[Senate Calendars for September 7, 2017 - 115th Congress, 1st Session]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

                             GENERAL ORDERS

                             UNDER RULE VIII


 Order  Measure Number           Title                 Reported or       
  No.     and Author                              Placed on the Calendar 

[[Page (12)]]

    3    S. Res. 6   Resolution objecting to   Jan. 12, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Rubio and    United Nations Security   Corker, Committee on 
          others       Council Resolution 2334   Foreign Relations, with 
                       and to all efforts that   amendments, and with a 
                       undermine direct          preamble. (No written 
                       negotiations between      report.)
                       Israel and the 
                       Palestinians for a 
                       secure and peaceful 

    4     S. 133     A bill to authorize       Jan. 20, 2017.--Mr. Burr, 
         Mr. Burr      appropriations for        Select Committee on 
                       fiscal year 2017 for      Intelligence, without 
                       intelligence and          amendment. (Rept. 2.) 
                       intelligence-related      (Additional views 
                       activities of the         filed.)
                       United States 
                       Government, the 
                       Community Management 
                       Account, and the 
                       Central Intelligence 
                       Agency Retirement and 
                       Disability System, and 
                       for other purposes.

    7     S. 274     A bill to nullify the     Feb. 2, 2017.--Read the 
      Mrs. Feinstein   effect of the recent      second time and placed 
        and others     executive order that      on the calendar.
                       temporarily restricted 
                       individuals from 
                       certain countries from 
                       entering the United 

    9      S. 63     A bill to clarify the     Feb. 17, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Moran and    rights of Indians and     Hoeven, Committee on 
          others       Indian tribes on Indian   Indian Affairs, without 
                       lands under the           amendment. (Rept. 3.)
                       National Labor 
                       Relations Act.

   11     S. 327     A bill to direct the      Mar. 13, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Heller and   Securities and Exchange   Crapo, Committee on 
          others       Commission to provide a   Banking, Housing, and 
                       safe harbor related to    Urban Affairs, with 
                       certain investment fund   amendments. (No written 
                       research reports, and     report.)
                       for other purposes.

[[Page 13]]

   12     S. 444     A bill to amend the       Mar. 13, 2017.--Mr. 
       Ms. Heitkamp    Investment Company Act    Crapo, Committee on 
        and others     of 1940 to expand the     Banking, Housing, and 
                       investor limitation for   Urban Affairs, without 
                       qualifying venture        amendment. (No written 
                       capital funds under an    report.)
                       exemption from the 
                       definition of an 
                       investment company.

   13     S. 462     A bill to require the     Mar. 13, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Heller and   Securities and Exchange   Crapo, Committee on 
          others       Commission to refund or   Banking, Housing, and 
                       credit certain excess     Urban Affairs, without 
                       payments made to the      amendment. (No written 
                       Commission.               report.)

   14     S. 484     A bill to amend the       Mar. 13, 2017.--Mr. 
       Mr. Menendez    Investment Company Act    Crapo, Committee on 
        and others     of 1940 to terminate an   Banking, Housing, and 
                       exemption for companies   Urban Affairs, with 
                       located in Puerto Rico,   amendments. (No written 
                       the Virgin Islands, and   report.)
                       any other possession of 
                       the United States.

   15     S. 488     A bill to increase the    Mar. 13, 2017.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Toomey   threshold for             Crapo, Committee on 
        and Warner     disclosures required by   Banking, Housing, and 
                       the Securities and        Urban Affairs, without 
                       Exchange Commission       amendment. (No written 
                       relating to               report.)
                       compensatory benefit 
                       plans, and for other 

   21    H.R. 1181   An act to amend title 38, Mar. 22, 2017.--Read the 
                       United States Code, to    second time and placed 
                       clarify the conditions    on the calendar.
                       under which certain 
                       persons may be treated 
                       as adjudicated mentally 
                       incompetent for certain 

   24     S. 269     A bill to provide for the Mar. 27, 2017.--Mr. 
      Ms. Murkowski    conveyance of certain     Hoeven, Committee on 
         and Mr.       property to the Tanana    Indian Affairs, without 
         Sullivan      Tribal Council located    amendment. (Rept. 11.)
                       in Tanana, Alaska, and 
                       to the Bristol Bay Area 
                       Health Corporation 
                       located in Dillingham, 
                       Alaska, and for other 

[[Page 14]]

   26     S. 129     A bill to reauthorize and Mar. 30, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Wicker and   amend the National Sea    Thune, Committee on 
          others       Grant College Program     Commerce, Science, and 
                       Act, and for other        Transportation, without 
                       purposes.                 amendment. (Rept. 15.)

   27     S. 168     A bill to amend and       Mar. 30, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Wicker and   enhance certain           Thune, Committee on 
          others       maritime programs of      Commerce, Science, and 
                       the Department of         Transportation, without 
                       Transportation.           amendment. (Rept. 16.)

   28  S.J. Res. 19  Joint resolution          Mar. 30, 2017.--Committee 
      Mr. Perdue and   providing for             on Banking, Housing, 
          others       congressional             and Urban Affairs, 
                       disapproval under         discharged by petition 
                       chapter 8 of title 5,     pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 
                       United States Code, of    802(c) and placed on 
                       the rule submitted by     the calendar.
                       the Bureau of Consumer 
                       Financial Protection 
                       relating to prepaid 
                       accounts under the 
                       Electronic Fund 
                       Transfer Act and the 
                       Truth in Lending Act.

   30     S. 254     A bill to amend the       Apr. 4, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Udall and    Native American           Hoeven, Committee on 
          others       Programs Act of 1974 to   Indian Affairs, without 
                       provide flexibility and   amendment. (Rept. 23.)
                       reauthorization to 
                       ensure the survival and 
                       continuing vitality of 
                       Native American 

   31     S. 102     A bill to direct the      Apr. 5, 2017.--Mr. Thune, 
       Ms. Cantwell    Federal Communications    Committee on Commerce, 
        and others     Commission to commence    Science, and 
                       proceedings related to    Transportation, with an 
                       the resiliency of         amendment in the nature 
                       critical communications   of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       networks during times     24.)
                       of emergency, and for 
                       other purposes.

   32      S. 91     A bill to amend the       Apr. 6, 2017.--Mr. 
      Ms. Murkowski    Indian Employment,        Hoeven, Committee on 
         and Mr.       Training and Related      Indian Affairs, without 
         Sullivan      Services Demonstration    amendment. (Rept. 26.)
                       Act of 1992 to 
                       facilitate the ability 
                       of Indian tribes to 
                       integrate the 
                       employment, training, 
                       and related services 
                       from diverse Federal 
                       sources, and for other 

[[Page 15]]

   33     S. 302     A bill to enhance tribal  Apr. 6, 2017.--Mr. 
       Mr. Barrasso    road safety, and for      Hoeven, Committee on 
        and others     other purposes.           Indian Affairs, without 
                                                 amendment. (Rept. 27.)

   34   S. Res. 116  Resolution condemning the Apr. 7, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Cardin and   Assad regime for its      Corker, Committee on 
          others       continued use of          Foreign Relations, with 
                       chemical weapons          amendments, and an 
                       against the Syrian        amendment to the 
                       people.                   preamble. (No written 

   35     S. 861     A bill to provide for the Apr. 7, 2017.--Read the 
      Mr. Cardin and   compensation of Federal   second time and placed 
          others       employees affected by     on the calendar.
                       lapses in 

   36    H.R. 1301   An act making             Apr. 7, 2017.--Read the 
                       appropriations for the    second time and placed 
                       Department of Defense     on the calendar.
                       for the fiscal year 
                       ending September 30, 
                       2017, and for other 

   37     S. 188     A bill to prohibit the    Apr. 24, 2017.--Mr. 
       Mr. Cassidy     use of Federal funds      Johnson, Committee on 
        and others     for the costs of          Homeland Security and 
                       painting portraits of     Governmental Affairs, 
                       officers and employees    without amendment. 
                       of the Federal            (Rept. 28.)

   38     S. 500     A bill to amend the       Apr. 24, 2017.--Mr. 
       Mr. Roberts     Homeland Security Act     Johnson, Committee on 
         and Mrs.      of 2002 to make the       Homeland Security and 
         McCaskill     Assistant Secretary of    Governmental Affairs, 
                       Homeland Security for     without amendment. 
                       Health Affairs            (Rept. 29.)
                       responsible for 
                       coordinating the 
                       efforts of the 
                       Department of Homeland 
                       Security related to 
                       food, agriculture, and 
                       veterinary defense 
                       against terrorism, and 
                       for other purposes.

   39     S. 576     A bill to amend title 5,  Apr. 24, 2017.--Mr. 
       Mr. Johnson     United States Code, to    Johnson, Committee on 
        and others     extend certain            Homeland Security and 
                       protections against       Governmental Affairs, 
                       prohibited personnel      without amendment. 
                       practices, and for        (Rept. 30.)
                       other purposes.

[[Page 16]]

   42  S.J. Res. 41  Joint resolution          Apr. 25, 2017.--Mr. 
         Mr. Hatch     providing for an          Hatch, Committee on 
                       exception to the          Finance, without 
                       limitation on the         amendment. (An original 
                       appointment of certain    joint resolution.) (No 
                       persons as the United     written report.)
                       States Trade 

   43     S. 317     A bill to provide         May 1, 2017.--Mr. 
       Mr. Lankford    taxpayers with an         Johnson, Committee on 
        and others     annual report             Homeland Security and 
                       disclosing the cost and   Governmental Affairs, 
                       performance of            with an amendment. 
                       Government programs and   (Rept. 34.)
                       areas of duplication 
                       among them, and for 
                       other purposes.

   46     S. 916     A bill to amend the       May 1, 2017.--Mr. 
       Mr. Cassidy     Controlled Substances     Alexander, Committee on 
        and others     Act with regard to the    Health, Education, 
                       provision of emergency    Labor, and Pensions, 
                       medical services.         with an amendment in 
                                                 the nature of a 
                                                 substitute. (No written 

   49      S. 35     A bill to transfer        May 3, 2017.--Ms. 
      Mr. Thune and    administrative            Murkowski, Committee on 
          others       jurisdiction over         Energy and Natural 
                       certain Bureau of Land    Resources, with an 
                       Management land from      amendment in the nature 
                       the Secretary of the      of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       Interior to the           35.)
                       Secretary of Veterans 
                       Affairs for inclusion 
                       in the Black Hills 
                       National Cemetery, and 
                       for other purposes.

   50      S. 99     A bill to require the     May 3, 2017.--Ms. 
       Mr. Alexander   Secretary of the          Murkowski, Committee on 
                       Interior to study the     Energy and Natural 
                       suitability and           Resources, without 
                       feasibility of            amendment. (Rept. 36.)
                       designating the 
                       President James K. Polk 
                       Home in Columbia, 
                       Tennessee, as a unit of 
                       the National Park 
                       System, and for other 

   51     S. 189     A bill to modify the      May 3, 2017.--Ms. 
         Mr. Moran     boundary of the Fort      Murkowski, Committee on 
                       Scott National Historic   Energy and Natural 
                       Site in the State of      Resources, with an 
                       Kansas, and for other     amendment in the nature 
                       purposes.                 of a substitute. (Rept. 
                                                 37.) (See also Order 
                                                 No. 171.)

[[Page 17]]

   52     S. 287     A bill to update the map  May 3, 2017.--Ms. 
         Messrs.       of, and modify the        Murkowski, Committee on 
       Gardner and     maximum acreage           Energy and Natural 
          Bennet       available for inclusion   Resources, without 
                       in, the Florissant        amendment. (Rept. 38.)
                       Fossil Beds National 

   53     S. 331     A bill to remove the use  May 3, 2017.--Ms. 
         Mr. Kaine     restrictions on certain   Murkowski, Committee on 
                       land transferred to       Energy and Natural 
                       Rockingham County,        Resources, without 
                       Virginia, and for other   amendment. (Rept. 39.) 
                       purposes.                 (See also Order No. 

   54     S. 432     A bill to designate the   May 3, 2017.--Ms. 
         Messrs.       Cerro del Yuta and Rio    Murkowski, Committee on 
       Heinrich and    San Antonio Wilderness    Energy and Natural 
           Udall       Areas in the State of     Resources, without 
                       New Mexico, and for       amendment. (Rept. 40.)
                       other purposes.

   55     S. 466     A bill to clarify the     May 3, 2017.--Ms. 
      Messrs. Flake    description of certain    Murkowski, Committee on 
        and McCain     Federal land under the    Energy and Natural 
                       Northern Arizona Land     Resources, without 
                       Exchange and Verde        amendment. (Rept. 41.)
                       River Basin Partnership 
                       Act of 2005 to include 
                       additional land in the 
                       Kaibab National Forest.

   56     S. 501     A bill to amend the Wild  May 3, 2017.--Ms. 
      Messrs. Tester   and Scenic Rivers Act     Murkowski, Committee on 
        and Daines     to designate certain      Energy and Natural 
                       segments of East          Resources, without 
                       Rosebud Creek in Carbon   amendment. (Rept. 42.)
                       County, Montana, as 
                       components of the Wild 
                       and Scenic Rivers 

   58     S. 280     A bill to authorize,      May 9, 2017.--Ms. 
         Messrs.       direct, expedite, and     Murkowski, Committee on 
       Gardner and     facilitate a land         Energy and Natural 
          Bennet       exchange in El Paso and   Resources, without 
                       Teller Counties,          amendment. (Rept. 45.)
                       Colorado, and for other 

   59     S. 644     A bill to authorize the   May 9, 2017.--Ms. 
         Messrs.       Secretary of the          Murkowski, Committee on 
       Cochran and     Interior to conduct a     Energy and Natural 
          Wicker       special resource study    Resources, with an 
                       of the Medgar Evers       amendment in the nature 
                       House, located in         of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       Jackson, Mississippi,     46.)
                       and for other purposes.

[[Page 18]]

   60     S. 729     A bill to authorize the   May 9, 2017.--Ms. 
      Ms. Harris and   Secretary of the          Murkowski, Committee on 
      Mrs. Feinstein   Interior to acquire       Energy and Natural 
                       approximately 44 acres    Resources, without 
                       of land in Martinez,      amendment. (Rept. 47.) 
                       California, for           (See also Order No. 
                       inclusion in the John     172.)
                       Muir National Historic 
                       Site, and for other 

   61     H.R. 88    An act to modify the      May 9, 2017.--Ms. 
                       boundary of the Shiloh    Murkowski, Committee on 
                       National Military Park    Energy and Natural 
                       located in Tennessee      Resources, with an 
                       and Mississippi, to       amendment in the nature 
                       establish Parker's        of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       Crossroads Battlefield    48.)
                       as an affiliated area 
                       of the National Park 
                       System, and for other 

   62    H.R. 267    An act to redesignate the May 9, 2017.--Ms. 
                       Martin Luther King,       Murkowski, Committee on 
                       Junior, National          Energy and Natural 
                       Historic Site in the      Resources, without 
                       State of Georgia, and     amendment. (Rept. 49.)
                       for other purposes.

   63    H.R. 538    An act to redesignate     May 9, 2017.--Ms. 
                       Ocmulgee National         Murkowski, Committee on 
                       Monument in the State     Energy and Natural 
                       of Georgia and revise     Resources, with an 
                       its boundary, and for     amendment in the nature 
                       other purposes.           of a substitute. (Rept. 

   64    H.R. 560    An act to amend the       May 9, 2017.--Ms. 
                       Delaware Water Gap        Murkowski, Committee on 
                       National Recreation       Energy and Natural 
                       Area Improvement Act to   Resources, without 
                       provide access to         amendment. (Rept. 51.)
                       certain vehicles 
                       serving residents of 
                       municipalities adjacent 
                       to the Delaware Water 
                       Gap National Recreation 
                       Area, and for other 

   65     S. 225     A bill to amend the       May 9, 2017.--Ms. 
      Messrs. Wyden    Omnibus Public Land       Murkowski, Committee on 
        and Merkley    Management Act of 2009    Energy and Natural 
                       to modify provisions      Resources, without 
                       relating to certain       amendment. (Rept. 52.)
                       land exchanges in the 
                       Mt. Hood Wilderness in 
                       the State of Oregon.

[[Page 19]]

   66     S. 285     A bill to ensure adequate May 9, 2017.--Ms. 
         Messrs.       use and access to the     Murkowski, Committee on 
       Gardner and     existing Bolts Ditch      Energy and Natural 
          Bennet       headgate and ditch        Resources, without 
                       segment within the Holy   amendment. (Rept. 53.)
                       Cross Wilderness in 
                       Eagle County, Colorado, 
                       and for other purposes.

   67     S. 289     A bill to adjust the      May 9, 2017.--Ms. 
      Messrs. Bennet   boundary of the Arapaho   Murkowski, Committee on 
        and Gardner    National Forest,          Energy and Natural 
                       Colorado, and for other   Resources, without 
                       purposes.                 amendment. (Rept. 54.)

   68     S. 617     A bill to amend the Wild  May 9, 2017.--Ms. 
        Mr. Murphy     and Scenic Rivers Act     Murkowski, Committee on 
                       to designate certain      Energy and Natural 
                       segments of the           Resources, without 
                       Farmington River and      amendment. (Rept. 55.)
                       Salmon Brook in the 
                       State of Connecticut as 
                       components of the 
                       National Wild and 
                       Scenic Rivers System, 
                       and for other purposes.

   69    H.R. 618    An act to authorize,      May 9, 2017.--Ms. 
                       direct, expedite, and     Murkowski, Committee on 
                       facilitate a land         Energy and Natural 
                       exchange in El Paso and   Resources, without 
                       Teller Counties,          amendment. (Rept. 56.)
                       Colorado, and for other 

   70    H.R. 688    An act to adjust the      May 9, 2017.--Ms. 
                       boundary of the Arapaho   Murkowski, Committee on 
                       National Forest,          Energy and Natural 
                       Colorado, and for other   Resources, without 
                       purposes.                 amendment. (Rept. 57.)

   71    H.R. 689    An act to insure adequate May 9, 2017.--Ms. 
                       use and access to the     Murkowski, Committee on 
                       existing Bolts Ditch      Energy and Natural 
                       headgate and ditch        Resources, without 
                       segment within the Holy   amendment. (Rept. 58.)
                       Cross Wilderness in 
                       Eagle County, Colorado, 
                       and for other purposes.

   72    H.R. 699    An act to amend the       May 9, 2017.--Ms. 
                       Omnibus Public Land       Murkowski, Committee on 
                       Management Act of 2009    Energy and Natural 
                       to modify provisions      Resources, without 
                       relating to certain       amendment. (Rept. 59.)
                       land exchanges in the 
                       Mt. Hood Wilderness in 
                       the State of Oregon.

[[Page 20]]

   73     S. 385     A bill to promote energy  May 10, 2017.--Ms. 
       Mr. Portman     savings in residential    Murkowski, Committee on 
        and others     buildings and industry,   Energy and Natural 
                       and for other purposes.   Resources, without 
                                                 amendment. (Rept. 60.)

   76     S. 934     A bill to amend the       May 11, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Alexander    Federal Food, Drug, and   Alexander, Committee on 
         and Mrs.      Cosmetic Act to revise    Health, Education, 
          Murray       and extend the user-fee   Labor, and Pensions, 
                       programs for              with an amendment in 
                       prescription drugs,       the nature of a 
                       medical devices,          substitute. (No written 
                       generic drugs, and        report.)
                       biosimilar biological 
                       products, and for other 

   78     S. 1028    A bill to provide for the May 11, 2017.--Mr. 
       Ms. Collins     establishment and         Alexander, Committee on 
        and others     maintenance of a          Health, Education, 
                       National Family           Labor, and Pensions, 
                       Caregiving Strategy,      without amendment. (No 
                       and for other purposes.   written report.)

   79     S. 218     A bill to restrict the    May 15, 2017.--Mr. 
        Mr. Gardner    inclusion of social       Johnson, Committee on 
                       security account          Homeland Security and 
                       numbers on documents      Governmental Affairs, 
                       sent by mail by the       with amendments. (Rept. 
                       Federal Government, and   62.) (See also Order 
                       for other purposes.       No. 106.)

   80     S. 131     A bill to provide for the May 16, 2017.--Ms. 
      Ms. Murkowski    exchange of certain       Murkowski, Committee on 
         and Mr.       National Forest System    Energy and Natural 
         Sullivan      land and non-Federal      Resources, with an 
                       land in the State of      amendment in the nature 
                       Alaska, and for other     of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       purposes.                 117.)

   81     S. 392     A bill to establish the   May 16, 2017.--Ms. 
      Mr. Kaine and    400 Years of African-     Murkowski, Committee on 
          others       American History          Energy and Natural 
                       Commission, and for       Resources, without 
                       other purposes.           amendment. (Rept. 63.)

   82     S. 502     A bill to modify the      May 16, 2017.--Ms. 
       Mr. Franken     boundary of Voyageurs     Murkowski, Committee on 
         and Ms.       National Park in the      Energy and Natural 
         Klobuchar     State of Minnesota, and   Resources, without 
                       for other purposes.       amendment. (Rept. 64.)

[[Page 21]]

   83     S. 508     A bill to provide for the May 16, 2017.--Ms. 
      Messrs. Wyden    conveyance of certain     Murkowski, Committee on 
        and Merkley    Federal land in the       Energy and Natural 
                       State of Oregon, and      Resources, without 
                       for other purposes.       amendment. (Rept. 65.)

   84     S. 513     A bill to designate the   May 16, 2017.--Ms. 
      Messrs. Wyden    Frank and Jeanne Moore    Murkowski, Committee on 
        and Merkley    Wild Steelhead Special    Energy and Natural 
                       Management Area in the    Resources, without 
                       State of Oregon.          amendment. (Rept. 66.)

   85     S. 590     A bill to authorize the   May 16, 2017.--Ms. 
      Messrs. Risch    Secretary of              Murkowski, Committee on 
         and Crapo     Agriculture to maintain   Energy and Natural 
                       or replace certain        Resources, without 
                       facilities and            amendment. (Rept. 67.)
                       structures for 
                       commercial recreation 
                       services at Smith Gulch 
                       in Idaho, and for other 

   86    H.R. 558    An act to adjust the      May 16, 2017.--Ms. 
                       boundary of the           Murkowski, Committee on 
                       Kennesaw Mountain         Energy and Natural 
                       National Battlefield      Resources, with an 
                       Park to include the       amendment in the nature 
                       Wallis House and          of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       Harriston Hill, and for   68.)
                       other purposes.

   87    H.R. 698    An act to require a land  May 16, 2017.--Ms. 
                       conveyance involving      Murkowski, Committee on 
                       the Elkhorn Ranch and     Energy and Natural 
                       the White River           Resources, without 
                       National Forest in the    amendment. (Rept. 69.)
                       State of Colorado, and 
                       for other purposes.

   88    H.R. 863    An act to facilitate the  May 16, 2017.--Ms. 
                       addition of park          Murkowski, Committee on 
                       administration at the     Energy and Natural 
                       Coltsville National       Resources, without 
                       Historical Park, and      amendment. (Rept. 70.)
                       for other purposes.

   89     S. 518     A bill to amend the       May 17, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Wicker and   Federal Water Pollution   Barrasso, Committee on 
          others       Control Act to provide    Environment and Public 
                       for technical             Works, with an 
                       assistance for small      amendment in the nature 
                       treatment works.          of a substitute. (Rept. 

[[Page 22]]

   90     S. 675     A bill to amend and       May 17, 2017.--Mr. 
           Mrs.        reauthorize certain       Barrasso, Committee on 
      Gillibrand and   provisions relating to    Environment and Public 
          others       Long Island Sound         Works, without 
                       restoration and           amendment. (Rept. 72.)

   94      S. 39     A bill to extend the      May 22, 2017.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Tester   Federal recognition to    Hoeven, Committee on 
        and Daines     the Little Shell Tribe    Indian Affairs, without 
                       of Chippewa Indians of    amendment. (Rept. 75.)
                       Montana, and for other 

   96     S. 215     A bill to authorize the   May 24, 2017.--Ms. 
      Ms. Murkowski    Federal Energy            Murkowski, Committee on 
         and Mr.       Regulatory Commission     Energy and Natural 
         Sullivan      to issue an order         Resources, without 
                       continuing a stay of a    amendment. (Rept. 77.)
                       hydroelectric license 
                       for the Mahoney Lake 
                       hydroelectric project 
                       in the State of Alaska, 
                       and for other purposes.

   97     S. 226     A bill to exclude power   May 24, 2017.--Ms. 
       Mr. Portman     supply circuits,          Murkowski, Committee on 
        and others     drivers, and devices      Energy and Natural 
                       designed to be            Resources, without 
                       connected to, and         amendment. (Rept. 78.)
                       power, light-emitting 
                       diodes or organic 
                       light-emitting diodes 
                       providing illumination 
                       or ceiling fans using 
                       direct current motors 
                       from energy 
                       conservation standards 
                       for external power 

   98     S. 239     A bill to amend the       May 24, 2017.--Ms. 
       Mr. Gardner     National Energy           Murkowski, Committee on 
        and others     Conservation Policy Act   Energy and Natural 
                       to encourage the          Resources, without 
                       increased use of          amendment. (Rept. 79.)
                       performance contracting 
                       in Federal facilities, 
                       and for other purposes.

   99     S. 723     A bill to extend the      May 24, 2017.--Ms. 
       Messrs. Burr    deadline for              Murkowski, Committee on 
        and Tillis     commencement of           Energy and Natural 
                       construction of a         Resources, with 
                       hydroelectric project.    amendments. (Rept. 80.) 
                                                 (See also Order No. 

[[Page 23]]

  100     S. 724     A bill to amend the       May 24, 2017.--Ms. 
       Ms. Murkowski   Federal Power Act to      Murkowski, Committee on 
                       modernize                 Energy and Natural 
                       authorizations for        Resources, without 
                       necessary hydropower      amendment. (Rept. 81.) 
                       approvals.                (See also Order No. 

  101     S. 730     A bill to extend the      May 24, 2017.--Ms. 
         Mr. Kaine     deadline for              Murkowski, Committee on 
                       commencement of           Energy and Natural 
                       construction of certain   Resources, without 
                       hydroelectric projects.   amendment. (Rept. 82.) 
                                                 (See also Order No. 
                                                 136.) (See also Order 
                                                 No. 137.)

  102     S. 734     A bill to extend a        May 24, 2017.--Ms. 
           Mrs.        project of the Federal    Murkowski, Committee on 
      Gillibrand and   Energy Regulatory         Energy and Natural 
        Mr. Schumer    Commission involving      Resources, with 
                       the Cannonsville Dam.     amendments. (Rept. 83.) 
                                                 (See also Order No. 

  104     S. 245     A bill to amend the       May 24, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Hoeven and   Indian Tribal Energy      Hoeven, Committee on 
          others       Development and Self      Indian Affairs, without 
                       Determination Act of      amendment. (Rept. 84.)
                       2005, and for other 

  105     S. 343     A bill to repeal certain  May 24, 2017.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Rounds   obsolete laws relating    Hoeven, Committee on 
       and Lankford    to Indians.               Indian Affairs, without 
                                                 amendment. (Rept. 85.)

  108     S. 512     A bill to modernize the   May 25, 2017.--Mr. 
       Mr. Barrasso    regulation of nuclear     Barrasso, Committee on 
        and others     energy.                   Environment and Public 
                                                 Works, with an 
                                                 amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 
                                                 86.) (Additional views 

  109     S. 692     A bill to provide for     May 25, 2017.--Mr. 
       Mrs. Fischer    integrated plan           Barrasso, Committee on 
        and others     permits, to establish     Environment and Public 
                       an Office of the          Works, with an 
                       Municipal Ombudsman, to   amendment in the nature 
                       promote green             of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       infrastructure, and to    87.)
                       require the revision of 
                       financial capability 

[[Page 24]]

  111      S. 61     A bill to remove the      June 5, 2017.--Mr. Thune, 
       Ms. Cantwell    sunset provision of       Committee on Commerce, 
        and others     section 203 of Public     Science, and 
                       Law 105-384 and for       Transportation, without 
                       other purposes.           amendment. (Rept. 88.)

  112     S. 1129    A bill to authorize       June 5, 2017.--Mr. Thune, 
       Mr. Sullivan    appropriations for the    Committee on Commerce, 
        and others     Coast Guard, and for      Science, and 
                       other purposes.           Transportation, with an 
                                                 amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (Rept. 

  114   S. Res. 18   Resolution reaffirming    June 5, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Coons and    the United States-        Corker, Committee on 
          others       Argentina partnership     Foreign Relations, with 
                       and recognizing           an amendment in the 
                       Argentina's economic      nature of a substitute, 
                       reforms.                  and an amendment to the 
                                                 preamble. (No written 

  115   S. Res. 114  Resolution expressing the June 5, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Young and    sense of the Senate on    Corker, Committee on 
          others       humanitarian crises in    Foreign Relations, with 
                       Nigeria, Somalia, South   an amendment in the 
                       Sudan, and Yemen.         nature of a substitute, 
                                                 and an amendment to the 
                                                 preamble. (No written 

  118     S. 1221    A bill to counter the     June 6, 2017.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Cardin   influence of the          Corker, Committee on 
         and Coons     Russian Federation in     Foreign Relations, with 
                       Europe and Eurasia, and   amendments. (No written 
                       for other purposes.       report.)

  119     S. 286     A bill to require a land  June 7, 2017.--Ms. 
         Messrs.       conveyance involving      Murkowski, Committee on 
       Gardner and     the Elkhorn Ranch and     Energy and Natural 
          Bennet       the White River           Resources, without 
                       National Forest in the    amendment. (Rept. 92.)
                       State of Colorado, and 
                       for other purposes.

  120    H.R. 1628   An act to provide for     June 8, 2017.--Read the 
                       reconciliation pursuant   second time and placed 
                       to title II of the        on the calendar.
                       concurrent resolution 
                       on the budget for 
                       fiscal year 2017.

[[Page 25]]

  121     S. 534     A bill to prevent the     June 8, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mrs. Feinstein   sexual abuse of minors    Grassley, Committee on 
        and others     and amateur athletes by   the Judiciary, with an 
                       requiring the prompt      amendment in the nature 
                       reporting of sexual       of a substitute. (No 
                       abuse to law              written report.)
                       authorities, and for 
                       other purposes.

  124     S. 117     A bill to designate a     June 8, 2017.--Ms. 
      Messrs. Daines   mountain peak in the      Murkowski, Committee on 
        and Tester     State of Montana as       Energy and Natural 
                       ``Alex Diekmann Peak''.   Resources, with an 
                                                 amendment. (Rept. 94.)

  125     S. 167     A bill to designate a     June 8, 2017.--Ms. 
      Messrs. Moran    National Memorial to      Murkowski, Committee on 
        and Roberts    Fallen Educators at the   Energy and Natural 
                       National Teachers Hall    Resources, with an 
                       of Fame in Emporia,       amendment. (Rept. 95.)

  126     S. 199     A bill to authorize the   June 8, 2017.--Ms. 
         Messrs.       use of the active         Murkowski, Committee on 
       Barrasso and    capacity of the           Energy and Natural 
           Enzi        Fontenelle Reservoir.     Resources, without 
                                                 amendment. (Rept. 96.)

  127     S. 216     A bill to require the     June 8, 2017.--Ms. 
         Messrs.       Secretary of the          Murkowski, Committee on 
       Barrasso and    Interior to submit to     Energy and Natural 
          Schatz       Congress a report on      Resources, without 
                       the efforts of the        amendment. (Rept. 97.)
                       Bureau of Reclamation 
                       to manage its 
                       infrastructure assets.

  128     S. 267     A bill to provide for the June 8, 2017.--Ms. 
       Mr. Sullivan    correction of a survey    Murkowski, Committee on 
         and Ms.       of certain land in the    Energy and Natural 
         Murkowski     State of Alaska.          Resources, without 
                                                 amendment. (Rept. 98.)

  129     S. 363     A bill to revise the      June 8, 2017.--Ms. 
      Ms. Klobuchar    authorized route of the   Murkowski, Committee on 
        and others     North Country National    Energy and Natural 
                       Scenic Trail in           Resources, without 
                       northeastern Minnesota    amendment. (Rept. 99.)
                       and to extend the trail 
                       into Vermont to connect 
                       with the Appalachian 
                       National Scenic Trail, 
                       and for other purposes.

[[Page 26]]

  130     S. 490     A bill to reinstate and   June 8, 2017.--Ms. 
      Mr. Daines and   extend the deadline for   Murkowski, Committee on 
          others       commencement of           Energy and Natural 
                       construction of a         Resources, with an 
                       hydroelectric project     amendment in the nature 
                       involving the Gibson      of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       Dam.                      100.)

  131     S. 491     A bill to reinstate and   June 8, 2017.--Ms. 
      Mr. Daines and   extend the deadline for   Murkowski, Committee on 
          others       commencement of           Energy and Natural 
                       construction of a         Resources, with an 
                       hydroelectric project     amendment in the nature 
                       involving Clark Canyon    of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       Dam.                      101.)

  132     S. 703     A bill to extend the      June 8, 2017.--Ms. 
      Messrs. Moran    authority of the          Murkowski, Committee on 
        and Roberts    Secretary of the          Energy and Natural 
                       Interior to carry out     Resources, without 
                       the Equus Beds Division   amendment. (Rept. 102.)
                       of the Wichita Project.

  133     S. 710     A bill to reinstate and   June 8, 2017.--Ms. 
       Mr. Manchin     extend the deadline for   Murkowski, Committee on 
         and Mrs.      commencement of           Energy and Natural 
          Capito       construction of a         Resources, with 
                       hydroelectric project     amendments. (Rept. 
                       involving Jennings        103.) (See also Order 
                       Randolph Dam.             No. 138.)

  134     S. 905     A bill to require a       June 12, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Cardin and   report on, and to         Corker, Committee on 
          others       authorize technical       Foreign Relations, with 
                       assistance for,           amendments. (No written 
                       accountability for war    report.)
                       crimes, crimes against 
                       humanity, and genocide 
                       in Syria, and for other 

  135    H.R. 2274   An act to amend the       June 13, 2017.--Placed on 
                       Federal Power Act to      the calendar. (See also 
                       provide for extended      Order No. 100.)
                       periods relating to 
                       preliminary permits and 
                       commencement of 
                       construction, and for 
                       other purposes.

  136    H.R. 446    An act to extend the      June 13, 2017.--Placed on 
                       deadline for              the calendar. (See also 
                       commencement of           Order No. 101.)
                       construction of a 
                       hydroelectric project.

  137    H.R. 447    An act to extend the      June 13, 2017.--Placed on 
                       deadline for              the calendar. (See also 
                       commencement of           Order No. 101.)
                       construction of a 
                       hydroelectric project.

[[Page 27]]

  138    H.R. 2122   An act to reinstate and   June 13, 2017.--Placed on 
                       extend the deadline for   the calendar. (See also 
                       commencement of           Order No. 133.)
                       construction of a 
                       hydroelectric project 
                       involving Jennings 
                       Randolph Dam.

  139    H.R. 2292   An act to extend a        June 13, 2017.--Placed on 
                       project of the Federal    the calendar. (See also 
                       Energy Regulatory         Order No. 102.)
                       Commission involving 
                       the Cannonsville Dam.

  140      S. 55     A bill to authorize the   June 13, 2017.--Ms. 
           Mrs.        Secretary of the          Murkowski, Committee on 
      Gillibrand and   Interior to conduct a     Energy and Natural 
        Mr. Schumer    special resource study    Resources, with an 
                       of Fort Ontario in the    amendment in the nature 
                       State of New York.        of a substitute. (Rept. 

  141     S. 214     A bill to authorize the   June 13, 2017.--Ms. 
      Ms. Murkowski    expansion of an           Murkowski, Committee on 
         and Mr.       existing hydroelectric    Energy and Natural 
         Sullivan      project.                  Resources, without 
                                                 amendment. (Rept. 105.) 
                                                 (See also Order No. 

  142     S. 566     A bill to withdraw        June 13, 2017.--Ms. 
       Ms. Cantwell    certain land in           Murkowski, Committee on 
         and Mrs.      Okanogan County,          Energy and Natural 
          Murray       Washington, to protect    Resources, without 
                       the land, and for other   amendment. (Rept. 106.)

  143     S. 714     A bill to amend Public    June 13, 2017.--Ms. 
       Ms. Cantwell    Law 103-434 to            Murkowski, Committee on 
         and Mrs.      authorize Phase III of    Energy and Natural 
          Murray       the Yakima River Basin    Resources, without 
                       Water Enhancement         amendment. (Rept. 107.)
                       Project for the purpose 
                       of improving water 
                       management in the 
                       Yakima River basin, and 
                       for other purposes.

  144    H.R. 951    An act to extend the      June 13, 2017.--Placed on 
                       deadline for              the calendar. (See also 
                       commencement of           Order No. 99.)
                       construction of a 
                       hydroelectric project.

[[Page 28]]

  145     S. 213     A bill to designate the   June 14, 2017.--Ms. 
      Ms. Murkowski    wilderness within the     Murkowski, Committee on 
         and Mr.       Lake Clark National       Energy and Natural 
         Sullivan      Park and Preserve in      Resources, without 
                       the State of Alaska as    amendment. (Rept. 108.)
                       the Jay S. Hammond 
                       Wilderness Area.

  146     S. 217     A bill to amend the       June 14, 2017.--Ms. 
      Ms. Murkowski    Denali National Park      Murkowski, Committee on 
         and Mr.       Improvement Act to        Energy and Natural 
         Sullivan      clarify certain           Resources, without 
                       provisions relating to    amendment. (Rept. 109.)
                       the natural gas 
                       pipeline authorized in 
                       the Denali National 
                       Park and Preserve.

  147     H.R. 46    An act to authorize the   June 14, 2017.--Ms. 
                       Secretary of the          Murkowski, Committee on 
                       Interior to conduct a     Energy and Natural 
                       special resource study    Resources, with an 
                       of Fort Ontario in the    amendment in the nature 
                       State of New York.        of a substitute. (Rept. 

  148    H.R. 381    An act to designate a     June 14, 2017.--Ms. 
                       mountain in the John      Murkowski, Committee on 
                       Muir Wilderness of the    Energy and Natural 
                       Sierra National Forest    Resources, without 
                       as ``Sky Point''.         amendment. (Rept. 111.)

  149     S. 304     A bill to amend the       June 15, 2017.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Thune    Indian Health Care        Hoeven, Committee on 
        and Rounds     Improvement Act to        Indian Affairs, without 
                       allow the Indian Health   amendment. (Rept. 112.) 
                       Service to cover the      (Minority views filed.)
                       cost of a copayment of 
                       an Indian or Alaska 
                       Native veteran 
                       receiving medical care 
                       or services from the 
                       Department of Veterans 
                       Affairs, and for other 

  150     S. 346     A bill to provide for the June 15, 2017.--Ms. 
      Ms. Murkowski    establishment of the      Murkowski, Committee on 
        and others     National Volcano Early    Energy and Natural 
                       Warning and Monitoring    Resources, with 
                       System.                   amendments. (Rept. 

  151    H.R. 494    An act to expand the      June 20, 2017.--Ms. 
                       boundary of Fort          Murkowski, Committee on 
                       Frederica National        Energy and Natural 
                       Monument in the State     Resources, with 
                       of Georgia, and for       amendments. (Rept. 
                       other purposes.           114.)

[[Page 29]]

  152    H.R. 2484   An act to ensure that the June 21, 2017.--Placed on 
                       United States promotes    the calendar. (See also 
                       the meaningful            Order No. 123.)
                       participation of women 
                       in mediation and 
                       negotiation processes 
                       seeking to prevent, 
                       mitigate, or resolve 
                       violent conflict.

  153      S. 97     A bill to enable civilian June 21, 2017.--Ms. 
      Mr. Crapo and    research and              Murkowski, Committee on 
          others       development of advanced   Energy and Natural 
                       nuclear energy            Resources, without 
                       technologies by private   amendment. (Rept. 115.)
                       and public 
                       institutions, to expand 
                       theoretical and 
                       practical knowledge of 
                       nuclear physics, 
                       chemistry, and 
                       materials science, and 
                       for other purposes.

  154     S. 733     A bill to protect and     June 22, 2017.--Ms. 
      Ms. Murkowski    enhance opportunities     Murkowski, Committee on 
        and others     for recreational          Energy and Natural 
                       hunting, fishing, and     Resources, without 
                       shooting, and for other   amendment. (Rept. 116.)

  155     S. 713     A bill to establish the   June 26, 2017.--Ms. 
       Ms. Cantwell    Mountains to Sound        Murkowski, Committee on 
         and Mrs.      Greenway National         Energy and Natural 
          Murray       Heritage Area in the      Resources, with an 
                       State of Washington.      amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute, and an 
                                                 amendment to the title. 
                                                 (Rept. 118.)

  156     S. 459     A bill to designate the   June 26, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Rubio and    area between the          Johnson, Committee on 
          others       intersections of          Homeland Security and 
                       Wisconsin Avenue,         Governmental Affairs, 
                       Northwest and Davis       without amendment. 
                       Street, Northwest and     (Rept. 119.)
                       Wisconsin Avenue, 
                       Northwest and Edmunds 
                       Street, Northwest in 
                       Washington, District of 
                       Columbia, as ``Boris 
                       Nemtsov Plaza'', and 
                       for other purposes.

  157     S. 577     A bill to require each    June 28, 2017.--Mr. 
       Mr. Lankford    agency, in providing      Johnson, Committee on 
        and others     notice of a rule          Homeland Security and 
                       making, to include a      Governmental Affairs, 
                       link to a 100 word        with an amendment. 
                       plain language summary    (Rept. 120.)
                       of the proposed rule.

[[Page 30]]

  158     S. 579     A bill to require         June 28, 2017.--Mr. 
       Mr. Lankford    agencies to publish an    Johnson, Committee on 
        and others     advance notice of         Homeland Security and 
                       proposed rule making      Governmental Affairs, 
                       for major rules.          with amendments. (Rept. 

  159    H.R. 220    An act to authorize the   June 28, 2017.--Placed on 
                       expansion of an           the calendar. (See also 
                       existing hydroelectric    Order No. 141.)
                       project, and for other 

  160     S. 381     A bill to repeal the Act  June 28, 2017.--Mr. 
       Mr. Grassley    entitled ``An Act to      Hoeven, Committee on 
        and others     confer jurisdiction on    Indian Affairs, without 
                       the State of Iowa over    amendment. (Rept. 122.)
                       offenses committed by 
                       or against Indians on 
                       the Sac and Fox Indian 

  161     S. 691     A bill to extend Federal  June 28, 2017.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Kaine    recognition to the        Hoeven, Committee on 
        and Warner     Chickahominy Indian       Indian Affairs, without 
                       Tribe, the Chickahominy   amendment. (Rept. 123.)
                       Indian Tribe--Eastern 
                       Division, the Upper 
                       Mattaponi Tribe, the 
                       Rappahannock Tribe, 
                       Inc., the Monacan 
                       Indian Nation, and the 
                       Nansemond Indian Tribe.

  162     S. 1460    A bill to provide for the June 29, 2017.--Read the 
          Mses.        modernization of the      second time and placed 
      Murkowski and    energy and natural        on the calendar.
         Cantwell      resources policies of 
                       the United States, and 
                       for other purposes.

  163    H.R. 1029   An act to amend the       June 29, 2017.--Mr. 
                       Federal Insecticide,      Roberts, Committee on 
                       Fungicide, and            Agriculture, Nutrition, 
                       Rodenticide Act to        and Forestry, with 
                       improve pesticide         amendments. (No written 
                       registration and other    report.)
                       activities under the 
                       Act, to extend and 
                       modify fee authorities, 
                       and for other purposes.

[[Page 31]]

  165     S. 1519    A bill to authorize       July 10, 2017.--Mr. 
        Mr. McCain     appropriations for        McCain, Committee on 
                       fiscal year 2018 for      Armed Services, without 
                       military activities of    amendment. (An original 
                       the Department of         bill.) (Rept. 125.) 
                       Defense, for military     (Additional views 
                       construction, and for     filed.) (See also Order 
                       defense activities of     No. 175.)
                       the Department of 
                       Energy, to prescribe 
                       military personnel 
                       strengths for such 
                       fiscal year, and for 
                       other purposes.

  166     S. 1024    A bill to amend title 38, July 10, 2017.--Mr. 
        Mr. Isakson    United States Code, to    Isakson, Committee on 
                       reform the rights and     Veterans' Affairs, with 
                       processes relating to     an amendment in the 
                       appeals of decisions      nature of a substitute. 
                       regarding claims for      (Rept. 126.)
                       benefits under the laws 
                       administered by the 
                       Secretary of Veterans 
                       Affairs, and for other 

  167     S. 696     A bill to amend title 5,  July 11, 2017.--Mr. 
       Mrs. Fischer    United States Code, to    Johnson, Committee on 
        and others     appropriately limit the   Homeland Security and 
                       authority to award        Governmental Affairs, 
                       bonuses to Federal        with amendments. (Rept. 
                       employees.                127.)

  170    H.R. 954    An act to remove the use  July 12, 2017.--Placed on 
                       restrictions on certain   the calendar. (See also 
                       land transferred to       Order No. 53.)
                       Rockingham County, 
                       Virginia, and for other 

  171    H.R. 1541   An act to authorize the   July 12, 2017.--Placed on 
                       Secretary of the          the calendar. (See also 
                       Interior to acquire       Order No. 51.)
                       certain property 
                       related to the Fort 
                       Scott National Historic 
                       Site in Fort Scott, 
                       Kansas, and for other 

  172    H.R. 1719   An act to authorize the   July 13, 2017.--Placed on 
                       Secretary of the          the calendar. (See also 
                       Interior to acquire       Order No. 60.)
                       approximately 44 acres 
                       of land in Martinez, 
                       California, for 
                       inclusion in the John 
                       Muir National Historic 
                       Site, and for other 

[[Page 32]]

  173     S. 1557    A bill making             July 13, 2017.--Mr. 
         Mr. Moran     appropriations for        Moran, Committee on 
                       military construction,    Appropriations, without 
                       the Department of         amendment. (An original 
                       Veterans Affairs, and     bill.) (Rept. 130.)
                       related agencies for 
                       the fiscal year ending 
                       September 30, 2018, and 
                       for other purposes.

  175    H.R. 2810   An act to authorize       July 18, 2017.--Placed on 
                       appropriations for        the calendar. (See also 
                       fiscal year 2018 for      Order No. 165.)
                       military activities of 
                       the Department of 
                       Defense, for military 
                       construction, and for 
                       defense activities of 
                       the Department of 
                       Energy, to prescribe 
                       military personnel 
                       strengths for such 
                       fiscal year, and for 
                       other purposes.

  177     S. 1603    A bill making             July 20, 2017.--Mr. 
        Mr. Hoeven     appropriations for        Hoeven, Committee on 
                       Agriculture, Rural        Appropriations, without 
                       Development, Food and     amendment. (An original 
                       Drug Administration,      bill.) (Rept. 131.)
                       and Related Agencies 
                       programs for the fiscal 
                       year ending September 
                       30, 2018, and for other 

  178     S. 1609    A bill making             July 20, 2017.--Mr. 
       Mr. Alexander   appropriations for        Alexander, Committee on 
                       energy and water          Appropriations, without 
                       development and related   amendment. (An original 
                       agencies for the fiscal   bill.) (Rept. 132.)
                       year ending September 
                       30, 2018, and for other 

  179     S. 595     A bill to provide U.S.    July 24, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Flake and    Customs and Border        Johnson, Committee on 
          others       Protection with           Homeland Security and 
                       additional flexibility    Governmental Affairs, 
                       to expedite the hiring    with an amendment in 
                       process for applicants    the nature of a 
                       for law enforcement       substitute. (Rept. 
                       positions, and for        133.)
                       other purposes.

  180     S. 760     A bill to expand the      July 24, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Schatz and   Government's use and      Johnson, Committee on 
          others       administration of data    Homeland Security and 
                       to facilitate             Governmental Affairs, 
                       transparency, effective   with amendments. (Rept. 
                       governance, and           134.)
                       innovation, and for 
                       other purposes.

[[Page 33]]

  182     S. 1096    A bill to amend and       July 24, 2017.--Mr. 
       Mrs. Fischer    enhance certain           Thune, Committee on 
      and Mr. Booker   maritime programs of      Commerce, Science, and 
                       the Department of         Transportation, with an 
                       Transportation, and for   amendment in the nature 
                       other purposes.           of a substitute. (Rept. 

  184     S. 1648    A bill making             July 27, 2017.--Mr. 
       Mr. Lankford    appropriations for the    Lankford, Committee on 
                       Legislative Branch for    Appropriations, without 
                       the fiscal year ending    amendment. (An original 
                       September 30, 2018, and   bill.) (Rept. 137.)
                       for other purposes.

  185     S. 1655    A bill making             July 27, 2017.--Ms. 
        Ms. Collins    appropriations for the    Collins, Committee on 
                       Departments of            Appropriations, without 
                       Transportation, and       amendment. (An original 
                       Housing and Urban         bill.) (Rept. 138.)
                       Development, and 
                       related agencies for 
                       the fiscal year ending 
                       September 30, 2018, and 
                       for other purposes.

  186     S. 1662    A bill making             July 27, 2017.--Mr. 
        Mr. Shelby     appropriations for the    Shelby, Committee on 
                       Departments of Commerce   Appropriations, without 
                       and Justice, Science,     amendment. (An original 
                       and Related Agencies      bill.) (Rept. 139.)
                       for the fiscal year 
                       ending September 30, 
                       2018, and for other 

  187    H.R. 3219   An act making             August 1, 2017.--Read the 
                       appropriations for the    second time and placed 
                       Department of Defense     on the calendar.
                       for the fiscal year 
                       ending September 30, 
                       2018, and for other 

  188     S. 1311    A bill to provide         August 1, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Cornyn and   assistance in             Grassley, Committee on 
          others       abolishing human          the Judiciary, with an 
                       trafficking in the        amendment in the nature 
                       United States.            of a substitute. (No 
                                                 written report.)

  189     S. 1312    A bill to prioritize the  August 1, 2017.--Mr. 
       Mr. Grassley    fight against human       Grassley, Committee on 
        and others     trafficking in the        the Judiciary, with an 
                       United States.            amendment in the nature 
                                                 of a substitute. (No 
                                                 written report.)

[[Page 34]]

  190     S. 504     A bill to permanently     August 1, 2017.--Mr. 
      Ms. Hirono and   authorize the Asia-       Johnson, Committee on 
          others       Pacific Economic          Homeland Security and 
                       Cooperation Business      Governmental Affairs, 
                       Travel Card Program.      without amendment. 
                                                 (Rept. 140.)

  193     S. 669     A bill to authorize the   August 2, 2017.--Mr. 
       Mr. Merkley     Secretary of the          Hoeven, Committee on 
        and others     Interior to assess        Indian Affairs, without 
                       sanitation and safety     amendment. (Rept. 143.)
                       conditions at Bureau of 
                       Indian Affairs 
                       facilities that were 
                       constructed to provide 
                       affected Columbia River 
                       Treaty tribes access to 
                       traditional fishing 
                       grounds and expend 
                       funds on construction 
                       of facilities and 
                       structures to improve 
                       those conditions, and 
                       for other purposes.

  194     S. 154     A bill to amend the Small August 2, 2017.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Rubio    Business Act to ensure    Risch, Committee on 
        and Nelson     small businesses          Small Business and 
                       affected by the onset     Entrepreneurship, 
                       of transmissible          without amendment. (No 
                       diseases are eligible     written report.)
                       for disaster relief.

  195     S. 650     A bill to amend the Small August 2, 2017.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Coons    Business Act to expand    Risch, Committee on 
        and Roberts    tax credit education      Small Business and 
                       and training for small    Entrepreneurship, 
                       businesses that engage    without amendment. (No 
                       in research and           written report.)
                       development, and for 
                       other purposes.

  196     S. 690     A bill to extend the      August 2, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Cardin and   eligibility of            Risch, Committee on 
          others       redesignated areas as     Small Business and 
                       HUBZones from 3 years     Entrepreneurship, 
                       to 7 years.               without amendment. (No 
                                                 written report.)

  197     S. 929     A bill to improve the     August 2, 2017.--Mr. 
       Mrs. Shaheen    HUBZone program.          Risch, Committee on 
        and others                               Small Business and 
                                                 Entrepreneurship, with 
                                                 amendments. (No written 

[[Page 35]]

  198     S. 1038    A bill to require the     August 2, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mrs. Ernst and   Administrator of the      Risch, Committee on 
          others       Small Business            Small Business and 
                       Administration to         Entrepreneurship, with 
                       submit to Congress a      an amendment in the 
                       report on the             nature of a substitute. 
                       utilization of small      (No written report.)
                       businesses with respect 
                       to certain Federal 

  199     S. 1428    A bill to amend section   August 2, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Risch and    21 of the Small           Risch, Committee on 
          others       Business Act to require   Small Business and 
                       cyber certification for   Entrepreneurship, 
                       small business            without amendment. (No 
                       development center        written report.)
                       counselors, and for 
                       other purposes.

  200     S. 1598    A bill to amend title 38, August 2, 2017.--Mr. 
       Mr. Isakson     United States Code, to    Isakson, Committee on 
        and others     make certain              Veterans' Affairs, 
                       improvements in the       without amendment. (No 
                       laws administered by      written report.)
                       the Secretary of 
                       Veterans Affairs, and 
                       for other purposes.

  202     S. 1393    A bill to streamline the  August 3, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Cornyn and   process by which active   Thune, Committee on 
          others       duty military,            Commerce, Science, and 
                       reservists, and           Transportation, without 
                       veterans receive          amendment. (No written 
                       commercial driver's       report.)

  203     S. 1532    A bill to disqualify from August 3, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Thune and    operating a commercial    Thune, Committee on 
          others       motor vehicle for life    Commerce, Science, and 
                       an individual who uses    Transportation, without 
                       a commercial motor        amendment. (No written 
                       vehicle in committing a   report.)
                       felony involving human 

  204     S. 1536    A bill to designate a     August 3, 2017.--Mr. 
      Ms. Klobuchar    human trafficking         Thune, Committee on 
        and others     prevention coordinator    Commerce, Science, and 
                       and to expand the scope   Transportation, with an 
                       of activities             amendment in the nature 
                       authorized under the      of a substitute. (No 
                       Federal Motor Carrier     written report.)
                       Safety Administration's 
                       outreach and education 
                       program to include 
                       human trafficking 
                       prevention activities, 
                       and for other purposes.

[[Page 36]]

  205     S. 1057    A bill to amend the       August 3, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Nelson and   Harmful Algal Bloom and   Thune, Committee on 
          others       Hypoxia Research and      Commerce, Science, and 
                       Control Act of 1998 to    Transportation, with an 
                       address harmful algal     amendment in the nature 
                       blooms, and for other     of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       purposes.                 145.)

  206     S. 870     A bill to amend title     August 3, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Hatch and    XVIII of the Social       Hatch, Committee on 
          others       Security Act to           Finance, with an 
                       implement Medicare        amendment in the nature 
                       payment policies          of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       designed to improve       146.)
                       management of chronic 
                       disease, streamline 
                       care coordination, and 
                       improve quality 
                       outcomes without adding 
                       to the deficit.

  207     S. 1761    A bill to authorize       August 18, 2017.--Mr. 
         Mr. Burr      appropriations for        Burr, Select Committee 
                       fiscal year 2018 for      on Intelligence, 
                       intelligence and          without amendment. (An 
                       intelligence-related      original bill.) (No 
                       activities of the         written report.)
                       United States 
                       Government, the 
                       Community Management 
                       Account, and the 
                       Central Intelligence 
                       Agency Retirement and 
                       Disability System, and 
                       for other purposes.

  208     S. 1757    A bill to strengthen      Sept 5, 2017.--Read the 
      Mr. Cornyn and   border security,          second time and placed 
          others       increase resources for    on the calendar.
                       enforcement of 
                       immigration laws, and 
                       for other purposes.

  209     S. 772     A bill to amend the       Sept. 5, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. McCain and   PROTECT Act to make       Hoeven, Committee on 
          others       Indian tribes eligible    Indian Affairs, without 
                       for AMBER Alert grants.   amendment. (Rept. 147.)

  210     S. 1631    A bill to authorize the   Sept. 6, 2017.--Mr. 
        Mr. Corker     Department of State for   Corker, Committee on 
                       Fiscal Year 2018, and     Foreign Relations, with 
                       for other purposes.       amendments. (No written 

  211     S. 1697    A bill to condition       Sept. 6, 2017.--Mr. 
      Mr. Graham and   assistance to the West    Corker, Committee on 
          others       Bank and Gaza on steps    Foreign Relations, with 
                       by the Palestinian        amendments. (No written 
                       Authority to end          report.)
                       violence and terrorism 
                       against Israeli 
                       citizens and United 
                       States Citizens.

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