[House Document 107-260]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

107th Congress, 2d Session - - - - - - - - - - - - House Document 107-260







                          ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS

  September 4, 2002.--Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and 
                         ordered to be printed
                                           The White House,
                                     Washington, September 3, 2002.
Hon. J. Dennis Hastert,
Speaker of the House of Representatives,
Washington, DC.
    Dear Mr. Speaker: I ask the Congress to consider the 
enclosed requests for FY 2003 budget amendments for the 
Departments of Health and Human Services and Transportation, 
and for International Assistance Programs.
    These amendments continue my commitment to provide 
necessary resources to enhance transportation security, to 
assist Israel and the people of the West Bank and Gaza, and to 
fight the growing pandemic of HIV/AIDS among developing 
    The details of these requests are set forth in the enclosed 
letter from the Deputy Director of the Office of Management and 
Budget. I concur with her comments and observations.
                                                    George W. Bush.
              [Estimate No. 23, 107th Congress, 2d Sess.]

                 Executive Office of the President,
                           Office of Management and Budget,
                                   Washington, DC, August 30, 2002.
The President,
The White House.
    Submitted for your consideration are requests for FY 2003 
budget amendments for the Departments of Health and Human 
Services (HHS) and Transportation and for International 
Assistance Programs. These proposals fulfill your commitment to 
request FY 2003 funding for certain contingent appropriations 
that were not made available from P.L. 107-206, the 2002 
Supplemental Appropriations for Further Recovery From and 
Response to Terrorist Attacks on the United States; and for 
critically needed resources for transportation security that 
were not provided by the Congress in that Act.
Department of Health and Human Services
    An amendment for the Centers for Disease Control and 
Prevention would provide $100 million of a total of $200 
million now requested to support your International Mother and 
Child HIV Prevention Initiative. This initiative, to be 
implemented and managed as one program by both HHS and the 
Agency for International Development (AID), is designed to 
reduce the transmission of the HIV/AIDS virus from HIV infected 
mothers to their offspring at birth in low- and middle-income 
developing countries, and to maintain the health of the mother 
and child through the period of infancy. An accompanying 
amendment for AID, as noted below, would provide the additional 
$100 million of the $200 million total request.
Department of Transportation
    The proposed amendment would provide $546 million for the 
Transportation Security Administration (TSA). P.L. 107-206 
provided $1.0 billion less than the supplemental request for 
TSA, and identified several funding items that were not part of 
the original request. The additional funding in this amendment 
would provide TSA with the resources necessary to meet the 
requirements of the transportation security law in the most 
effective, responsible, and efficient manner possible.
International assistance programs
    The proposed amendments would provide:
          $200 million for the Economic Support Fund to support 
        Israel in its efforts in the war on terrorism.
          $100 million for AID's portion of the International 
        Mother and Child HIV Prevention Initiative. As 
        discussed earlier, an additional $100 million is 
        requested to be provided to HHS for this initiative.
          $50 million for humanitarian, refugee, and 
        reconstruction assistance to the West Bank and Gaza. 
        None of the assistance for the West Bank and Gaza would 
        be provided to the Palestinian Authority.
    Transmission of these requests to the Congress reflects 
your commitment to provide the necessary resources to enhance 
security on our Nation's airplanes and in the airways, to 
assist Israel and the people of the West Bank and Gaza, and to 
fight the growing pandemic of HIV/AIDS among developing 
    I have carefully reviewed these proposals and am satisfied 
that they are necessary at this time. Therefore, I join the 
heads of the affected Departments and agencies in recommending 
that you transmit the amendments to the Congress.
                                             Nancy P. Dorn,
                                                   Deputy Director.


               Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


FY 2003 Budget Appendix Page: 440.
FY 2003 Pending Request: $3,931,742,000.
Proposed Amendment: $100,000,000.
Revised Request: $4,031,742,000.

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$3,931,742,000 of which $143,763,000'' and insert 
$4,031,742,000 of which $243,763,000 and after ``for 
international HIV/AIDS shall remain available until September 
30, 2004,'' insert the following: and not less than 
$100,000,000 of this amount will be for the ``International 
Mother and Child HIV Prevention Initiative,''.)
    This amendment would increase funding in the pending FY 
2003 request for the Disease Control, Research, and Training 
account, which includes global HIV/AIDS activities, by $100 
    This increase would help finance the proposed Mother and 
Child HIV Presidential Initiative. This initiative is designed 
to reduce the transmission of the HIV/AIDS virus from HIV 
infected mothers to their offspring at birth in low- and 
middle-income developing countries, and to maintain the health 
of the mother and child through the period of infancy.
    This initiative will be implemented and managed as one 
program by both the Agency for International Development and 
the Department of Health and Human Services. This initiative 
requires the agencies to collaborate and establish a single 
program, including submitting joint annual progress reports and 
coordinating data collection and evaluation activities.
    The amendment would increase FY 2003 outlays by $33 


                 Transportation Security Administration


FY 2003 Budget Appendix Page: 721.
FY 2003 Pending Request: $4,800,000,000.
Proposed Amendment: $546,000,000.
Revised Request: $5,346,000,000.

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$4,800,000,000'' and substitute $5,346,000,000.)
    This request would provide funds to ensure sufficient and 
timely improvements to aviation and transportation security to 
meet the requirements of the Aviation and Transportation 
Security Act (P.L. 104-71). Funding reductions and earmarks in 
supplemental legislation enacted during FY 2002 reduced the 
Administration's ability to respond to transportation security 
requirements with sufficient flexibility. Cost estimates for 
some planned Transportation Security Administration (TSA) 
activities for FY 2002 have fallen as the program has matured, 
while others have increased. The net effect is that 
transportation security funding needs, particularly for 
aviation, are still larger than the resources provided in FY 
2002. Specifically, the amendment would provide:
          $200 million in additional funding to support 
        passenger screening requirements. These funds will 
        ensure all passenger screening lanes are appropriately 
        configured, and adequate staff is hired, effectively 
        trained, and deployed.
          $196 million in additional funding for deferred 
        costs, including costs attributable to Federal pay and 
        hiring expenses, third party screening contracts, and 
        leased equipment maintenance.
          $50 million in additional funding for deferred costs 
        associated with the purchase of explosive detection 
        systems (EDS). This funding is urgently needed to 
        ensure that TSA can keep pace with its aggressive EDS 
        deployment plans and have the ability to flexibly 
        respond to individual airport needs.
          $50 million in additional funding for deferred 
        research on a next generation EDS system. TSA must have 
        the resources to work aggressively on the development 
        of a more effective, smaller, and cost effective EDS 
          $50 million for other newly identified transportation 
        security initiatives including $20 million for cockpit 
        security initiatives; $20 million for grants to test 
        industry-wide trucking security proposals; and, $10 
        million for additional canine units to facilitate air 
        cargo inspection and the reduction of air carrier 
        restrictions on the transport of U.S. Postal Service 
        mail, and to enhance existing canine coverage of 
        airport terminals and baggage areas.
    This proposed request would provide TSA with the resources 
necessary to meet the requirements of aviation security law in 
the most effective, responsible, and efficient manner possible.
    This amendment would increase FY 2003 outlays by $464 


                   International Security Assistance

                         ECONOMIC SUPPORT FUND

FY 2003 Budget Appendix Page: 963.
FY 2003 Pending Request: $2,290,000,000.
Proposed Amendment: $200,000,000.
Revised Request: $2,490,000,000.

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$2,290,000,000'' and insert, $2,490,000,000; and after 
the phrase, ``September 30, 2004'' insert the following: , of 
which $200,000,000 will be for necessary expenses related to 
combating international terrorism.)
    This request would provide an additional $200 million for 
the Economic Support Fund to provide anti-terrorism assistance 
to Israel to support its efforts in the war on terrorism.
    The amendment would increase FY 2003 outlays by $200 


                  Agency for International Development

                         DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE

FY 2003 Budget Appendix Page: 978-979.
FY 2003 Pending Request: $2,739,500,000.
Proposed Amendment: $100,000,000.
Revised Request: $2,839,500,000.

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$2,739,500,000'' and insert, $2,839,500,000, of which 
not less than $100,000,000 will be for the ``International 
Mother and Child HIV Prevention Initiative''.)
    This amendment would increase funding in the pending FY 
2003 request for the Development Assistance account, which 
includes child survival and disease programs, by $100 million.
    This increase would help finance the proposed Mother and 
Child HIV Prevention Initiative. This initiative is designed to 
reduce the transmission of the HIV/AIDS virus from HIV infected 
mothers to their offspring at birth in low- and middle-income 
developing countries, and to maintain the health of the mother 
and child through the period of infancy.
    This initiative will be implemented and managed as one 
program by both the Agency for International Development and 
the Department of Health and Human Services. This initiative 
requires the agencies to collaborate and establish a single 
program, including submitting joint annual progress reports and 
coordinating data collection and evaluation activities.
    The amendment would increase FY 2003 outlays by $15 


           United States Agency for International Development


FY 2003 Budget Appendix Page: 985.
FY 2003 Pending Request: $235,500,000.
Proposed Amendment: $50,000,000.
Revised Request: $285,500,000.

    (In the appropriations language under the above heading, 
delete ``$235,500,000'' and substitute, $285,500,000; and 
insert before the period , of which $50,000,000 will be for 
assistance for the West Bank and Gaza.)
    This request would provide $50 million in international 
disaster assistance funds for humanitarian, refugee, and 
reconstruction assistance to the West Bank and Gaza. None of 
the assistance for the West Bank and Gaza would be provided to 
the Palestinian Authority.
    This amendment would increase FY 2003 outlays by $12 