents the DON at all meetings, symposiums, and conferences 
that address FOIA matters; writes the Navy's FOIA Handbook; serves on 
FOIA boards and committees; serves as principal policy advisor and 
oversight official on all FOIA matters; prepares the DON Annual FOIA 
Report for submission to the Attorney General; reviews all FOIA appeals 
to determine trends that impact on the DON; reviews all FOIA litigation 
matters involving the DON and apprises the Director, Freedom of 
Information and Security Review, DoD of same; responds to depositions 
and litigation regarding DON FOIA policy Secretary of the Navy 
Instruction 5820.8A, Release of Information for Litigation Purposes and 
Testimony by DON Personnel; reviews/analyzes all proposed FOIA 
legislation to determine its impact on the DON; develops a Navy-wide 
FOIA training program and serves as training oversight manager; conducts 
staff assistance visits/reviews within the DON to ensure compliance with 
5 U.S.C. 552 and this part; reviews all SECNAV and Operations Navy 
instructions/forms that address FOIA; and oversees the processing of 
FOIA requests received by SECNAV and Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), to 
ensure responses are complete, timely, and accurate. Additionally, 
N09B30 works closely with other DoD and DON officials to ensure they are 
aware of highly visible and/or sensitive FOIA requests being processed 
by the DON.
    (2) SECNAV has delegated Initial Denial Authority (IDA) to N09B30 
for requests at the Secretariat and OPNAV level.
    (b) The Commandant of the Marine Corps is delegated responsibility 
for administering and supervising the execution of this instruction 
within the Marine Corps. To accomplish this task, the Director of 
Administrative Resource Management (Code ARAD) serves as the FOIA 
Coordinator for Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, and

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assists CNO (N09B30) in promoting the Department of the Navy FOIA 
Program by issuing a Marine Corps FOIA Handbook; utilizing the Marine 
Corps FOIA website to disseminate FOIA information; consolidating its 
activities Annual FOIA Reports and submitting it to CNO (N09B30); 
maintaining a current list of Marine Corps FOIA coordinators, etc.
    (c) The DON Chief Information Officer (DONCIO) is responsible for 
preparing and making publicly available upon request an index of all DON 
major information systems and a description of major information and 
record locator systems maintained by the Department of the Navy as 
required by 5 U.S.C. 552 and DoD 5400.7-R, ``DoD Freedom of Information 
Act Program.''
    (d) FOIA coordinators will:
    (1) Implement and administer a local FOIA program under this 
instruction; serve as principal point of contact on FOIA matters; issue 
a command/activity instruction that implements SECNAVINST 5740.42F by 
reference and highlights only those areas unique to the command/activity 
(i.e., designate the command/activity's FOIA Coordinator and IDA; 
address internal FOIA processing procedures; and address command/
activity level FOIA reporting requirements); receive and track FOIA 
requests to ensure responses are made in compliance with 5 U.S.C. 552 
and DoD Directives 5400.7 and 5400.7-R and this part; provide general 
awareness training to command/activity personnel on the provisions of 5 
U.S.C. 552 and this instruction; collect and compile FOIA statistics and 
submit a consolidated Annual FOIA Report to Echelon 2 FOIA coordinator 
for consolidation; provide guidance on how to process FOIA requests; and 
provide guidance on the scope of FOIA exemptions.
    (2) Additionally, CMC (ARAD) and Echelon 2 FOIA coordinators will:
    (i) Ensure that reading room materials are placed in the activity's 
electronic reading room and that the activity's website is linked to the 
Navy FOIA website and the activity's reading room is linked to the 
Navy's FOIA reading room lobby. Documents placed in the reading room 
shall also be indexed as a Government Information Locator Service (GILS) 
record, as this will serve as an index of available records.
    (ii) Review proposed legislation and policy recommendations that 
impact the FOIA and provide comments to CNO (N09B30).
    (iii) Review SECNAVINST 5720.42F and provide recommended changes/
comments to CNO (N09B30).
    (iv) Routinely conduct random staff assistance visits/reviews/self-
evaluations within the command and lower echelon commands to ensure 
compliance with FOIA.
    (v) Collect and compile command and feeder reports for the Annual 
FOIA Report and provide a consolidated report to CNO (N09B30).
    (vi) Maintain a listing of their subordinate activities' FOIA 
coordinators to include full name, address, and telephone (office and 
fax) and place on their website.

    Note to paragraph (d)(2)(vi): Do not place names of FOIA 
coordinators who are overseas, routinely deployable or in sensitive 
units on the website. Instead just list ``FOIA Coordinator'')

    (vii) Notify CNO (N09B30) of any change of name, address, office 
code and zip code, telephone and facsimile number, and/or e-mail address 
of Echelon 2 FOIA Coordinators.
    (viii) Conduct overview training to ensure all personnel are 
knowledgeable of the FOIA and its requirements. See Sec. 701.12.
    (ix) Work closely with the activity webmaster to ensure that 
information placed on the activity's website does not violate references 
in paragraphs (a), (c) and (f).
    (e) Initial Denial Authorities (IDAs). The following officials are 
delegated to serve as Initial Denial Authorities, on behalf of SECNAV 
(see Sec. 701.30 for definition):
    (1) Under Secretary of the Navy; Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy; 
Assistant Secretaries of the Navy (ASNs) and their principal deputy 
assistants; Assistant for Administration (SECNAV); Director, 
Administrative Division (SECNAV); Special Assistant for Legal and 
Legislative Affairs (SECNAV); Director, Office of Program Appraisal 
(SECNAV); DONCIO; Director, Small and Disadvantaged Business

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Utilization (SECNAV); Chief of Information (CHINFO); Director, Navy 
International Programs Office; Chief of Legislative Affairs; CNO; Vice 
CNO; Director, Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program (NOON); Director, Navy 
Staff (N09B); Head, DON PA/FOIA Policy Branch (N09B30); Director of 
Naval Intelligence (N2); Director of Space, Information Warfare, Command 
and Control (N6); Director of Navy Test & Evaluation & Technology 
Requirements (N091); Surgeon General of the Navy (N093); Director of 
Naval Reserve (N095); Oceanographer of the Navy (N096); Director of 
Religious Ministries/Chief of Chaplains of the Navy (N097); all Deputy 
Chiefs of Naval Operations; Chief of Naval Personnel; Director, 
Strategic Systems Programs; Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery; 
Director, Office of Naval Intelligence; Naval Inspector General; Auditor 
General of the Navy; Commanders of the Naval Systems Commands; Chief of 
Naval Education and Training; Commander, Naval Reserve Force; Chief of 
Naval Research; Director, Naval Criminal Investigative Service; Deputy 
Commander, Naval Legal Service Command; Commander, Navy Personnel 
Command; Director, Naval Center of Cost Analysis; Commander, Naval 
Meteorology and Oceanography Command; Director, Naval Historical Center; 
heads of DON staff offices, boards, and councils; Program Executive 
Officers; and all general officers.
    (2) Within the Marine Corps: CMC and his Assistant, Chief of Staff, 
Deputy Chiefs of Staff; Director, Personnel Management Division; Fiscal 
Director of the Marine Corps; Counsel for the Commandant; Director of 
Intelligence; Director, Command, Communications and Computer Systems 
Division; Legislative Assistant to the Commandant; Director, Judge 
Advocate Division; Inspector General of the Marine Corps; Director, 
Manpower, Plans, and Policy Division; Head, Freedom of Information and 
Privacy Acts Section, HQMC; Director of Public Affairs; Director of 
Marine Corps History and Museums; Director, Personnel Procurement 
Division; Director, Morale Support Division; Director, Human Resources 
Division; Director of Headquarters Support; commanding generals; 
directors, Marine Corps districts; commanding officers, not in the 
administrative chain of command of a commanding general or district 
director. For each official listed above, the deputy or principal 
assistant is also authorized denial authority.
    (3) JAG and his Deputy and the DON General Counsel (DONGC) and his 
deputies are excluded from this grant of authorization, since SECNAV has 
delegated them to serve as his appellate authorities. However, they are 
authorized to designate IDA responsibilities to other senior officers/ 
officials within JAG and DONGC. DONGC has delegated IDA responsibilities 
to the Assistant General Counsels and the Associate General Counsel 
    (4) For the shore establishment and operating forces: All officers 
authorized by Article 22, Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) or 
designated in section 0120, Manual of the Judge Advocate General 
(JAGINST 5800.7C) to convene general courts-martial.
    (5) IDAs must balance their decision to centralize denials for the 
purpose of promoting uniform decisions against decentralizing denials to 
respond to requests within the FOIA time limits. Accordingly, the IDAs 
listed in paragraphs (e)(1) through (4) are authorized to delegate 
initial denial authority to subordinate activities for the purpose of 
streamlining FOIA processing. They may also delegate authority to a 
specific staff member, assistant, or individuals acting during their 
absence if this serves the purpose of streamlining and/or complying with 
the time limits of FOIA.

    Note to paragraph (e)(5): Such delegations shall be limited to 
comply with DoD Directive 5400.7, ``DoD Freedom of Information Act 

    (6) Delegations of IDA authority should be reflected in the 
activity's supplementing FOIA instruction or by letter, with a copy to 
CNO (N09B30) or CMC (ARAD), as appropriate.
    (f) Release authorities. Release authorities are authorized to grant 
requests on behalf of the Office of the Secretary of the Navy for agency 
records under their possession and control for which no FOIA exemption 
applies; to respond to requesters concerning refinement of their 
requests; to

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provide fee estimates; and to offer appeal rights for adequacy of search 
or fee estimates to the requester.
    (g) Appellate authorities are addressed in Sec. 701.12.

Sec. 701.5  Policy.

    (a) Compliance with the FOIA. DON policy is to comply with the FOIA 
as set forth in the Department of Defense's FOIA Directives 5400.7 and 
5400.7-R, and this instruction in this part in both letter and spirit; 
conduct its activities in an open manner consistent with the need for 
security and adherence to other requirements of law and regulation; and 
provide the public with the maximum amount of accurate and timely 
information concerning its activities.
    (b) Prompt action. DON activities shall act promptly on requests 
when a member of the public complies with the procedures established in 
the instruction in this part (i.e., files a ``perfected request'') and 
the request is received by the official designated to respond. See 
Sec. 701.11 for minimum requirements of the FOIA.
    (c) Provide assistance. DON activities shall assist requesters in 
understanding and complying with the procedures established by the 
instruction in this part, ensuring that procedural matters do not 
unnecessarily impede a requester from obtaining DON records promptly.
    (d) Grant access. (1) DON activities shall grant access to agency 
records when a member of the public complies with the provisions of the 
instruction in this part and there is no FOIA exemption available to 
withhold the requested information (see subpart D of this part).
    (2) In those instances where the requester has not cited FOIA, but 
the records are determined to be releasable in their entirety, the 
request shall be honored without requiring the requester to invoke FOIA.
    (e) Create a record. (1) A record must exist and be in the 
possession and control of the DON at the time of the request to be 
considered subject to the instruction in this part and the FOIA. 
Accordingly, DON activities need not process requests for records which 
are not in existence at the time the request is received. In other 
words, requesters may not have a ``standing FOIA request'' for release 
of future records.
    (2) There is no obligation to create, compile, or obtain a record to 
satisfy a FOIA request. However, this is not to be confused with 
honoring form or format requests (see Sec. 701.8). A DON activity, 
however, may compile a new record when so doing would result in a more 
useful response to the requester, or be less burdensome to the agency 
than providing existing records, and the requester does not object. Cost 
of creating or compiling such a record may not be charged to the 
requester unless the fee for creating the record is equal to or less 
than the fee which would be charged for providing the existing record. 
Fee assessments shall be in accordance with subpart C of this part.
    (3) With respect to electronic data, the issue of whether records 
are actually created or merely extracted from an existing database is 
not always readily apparent. Consequently, when responding to FOIA 
requests for electronic data where creation of a record, programming, or 
particular format are questionable, DON activities should apply a 
standard of reasonableness. In other words, if the capability exists to 
respond to the request, and the effort would be a business as usual 
approach, then the request should be processed. However, the request 
need not be processed when the capability to respond does not exist 
without a significant expenditure of resources, thus not being a normal 
business as usual approach. As used in this sense, a significant 
interference with the operation of the DON activity's automated 
information system would not be a business as usual approach.
    (f) Disclosures--(1) Discretionary Disclosures. DON activities shall 
make discretionary disclosures whenever disclosure would not foreseeably 
harm an interest protected by a FOIA exemption. A discretionary 
disclosure is normally not appropriate for records clearly exempt under 
exemptions (b)(1), (b)(3), (b)(4), (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) and (b)(7)(F). 
Exemptions (b)(2), (b)(5), and (b)(7)(A),

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(b)(7)(B), (b)(7)(D) and (b)(7)(E) are discretionary in nature and DON 
activities are encouraged to exercise discretion whenever possible. 
Exemptions (b)(4), (b)(6), and (b)(7)(C) cannot be claimed when the 
requester is the ``submitter'' of the information. While discretionary 
disclosures to FOIA requesters constitute a waiver of the FOIA exemption 
that may otherwise apply, this policy does not create any legally 
enforceable right.
    (2) Public domain. Non-exempt records released under FOIA to a 
member of the public are considered to be in the public domain. 
Accordingly, such records may also be made available in reading rooms, 
in paper form, as well as electronically to facilitate public access.
    (3) Limited disclosures. Disclosure of records to a properly 
constituted advisory committee, to Congress, or to other Federal 
agencies does not waive a FOIA exemption.
    (4) Unauthorized disclosures. Exempt records disclosed without 
authorization by the appropriate DON official do not lose their exempt 
    (5) Official versus personal disclosures. While authority may exist 
to disclose records to individuals in their official capacity, the 
provisions of the instruction in this part apply if the same individual 
seeks the records in a private or personal capacity.
    (6) Distributing information. DON activities are encouraged to 
enhance access to information by distributing information on their own 
initiative through the use of electronic information systems, such as 
the Government Information Locator Service (GILS).
    (g) Honor form or format requests. DON activities shall provide the 
record in any form or format requested by the requester, if the record 
is readily reproducible in that form or format. DON activities shall 
make reasonable efforts to maintain their records in forms or formats 
that are reproducible. In responding to requests for records, DON 
activities shall make reasonable efforts to search for records in 
electronic form or format, except when such efforts would significantly 
interfere with the operation of the DON activities' automated 
information system. Such determinations shall be made on a case-by-case 
    (h) Authenticate documents. Records provided under the instruction 
in this part shall be authenticated with an appropriate seal, whenever 
necessary, to fulfill an official Government or other legal function. 
This service, however, is in addition to that required under the FOIA 
and is not included in the FOIA fee schedule. DON activities may charge 
for the service at a rate of $5.20 for each authentication.

Sec. 701.6  Reading rooms.

    The FOIA requires that (a)(2) records created on or after 1 November 
1996, be made available electronically (starting 1 November 1997) as 
well as in hard copy, in the FOIA reading room for inspection and 
copying, unless such records are published and copies are offered for 
sale. DoD 5400.7-R, ``DoD Freedom of Information Act Program,'' requires 
that each DoD Component provide an appropriate facility or facilities 
where the public may inspect and copy or have copied the records held in 
their reading rooms. To comply, the Navy FOIA website includes links 
that assist members of the public in locating Navy libraries, online 
documents, and Navy electronic reading rooms maintained by SECNAV/CNO, 
CMC, OGC, JAG and Echelon 2 commands. Although each of these activities 
will maintain their own document collections on their own servers, the 
Navy FOIA website provides a common gateway for all Navy online 
resources. To this end, DON activities shall:
    (a) Establish their reading rooms and link them to the Navy FOIA 
Reading Room Lobby which is found on the Navy FOIA website.
    (b) Ensure that responsive documents held by their subordinate 
activities are also placed in the reading room.

    Note to paragraph (b): SECNAV/ASN and OPNAV offices shall ensure 
that responsive documents are provided to CNO (N09B30) for placement in 
the reading room.)

    (c) Ensure that documents placed in a reading room are properly 
excised to preclude the release of personal or contractor-submitted 
information prior to being made available to the public. In every case, 
justification for the deletion must be fully explained in writing,

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and the extent of such deletion shall be indicated on the record which 
is made publicly available, unless such indication would harm an 
interest protected by an exemption under which the deletion was made. If 
technically feasible, the extent of the deletion in electronic records 
or any other form of record shall be indicated at the place in the 
record where the deletion was made. However, a DON activity may publish 
in the Federal Register a description of the basis upon which it will 
delete identifying details of particular types of records to avoid 
clearly unwarranted invasions of privacy, or competitive harm to 
business submitters. In appropriate cases, the DON activity may refer to 
this description rather than write a separate justification for each 
deletion. DON activities may remove (a)(2)(D) records from their 
electronic reading room when the appropriate officials determine that 
access is no longer necessary.
    (d) Should a requester submit a FOIA request for FOIA-processed 
(a)(2) records, and insist that the request be processed, DON activities 
shall process the FOIA request. However, DON activities have no 
obligation to process a FOIA request for 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(2)(A), (B), and 
(C) [5 U.S.C. 552] records because these records are required to be made 
public and not FOIA-processed under paragraph (a)(3) of the FOIA.
    (e) DON activities may share reading room facilities if the public 
is not unduly inconvenienced. When appropriate, the cost of copying may 
be imposed on the person requesting the material in accordance with FOIA 
fee guidelines (see subpart C of this part).
    (f) DON activities shall maintain an index of all available 
documents. A general index of FOIA-processed (a)(2) records shall be 
made available to the public, both in hard copy and electronically by 31 
December 1999. To comply with this requirement, DON activities shall 
establish a GILS record for each document it places in a reading room. 
No (a)(2) materials issued or adopted after 4 July 1967, that are not 
indexed and either made available or published may be relied upon, used 
or cited as precedent against any individual unless such individual has 
actual and timely notice of the contents of such materials. Such 
materials issued or adopted before 4 July 1967, need not be indexed, but 
must be made available upon request if not exempted under the 
instruction in this part.
    (g) An index and copies of unclassified Navy instructions, forms, 
and addresses for DON activities (i.e., the Standard Navy Distribution 
List (SNDL) are located on the Navy Electronics Directives System 
    (h) DON material published in the Federal Register, such as material 
required to be published by Section 552(a)(1) of the FOIA, shall be made 
available by JAG in their FOIA reading room and electronically to the 
    (i) Although not required to be made available in response to FOIA 
requests or made available in FOIA Reading Rooms, ``(a)(1)'' materials 
may, when feasible, be made available to the public in FOIA reading 
rooms for inspection and copying, and by electronic means. Examples of 
``(a)(1)'' materials are: descriptions of an agency's central and field 
organization, and to the extent they affect the public, rules of 
procedures, descriptions of forms available, instruction as to the scope 
and contents of papers, reports, or examinations, and any amendment, 
revision, or report of the aforementioned.

Sec. 701.7  Relationship between the FOIA and PA.

    Not all requesters are knowledgeable of the appropriate statutory 
authority to cite when requesting records. In some instances, they may 
cite neither Act, but will imply one or both Acts. For these reasons, 
the following guidelines are provided to ensure requesters receive the 
greatest amount of access rights under both Acts:
    (a) If the record is required to be released under the FOIA, the PA 
does not bar its disclosure. Unlike the FOIA, the PA applies only to 
U.S. citizens and aliens admitted for permanent residence. Subpart F of 
this part implements the DON's Privacy Act Program.
    (b) Requesters who seek records about themselves contained in a PA 
system of records and who cite or imply only the PA, will have their 
requests processed under the provisions of both the PA and the FOIA. If 
the PA

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system of records is exempt from the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552a(d)(1) 
and the records, or any portion thereof are exempt under the FOIA, the 
requester shall be so advised with the appropriate PA and FOIA 
exemption. Appeals shall be processed under both Acts.
    (c) Requesters who seek records about themselves that are not 
contained in a PA system of records and who cite or imply the PA will 
have their requests processed under the provisions of the FOIA, since 
the PA does not apply to these records. Appeals shall be processed under 
the FOIA.
    (d) Requesters who seek records about themselves that are contained 
in a PA system of records and who cite or imply the FOIA or both Acts 
will have their requests processed under the provisions of both the PA 
and the FOIA. If the PA system of records is exempt from the provisions 
of 5 U.S.C. 552a(d)(1), and the records, or any portion thereof are 
exempt under the FOIA, the requester shall be so advised with the 
appropriate PA and FOIA exemption. Appeals shall be processed under both 
    (e) Requesters who seek access to agency records that are not part 
of a PA system of records, and who cite or imply the PA and FOIA, will 
have their requests processed under FOIA, since the PA does not apply to 
these records. Appeals shall be processed under the FOIA.
    (f) Requesters who seek access to agency records and who cite or 
imply the FOIA will have their requests and appeals processed under the 
    (g) Requesters shall be advised in final responses which Act(s) was 
(were) used, inclusive of appeal rights.
    (h) The time limits for responding to the request will be determined 
based on the Act cited. For example, if a requester seeks access under 
the FOIA for his or her personal records which are contained in a PA 
system of records, the time limits of the FOIA apply.
    (i) Fees will be charged based on the kind of records being 
requested (i.e., FOIA fees if agency records are requested; PA fees for 
requesters who are seeking access to information contained in a PA 
system of record which is retrieved by their name and/or personal 

Sec. 701.8  Processing FOIA requests.

    Upon receipt of a FOIA request, DON activities shall:
    (a) Review the request to ensure it meets the minimum requirements 
of the FOIA to be processed.
    (1) Minimum requirements of a FOIA request. A request must be in 
writing; cite or imply FOIA; reasonably describe the records being 
sought so that a knowledgeable official of the agency can conduct a 
search with reasonable effort; and if fees are applicable, the requester 
should include a statement regarding willingness to pay all fees or 
those up to a specified amount or request a waiver or reduction of fees.
    (2) If a request does not meet the minimum requirements of the FOIA, 
DON activities shall apprise the requester of the defect and assist him/
her in perfecting the request.

    Note to paragraph (a)(2): The statutory 20 working day time limit 
applies upon receipt of a ``perfected'' FOIA request.)

    (b) When a requester or his/her attorney requests personally 
identifiable information in a record, the request may require a 
notarized signature or a statement certifying under the penalty of 
perjury that their identity is true and correct. Additionally, written 
consent of the subject of the record is required for disclosure from a 
Privacy Act System of records, even to the subject's attorney.
    (c) Review description of requested record(s). (1) The FOIA 
requester is responsible for describing the record he/she seeks so that 
a knowledgeable official of the activity can locate the record with a 
reasonable amount of effort. In order to assist DON activities in 
conducting more timely searches, a requester should endeavor to provide 
as much identifying information as possible. When a DON activity 
receives a request that does not reasonably describe the requested 
record, it shall notify the requester of the defect in writing. The 
requester should be asked to provide the type of information outlined in 
this paragraph. DON activities are not obligated to act on the request 
until the requester responds to the

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specificity letter. When practicable, DON activities shall offer 
assistance to the requester in identifying the records sought and in 
reformulating the request to reduce the burden on the agency in 
complying with the FOIA. The following guidelines are provided to deal 
with generalized requests and are based on the principle of reasonable 
effort. Descriptive information about a record may be divided into two 
broad categories.
    (i) Category I is file-related and includes information such as type 
of record (for example, memorandum), title, index citation, subject 
area, date the record was created, and originator.
    (ii) Category II is event-related and includes the circumstances 
that resulted in the record being created or the date and circumstances 
surrounding the event the record covers.
    (2) Generally, a record is not reasonably described unless the 
description contains sufficient Category I information to permit the 
conduct of an organized, non random search based on the DON activity's 
filing arrangements and existing retrieval systems, or unless the record 
contains sufficient Category II information to permit inference of the 
Category I elements needed to conduct such a search.
    (3) The following guidelines deal with requests for personal 
records: Ordinarily, when personal identifiers are provided solely in 
connection with a request for records concerning the requester, only 
records in Privacy Act system of records that can be retrieved by 
personal identifiers need be searched. However, if a DON activity has 
reason to believe that records on the requester may exist in a record 
system other than a PA system, the DON activity shall search the system 
under the provisions of the FOIA. In either case, DON activities may 
request a reasonable description of the records desired before searching 
for such records under the provisions of the FOIA and the PA. If the 
records are required to be released under the FOIA, the PA does not bar 
its disclosure.
    (4) The guidelines in paragraph (c)(3) notwithstanding, the decision 
of the DON activity concerning reasonableness of description must be 
based on the knowledge of its files. If the description enables the DON 
activity personnel to locate the record with reasonable effort, the 
description is adequate. The fact that a FOIA request is broad or 
burdensome in its magnitude does not, in and of itself, entitle a DON 
activity to deny the request on the ground that it does not reasonably 
describe the records sought. The key factor is the ability of the staff 
to reasonably ascertain and locate which records are being requested.
    (d) Review request to determine if FOIA fees may be applicable. (1) 
FOIA fee issues shall be resolved before a DON activity begins 
processing a FOIA request.
    (2) FOIA fees shall be at the rates prescribed at subpart C of this 
    (3) If fees are applicable, a requester shall be apprised of what 
category of requester he/she has been placed and provided a complete 
breakout of fees to include any and all information provided before fees 
are assessed (e.g., first two hours of search and first 100 pages of 
reproduction have been provided without charge.)
    (4) Forms DD 2086 (for FOIA requests) and 2086-1 (for FOIA requests 
for technical data) serve as an administrative record of all costs 
incurred to process a request; actual costs charged to a requester 
(i.e., search, review, and/or duplication and at what salary level and 
the actual time expended); and as input to the Annual FOIA Report. 
Requesters may request a copy of the applicable form to review the time 
and costs associated with the processing of a request.
    (5) Final response letters shall address whether or not fees are 
applicable or have been waived. A detailed explanation of FOIA fees is 
provided at subpart C of this part.
    (e) Control FOIA Request. Each FOIA request should be date stamped 
upon receipt; given a case number; and entered into a formal control 
system to track the request from receipt to response. Coordinators may 
wish to conspicuously stamp, label, and/or place the request into a 
brightly colored folder/cover sheet to ensure it receives immediate 
attention by the action officer.
    (f) Enter request into multitrack processing system. When a DON 
activity has

[[Page 55]]

a significant number of pending requests that prevents a response 
determination being made within 20 working days, the requests shall be 
processed in a multitrack processing system, based on the date of 
receipt, the amount of work and time involved in processing the 
requests, and whether the request qualifies for expedited processing.
    (1) DON activities may establish as many queues as they wish, 
however, at a minimum three processing tracks shall be established, all 
based on a first-in, first-out concept, and rank ordered by the date of 
receipt of the request: one track for simple requests, one track for 
complex requests, and one track for expedited processing. Determinations 
as to whether a request is simple or complex shall be made by each DON 
    (2) DON activities shall provide a requester whose request does not 
qualify for the fastest queue (except for expedited processing), an 
opportunity to limit in writing by hard copy, facsimile, or 
electronically the scope of the request in order to qualify for the 
fastest queue.
    (3) This multitrack processing system does not obviate the 
activity's responsibility to exercise due diligence in processing 
requests in the most expeditious manner possible.
    (4) Referred requests shall be processed according to the original 
date received by the initial activity and then placed in the appropriate 
    (5) Establish a separate queue for expedited processing. A separate 
queue shall be established for requests meeting the test for expedited 
processing. Expedited processing shall be granted to a requester after 
the requester requests such and demonstrates a compelling need for the 
information. Notice of the determination as to whether to grant 
expedited processing in response to a requester's compelling need shall 
be provided to the requester within 10 calendar days after receipt of 
the request in the office which will determine whether to grant 
expedited access. Once the determination has been made to grant 
expedited processing, DON activities shall process the request as soon 
as practicable. Actions by DON activities to initially deny or affirm 
the initial denial on appeal of a request for expedited processing, and 
failure to respond in a timely manner shall be subject to judicial 
    (i) Compelling need means that the failure to obtain the records on 
an expedited basis could reasonably be expected to pose an imminent 
threat to the life or physical safety of an individual.
    (ii) Compelling need also means that the information is urgently 
needed by an individual primarily engaged in disseminating information 
in order to inform the public concerning actual or alleged Federal 
Government activity. An individual primarily engaged in disseminating 
information means a person whose primary activity involves publishing or 
otherwise disseminating information to the public. Representatives of 
the news media would normally qualify as individuals primarily engaged 
in disseminating information. Other persons must demonstrate that their 
primary activity involves publishing or otherwise disseminating 
information to the public.
    (iii) Urgently needed means that the information has a particular 
value that will be lost if not disseminated quickly. Ordinarily this 
means a breaking news story of general public interest. However, 
information of historical interest only, or information sought for 
litigation or commercial activities would not qualify, nor would a news 
media publication or broadcast deadline unrelated to the news breaking 
nature of the information.
    (iv) A demonstration of compelling need by a requester shall be made 
by a statement certified by the requester to be true and correct to the 
best of his/her knowledge. This statement must accompany the request in 
order to be considered and responded to within the 10 calendar days 
required for decisions on expedited access.
    (v) Other reasons that merit expedited processing by DON activities 
are an imminent loss of substantial due process rights and humanitarian 
need. A demonstration of imminent loss of substantial due process rights 
shall be made by a statement certified by the requester to be true and 
correct to the best of his/her knowledge. Humanitarian need means that 
disclosing the information will promote the welfare

[[Page 56]]

and interests of mankind. A demonstration of humanitarian need shall 
also be made by a statement certified by the requester to be true and 
correct to the best of his/her knowledge. Both of these statements must 
accompany the request in order to be considered and responded to within 
the 10 calendar days required for decisions on expedited access. Once 
the decision has been made to expedite the request for either of these 
reasons, the request may be processed in the expedited processing queue 
behind those requests qualifying for compelling need.
    (6) These same procedures also apply to requests for expedited 
processing of administrative appeals.
    (g) Respond to request within FOIA time limits. Once an activity 
receives a ``perfected'' FOIA request, it shall inform the requester of 
its decision to grant or deny access to the requested records within 20 
working days. Activities are not necessarily required to release records 
within the 20 working days, but access to releasable records should be 
granted promptly thereafter and the requester apprised of when he/she 
may expect to receive a final response to his/her request. Naturally, 
interim releases of documents are encouraged if appropriate. Sample 
response letters are provided on the Navy FOIA website.
    (1) If a significant number of requests, or the complexity of the 
requests prevents a final response determination within the statutory 
time period, DON activities shall advise the requester of this fact, and 
explain how the request will be responded to within its multitrack 
processing system. A final response determination is notification to the 
requester that the records are released, or will be released by a 
certain date, or the records are denied under the appropriate FOIA 
exemption(s) or the records cannot be provided for one or more of the 
``other reasons'' (see Sec. 701.8(n)). Interim responses acknowledging 
receipt of the request, negotiations with the requester concerning the 
scope of the request, the response timeframe, and fee agreements are 
encouraged; however, such actions do not constitute a final response 
determination under FOIA.
    (2) Formal extension. In those instances where a DON activity cannot 
respond within the 20 working day time limit, the FOIA provides for 
extension of initial time limits for an additional 10 working days for 
three specific situations: the need to search for and collect records 
from separate offices; the need to examine a voluminous amount of 
records required by the request; and the need to consult with another 
agency or agency component. In such instances, naval activities shall 
apprise requesters in writing of their inability to respond within 20 
working days and advise them of their right to appeal to the appellate 

    Note to paragraph (g)(2): Formal extension letters require IDA 

    (3) Informal extension. A recommended alternative to taking a formal 
extension is to call the requester and negotiate an informal extension 
of time with the requester. The advantages include the ability to agree 
on a mutually acceptable date to respond that exceeds a formal extension 
of an additional 10 working days, and the letter of confirmation does 
not require the signature of an IDA. Additionally, it does not impact on 
the additional days the appellate authority may take when responding to 
a FOIA appeal.
    (h) Conduct a search for responsive records. (1) Conduct a search 
for responsive records, keeping in mind a test for reasonableness (i.e., 
file disposition requirements set forth in SECNAVINST 5212.5D, ``Navy 
and Marine Corps Records Disposal Manual''). This includes making a 
manual search for records as well as an electronic search for records. 
Do not assume that because a document is old, it does not exist. Rather, 
ensure that all possible avenues are considered before making a 
determination that no record could be found (i.e., such as determining 
if the record was transferred to a federal records center for holding).
    (2) Requesters can appeal ``adequacy of search.'' To preclude 
unnecessary appeals, you are encouraged to detail your response letter 
to reflect the search undertaken so the requester understands the 
process. It is particularly helpful to address the records disposal 
requirements set forth in

[[Page 57]]

SECNAVINST 5212.5D, ``Navy and Marine Corps Records Disposal Manual'' 
for the records being sought.
    (i) Review documents for release. Once documents have been located, 
the originator or activity having possession and control is responsible 
for reviewing them for release and coordinating with other activities/
agencies having an interest. The following procedures should be 
    (1) Sort documents by originator and make necessary referrals (see 
Sec. 701.9).
    (2) Documents for which the activity has possession and control 
should be reviewed for release. If the review official determines that 
all or part of the documents requested require denial, and the head of 
the activity is an IDA, he/she shall respond directly to the requester. 
If, however, the activity head is not an IDA, then the request, a copy 
of the responsive documents (unexcised), proposed redacted copy of the 
documents, and a detailed explanation regarding their release must be 
referred to the IDA for a final release determination and the requester 
shall be notified in writing of the transfer.
    (3) Documents for which the activity does not have possession and 
control, but has an interest, should be referred to the originator along 
with any recommendations regarding release (see Sec. 701.9).
    (j) Process non-responsive information in responsive documents. DON 
activities shall interpret FOIA requests liberally when determining 
which records are responsive to the requests, and may release non-
responsive information. However, should DON activities desire to 
withhold non-responsive information, the following steps shall be 
    (1) Consult with the requester, and ask if the requester views the 
information as responsive, and if not, seek the requester's concurrence 
to deletion of non-responsive information without a FOIA exemption. 
Reflect this concurrence in the response letter.
    (2) If the responsive record is unclassified and the requester does 
not agree to deletion of non-responsive information without a FOIA 
exemption, release all non-responsive and responsive information which 
is not exempt. For non-responsive information that is exempt, notify the 
requester that even if the information were determined responsive, it 
would likely be exempted (state the appropriate exemption(s).) Advise 
the requester of the right to request this information under a separate 
FOIA request. The separate request shall be placed in the same location 
within the processing queue as the original request.
    (3) If the responsive record is classified, and the requester does 
not agree to deletion of non-responsive information without a FOIA 
exemption, release all unclassified responsive and non-responsive 
information which is not exempt. If the non-responsive information is 
exempt, follow the procedures provided. The classified, non-responsive 
information need not be reviewed for declassification at this point. 
Advise the requester than even if the classified information were 
determined responsive, it would likely be exempt under 5 U.S.C. 552 
(b)(1) and other exemptions if appropriate. Advise the requester of the 
right to request this information under a separate FOIA request. The 
separate request shall be placed in the same location within the 
processing queue as the original request.
    (k) Withholding/excising information. (1) DON records may only be 
withheld if they qualify for exemption under one or more of the nine 
FOIA exemptions/three exclusions and it is determined that a foreseeable 
harm to an interest protected by those exemptions would result if the 
information is released. There are nine FOIA exemptions. See subpart D 
of this part for the scope of each exemption.
    (2) Although a FOIA exemption may apply, DON activities are 
encouraged to consider discretionary disclosures of information when an 
exemption permits such disclosure (see Sec. 701.5(f).)
    (3) Excising documents. The excision of information within a 
document should be made so that the requester can readily identify the 
amount of information being withheld and the reason for the withholding. 
Accordingly, ensure that any deletion of information is bracketed and 
all applicable exemptions listed. In those instances, where multiple 
pages of documents are determined to

[[Page 58]]

be exempt from disclosure in their entirety, indicate the number of 
pages being denied and the basis for the denial.
    (l) Reasonably segregable information. DON activities must release 
all ``reasonably segregable information'' when the meaning of these 
portions is not distorted by deletion of the denied portions, and when 
it reasonably can be assumed that a skillful and knowledgeable person 
could not reasonably reconstruct excised information. When a record is 
denied in whole, the response to the requester will specifically state 
that it is not reasonable to segregate portions of the record for 
    (m) Making a discretionary disclosure. A discretionary disclosure to 
one requester may preclude the withholding of similar information under 
a FOIA exemption if subsequently requested by the same individual or 
someone else. The following suggested language should be included with 
the discretionary disclosure of any record that could be subject to 
withholding: ``The information you requested is subject to being 
withheld under section (b)(--) of the FOIA. The disclosure of this 
material to you by the DON is discretionary and does not constitute a 
waiver of our right to claim this exemption for similar records in the 
    (n) Other reasons. There are 10 reasons for not complying with a 
request for a record under FOIA:
    (1) No record. The DON activity conducts a reasonable search of 
files and fails to identify records responsive to the request.

    Note to paragraph (n)(1): Requester must be advised that he/she may 
appeal the adequacy of search and provided appeal rights. Response 
letter does not require signature by IDA.)

    (2) Referral. The request is referred to another DoD/DON activity or 
to another executive branch agency for their action.

    Note to paragraph (n)(2): Referral does not need to be signed by 

    (3) Request withdrawn. The requester withdraws request.

    Note to paragraph (n)(3): Response letter does not require signature 
by IDA.)

    (4) Fee-related reason. Requester is unwilling to pay fees 
associated with the request; is past due in payment of fees from a 
previous request; or disagrees with the fee estimate.

    Note to paragraph (n)(4): Requester must be advised that he/she may 
appeal the fee estimate. Response letter does not require signature by 

    (5) Records not reasonably described. A record has not been 
described with sufficient particularity to enable the DON activity to 
locate it by conducting a reasonable search.

    Note to paragraph (n)(5): Response letter does not require signature 
by IDA.)

    (6) Not a proper FOIA request for some other reason. When the 
requester fails unreasonably to comply with procedural requirements, 
other than those fee-related issues described in paragraph (n)(4), 
imposed by the instruction in this part and/or other published rules or 

    Note to paragraph (n)(6): Response letter does not require signature 
by IDA.)

    (7) Not an agency record. When the requester is provided a response 
indicating that the requested information was ``not an agency record'' 
within the meaning of the FOIA and the instruction in this part.

    Note to paragraph (n)(7): Response letter does not require signature 
by IDA.)

    (8) Duplicate request. When a request is duplicative of another 
request which has already been completed or currently in process from 
the same requester.

    Note to paragraph (n)(8): Response letter does not require signature 
by IDA.

    (9) Other (specify). When a FOIA request cannot be processed because 
the requester does not comply with published rules, other than for those 
reasons described in paragraphs (n) (1) through (8). DON activities must 
document the specific discrepancy.

    Note to paragraph (n)(9): Response letter does not require signature 
by IDA.)

    (10) Denial of request. The record is denied in whole or in part in 
accordance with procedures set forth in 5 U.S.C. 552, DoD 5400.7-R, and 
the instruction in this part.

[[Page 59]]

    Note to paragraph (n)(10): The requester is advised that he/she may 
appeal the determination and response letter must be signed by IDA.)

    (o) Writing a response letter. FOIA response letters should contain 
the following information:
    (1) The date of the request; when it was received; if records were 
not located, where the search was conducted and what the records 
disposal requirements are for those records.
    (2) Cut-off dates. Normally, DON activities shall consider the date 
of receipt of a FOIA request as the cut-off date for a records search. 
Where a DON activity employs a particular cut-off date, however, it 
should give notice of that date in the response letter to the requester.
    (3) If a request is denied in whole or in part, the denial response 
letter should cite the exemption(s) claimed; if possible, delineate the 
kinds of information withheld (i.e., social security numbers, date of 
birth, home addresses, etc.) as this may satisfy the requester and thus 
eliminate an appeal; provide appeal rights, and be signed by an IDA. 
However, there is no requirement that the response contain the same 
documentation necessary for litigation (i.e., FOIA requesters are not 
entitled to a Vaughn index (see definition in Sec. 701.39 during the 
administrative process).
    (4) The fees charged or waived; if fees were charged, what category 
was the requester placed in and provide a breakout of the fees charged 
(i.e., the first 2 hours of search were waived and so you are being 
charged for the remaining 4 hours of search at $25 per hour, or $100; 
the first 100 pages of reproduction were waived and the remaining 400 
pages being provided were charged at $.15 per page, resulting in $60 in 
reproduction fees, for a total of $160). These figures are derived from 
Form DD 2086 (FOIA Fees) or Form DD 2086-1 (Technical Data Fees).
    (5) Sample response letters are provided on the Navy FOIA website.
    (p) Press responses. Ensure responses being made to the press are 
cleared through public affairs channels.
    (q) Special mail services. DON activities are authorized to use 
registered mail, certified mail, certificates of mailing and return 
receipts. However, their use should be limited to instances where it 
appears advisable to establish proof of dispatch or receipt of FOIA 

Sec. 701.9  Referrals.

    (a) The DoD/DON FOIA referral policy is based upon the concept of 
the originator of a record making a release determination on its 
information. If a DON activity receives a request for records originated 
by another DoD/DON activity, it should contact the activity to determine 
if it also received the request, and if not, obtain concurrence to refer 
the request. In either situation, the requester shall be advised of the 
action taken, unless exempt information would be revealed.
    (b) While referrals to originators of information result in 
obtaining the best possible decision on release of the information, the 
policy does not relieve DON activities from the responsibility of making 
a release decision on a record should the requester object to referral 
of the request and the record. Should this situation occur, DON 
activities should coordinate with the originator of the information 
prior to making a release determination.
    (c) A request received by a DON activity having no records 
responsive to a request shall be referred routinely to another DoD/DON 
activity, if the other activity has reason to believe it has the 
requested record. Prior to notifying a requester of a referral to 
another DoD/DON activity, the DON activity receiving the initial request 
shall consult with the other DoD/DON activity to determine if that 
activity's association with the material is exempt. If the association 
is exempt, the activity receiving the initial request will protect the 
association and any exempt information without revealing the identity of 
the protected activity. The protected activity shall be responsible for 
submitting the justifications required in any litigation.
    (d) Any DON activity receiving a request that has been misaddressed 
shall refer the request to the proper address and advise the requester. 
DON activities making referrals of requests or records shall include 
with the referral, a point of contact by name, a telephone

[[Page 60]]

number (commercial and DSN), and an e-mail address (if available).
    (e) A DON activity shall refer a FOIA request for a record that it 
holds but was originated by another Executive Branch agency, to them for 
a release determination and direct response to the requester. The 
requester shall be informed of the referral, unless it has been 
determined that notification would reveal exempt information. Referred 
records shall only be identified to the extent consistent with security 
    (f) A DON activity may refer a request for a record that it 
originated to another activity or agency when the activity or agency has 
a valid interest in the record, or the record was created for the use of 
the other agency or activity. In such situations, provide the record and 
a release recommendation on the record with the referral action. DON 
activities should include a point of contact and telephone number in the 
referral letter. If that organization is to respond directly to the 
requester, apprise the requester of the referral.
    (g) Within the DON/DoD, a DON activity shall ordinarily refer a FOIA 
request and a copy of the record it holds, but that was originated by 
another DON/DoD activity or that contains substantial information 
obtained from that activity, to that activity for direct response, after 
direct coordination and obtaining concurrence from the activity. The 
requester shall be notified of such referral. In any case, DON 
activities shall not release or deny such records without prior 
consultation with the activity, except as provided in paragraph (c) of 
this section.
    (h) Activities receiving a referred request shall place it in the 
appropriate processing queue based on the date it was initially received 
by the referring activity/agency.
    (i) Agencies outside the DON that are subject to the FOIA. (1) A DON 
activity may refer a FOIA request for any record that originated in an 
agency outside the DON or that is based on information obtained from an 
outside agency to the agency for direct response to the requester after 
coordination with the outside agency, if that agency is subject to FOIA. 
Otherwise, the DON activity must respond to the request.

    (Note: DON activities shall not refer documents originated by 
entities outside the Executive Branch of Government (e.g., Congress, 
State and local government agencies, police departments, private citizen 
correspondence, etc.), to them for action and direct response to the 
requester, since they are not subject to the FOIA).

    (2) A DON activity shall refer to the agency that provided the 
record any FOIA request for investigative, intelligence, or any other 
type of records that are on loan to the DON for a specific purpose, if 
the records are restricted from further release and so marked. However, 
if for investigative or intelligence purposes, the outside agency 
desires anonymity, a DON activity may only respond directly to the 
requester after coordination with the outside agency.

Sec. 701.10  Processing requests received from governmental officials.

    (a) Members of Congress. Many constituents seek access to 
information through their Member of Congress. Members of Congress who 
seek access to records on behalf of their constituent are provided the 
same information that the constituent would be entitled to receive. 
There is no need to verify that the individual has authorized the 
release of his/her record to the Congressional member, since the Privacy 
Act's ``blanket routine use'' for Congressional inquiries applies.
    (b) Privileged release to U.S. Government officials. DON records may 
be authenticated and released to U.S. Government officials if they are 
requesting them in their official capacity on behalf of Federal 
governmental bodies, whether legislative, executive, administrative, or 
judicial. To ensure adequate protection of these documents, DON 
activities shall inform officials receiving records under the provisions 
of this paragraph that those records are exempt from public release 
under FOIA. DON activities shall also mark the records as ``Privileged'' 
and ``Exempt from Public Disclosure'' and annotate any special handling 
instructions on the records. Because such releases are not made under 
the provisions of the FOIA, they do not impact

[[Page 61]]

on future decisions to release/deny requests for the same records to 
other requesters. Examples of privileged releases are:
    (1) In response to a request from a Committee or Subcommittee of 
Congress, or to either House sitting as a whole.
    (2) To the Federal Courts, whenever ordered by officers of the court 
as necessary for the proper administration of justice.
    (3) To other Federal agencies, both executive and administrative, as 
determined by the head of a DON activity or designee.
    (c) State or local government officials. Requests from State or 
local government officials for DON records are treated the same as any 
other requester.
    (d) Non-FOIA requests from foreign governments. Requests from 
foreign governments that do not invoke the FOIA shall be referred to the 
appropriate foreign disclosure channels and the requester so notified. 
See Sec. 701.11(c) regarding processing FOIA requests from foreign 
governments and/or their officials.

Sec. 701.11  Processing specific kinds of records.

    DON activities that possess copies or receive requests for the 
following kinds of records shall promptly forward the requests to the 
officials named in this section and if appropriate apprise the requester 
of the referral:
    (a) Classified records. Executive Order 12958 governs the 
classification of records.
    (1) Glomar response. In the instance where a DON activity receives a 
request for records whose existence or nonexistence is itself 
classifiable, the DON activity shall refuse to confirm or deny the 
existence or non-existence of the records. This response is only 
effective as long as it is given consistently. If it were to be known 
that an agency gave a ``Glomar'' response only when records do exist and 
gave a ``no records'' response otherwise, then the purpose of this 
approach would be defeated. A Glomar response is a denial and exemption 
(b)(1) is cited and appeal rights are provided to the requester.
    (2) Processing classified documents originated by another activity. 
DON activities shall refer the request and copies of the classified 
documents to the originating activity for processing. If the originating 
activity simply compiled the classified portions of the document from 
other sources, it shall refer, as necessary, those portions to the 
original classifying authority for their review and release 
determination and apprise that authority of any recommendations they 
have regarding release. If the classification authority for the 
information cannot be determined, then the originator of the compiled 
document has the responsibility for making the final determination. 
Records shall be identified consistent with security requirements. Only 
after consultation and approval from the originating activity, shall the 
requester be apprised of the referral. In most cases, the originating 
activity will make a determination and respond directly to the 
requester. In those instances where the originating activity determines 
a Glomar response is appropriate, the referring agency shall deny the 
    (b) Courts-martial records of trial. The release/denial authority 
for these records is the Office of the Judge Advocate General (Code 20), 
Washington Navy Yard, Building 111, Washington, DC 20374-1111. Promptly 
refer the request and/or documents to this activity and apprise the 
requester of the referral.
    (c) Foreign requests/information. (1) FOIA requests received from 
foreign governments/foreign government officials should be processed as 
    (i) When a DON activity receives a FOIA request for a record in 
which an affected DoD/DON activity has a substantial interest in the 
subject matter, or the DON activity receives a FOIA request from a 
foreign government, a foreign citizen, or an individual or entity with a 
foreign address, the DON activity receiving the request shall provide a 
copy of the request to the affected DON activity.
    (ii) Upon receiving the request, the affected activity shall review 
the request for host nation relations, coordinate with Department of 
State as appropriate, and if necessary, provide a

[[Page 62]]

copy of the request to the appropriate foreign disclosure office for 
review. Upon request by the affected activity, the DON activity 
receiving the initial request shall provide a copy of releasable records 
to the affected activity. The affected activity may further release the 
records to its host nation after coordination with Department of State 
if release is in the best interest of the United States Government. If 
the record is released to the host nation government, the affected DON 
activity shall notify the DON activity which initially received the 
request of the release to the host nation.
    (iii) Such processing must be done expeditiously so as not to impede 
the processing of the FOIA request by the DON activity that initially 
received the request.
    (2) Non-U.S. Government Records (i.e., records originated by 
multinational organizations such as the North Atlantic Treaty 
Organization (NATO), the North American Air Defense (NORAD) and foreign 
governments) which are under the possession and control of DON shall be 
coordinated prior to a final release determination being made. 
Coordination with foreign governments shall be made through the 
Department of State.
    (d) Government Accounting Office (GAO) documents. (1) On occasion, 
the DON receives FOIA requests for GAO documents containing DON 
information, either directly from requesters or as referrals from GAO. 
Since the GAO is outside of the Executive Branch and therefore not 
subject to FOIA, all FOIA requests for GAO documents containing DON 
information will be processed by the DON under the provisions of the 
    (2) In those instances when a requester seeks a copy of an 
unclassified GAO report, DON activities may apprise the requester of its 
availability from the Director, GAO Distribution Center, ATTN: DHISF, 
P.O. Box 6015, Gaithersburg, MD 20877-1450 under the cash sales program.
    (e) Judge Advocate General Manual (JAGMAN) investigative records. 
These records are no longer centrally processed. Accordingly, requests 
for investigations should be directed to the following officials:
    (1) JAGMAN Investigations conducted prior to 1 Jul 95--to the Judge 
Advocate General (Code 35), Washington Navy Yard, Suite 3000, 1322 
Patterson Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20374-5066.
    (2) Command Investigation--to the command that conducted the 
    (3) Litigation-Report Investigation--to the Judge Advocate General 
(Code 35), Washington Navy Yard, Suite 3000, 1322 Patterson Avenue, SE, 
Washington, DC 20374-5066.
    (4) Court or Board of Inquiry--to the Echelon 2 commander over the 
command that convened the investigation.
    (f) Mailing lists. Numerous FOIA requests are received for mailing 
lists of home addresses or duty addresses of DON personnel. Processing 
of such requests is as follows:
    (1) Home addresses are normally not releasable without the consent 
of the individuals concerned. This includes lists of home addresses and 
military quarters' addresses without the occupant's name (i.e., 
exemption (b)(6) applies).
    (2) Disclosure of lists of names and duty addresses or duty 
telephone numbers of persons assigned to units that are stationed in 
foreign territories, routinely deployable, or sensitive, has also been 
held by the courts to constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of 
personal privacy and must be withheld from disclosure under 5 U.S.C. 
552(b)(6). General officers and public affairs officers information is 
releasable. Specifically, disclosure of such information poses a 
security threat to those service members because it reveals information 
about their degree of involvement in military actions in support of 
national policy, the type of Navy and/or Marine Corps units to which 
they are attached, and their presence or absence from households. 
Release of such information aids in the targeting of service members and 
their families by terrorists or other persons opposed to implementation 
of national policy. Only an extraordinary public

[[Page 63]]

interest in disclosure of this information can outweigh the need and 
responsibility of the DON to protect the tranquility and safety of 
service members and their families who repeatedly have been subjected to 
harassment, threats, and physical injury. Units covered by this policy 
    (i) Those located outside of the 50 States, District of Columbia, 
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, and American 
    (ii) Routinely deployable units--Those units that normally deploy 
from homeport or permanent station on a periodic or rotating basis to 
meet operational requirements or participate in scheduled exercises. 
This includes routinely deployable ships, aviation squadrons, 
operational staffs, and all units of the Fleet Marine Force (FMF). 
Routinely deployable units do not include ships undergoing extensive 
yard work or those whose primary mission is support of training, e.g., 
yard craft and auxiliary aircraft landing training ships.
    (iii) Units engaged in sensitive operations. Those primarily 
involved in training for or conduct of covert, clandestine, or 
classified missions, including units primarily involved in collecting, 
handling, disposing, or storing of classified information and materials. 
This also includes units engaged in training or advising foreign 
personnel. Examples of units covered by this exemption are nuclear power 
training facilities, SEAL Teams, Security Group Commands, Weapons 
Stations, and Communications Stations.
    (3) Except as otherwise provided, lists containing names and duty 
addresses of DON personnel, both military and civilian, who are assigned 
to units in the Continental United States (CONUS) and U.S. territories 
shall be released regardless of who has initiated the request.
    (4) Exceptions to this policy must be coordinated with CNO (N09B30) 
or CMC (ARAD) prior to responding to requests, including those from 
Members of Congress. The policy in paragraphs (f) (1) through (3) should 
be considered when weighing the releasability of the address or 
telephone number of a specifically named individual.
    (5) DON activities are reminded that e-mail addresses that identify 
an individual who is routinely deployable, overseas, or assigned to a 
sensitive unit should not be made available. Additionally, 
organizational charts for these kinds of units and activities that 
identify specific members should not be placed on the Internet.
    (g) Medical quality assurance documents. The Chief, Bureau of 
Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) is the release/denial authority for all 
naval medical quality assurance documents as defined by Title 10, United 
States Code, Section 1102. Requests for medical quality assurance 
documents shall be promptly referred to BUMED and the requester notified 
of the referral.
    (h) Mishap investigation reports (MIRs). The Commander, Naval Safety 
Center (NAVSAFECEN) is the release/denial authority for all requests for 
mishap investigations or documents which contain mishap information. All 
requests or documents located which apply shall be promptly referred to 
the Commander, Naval Safety Center, Code 503, 375 A Street, Norfolk, VA 
23511-4399 for action. Telephonic liaison with NAVSAFECEN is encouraged. 
The requester shall be notified of the referral.
    (i) National Security Council (NSC)/White House. (1) DON activities 
that receive requests for records of NSC, the White House, or the White 
House/Military Office (WHMO) shall process the requests.
    (2) DON records in which the NSC or the White House has a concurrent 
reviewing interest, and NSC, White House, or WHMO records discovered in 
DON activity files, shall be forwarded to CNO (N09B30), 2000 Navy 
Pentagon, Washington, DC 20350-2000. N09B30, in turn, will coordinate 
the request directly with DFOISR, so DFOISR can coordinate the request 
with NSC, White House, or WHMO. After coordination, the records will be 
returned to the DON activity for their direct response to the requester. 
During the interim, DON activities should notify the requester that they 
are coordinating their request and a response will therefore be delayed.
    (j) Naval attache documents/information. The Director, Defense 
Intelligence Agency (DIA) has the responsibility for

[[Page 64]]

reviewing for release/denial any naval attache-originated documents/
information. Accordingly, FOIA requests for naval attache documents or 
copies of the documents located in DON files or referred in error to a 
DON activity shall be promptly referred to the Chief, Freedom of 
Information Act Staff, Defense Intelligence Agency (SVI-1), Washington, 
DC 20340-5100 for action and direct response to the requester. Ensure 
that the requester is notified in writing of the transfer to DIA.
    (k) Naval Audit Service reports. The Director, Naval Audit Service 
is the release/denial authority for their reports. All requests or 
documents located which apply shall be promptly referred to the 
Director, Naval Audit Service, 5611 Columbia Pike, NASSIF Building, 
Falls Church, VA 22041-5080 for action. The requester shall be notified 
of the referral.
    (l) Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) reports. The 
Director, NCIS is the release/denial authority for all NCIS reports/
information. All requests for and copies of NCIS reports located in DON 
activity files shall be promptly referred to the Director, NCIS (Code 
OOJF), Washington Navy Yard, Building 111, 716 Sicard Street, SE, 
Washington, DC 20388-5380 for action and, if appropriate, the requester 
so notified. Telephonic liaison with NCIS Headquarters is strongly 
    (m) Naval Inspector General (NAVINSGEN) reports. (1) NAVINSGEN is 
the release/denial authority for all investigations and inspections 
conducted by or at the direction of NAVINSGEN and for any records held 
by any command that relate to Navy hotline complaints that have been 
referred to the NAVINSGEN. Accordingly, such actions shall be promptly 
referred to the Naval Inspector General (Code OOL), Building 200, Room 
100, Washington Navy Yard, 901 M Street, SE, Washington, DC 20374-5006 
for action and, if appropriate, the requester so notified.
    (2) Requests for local command inspector general reports which have 
not been referred to NAVINSGEN should be processed by the command that 
conducted the investigation and NAVINSGEN advised as necessary.
    (3) The Deputy Naval Inspector General for Marine Corps Matters 
(DNIGMC) is the release/denial authority for all investigations 
conducted by the DNIGMC. Requests for local Marine Corps command 
Inspector General reports shall be coordinated with the DNIGMC.
    (n) Naval Nuclear Propulsion Information (NNPI). The Director, Naval 
Nuclear Propulsion Program (CNO (NOONB)/NAVSEA (08)) is the release/
denial authority for all information and requests concerning NNPI. Naval 
activities receiving such requests are responsible for searching their 
files for responsive records. If no documents are located, the naval 
activity shall respond to the requester and provide CNO (NOONB) with a 
copy of the request and response. If documents are located, the naval 
activity shall refer the request, responsive documents, and a 
recommendation regarding release to the Director, Naval Nuclear 
Propulsion Program (NOONB), 2000 Navy Pentagon, Washington, DC 20350-
2000, who will make the final release determination to the requester, 
after coordinating the release through DoD activities.
    (o) Naval Telecommunications Procedures (NTP) publications. The 
Commander, Naval Computer and Telecommunications Command is the release/
denial authority for NTP publications. All requests or documents located 
which apply shall be promptly referred to the Commander, Naval Computer 
and Telecommunications Command (Code NOOJ), 4401 Massachusetts Avenue, 
NW, Washington, DC 20394-5460 for action and direct response to the 
    (p) News media requests. (1) Respond promptly to requests received 
from news media representatives through public information channels, if 
the information is releasable under FOIA. This eliminates the 
requirement to invoke FOIA and may result in timely information being 
made available to the public.
    (2) In those instances where records/information are not releasable, 
either in whole or in part, or are not currently available for a release 
consideration, Public Affairs Officers shall

[[Page 65]]

promptly advise the requester of where and how to submit a FOIA request.
    (3) DON activities receiving and processing requests from members of 
the press shall ensure that responses are cleared through their public 
affairs channels.
    (q) Records originated by other government agencies. (1) A DON 
activity may refer a FOIA request for any record that originated in an 
agency outside the DON or that is based on information obtained from an 
outside agency to the cognizant agency for direct response to the 
requester after coordination with the outside agency, if that agency is 
subject to FOIA. Otherwise, the DON activity must respond to the 
    (2) A DON activity shall refer to the agency that provided the 
record any FOIA request for investigative, intelligence, or any other 
type of records that are on loan to the DON for a specific purpose, if 
the records are restricted from further release and so marked. However, 
if for investigative or intelligence purposes, the outside agency 
desires anonymity, a DON activity may only respond directly to the 
requester after coordination with the outside agency.
    (r) Submitter documents. (1) When a request is received for a record 
containing confidential commercial information that was submitted to the 
Government, the requirements of Executive Order 12600 shall apply. 
Specifically, the submitter shall be notified of the request 
(telephonically, by letter, or by facsimile) and afforded a reasonable 
amount of time (anywhere from 2 weeks to a month depending on the 
circumstances) to present any objections concerning release, unless it 
is clear there can be no valid basis for objection. For example, the 
record was provided with actual or presumptive knowledge of the 
submitter that it would be made available to the public upon request.
    (2) The DON activity will evaluate any objections and negotiate with 
the submitter as necessary. When a substantial issue has been raised, 
the DON activity may seek additional information from the submitter and 
afford the submitter and requester reasonable opportunities to present 
their arguments in legal and substantive issues prior to making an 
agency determination.
    (3) The final decision to disclose information claimed to be exempt 
under exemption (b)(4) shall be made by an official at least equivalent 
in rank to the IDA and the submitter advised that he or she may seek a 
restraining order or take court action to prevent the release. The 
submitter is given 10 days to take action.
    (4) Should the submitter take such action, the requester will be 
notified and no action will be taken on the request until the outcome of 
the court action is known.
    (s) Technical Documents Controlled by Distribution Statements B, C, 
D, E, F, or X shall be referred to the controlling DoD office for review 
and release determination.

Sec. 701.12  FOIA appeals/litigation.

    (a) Appellate authorities. SECNAV has delegated his appellate 
authority to the JAG and the DONGC to act on matters under their 
cognizance. Their responsibilities include adjudicating appeals made to 
SECNAV on: denials of requests for copies of DON records or portions 
thereof; disapproval of a fee category claim by a requester; disapproval 
of a request to waive or reduce fees; disputes regarding fee estimates; 
reviewing determinations not to grant expedited access to agency 
records, and reviewing ``no record'' determinations when the requester 
considers such responses adverse in nature. They have the authority to 
release or withhold records, or portions thereof; to waive or reduce 
fees; and to act as required by SECNAV for appeals under 5 U.S.C. 552 
and this instruction. The JAG has further delegated this appellate 
authority to the Assistant Judge Advocate General (Civil Law). The DONGC 
has further delegated this appellate authority to the Principal Deputy 
General Counsel, the Deputy General Counsel, and the Associate General 
Counsel (Management).
    (1) In their capacity, appellate authorities will serve as principal 
points of contact on DON FOIA appeals and litigation; receive and track 
FOIA appeals and ensure responses are made in compliance with 5 U.S.C. 
552, DoD 5400.7 and 5400.7-R, and the instruction

[[Page 66]]

in this part; complete responsive portions of the Annual FOIA Report 
that addresses actions on appeals and litigation costs during the fiscal 
year and submit to CNO (N09B30); provide CNO (N09B30) with a copy of all 
appeal determinations as they are issued; and keep CNO (N09B30) informed 
in writing of all FOIA lawsuits as they are filed against the DON. 
Appellate authorities shall facsimile a copy of the complaint to CNO 
(N09B30) for review and provide updates to CNO (N09B30) to review and 
disseminate to DFOISR.
    (2) OGC's cognizance: Legal advice and services to SECNAV and the 
Civilian Executive Assistants on all matters affecting DON; legal 
services in subordinate commands, organizations, and activities in the 
areas of business and commercial law, real and personal property law, 
intellectual property law, fiscal law, civilian personnel and labor law, 
environmental law, and in coordination with the JAG, such other legal 
services as may be required to support the mission of the Navy and the 
Marine Corps, or the discharge of the General Counsel's 
responsibilities; and conducting litigation involving the areas 
enumerated above and oversight of all litigation affecting the DON.
    (3) JAG's cognizance: In addition to military law, all matters 
except those falling under the cognizance of the DONGC.
    (b) Appellants may file an appeal if they have been denied 
information in whole or in part; have been denied a waiver or reduction 
of fees; have been denied/have not received a response within 20 working 
days; or received a ``no record'' response or wish to challenge the 
``adequacy of a search'' that was made. Appeal procedures also apply to 
the disapproval of a fee category claim by a requester, disputes 
regarding fee estimates, review of an expedited basis determination not 
to grant expedited access to agency records, or any determination found 
to be adverse in nature by the requester.
    (c) Action by the appellate authority. (1) Upon receipt, JAG (34) or 
Assistant to the General Counsel (FOIA) will promptly notify the IDA of 
the appeal. In turn, the IDA will provide the appellate authority with 
the following documents so that a determination can be made: a copy of 
the request, responsive documents both excised and unexcised, a copy of 
the denial letter, and supporting rationale for continued withholding. 
IDAs shall respond to the appellate authority within 10 working days.
    (2) Final determinations on appeals normally shall be made within 20 
working days after receipt. When the appellate authority has a 
significant number of appeals preventing a response determination within 
20 working days, the appeals shall be processed in a multitrack 
processing system based, at a minimum, on the three processing tracks 
established for initial requests.
    (3) If the appeal is received by the wrong appellate authority, the 
time limits do not take effect until it is received by the right one. 
If, however, the time limit for responding cannot be met, the appellate 
authority shall advise the appellant that he/she may consider his/her 
administrative remedies exhausted. However, he/she may await a 
substantive response without prejudicing his/her right of judicial 
remedy. Nonetheless, the appellate authority will continue to process 
the case expeditiously, whether or not the appellant seeks a court order 
for release of records. In such cases, a copy of the response will be 
provided to the Department of Justice (DOJ).
    (d) Addresses for filing appeals. (1) General Counsel of the Navy, 
720 Kennon Street, SE, Room 214, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, DC 
20374-5012, or
    (2) Judge Advocate General, Washington Navy Yard, 1322 Patterson 
Avenue, SE, Suite 3000, Washington, DC 20374-5066.
    (e) Appeal letter requirements. The appellant shall file a written 
appeal with the cognizant appellate authority (i.e., DONGC or JAG). The 
appeal should include a copy of the DON response letter and supporting 
rationale on why the appeal should be granted.
    (f) Consultation/coordination. (1) The Special Assistant for Naval 
Investigative Matters and Security (CNO (N09N)) may be consulted to 
resolve inconsistencies or disputes involving classified records.
    (2) Direct liaison with officials within DON and other interested 

[[Page 67]]

agencies is authorized at the discretion of the appellate authority, who 
also coordinates with appropriate DoD and DOJ officials.
    (3) SECNAV, appropriate Assistant or Deputy Assistant Secretaries, 
and CNO (N09B30) shall be consulted and kept advised of cases with 
unusual implications. CHINFO shall be consulted and kept advised on 
cases involving public affairs implications.
    (4) Final refusal involving issues not previously resolved or that 
the DON appellate authority knows to be inconsistent with rulings of 
other DoD components ordinarily should not be made before consultation 
with the DoD Office of General Counsel (OGC).
    (5) Tentative decisions to deny records that raise new and 
significant legal issues of potential significance to other agencies of 
the Government shall be provided to the DoD OGC.
    (g) Copies of final appeal determinations. Appellate authorities 
shall provide copies of final appeal determinations to the activity 
affected and to CNO (N09B30) as appeals are decided.
    (h) Denying an appeal. The appellate authority must render his/her 
decision in writing with a full explanation as to why the appeal is 
being denied along with a detailed explanation of the basis for refusal 
with regard to the applicable statutory exemption(s) invoked. With 
regard to denials involving classified information, the final refusal 
should explain that a declassification review was undertaken and based 
on the governing Executive Order and implementing security 
classification guides (identify the guides), the information cannot be 
released and that information being denied does not contain meaningful 
portions that are reasonably segregable. In all instances, the final 
denial letter shall contain the name and position title of the official 
responsible for the denial and advise the requester of the right to seek 
judicial review.
    (i) Granting an appeal. The appellate authority must render his/her 
decision in writing. When an appellate authority makes a determination 
to release all or a portion of records withheld by an IDA, a copy of the 
releasable records should be promptly forwarded to the requester after 
compliance with any procedural requirements, such as payment of fees.
    (j) Processing appeals made under PA and FOIA. When denials have 
been made under the provisions of PA and FOIA, and the denied 
information is contained in a PA system of records, the appeal shall be 
processed under both PA and FOIA. If the denied information is not 
maintained in a PA system of records, the appeal shall be processed 
under FOIA.
    (k) Response letters. (1) When an appellate authority makes a final 
determination to release all or portion of records withheld by an IDA, a 
written response and a copy of the records so released should be 
forwarded promptly to the requester after compliance with any 
preliminary procedural requirements, such as payment of fees.
    (2) Final refusal of an appeal must be made in writing by the 
appellate authority or by a designated representative. The response at a 
minimum shall include the following:
    (i) The basis for the refusal shall be explained to the requester in 
writing, both with regard to the applicable statutory exemption or 
exemptions invoked under the provisions of the FOIA, and with respect to 
other issues appealed for which an adverse determination was made.
    (ii) When the final refusal is based in whole or in part on a 
security classification, the explanation shall include a determination 
that the record meets the cited criteria and rationale of the governing 
Executive Order, and that this determination is based on a 
declassification review, with the explanation of how that review 
confirmed the continuing validity of the security classification.
    (iii) The final denial shall include the name and title or position 
of the official responsible for the denial.
    (iv) In the case of appeals for total denial of records, the 
response shall advise the requester that the information being denied 
does not contain meaningful portions that are reasonably segregable.
    (v) When the denial is based upon an exemption (b)(3) statute, the 
response, in addition to citing the statute relied upon to deny the 
information, shall state whether a court has upheld the

[[Page 68]]

decision to withhold the information under the statute, and shall 
contain a concise description of the scope of the information withheld.
    (vi) The response shall advise the requester of the right to 
judicial review.
    (l) Time limits/requirements. (1) A FOIA appeal has been received by 
a DON activity when it reaches the appellate authority having 
jurisdiction. Misdirected appeals should be referred expeditiously to 
the proper appellate authority.
    (2) The requester shall be advised to file an appeal so that it is 
postmarked no later than 60 calendar days after the date of the initial 
denial letter. If no appeal is received, or if the appeal is postmarked 
after the conclusion of the 60 day period, the case may be considered 
closed. However, exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
    (3) In cases where the requester is provided several incremental 
determinations for a single request, the time for the appeal shall not 
begin until the date of the final response. Requests and responsive 
records that are denied shall be retained for a period of 6 years to 
meet the statute of limitations requirement.
    (4) Final determinations on appeals normally shall be made within 20 
working days after receipt. When a DON appellate authority has a 
significant number of appeals preventing a response determination within 
20 working days, the appeals shall be processed in a multitrack 
processing system, based at a minimum on the three processing tracks 
established for initial requests. (See Sec. 701.8(f)).
    (5) If additional time is needed due to unusual circumstances, the 
final decision may be delayed for the number of working days (not to 
exceed 10) that were not used as additional time for responding to the 
initial request.
    (6) If a determination cannot be made and the requester notified 
within 20 working days, the appellate authority shall acknowledge to the 
requester, in writing, the date of receipt of the appeal, the 
circumstances surrounding the delay, and the anticipated date for 
substantive response. Requesters shall be advised that, if the delay 
exceeds the statutory extension provision or is for reasons other than 
the unusual circumstances, they may consider their administrative 
remedies exhausted. They may, however, without prejudicing their right 
of judicial remedy, await a substantive response. The appellate 
authority shall continue to process the case expeditiously.
    (m) FOIA litigation. The appellate authority is responsible for 
providing CNO (N09B30) with a copy of any FOIA litigation filed against 
the DON and any subsequent status of the case. CNO (N09B30) will, in 
turn, forward a copy of the complaint to DFOISR for their review.