[Detailed Budget Estimates by Agency]
[Department of Health and Human Services]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov]



Food and Drug Administration

Federal Funds

Salaries and expenses

For necessary expenses of the Food and Drug Administration, including hire and purchase of passenger motor vehicles; for payment of space rental and related costs pursuant to Public Law 92–313 for programs and activities of the Food and Drug Administration which are included in this Act; for rental of special purpose space in the District of Columbia or elsewhere; for miscellaneous and emergency expenses of enforcement activities, authorized and approved by the Secretary and to be accounted for solely on the Secretary's certificate, not to exceed $25,000; and notwithstanding section 521 of Public Law 107–188; $5,833,942,000: Provided, That of the amount provided under this heading, $1,062,367,000 shall be derived from prescription drug user fees authorized by 21 U.S.C. 379h, and shall be credited to this account and remain available until expended; $219,527,000 shall be derived from medical device user fees authorized by 21 U.S.C. 379j, and shall be credited to this account and remain available until expended; $511,682,000 shall be derived from human generic drug user fees authorized by 21 U.S.C. 379j-42, and shall be credited to this account and remain available until expended; $39,618,000 shall be derived from biosimilar biological product user fees authorized by 21 U.S.C. 379j-52, and shall be credited to this account and remain available until expended; $30,524,000 shall be derived from animal drug user fees authorized by 21 U.S.C. 379j-12, and shall be credited to this account and remain available until expended; $18,700,000 shall be derived from generic new animal drug user fees authorized by 21 U.S.C. 379j-21, and shall be credited to this account and remain available until expended; $712,000,000 shall be derived from tobacco product user fees authorized by 21 U.S.C. 387s, and shall be credited to this account and remain available until expended: Provided further, That in addition to and notwithstanding any other provision under this heading, amounts collected for prescription drug user fees, medical device user fees, human generic drug user fees, biosimilar biological product user fees, animal drug user fees, and generic animal drug user fees that exceed the respective fiscal year 2020 limitations are appropriated and shall be credited to this account and remain available until expended: Provided further, That fees derived from prescription drug, medical device, human generic drug, biosimilar biological product, animal drug, and generic animal drug assessments for fiscal year 2020, including any such fees collected prior to fiscal year 2020 but credited for fiscal year 2020, shall be subject to the fiscal year 2020 limitations: Provided further, That the Secretary may accept payment during fiscal year 2020 of user fees specified under this heading and authorized for fiscal year 2021, prior to the due date for such fees, and that amounts of such fees assessed for fiscal year 2021 for which the Secretary accepts payment in fiscal year 2020 shall not be included in amounts under this heading: Provided further, That none of these funds shall be used to develop, establish, or operate any program of user fees authorized by 31 U.S.C. 9701: Provided further, That not to exceed $25,000 of this amount shall be for official reception and representation expenses, not otherwise provided for, as determined by the Commissioner: Provided further, That funds may be transferred from one specified activity to another with the prior notification of the Committees on Appropriations of both Houses of Congress.

In addition, mammography user fees authorized by 42 U.S.C. 263b, export certification user fees authorized by 21 U.S.C. 381, priority review user fees authorized by 21 U.S.C. 360n and 360ff, food and feed recall fees, food reinspection fees, and voluntary qualified importer program fees authorized by 21 U.S.C. 379j-31, outsourcing facility fees authorized by 21 U.S.C. 379j-62, prescription drug wholesale distributor licensing and inspection fees authorized by 21 U.S.C. 353(e)(3), third-party logistics provider licensing and inspection fees authorized by 21 U.S.C. 360eee-3(c)(1), third-party auditor fees authorized by 21 U.S.C. 384d(c)(8), and Medical Countermeasure Priority Review Voucher User Fees authorized by 21 U.S.C. 360bbb-4a, shall be credited to this account, to remain available until expended.

Buildings and facilities

For plans, construction, repair, improvement, extension, alteration, demolition, and purchase of fixed equipment or facilities of or used by the Food and Drug Administration, where not otherwise provided, $11,788,000, to remain available until expended.

Note.—A full-year 2019 appropriation for this account was not enacted at the time the budget was prepared; therefore, the budget assumes this account is operating under the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2019 (Division C of P.L. 115–245, as amended). The amounts included for 2019 reflect the annualized level provided by the continuing resolution.

Special and Trust Fund Receipts (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–9911–0–1–554 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

0100 Balance, start of year 1 1 2
Current law:
1130 Cooperative Research and Development Agreements, FDA 1 3 3

2000 Total: Balances and receipts 2 4 5
Current law:
2101 Salaries and Expenses –1 –2 –2

5099 Balance, end of year 1 2 3

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–9911–0–1–554 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Foods 1,041 1,042 1,083
0002 Human Drugs 496 496 716
0003 Devices and Radiological Health 330 330 424
0004 National Center for Toxicological Research 63 63 67
0005 FDA Other Activities (FDA Headquaters) 194 196 180
0006 FDA Other Rent and Rent Related Activities (Including White Oak Consolidation) 115 115 144
0007 FDA GSA Rental Payments 170 170 172
0008 FDA Buildings and Facilities 15 12 12
0009 Cooperative Research and Development (CRADA) 2 2 2
0010 Animal Drugs and Feed 172 173 192
0011 Biologics 215 215 262
0012 Food and Drug Safety (no-year) 1
0014 Zika Activities 1
0015 CURES Activities 60 75
0016 Emerging Health Threats 4
0017 Opioids - IMF 13 94

0799 Total direct obligations 2,832 2,968 3,329
0801 FDA Reimbursable program (User fees) 2,488 2,535 2,656
0802 FDA Reimbursable program (Federal sources) 37

0899 Total reimbursable obligations 2,525 2,535 2,656

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 5,357 5,503 5,985

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 927 926 910
1001 Discretionary unobligated balance brought fwd, Oct 1 927 926
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 54

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 981 926 910
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1100 Appropriation 2,913 2,906 3,251
1120 Appropriations transferred to other accts [075–0128] –2 –2
1120 Appropriations transferred to other acct [075–4613] –5 –5
1121 Appropriations transferred from other acct [075–5629] 60 75

1160 Appropriation, discretionary (total) 2,911 2,959 3,321
Appropriations, mandatory:
1201 Appropriation (special or trust fund) 1 2 2
Spending authority from offsetting collections, discretionary:
1700 Collected 2,932 2,526 2,650
1700 Collected 12 31
1701 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources 31 –31
1702 Offsetting collections (previously unavailable) 197
1710 Spending authority from offsetting collections transferred to other accounts [075–4613] –5
1725 Spending authority from offsetting collections precluded from obligation (limitation on obligations) –772

1750 Spending auth from offsetting collections, disc (total) 2,395 2,526 2,650
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected 1
1900 Budget authority (total) 5,308 5,487 5,973
1930 Total budgetary resources available 6,289 6,413 6,883
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1940 Unobligated balance expiring –6
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 926 910 898

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 2,723 2,978 3,178
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 5,357 5,503 5,985
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 32
3020 Outlays (gross) –5,001 –5,303 –5,483
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –54
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –79

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 2,978 3,178 3,680
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –65 –70 –39
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –31 31
3071 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, expired 26

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –70 –39 –39
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 2,658 2,908 3,139
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 2,908 3,139 3,641

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 5,306 5,485 5,971
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 2,908 4,404 4,760
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 2,091 895 721

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 4,999 5,299 5,481
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4030 Federal sources: –33 –31
4033 Non-Federal sources: –2,933 –2,526 –2,650

4040 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –2,966 –2,557 –2,650
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4050 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –31 31
4052 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 22

4060 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) –9 31

4070 Budget authority, net (discretionary) 2,331 2,959 3,321
4080 Outlays, net (discretionary) 2,033 2,742 2,831
4090 Budget authority, gross 2 2 2
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 2 2
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 2 2

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 2 4 2
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4123 Non-Federal sources: –1
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 2,332 2,961 3,323
4190 Outlays, net (total) 2,034 2,746 2,833

Memorandum (non-add) entries:
5090 Unexpired unavailable balance, SOY: Offsetting collections 229 804 804
5092 Unexpired unavailable balance, EOY: Offsetting collections 804 804 804

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) promotes and protects public health by overseeing the safety, efficacy, quality, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices, foods, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation. FDA also has responsibility for regulating the manufacturing, marketing, and distribution of tobacco products to protect public health and to reduce tobacco use by minors. FDA advances public health by helping to advance innovations that make medicines more effective, safe, and affordable and by helping the public get the accurate, science-based information they need to use medicines and foods to maintain and improve their health. FDA supports the Nation's counterterrorism capability by ensuring the security of the food supply and by fostering the development of medical products and countermeasures to respond to deliberate and naturally emerging public health threats. The FY 2020 Budget includes $6.1 billion in total resources for FDA. The Budget invests in priority activities including: modernizing food safety, strengthening foodborne illness response, helping fight the opioid crisis, promoting the development of innovative medical products, investing in blood pathogen reduction technology, and supporting the preparedness infrastructure.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–9911–0–1–554 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 931 940 964
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 85 86 89
11.5 Other personnel compensation 42 44 45
11.7 Military personnel 58 60 62
11.8 Special personal services payments 1 1 1

11.9 Total personnel compensation 1,117 1,131 1,161
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 351 354 363
12.2 Military personnel benefits 31 32 33
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 56 60 75
22.0 Transportation of things 3 4 5
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 170 170 172
23.2 Rental payments to others 3 3 4
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges 21 23 28
24.0 Printing and reproduction 3 3 3
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 54 58 72
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 407 455 569
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 159 170 213
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities 95 102 128
25.5 Research and development contracts 28 30 37
25.7 Operation and maintenance of equipment 63 68 85
26.0 Supplies and materials 47 50 63
31.0 Equipment 47 52 65
32.0 Land and structures 3 4 4
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 173 198 247
42.0 Insurance claims and indemnities 1 1 2

99.0 Direct obligations 2,832 2,968 3,329
99.0 Reimbursable obligations 2,525 2,535 2,656

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 5,357 5,503 5,985

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–9911–0–1–554 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 9,220 9,215 9,454
1101 Direct military average strength employment 668 668 668
2001 Reimbursable civilian full-time equivalent employment 6,602 7,191 7,355
2101 Reimbursable military average strength employment 479 479 479
3001 Allocation account civilian full-time equivalent employment 43 43 43
3101 Allocation account military average strength employment 1 1 1

Salaries and Expenses

(Legislative proposal, not subject to PAYGO)

Contingent upon the enactment of authorizing legislation, the Secretary shall charge a fee for innovative food products activities and over-the-counter monograph drug activities: Provided, That fees of $28,000,000 for innovative food products shall be credited to this account and remain available until expended; $28,400,000 for over-the-counter monograph drug activities shall be credited to this account and remain available until expended: Provided further, That, in addition to and notwithstanding any other provision under this heading, amounts collected for innovative food products and over-the-counter monograph drug user fees that exceed the respective fiscal year 2020 limitations are appropriated and shall be credited to this account and remain available until expended: Provided further, That fees derived from innovative food products and over-the-counter monograph drug reviews for fiscal year 2020 received during fiscal year 2020, including any such fees assessed prior to fiscal year 2020 but credited for fiscal year 2020, shall be subject to the fiscal year 2020 limitations: Provided further, That the Secretary may accept payment during fiscal year 2020 of user fees specified in this paragraph and authorized for fiscal year 2021, prior to the due date for such fees, and that amounts of such fees assessed for fiscal year 2021 for which the Secretary accepts payment in fiscal year 2020 shall not be included in amounts in this paragraph.

In addition, contingent upon the enactment of authorizing legislation establishing fees under 21 U.S.C. 387s with respect to products deemed under 21 U.S.C. 387a(b) but not specified in 21 U.S.C. 387s(b)(2)(B), the Secretary shall assess and collect such fees: Provided, That $100,000,000 shall be derived from such fees, which shall be credited to this account and remain available until expended, in addition to amounts otherwise derived from fees authorized under 21 U.S.C. 387s.

Note.—A full-year 2019 appropriation for this account was not enacted at the time the budget was prepared; therefore, the budget assumes this account is operating under the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2019 (Division C of P.L. 115–245, as amended). The amounts included for 2019 reflect the annualized level provided by the continuing resolution.

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–9911–2–1–554 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0801 FDA Reimbursable program (Tobacco) 156

0899 Total reimbursable obligations 156

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Spending authority from offsetting collections, discretionary:
1700 Collected 156
1900 Budget authority (total) 156
1930 Total budgetary resources available 156

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 156
3020 Outlays (gross) –156

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 156
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 156
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4033 Non-Federal sources: –156

4040 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –156
4180 Budget authority, net (total)
4190 Outlays, net (total)

The FY 2020 Budget proposes reforms to the Over-the-Counter Monograph program and includes a total of $28 million in new over-the-counter drug fees. The Budget proposes a new user fee program to support innovative food activities totaling $28 million. The Budget also includes a legislative proposal to increase the user fee collected in support of the tobacco program by $100 million and adds electronic nicotine delivery system manufacturers and importers as entities subject to the user fees.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–9911–2–1–554 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Reimbursable obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 5
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 1
11.5 Other personnel compensation 1

11.9 Total personnel compensation 7
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 2
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 3
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 12
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 91
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 41

99.0 Reimbursable obligations 156

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 156

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–9911–2–1–554 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

2001 Reimbursable civilian full-time equivalent employment 52

FDA Working Capital Fund

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–4613–0–4–554 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Direct program activity 15

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 25.3) 15

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 5 10
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1121 Appropriations transferred from other acct [075–9911] 5 5
Spending authority from offsetting collections, discretionary:
1711 Spending authority from offsetting collections transferred from other accounts [075–9911] 5
1900 Budget authority (total) 5 5 5
1930 Total budgetary resources available 5 10 15
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 5 10

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 15
3020 Outlays (gross) –3

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 12
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 12

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 5 5 5
Outlays, gross:
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 3
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 5 5 5
4190 Outlays, net (total) 3

Payment to the FDA Innovation Account, CURES Act

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0148–0–1–554 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Direct program activity 60 60 75

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 94.0) 60 60 75

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 60 60 75
1930 Total budgetary resources available 60 60 75

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 60 60 75
3020 Outlays (gross) –60 –60 –75

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 60 60 75
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 60 60 75
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 60 60 75
4190 Outlays, net (total) 60 60 75

This account, and a related special receipt account, were established to support the execution structure necessary to implement the 21st Century Cures Act.

FDA Innovation, CURES Act

For necessary expenses to carry out the purposes described under section 1002(b)(4) of the 21st Century Cures Act, in addition to amounts available for such purposes under the heading "Salaries and Expenses", $75,000,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That amounts appropriated in this paragraph are appropriated pursuant to section 1002(b)(3) of the 21st Century Cures Act, are to be derived from amounts transferred under section 1002(b)(2)(A) of such Act, and may be transferred by the Secretary of Health and Human Services to other accounts of the Department solely for the purposes provided in such Act: Provided further, That such transfer authority is in addition to any other transfer authority provided by law.

Note.—A full-year 2019 appropriation for this account was not enacted at the time the budget was prepared; therefore, the budget assumes this account is operating under the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2019 (Division C of P.L. 115–245, as amended). The amounts included for 2019 reflect the annualized level provided by the continuing resolution.

Special and Trust Fund Receipts (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–5629–0–2–554 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

0100 Balance, start of year 10
Current law:
1140 General Fund Payment, FDA Innovation, CURES Act 60 70 75

2000 Total: Balances and receipts 60 70 85
Current law:
2101 FDA Innovation, Cures Act –60 –60 –75

5099 Balance, end of year 10 10

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–5629–0–2–554 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 New Obligations for CURES Activities 41

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 8 27 27
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1101 Appropriation (special or trust fund) 60 60 75
1120 Appropriations transferred to other acct [075–9911] –60 –75

1160 Appropriation, discretionary (total) 60
1930 Total budgetary resources available 68 27 27
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 27 27 27

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 8 26
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 41
3020 Outlays (gross) –23 –26

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 26
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 8 26
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 26

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 60
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 15
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 8 26

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 23 26
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 60
4190 Outlays, net (total) 23 26

The 21st Century Cures Act was enacted into law on December 13, 2016. The Act includes authorities FDA can use to help modernize drug, biological, and device product development and review and to create greater efficiencies and predictability in product development and review.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–5629–0–2–554 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 10
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 2
11.5 Other personnel compensation 1

11.9 Total personnel compensation 13
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 4
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 12
31.0 Equipment 1
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 11

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 41

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–5629–0–2–554 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 100

Revolving Fund for Certification and Other Services

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–4309–0–3–554 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0801 Revolving Fund for Certification and Other Services (Reimbursable) 10 10 11

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 4 3 3
Budget authority:
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected 9 10 10
1802 Offsetting collections (previously unavailable) 1 1 1
1823 New and/or unobligated balance of spending authority from offsetting collections temporarily reduced –1 –1

1850 Spending auth from offsetting collections, mand (total) 9 10 11
1900 Budget authority (total) 9 10 11
1930 Total budgetary resources available 13 13 14
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 3 3 3

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 3 4
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 10 10 11
3020 Outlays (gross) –9 –14 –11

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 4
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 3 4
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 4

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 9 10 11
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 6 10 11
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 3 4

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 9 14 11
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4123 Non-Federal sources –9 –10 –10
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 1
4190 Outlays, net (total) 4 1

Memorandum (non-add) entries:
5090 Unexpired unavailable balance, SOY: Offsetting collections 1 1 1
5092 Unexpired unavailable balance, EOY: Offsetting collections 1 1

FDA certifies color additives for use in foods, drugs, and cosmetics. It also lists color additives for use in foods, drugs, medical devices, and cosmetics. These services are financed wholly by fees paid by the industries affected.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–4309–0–3–554 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Reimbursable obligations:
11.1 Personnel compensation: Full-time permanent 4 4 5
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 1 1 1
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 1 1 1
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 1 1 1
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities 1 1 1
26.0 Supplies and materials 1 1 1
31.0 Equipment 1 1 1

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 10 10 11

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–4309–0–3–554 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

2001 Reimbursable civilian full-time equivalent employment 36 37 37

Health Resources and Services Administration

Federal Funds

Primary health care

For carrying out titles II and III of the Public Health Service Act (referred to in this Act as the "PHS Act") with respect to primary health care and the Native Hawaiian Health Care Act of 1988, $1,626,522,000 : Provided, That no more than $1,000,000 shall be available until expended for carrying out the provisions of section 224(o) of the PHS Act: Provided further, That no more than $120,000,000 shall be available until expended for carrying out subsections (g) through (n) and (q) of section 224 of the PHS Act, and for expenses incurred by the Department of Health and Human Services (referred to in this Act as "HHS") pertaining to administrative claims made under such law .

Health workforce

For carrying out titles III, VII, and VIII of the PHS Act with respect to the health workforce, sections 1128E and 1921 of the Social Security Act, and the Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986, $304,714,000: Provided, That sections 751 and 762(k) of the PHS Act and the proportional funding amounts in paragraphs (1) through (4) of section 756(f) of the PHS Act shall not apply to funds made available under this heading: Provided further, That fees collected for the disclosure of information under section 427(b) of the Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986 and sections 1128E(d)(2) and 1921 of the Social Security Act shall be sufficient to recover the full costs of operating the programs authorized by such sections and shall remain available until expended for the National Practitioner Data Bank: Provided further, That funds transferred to this account to carry out section 846 and subpart 3 of part D of title III of the PHS Act may be used to make prior year adjustments to awards made under such section and subpart: Provided further, That $105,000,000 shall remain available until expended for the purposes of providing primary health services, assigning National Health Service Corps ("NHSC") members to expand the delivery of substance use disorder treatment services, notwithstanding the assignment priorities and limitations under sections 333(a)(1)(D), 333(b), and 333A(a)(1)(B)(ii) of the PHS Act, and making payments under the NHSC Loan Repayment Program under section 338B of such Act: Provided further, That for purposes of the previous proviso, section 331(a)(3)(D) of the PHS Act shall be applied as if the term "primary health services" includes clinical substance use disorder treatment services, including those provided by masters level, licensed substance use disorder treatment counselors.

Maternal and child health

For carrying out titles III, XI, XII, and XIX of the PHS Act with respect to maternal and child health, and title V of the Social Security Act, $783,200,000: Provided, That notwithstanding sections 502(a)(1) and 502(b)(1) of the Social Security Act, not more than $92,593,000 shall be available for carrying out special projects of regional and national significance pursuant to section 501(a)(2) of such Act and $10,276,000 shall be available for projects described in subparagraphs (A) through (F) of section 501(a)(3) of such Act.

Ryan white HIV/AIDS program

For carrying out title XXVI of the PHS Act with respect to the Ryan White HIV/AIDS program, $2,388,781,000 ; of which $1,970,881,000 shall remain available to the Secretary through September 30, 2022, for parts A and B of title XXVI of the PHS Act, of which not less than $900,313,000 shall be for State AIDS Drug Assistance Programs under the authority of section 2616 or 311(c) of such Act; and of which $70,000,000, to remain available until expended, shall be available to the Secretary for carrying out a program of grants and contracts under title XXVI or section 311(c) of such Act focused on ending the nationwide epidemic, with any grants issued under such section 311(c) administered in conjunction with title XXVI of the PHS Act, including the limitation on administrative expenses.

health care systems

For carrying out titles III and XII of the PHS Act with respect to health care systems, and the Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act of 2005, $111,018,000 : Provided, That the Secretary may collect a fee of 0.1 percent of each purchase of 340B drugs from entities participating in the Drug Pricing Program pursuant to section 340B of the PHS Act to pay for the operating costs of such program: Provided further, That fees for the 340B Drug Pricing Program shall be collected by the Secretary based on sales data that shall be submitted by drug manufacturers and shall be credited to this appropriation and remain available until expended.

Rural health

For carrying out titles III and IV of the PHS Act with respect to rural health, section 427(a) of the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969, and sections 711 and 1820 of the Social Security Act, $188,645,000 .

Family Planning

For carrying out the program under title X of the PHS Act to provide for voluntary family planning projects, $286,479,000: Provided, That amounts provided to said projects under such title shall not be expended for abortions, that all pregnancy counseling shall be nondirective, and that such amounts shall not be expended for any activity (including the publication or distribution of literature) that in any way tends to promote public support or opposition to any legislative proposal or candidate for public office.

program management

For program support in the Health Resources and Services Administration, $151,993,000: Provided, That funds made available under this heading may be used to supplement program support funding provided under the headings "Primary Health Care", "Health Workforce", "Maternal and Child Health", "Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program", "Health Care Systems", and "Rural Health".

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0350–0–1–550 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0005 Primary Health Care (Health Centers, Free Clinics) 1,668 1,626 1,626
0010 Primary Health Care (Mandatory) 3,894 4,016
0015 Health Workforce 915 1,139 305
0020 Health Workforce (Mandatory) 464 439
0025 Maternal and Child Health 883 927 783
0030 Maternal and Child Health (Mandatory) 6 6
0035 Ryan White HIV/AIDS 2,355 2,326 2,389
0040 Health Care Systems 111 115 111
0045 Rural Health 200 374 189
0050 Family Planning 286 286 286
0055 HRSA Program Management 155 155 152

0091 Direct program activities, subtotal 10,937 11,409 5,841

0300 Total direct programs 10,937 11,409 5,841
Credit program obligations:
0702 Loan guarantee subsidy 2

0799 Total direct obligations 10,937 11,409 5,843
0801 Health Resources and Services (Reimbursable) 65 63 82

0899 Total reimbursable obligations 65 63 82

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 11,002 11,472 5,925

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 309 454 315
1001 Discretionary unobligated balance brought fwd, Oct 1 167 335
1010 Unobligated balance transfer to other accts [075–1503] –17
1010 Unobligated balance transfer to other accts [015–5606] –5 –5 –5
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 61

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 348 449 310
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1100 Appropriation 6,737 6,844 5,841
1120 Appropriations transferred to other acct [075–1503] –16
1121 Appropriations transferred from other acct [075–0140] 60

1160 Appropriation, discretionary (total) 6,781 6,844 5,841
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 4,268 4,443
Spending authority from offsetting collections, discretionary:
1700 Collected 20 30 49
1701 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources 10

1750 Spending auth from offsetting collections, disc (total) 30 30 49
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Offsetting collections (cash)(HPSL&NSL) 32 20 20
1802 Offsetting collections (previously unavailable) 2 2 1
1823 New and/or unobligated balance of spending authority from offsetting collections temporarily reduced –2 –1

1850 Spending auth from offsetting collections, mand (total) 32 21 21
1900 Budget authority (total) 11,111 11,338 5,911
1930 Total budgetary resources available 11,459 11,787 6,221
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1940 Unobligated balance expiring –3
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 454 315 296

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 7,627 7,968 8,613
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 11,002 11,472 5,925
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 26
3020 Outlays (gross) –10,519 –10,827 –9,281
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –61
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –107

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 7,968 8,613 5,257
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –16 –16 –16
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –10
3071 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, expired 10

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –16 –16 –16
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 7,611 7,952 8,597
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 7,952 8,597 5,241

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 6,811 6,874 5,890
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 2,088 2,233 1,878
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 4,121 4,150 4,893

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 6,209 6,383 6,771
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4030 Federal sources –11 –12 –12
4033 Non-Federal sources –26 –18 –18
4033 Non-Federal sources –19

4040 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –37 –30 –49
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4050 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –10
4052 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 17

4060 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) 7

4070 Budget authority, net (discretionary) 6,781 6,844 5,841
4080 Outlays, net (discretionary) 6,172 6,353 6,722
4090 Budget authority, gross 4,300 4,464 21
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 1,907 1,958 21
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 2,403 2,486 2,489

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 4,310 4,444 2,510
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4123 Non-Federal sources –32 –20 –20
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 11,049 11,288 5,842
4190 Outlays, net (total) 10,450 10,777 9,212

Memorandum (non-add) entries:
5090 Unexpired unavailable balance, SOY: Offsetting collections 2 2 1
5092 Unexpired unavailable balance, EOY: Offsetting collections 2 1
5103 Unexpired unavailable balance, SOY: Fulfilled purpose 1 1
5104 Unexpired unavailable balance, EOY: Fulfilled purpose 1

Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays (in millions of dollars)

2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budget Authority 11,049 11,288 5,842
Outlays 10,450 10,777 9,212
Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO:
Budget Authority 4,443
Outlays 1,937
Budget Authority 11,049 11,288 10,285
Outlays 10,450 10,777 11,149

Summary of Loan Levels, Subsidy Budget Authority and Outlays by Program (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0350–0–1–550 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Guaranteed loan levels supportable by subsidy budget authority:
215001 Health centers: Facilities renovation loan guarantee levels 7 3 60

215999 Total loan guarantee levels 7 3 60
Guaranteed loan subsidy (in percent):
232001 Health centers: Facilities renovation loan guarantee levels 2.69 2.71 2.57

232999 Weighted average subsidy rate 2.69 2.71 2.57
Guaranteed loan subsidy budget authority:
233001 Health centers: Facilities renovation loan guarantee levels 2

233999 Total subsidy budget authority 2
Guaranteed loan reestimates:
235001 Health centers: Facilities renovation loan guarantee levels –1

235999 Total guaranteed loan reestimates –1

Resources displayed here support grants and contracts managed by Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). These activities include support for Health Centers, treatment and care for those living with HIV/AIDS, health workforce training, maternal and child health care services, promotion of organ and bone marrow donation, rural health activities, and the medical malpractice claims funds, which pay malpractice claims filed against employees of federally-supported health centers and free clinics. HRSA is also responsible for oversight of the 340B Drug Discount Program.

HRSA administers the following revolving loan programs: Health Professions Student Loans (HPSL), Nursing Student Loans (NSL), Primary Care Loans (PCL) and Loans for Disadvantaged Students (LDS). These programs are financed through revolving accounts (Federal Capital Contribution) and do not receive annual appropriations. Through these revolving fund accounts, funds are awarded to institutions that in turn provide loans to individual students. As borrowers pay back loans the program's revolving account gets replenished, and the collected funds are then used to give out new loans in the following academic years. If the program's revolving account has excess funds that will not be used to provide new loans, these excess funds are returned to HRSA. Funds returned to HRSA are then awarded to programs that are in need of additional funds. The information below reflects Academic Year 2017–2018 data reported in the Annual Operating Report.

Health Professions Revolving Loan Programs Federal Capital Contribution

Program Account Balance

HPSL 424,598,650
NSL 195,287,497
PCL 225,828,416
LDS 181,920,522

Total 1,027,635,085

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0350–0–1–550 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 197 201 152
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 6 6 5
11.5 Other personnel compensation 5 5 3
11.7 Military personnel 21 21 16

11.9 Total personnel compensation 229 233 176
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 65 65 50
12.2 Military personnel benefits 11 11 9
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 3 3 3
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 30 30 16
23.2 Rental payments to others 1 1 1
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges 5 5 5
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 16 16 11
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 251 258 188
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 295 415 155
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities 1 1 1
25.6 Medical care 3 3 2
25.7 Operation and maintenance of equipment 7 6 4
26.0 Supplies and materials 1 1 1
31.0 Equipment 4 4 4
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 9,905 10,248 5,108
42.0 Insurance claims and indemnities 110 109 109

99.0 Direct obligations 10,937 11,409 5,843
99.0 Reimbursable obligations 65 63 82

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 11,002 11,472 5,925

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0350–0–1–550 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 1,788 1,810 1,404
1101 Direct military average strength employment 201 201 154
2001 Reimbursable civilian full-time equivalent employment 51 51 67
2101 Reimbursable military average strength employment 2 2 2

Health Resources and Services

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0350–4–1–550 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0010 Primary Health Care (Mandatory) 4,000
0020 Health Workforce (Mandatory) 437
0030 Maternal and Child Health (Mandatory) 6

0300 Total direct programs 4,443

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 4,443

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 4,443
1900 Budget authority (total) 4,443
1930 Total budgetary resources available 4,443

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 4,443
3020 Outlays (gross) –1,937

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 2,506
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 2,506

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 4,443
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 1,937
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 4,443
4190 Outlays, net (total) 1,937

Resources displayed here support grants and contracts managed by Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). These activities include support for Health Centers, health workforce programs, and maternal and child health care services.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0350–4–1–550 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 45
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 1
11.5 Other personnel compensation 1
11.7 Military personnel 5

11.9 Total personnel compensation 52
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 15
12.2 Military personnel benefits 3
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 8
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges 2
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 34
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 114
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 4,215

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 4,443

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0350–4–1–550 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 364
1101 Direct military average strength employment 36

Vaccine Injury Compensation

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0320–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 31 33 33
1033 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations 2

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 33 33 33
1930 Total budgetary resources available 33 33 33
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 33 33 33

Budget authority and outlays, net:
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4123 Non-Federal sources –2
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4143 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations, unexpired accounts 2
4170 Outlays, net (mandatory) –2
4180 Budget authority, net (total)
4190 Outlays, net (total) –2

The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was established pursuant to Public Law 99–660 and Public Law 100–203, and serves as a source of funds to pay claims for compensation for vaccine related injury or death. Payment of claims associated with vaccine related injury or death occurring before October 1, 1988, are financed from the General Fund and are reflected in this account. Given sufficient carry-over funds from prior years' appropriations to pay for the balance of the pre-1988 claims yet to be adjudicated, no appropriation is requested to cover payment of pre-1988 claims. By statute, no new claims are accepted for this account. Payment of claims associated with vaccine related injury or death occurring after October 1, 1988, are reflected in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program trust fund account.

Covered Countermeasure Process Fund

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0343–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Claims 2 1 1
0103 Admin Expense 2 2

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 2 3 3

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 1 1
1011 Unobligated balance transfer from other acct [075–0140] 2 2 3

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 3 3 3
1930 Total budgetary resources available 3 3 3
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 1

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 1 1 1
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 2 3 3
3020 Outlays (gross) –2 –3 –3

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 1 1 1
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 1 1 1
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 1 1 1

Budget authority and outlays, net:
Outlays, gross:
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 2 3 3
4180 Budget authority, net (total)
4190 Outlays, net (total) 2 3 3

The Covered Countermeasure Process Fund is established pursuant to the Public Health Service (PHS) Act, as amended by Division C of Public Law 109–148, to serve as a source of funds to pay for compensation for injuries, illnesses or death, or losses resulting from the administration to or use by an individual of a covered countermeasure for which a Secretarial Declaration has been issued, pursuant to section 319F-3(b) of the PHS Act. Additionally, authority is provided to address any unexpected claims that may arise under the Smallpox Emergency Personnel Protection Act of 2003 (P.L. 108–20).

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0343–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
11.1 Personnel compensation: Full-time permanent 1 1 1
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 1 1 1
42.0 Insurance claims and indemnities 1 1

99.0 Direct obligations 2 3 3

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 2 3 3

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0343–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 4 4 4
1101 Direct military average strength employment 2 2 2

Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Programs

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0321–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0010 Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Programs 411 404 400

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 14 20 16
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 17

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 31 20 16
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 400 400 400
1930 Total budgetary resources available 431 420 416
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 20 16 16

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 720 748 769
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 411 404 400
3020 Outlays (gross) –366 –383 –393
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –17

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 748 769 776
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 720 748 769
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 748 769 776

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 400 400 400
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 4 16 16
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 362 367 377

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 366 383 393
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 400 400 400
4190 Outlays, net (total) 366 383 393

The Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program provides comprehensive services for at risk communities. These activities are administered by HRSA.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0321–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

11.1 Direct obligations: Personnel compensation: Full-time permanent 5 5 5

11.9 Total personnel compensation 5 5 5
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 2 2 2
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 11 11 11
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 393 386 382

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 411 404 400

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0321–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 39 39 39
1101 Direct military average strength employment 3 3 3

Health Center Guaranteed Loan Financing Account

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–4442–0–3–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 1 1 1
1930 Total budgetary resources available 1 1 1
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 1 1 1
4180 Budget authority, net (total)
4190 Outlays, net (total)

Status of Guaranteed Loans (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–4442–0–3–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Position with respect to appropriations act limitation on commitments:
2111 Guaranteed loan commitments from current-year authority 889
2121 Limitation available from carry-forward 6 888 885
2143 Uncommitted limitation carried forward –888 –885 –825

2150 Total guaranteed loan commitments 7 3 60
2199 Guaranteed amount of guaranteed loan commitments 6 2 48

Cumulative balance of guaranteed loans outstanding:
2210 Outstanding, start of year 69 60 52
2231 Disbursements of new guaranteed loans 7 3 60
2251 Repayments and prepayments –16 –10 –10
2263 Terminations for default that result in claim payments –1 –1
2264 Other adjustments, net

2290 Outstanding, end of year 60 52 101

2299 Guaranteed amount of guaranteed loans outstanding, end of year 45 39 78

Public Law 104–299, Public Law 104–208, and Public Law 115–141 authorize Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to guarantee up to $1 billion in private loans to health centers for the costs of developing and operating managed care networks or plans and for the construction, renovation, and modernization of medical facilities. The program account for this activity is displayed in the Health Resources and Services account (75–0350) as a line in the program and financing schedule.

Balance Sheet (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–4442–0–3–551 2017 actual 2018 actual

1101 Federal assets: Fund balances with Treasury 2 1

1999 Total assets 2 1
2204 Non-Federal liabilities: Liabilities for loan guarantees 2 1
3300 Cumulative results of operations

4999 Total liabilities and net position 2 1

Medical Facilities Guarantee and Loan Fund

Status of Direct Loans (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–9931–0–3–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Cumulative balance of direct loans outstanding:
1210 Outstanding, start of year 5 5 5

1290 Outstanding, end of year 5 5 5

Titles VI and XVI of the PHS Act established a loan and loan guarantee fund for medical facilities with a maximum amount allowable for the Government's liability. Direct loans were made available for public facilities and guaranteed loans for private, nonprofit facilities. Funds under this authority were established in the amount of $50 million for use in fulfilling guarantees in the event of default, $30 million as a revolving fund for direct loans, and an amount for interest subsidy payments on guaranteed loans.

Balance Sheet (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–9931–0–3–551 2017 actual 2018 actual

1601 Direct loans, gross 5 5

1999 Total assets 5 5
2201 Non-Federal liabilities: Accounts payable 5 5
3100 Unexpended appropriations
3300 Cumulative results of operations

3999 Total net position

4999 Total liabilities and net position 5 5

Trust Funds

Vaccine injury compensation program trust fund

For payments from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Trust Fund (the "Trust Fund"), such sums as may be necessary for claims associated with vaccine-related injury or death with respect to vaccines administered after September 30, 1988, pursuant to subtitle 2 of title XXI of the PHS Act, to remain available until expended: Provided, That for necessary administrative expenses, not to exceed $11,200,000 shall be available from the Trust Fund to the Secretary.

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Special and Trust Fund Receipts (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–8175–0–7–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

0100 Balance, start of year 3,619 3,684 3,812
0198 Reconciliation adjustment 5

0199 Balance, start of year 3,624 3,684 3,812
Current law:
1110 Deposits, Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund 309 305 310
1140 Interest and Profits on Investments, Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund 10 130 146

1199 Total current law receipts 319 435 456

1999 Total receipts 319 435 456

2000 Total: Balances and receipts 3,943 4,119 4,268
Current law:
2101 Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Trust Fund –27 –27 –33
2101 Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Trust Fund –227 –280 –286

2199 Total current law appropriations –254 –307 –319

2999 Total appropriations –254 –307 –319
4030 Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Trust Fund 5
5098 Reconciliation adjustment –10

5099 Balance, end of year 3,684 3,812 3,949

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–8175–0–7–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Compensation: Claims for post - FY 1989 injuries 227 280 286
0103 Claims processing (Claims Court) 8 8 9
0104 Claims processing (HRSA) 9 9 11
0105 Claims processing (Dept. of Justice) 10 10 13

0191 Direct program activities, subtotal 27 27 33

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 254 307 319

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 1
1033 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations 4
1035 Unobligated balance of appropriations withdrawn –5
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1101 Appropriation (special or trust fund) 27 27 33
Appropriations, mandatory:
1201 Appropriation (special or trust fund) 227 280 286
1900 Budget authority (total) 254 307 319
1930 Total budgetary resources available 254 307 319

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 11 18
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 254 307 319
3020 Outlays (gross) –246 –325 –319
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –1

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 18
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 11 18
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 18

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 27 27 33
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 15 27 33
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 4

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 19 27 33
4090 Budget authority, gross 227 280 286
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 227 280 286
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 18

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 298 286
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4123 Non-Federal sources –4
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4143 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations, unexpired accounts 4

4160 Budget authority, net (mandatory) 227 280 286
4170 Outlays, net (mandatory) 223 298 286
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 254 307 319
4190 Outlays, net (total) 242 325 319

Memorandum (non-add) entries:
5000 Total investments, SOY: Federal securities: Par value 3,595 3,750 3,905
5001 Total investments, EOY: Federal securities: Par value 3,750 3,905 4,075

The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was established pursuant to Public Law 99–660 and Public Law 100–203 and serves as a source of funds to pay claims for compensation for vaccine-related injury or death. This account reflects payments for claims for vaccine-related injury or death occurring after October 1, 1988.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–8175–0–7–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
11.1 Personnel compensation: Full-time permanent 2 2 3
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 1 1 1
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 4 22 29
42.0 Insurance claims and indemnities 247 282 286

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 254 307 319

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–8175–0–7–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 14 14 20
1101 Direct military average strength employment 4 4 4

Indian Health Service

Federal Funds

Indian health services

For expenses necessary to carry out the Act of August 5, 1954 (68 Stat. 674), the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, and titles II and III of the Public Health Service Act with respect to the Indian Health Service, $4,286,541,000, together with payments received during the fiscal year pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 238(b) and 238b, for services furnished by the Indian Health Service: Provided, That funds made available to tribes and tribal organizations through contracts, grant agreements, or any other agreements or compacts authorized by the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975 (25 U.S.C. 450), shall be deemed to be obligated at the time of the grant or contract award and thereafter shall remain available to the tribe or tribal organization without fiscal year limitation: Provided further, That$968,177,000 for Purchased/Referred Care, including $51,500,000 for the Indian Catastrophic Health Emergency Fund, shall remain available until expended: Provided further, That, of the funds provided, up to $36,000,000 shall remain available until expended for implementation of the loan repayment program under section 108 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act: Provided further, That, of the funds provided, $11,000,000 shall remain available until expended to supplement funds available for operational costs at tribal clinics operated under an Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act compact or contract where health care is delivered in space acquired through a full service lease, which is not eligible for maintenance and improvement and equipment funds from the Indian Health Service, and not less than $58,000,000 shall be for accreditation emergencies, including supplementing activities funded under the heading "Indian Health Facilities": Provided further, That the amounts collected by the Federal Government as authorized by sections 104 and 108 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (25 U.S.C. 1613a and 1616a) during the preceding fiscal year for breach of contracts shall be deposited in the Fund authorized by section 108A of the Act (25 U.S.C. 1616a-1) and shall remain available until expended and, notwithstanding section 108A(c) of the Act (25 U.S.C. 1616a-1(c)), funds shall be available to make new awards under the loan repayment and scholarship programs under sections 104 and 108 of the Act (25 U.S.C. 1613a and 1616a): Provided further, That, notwithstanding any other provision of law, the amounts made available within this account for the Substance Abuse and Suicide Prevention Program, for the Domestic Violence Prevention Program, for the Zero Suicide Initiative, for Aftercare Pilot Program at Youth Regional Treatment Centers, for transformation and modernization costs of the IHS Electronic Health Record system, for an initiative to improve the recruitment and retention of health care providers and certain other critical professions, for national quality and oversight activities, for initiatives to treat or reduce the transmission of Hepatitis-C and HIV-AIDs or both in high priority areas, to improve collections from public and private insurance at Indian Health Service and tribally operated facilities, and for accreditation emergencies shall be allocated at the discretion of the Director of the Indian Health Service and shall remain available until expended: Provided further, That funds provided in this Act may be used for annual contracts and grants that fall within 2 fiscal years, provided the total obligation is recorded in the year the funds are appropriated: Provided further, That the amounts collected by the Secretary of Health and Human Services under the authority of title IV of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act shall remain available until expended for the purpose of achieving compliance with the applicable conditions and requirements of titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act, except for those related to the planning, design, or construction of new facilities: Provided further, That funding contained herein for scholarship programs under the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (25 U.S.C. 1613) shall remain available until expended: Provided further, That amounts received by tribes and tribal organizations under title IV of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act shall be reported and accounted for and available to the receiving tribes and tribal organizations until expended: Provided further, That the Bureau of Indian Affairs may collect from the Indian Health Service, tribes and tribal organizations operating health facilities pursuant to Public Law 93–638, such individually identifiable health information relating to disabled children as may be necessary for the purpose of carrying out its functions under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1400, et seq.): Provided further, That the Indian Health Care Improvement Fund may be used, as needed, to carry out activities typically funded under the Indian Health Facilities account.

Note.—A full-year 2019 appropriation for this account was not enacted at the time the budget was prepared; therefore, the budget assumes this account is operating under the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2019 (Division C of P.L. 115–245, as amended). The amounts included for 2019 reflect the annualized level provided by the continuing resolution.

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0390–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Clinical services 3,603 3,615 3,997
0002 Preventive health 170 171 118
0003 Urban health 49 49 49
0004 Indian health professions 49 49 44
0005 Tribal management 2 2
0006 Direct operations 72 72 74
0007 Self-governance 6 6 5
0009 Diabetes funds 150 150

0799 Total direct obligations 4,101 4,114 4,287
0801 Indian Health Services (Reimbursable) 1,610 1,634 1,634

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 5,711 5,748 5,921

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 1,006 1,220 1,222
1001 Discretionary unobligated balance brought fwd, Oct 1 1,006 1,006
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 185

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 1,191 1,220 1,222
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1100 Appropriation 3,952 3,966 4,287
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 150 150
Spending authority from offsetting collections, discretionary:
1700 Collected 1,647 1,634 1,634
1701 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources 7

1750 Spending auth from offsetting collections, disc (total) 1,654 1,634 1,634
1900 Budget authority (total) 5,756 5,750 5,921
1930 Total budgetary resources available 6,947 6,970 7,143
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1940 Unobligated balance expiring –16
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 1,220 1,222 1,222

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 1,034 1,139 553
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 5,711 5,748 5,921
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 34
3020 Outlays (gross) –5,431 –6,334 –5,796
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –185
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –24

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 1,139 553 678
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –100 –106 –106
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –7
3071 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, expired 1

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –106 –106 –106
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 934 1,033 447
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 1,033 447 572

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 5,606 5,600 5,921
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 4,423 4,886 5,149
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 862 1,298 641

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 5,285 6,184 5,790
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4030 Federal sources –441 –441 –441
4033 Non-Federal sources –1,210 –1,193 –1,193

4040 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –1,651 –1,634 –1,634
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4050 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –7
4052 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 4

4060 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) –3

4070 Budget authority, net (discretionary) 3,952 3,966 4,287
4080 Outlays, net (discretionary) 3,634 4,550 4,156
4090 Budget authority, gross 150 150
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 47 144
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 99 6 6

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 146 150 6
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 4,102 4,116 4,287
4190 Outlays, net (total) 3,780 4,700 4,162

Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays (in millions of dollars)

2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budget Authority 4,102 4,116 4,287
Outlays 3,780 4,700 4,162
Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO:
Budget Authority 150
Outlays 144
Budget Authority 4,102 4,116 4,437
Outlays 3,780 4,700 4,306

The Indian Health Services account provides medical care, public health services, and health professions training opportunities to American Indians and Alaska Natives. More than $2.5. billion, primarily through self-determination contracts and compacts, will be administered by tribal governments in 2020.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0390–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 420 421 450
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 18 18 19
11.5 Other personnel compensation 66 66 69
11.7 Military personnel 54 54 57

11.9 Total personnel compensation 558 559 595
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 167 168 186
12.2 Military personnel benefits 24 24 25
13.0 Benefits for former personnel 12 12 13
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 1
21.0 Patient travel 45 45 45
22.0 Transportation of things 6 6 5
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 15 15 16
23.2 Rental payments to others 1 1 1
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges 17 17 18
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 6 6 6
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 153 154 184
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 88 88 93
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities 2 2
25.6 Medical care 360 361 361
25.7 Operation and maintenance of equipment 19 19 19
25.8 Subsistence and support of persons 8 8 8
26.0 Supplies and materials 97 97 119
31.0 Equipment 7 7 7
32.0 Land and structures 1 1 1
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 2,505 2,514 2,573
42.0 Insurance claims and indemnities 10 10 11

99.0 Direct obligations 4,101 4,114 4,287
99.0 Reimbursable obligations 1,610 1,634 1,634

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 5,711 5,748 5,921

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0390–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 6,676 6,676 6,785
1101 Direct military average strength employment 922 922 922
2001 Reimbursable civilian full-time equivalent employment 5,701 5,701 5,701
2101 Reimbursable military average strength employment 785 785 785

Indian Health Services

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0390–4–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0009 Diabetes funds 150

0799 Total direct obligations 150

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 150
1930 Total budgetary resources available 150

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 150
3020 Outlays (gross) –144

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 6
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 6

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 150
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 144
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 150
4190 Outlays, net (total) 144

The Budget proposes to extend the Special Diabetes Program for Indians through fiscal year 2021.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0390–4–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
21.0 Patient travel 2
22.0 Transportation of things 1
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 5
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities 3
25.6 Medical care 20
25.7 Operation and maintenance of equipment 1
26.0 Supplies and materials 5
31.0 Equipment 1
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 112

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 150

Special Diabetes Program for Indians

Note.—A full-year 2019 appropriation for this account was not enacted at the time the budget was prepared; therefore, the budget assumes this account is operating under the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2019 (Division C of P.L. 115–245, as amended). The amounts included for 2019 reflect the annualized level provided by the continuing resolution.

Contract support costs

For payments to tribes and tribal organizations for contract support costs associated with Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act agreements with the Indian Health Service for fiscal year 2020, such sums as may be necessary: Provided, That amounts obligated but not expended by a tribe or tribal organization for contract support costs for such agreements for the current fiscal year shall be applied to contract support costs otherwise due for such agreements for subsequent fiscal years: Provided further, That, notwithstanding any other provision of law, no amounts made available under this heading shall be available for transfer to another budget account.

Note.—A full-year 2019 appropriation for this account was not enacted at the time the budget was prepared; therefore, the budget assumes this account is operating under the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2019 (Division C of P.L. 115–245, as amended). The amounts included for 2019 reflect the annualized level provided by the continuing resolution.

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0344–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Contract Support Costs 763 822 855

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 25.3) 763 822 855

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1100 Appropriation 763 822 855
1930 Total budgetary resources available 763 822 855

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 48 63 3
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 763 822 855
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 20
3020 Outlays (gross) –754 –882 –855
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –14

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 63 3 3
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 48 63 3
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 63 3 3

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 763 822 855
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 723 822 855
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 31 60

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 754 882 855
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 763 822 855
4190 Outlays, net (total) 754 882 855

The Contract Support Costs account provides for the reasonable and allowable costs for direct program expenses for the operation of, and any additional administrative or other expense related to, the overhead incurred by tribes and tribal organizations who operate health programs through self-determination contracts and compacts. An estimated $855 million in contract support costs funds will be provided to tribal governments and tribal organizations in 2020.

Indian health facilities

For construction, repair, maintenance, improvement, demolition, and equipment of health and related auxiliary facilities, including quarters for personnel; preparation of plans, specifications, and drawings; acquisition of sites, purchase and erection of modular buildings, and purchases of trailers; and for provision of domestic and community sanitation facilities for Indians, as authorized by section 7 of the Act of August 5, 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2004a), the Indian Self-Determination Act, and the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, and for expenses necessary to carry out such Acts and titles II and III of the Public Health Service Act with respect to environmental health and facilities support activities of the Indian Health Service, $803,026,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That, notwithstanding any other provision of law, funds appropriated for the planning, design, construction, renovation or expansion of health facilities for the benefit of an Indian tribe or tribes may be used to purchase land on which such facilities will be located: Provided further, That not to exceed $500,000 may be used by the Indian Health Service to purchase TRANSAM equipment from the Department of Defense for distribution to the Indian Health Service and tribal facilities: Provided further, That none of the funds appropriated to the Indian Health Service may be used for sanitation facilities construction for new homes funded with grants by the housing programs of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Note.—A full-year 2019 appropriation for this account was not enacted at the time the budget was prepared; therefore, the budget assumes this account is operating under the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2019 (Division C of P.L. 115–245, as amended). The amounts included for 2019 reflect the annualized level provided by the continuing resolution.

Special and Trust Fund Receipts (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0391–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

0100 Balance, start of year
Current law:
1130 Rent and Charges for Quarters, Indian Health Service 8 9 9

2000 Total: Balances and receipts 8 9 9
Current law:
2101 Indian Health Facilities –8 –9 –9

5099 Balance, end of year

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0391–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Maintenance 168 168 169
0002 Sanitation Facilities Construction 192 192 193
0003 Facilities and environmental health 251 251 251
0004 Equipment 24 24 24

0100 Total direct program 635 635 637

0799 Total direct obligations 635 635 637
0801 Indian Health Facilities (Reimbursable) 9 9 9

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 644 644 646

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 309 620 912
1001 Discretionary unobligated balance brought fwd, Oct 1 309 620
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 11

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 320 620 912
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1100 Appropriation 868 868 803
Appropriations, mandatory:
1201 Appropriation (special or trust fund) 8 9 9
Spending authority from offsetting collections, discretionary:
1700 Collected 59 59 59
1701 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources 9

1750 Spending auth from offsetting collections, disc (total) 68 59 59
1900 Budget authority (total) 944 936 871
1930 Total budgetary resources available 1,264 1,556 1,783
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 620 912 1,137

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 574 679 488
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 644 644 646
3020 Outlays (gross) –528 –835 –868
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –11

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 679 488 266
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –9 –18 –18
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –9

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –18 –18 –18
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 565 661 470
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 661 470 248

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 936 927 862
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 326 319 300
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 195 507 559

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 521 826 859
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4030 Federal sources –59 –59 –59

4040 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –59 –59 –59
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4050 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –9

4070 Budget authority, net (discretionary) 868 868 803
4080 Outlays, net (discretionary) 462 767 800
4090 Budget authority, gross 8 9 9
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 3 9 9
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 4

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 7 9 9
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 876 877 812
4190 Outlays, net (total) 469 776 809

The Indian Health Facilities account supports construction, repair and improvement, equipment, and environmental health and facilities support for the Indian Health Service. More than $340 million, primarily through self-determination contracts and compacts, will be administered by tribal governments in 2020.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0391–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 51 51 51
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 2 2 2
11.5 Other personnel compensation 3 3 3
11.7 Military personnel 22 22 22

11.9 Total personnel compensation 78 78 78
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 18 18 18
12.2 Military personnel benefits 8 8 8
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 3 3 3
22.0 Transportation of things 4 4 4
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 1 1 1
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges 15 15 15
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 2 2 2
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 163 163 165
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 1 1 1
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities 24 24 24
25.7 Operation and maintenance of equipment 4 4 4
25.8 Subsistence and support of persons 64 64 64
26.0 Supplies and materials 11 11 11
31.0 Equipment 8 8 8
32.0 Land and structures 6 6 6
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 225 225 225

99.0 Direct obligations 635 635 637
99.0 Reimbursable obligations 9 9 9

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 644 644 646

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0391–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 1,010 1,010 1,015
1101 Direct military average strength employment 151 151 151
2001 Reimbursable civilian full-time equivalent employment 40 40 40


Administrative provisions—indian health service

Appropriations provided in this Act to the Indian Health Service shall be available for services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109 at rates not to exceed the per diem rate equivalent to the maximum rate payable for senior-level positions under 5 U.S.C. 5376; hire of passenger motor vehicles and aircraft; purchase of medical equipment; purchase of reprints; purchase, renovation and erection of modular buildings and renovation of existing facilities; payments for telephone service in private residences in the field, when authorized under regulations approved by the Secretary; uniforms or allowances therefor as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 5901–5902; and for expenses of attendance at meetings that relate to the functions or activities of the Indian Health Service: Provided, That in accordance with the provisions of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, non-Indian patients may be extended health care at all tribally administered or Indian Health Service facilities, subject to charges, and the proceeds along with funds recovered under the Federal Medical Care Recovery Act (42 U.S.C. 2651–2653) shall be credited to the account of the facility providing the service and shall be available without fiscal year limitation: Provided further, That notwithstanding any other law or regulation, funds transferred from the Department of Housing and Urban Development to the Indian Health Service shall be administered under Public Law 86–121, the Indian Sanitation Facilities Act and Public Law 93–638: Provided further, That funds appropriated to the Indian Health Service in this Act, except those used for administrative and program direction purposes, shall not be subject to limitations directed at curtailing Federal travel and transportation: Provided further, That none of the funds made available to the Indian Health Service in this Act shall be used for any assessments or charges by the Department of Health and Human Services unless identified in the budget justification and provided in this Act, or the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations are notified through the reprogramming process: Provided further, That notwithstanding any other provision of law, funds previously or herein made available to a tribe or tribal organization through a contract, grant, or agreement authorized by title I or title V of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975 (25 U.S.C. 450), may be deobligated and reobligated to a self-determination contract under title I, or a self-governance agreement under title V of such Act and thereafter shall remain available to the tribe or tribal organization without fiscal year limitation: Provided further, That none of the funds made available to the Indian Health Service in this Act shall be used to implement the final rule published in the Federal Register on September 16, 1987, by the Department of Health and Human Services, relating to the eligibility for the health care services of the Indian Health Service until the Indian Health Service has submitted a budget request reflecting the increased costs associated with the proposed final rule, and such request has been included in an appropriations Act and enacted into law: Provided further, That with respect to functions transferred by the Indian Health Service to tribes or tribal organizations, the Indian Health Service is authorized to provide goods and services to those entities on a reimbursable basis, including payments in advance with subsequent adjustment, and the reimbursements received therefrom, along with the funds received from those entities pursuant to the Indian Self-Determination Act, may be credited to the same or subsequent appropriation account from which the funds were originally derived, with such amounts to remain available until expended: Provided further, That reimbursements for training, technical assistance, or services provided by the Indian Health Service will contain total costs, including direct, administrative, and overhead associated with the provision of goods, services, or technical assistance: Provided further, That, notwithstanding any other provision of law, for any lease under section 105(l) of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, as amended, no additional compensation is required by the Act above the amount provided to the tribe or tribal organization under section 106(a)(1), except the Secretary, in the discretion of the Secretary, may award compensation for such leases, above the section 106(a)(1) amount, and if the Secretary awards such additional compensation the amount of such compensation may be based on such reasonable expenses, if any, as the Secretary determines to be appropriate, which may include the expenses described in section 105(l)(2), and the exercise of this discretion to award additional compensation and determine its amount is not subject to sections 102(a)-(b), (e) or 507(b)-(d) of the Act.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Federal Funds

Immunization and respiratory diseases

For carrying out titles II, III, XVII, and XXI, and section 2821 of the PHS Act, titles II and IV of the Immigration and Nationality Act, and section 501 of the Refugee Education Assistance Act, with respect to immunization and respiratory diseases, $577,386,000.

HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases, and tuberculosis prevention

For carrying out titles II, III, XVII, and XXIII of the PHS Act with respect to HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases, and tuberculosis prevention, $1,318,056,000, of which $140,000,000 shall remain available through September 30, 2021.

Emerging and zoonotic infectious diseases

For carrying out titles II, III, and XVII, and section 2821 of the PHS Act, titles II and IV of the Immigration and Nationality Act, and section 501 of the Refugee Education Assistance Act, with respect to emerging and zoonotic infectious diseases, $372,472,000: Provided, That of the amounts made available under this heading to pay for the transportation, medical care, treatment, and other related costs of persons quarantined or isolated under federal or state quarantine law, up to $1,000,000 shall remain available until expended.

Chronic disease prevention and health promotion

For carrying out titles II, III, XI, XV, XVII, and XIX of the PHS Act with respect to chronic disease prevention and health promotion, $347,145,000: Provided, That such amounts and any amounts transferred to this account shall be available for the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to administer a program, to be known as America's Health State Block Grant, to provide increased flexibility for States, territories, tribes, and tribal organizations to improve public health: Provided further, That for purposes of carrying out this program, the Director may award grants to States, territories, tribes, and tribal organizations, and such grant awards shall be provided through a formula, as determined by the Director, that takes into account the population and disease burden of the grantee: Provided further, That the Director may set aside not more than 15 percent of the amounts awarded for grants described in the previous proviso for the same purposes, on a competitive basis, to cities, Federally-recognized tribes, and public health entities serving rural and frontier areas or other entities: Provided further, That funds made available under this heading may be available for making grants under section 1509 of the PHS Act for not less than 21 States, tribes, or tribal organizations: Provided further, That the proportional funding requirements under section 1503(a) of the PHS Act shall not apply to funds made available under this heading.

Birth defects, developmental disabilities, disabilities and health

For carrying out titles II, III, XI, and XVII of the PHS Act with respect to birth defects, developmental disabilities, disabilities and health, $112,000,000.

Public Health Scientific Services

For carrying out titles II, III, and XVII of the PHS Act with respect to health statistics, surveillance, health informatics, and workforce development, $45,000,000: Provided, That in addition to amounts provided herein, $423,000,000 shall be available from amounts available under section 241 of the PHS Act to carry out the Public Health Scientific Services.

Environmental health

For carrying out titles II, III, and XVII of the PHS Act with respect to environmental health, $157,000,000.

Injury prevention and control

For carrying out titles II, III, and XVII of the PHS Act with respect to injury prevention and control, $628,839,000.

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

For carrying out titles II, III, and XVII of the PHS Act, sections 101, 102, 103, 201, 202, 203, 301, and 501 of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act, section 13 of the Mine Improvement and New Emergency Response Act, and sections 20, 21, and 22 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, with respect to occupational safety and health, $190,000,000.

Energy employees occupational illness compensation program

For necessary expenses to administer the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act, $55,358,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That this amount shall be available consistent with the provision regarding administrative expenses in section 151(b) of division B, title I of Public Law 106–554.

Global health

For carrying out titles II, III, and XVII of the PHS Act with respect to global health, $456,984,000, of which: (1) $69,547,000 shall remain available through September 30, 2021 for international HIV/AIDS; and (2) $99,762,000 shall be available for global public health protection: Provided, That funds may be used for purchase and insurance of official motor vehicles in foreign countries.

public health preparedness and response

For carrying out titles II, III, and XVII of the PHS Act with respect to public health preparedness and response, and for expenses necessary to support activities related to countering potential biological, nuclear, radiological, and chemical threats to civilian populations, $825,000,000: Provided, That the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (referred to in this title as "CDC") or the Administrator of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry may detail staff without reimbursement for up to 180 days to support an activation of the CDC Emergency Operations Center .

cdc-wide activities and program support

For carrying out titles II, III, XVII and XIX, and section 2821 of the PHS Act and for cross-cutting activities and program support for activities funded in other appropriations included in this Act for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, $155,000,000, of which up to $10,000,000 may be transferred to the reserve of the Working Capital Fund authorized under this heading in division F of Public Law 112–74: Provided, That paragraphs (1) through (3) of subsection (b) of section 2821 of the PHS Act shall not apply to funds appropriated under this heading and in all other accounts of the CDC: Provided further, That of the amounts made available under this heading, $50,000,000 shall be transferred to and merged with the Infectious Diseases Rapid Response Reserve Fund established by section 231 of division B of Public Law 115–245: Provided further, That any funds made available by this Act to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be used to support the purchase, hire, maintenance, and operation of an aircraft for use and support of the activities of CDC: Provided further, That employees of CDC or the Public Health Service, both civilian and commissioned officers, detailed to States, municipalities, or other organizations under authority of section 214 of the PHS Act, or in overseas assignments, shall be treated as non-Federal employees for reporting purposes only and shall not be included within any personnel ceiling applicable to the Agency, Service, or HHS during the period of detail or assignment: Provided further, That CDC may use up to $10,000 from amounts appropriated to CDC in this Act for official reception and representation expenses when specifically approved by the Director of CDC: Provided further, That in addition, such sums as may be derived from authorized user fees, which shall be credited to the appropriation charged with the cost thereof: Provided further, That with respect to the previous proviso, authorized user fees from the Vessel Sanitation Program and the Respirator Certification Program shall be available through September 30, 2021.

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Special and Trust Fund Receipts (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0943–0–1–999 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

0100 Balance, start of year 1
Current law:
1130 Cooperative Research and Development Agreements, Centers for Disease Control 1 2 2

2000 Total: Balances and receipts 1 2 3
Current law:
2101 CDC-wide Activities and Program Support –1 –1 –1

5099 Balance, end of year 1 2

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0943–0–1–999 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Birth Defects, Developmental Disabilities, Disability and Health (0958) 140 156 112
0002 CDC-Wide Activities and Program Support (0943) 564 327 105
0004 Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (0948) 1,166 1,188 951
0005 Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (0949) 611 620 509
0006 Energy Employee Illness Occupational Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) (0954) 52 51 55
0007 Environmental Health (0947) 218 209 157
0008 Global Health (0955) 442 489 457
0012 HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD and TB Prevention (0950) 1,122 1,132 1,318
0013 Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (0951) 769 798 727
0015 Injury Prevention and Control (0952) 593 649 629
0016 Occupational Safety and Health (0953) 334 336 190
0019 Public Health Preparedness and Response (0956) 1,168 858 825
0020 Public Health Scientific Services (0959) 488 496 468
0021 Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADA) (5146) 1 1 1

0799 Total direct obligations 7,668 7,310 6,504
0802 CDC-Wide Activities and Program Support (Reimbursable) 269 297 331

0809 Reimbursable program activities, subtotal 269 297 331

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 7,937 7,607 6,835

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 469 933 467
1001 Discretionary unobligated balance brought fwd, Oct 1 334 664
1010 Unobligated balance transfer to other accts [075–0960] –1
1010 Unobligated balance transfer to other accts [075–9915] –3
1010 Unobligated balance transfer to other accts [075–0140] –406
1010 Unobligated balance transfer to other accts [075–0140] –23
1012 Unobligated balance transfers between expired and unexpired accounts 7
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 148
1033 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations 1

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 621 504 467
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1100 Appropriation 7,135 7,058 5,185
1120 Appropriations transferred to other acct [075–1503] –17
1120 Appropriations transferred to other acct [075–0960] –6
1120 Appropriations transferred to other acct [075–0140] –604
1120 Appropriations transferred to other acct [075–0945] –50 –50

1160 Appropriation, discretionary (total) 7,112 6,404 5,135
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation (075–0954 - EEOICPA) 55 55 55
1200 Appropriation (Childhood Obesity 075–0943) 30
1201 Appropriation (075–5146 CRADA) 1 1 1
1221 Appropriations transferred from other acct PPHF [075–0116] 801 805 894
1230 Appropriations and/or unobligated balance of appropriations permanently reduced –5

1260 Appropriations, mandatory (total) 882 861 950
Spending authority from offsetting collections, discretionary:
1700 Collected 267 301 331
1701 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources –7

1750 Spending auth from offsetting collections, disc (total) 260 301 331
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected 4 4 4
1900 Budget authority (total) 8,258 7,570 6,420
1930 Total budgetary resources available 8,879 8,074 6,887
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1940 Unobligated balance expiring –9
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 933 467 52

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 7,137 6,935 7,135
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 7,937 7,607 6,835
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 48
3020 Outlays (gross) –7,884 –7,407 –7,637
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –148
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –155

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 6,935 7,135 6,333
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –190 –127 –127
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired 7
3071 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, expired 56

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –127 –127 –127
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 6,947 6,808 7,008
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 6,808 7,008 6,206

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 7,372 6,705 5,466
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 2,629 2,860 2,368
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 4,364 3,772 4,397

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 6,993 6,632 6,765
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4030 Federal sources –310 –301 –331
4033 Non-Federal sources –20

4040 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –330 –301 –331
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4050 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired 7
4052 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 63

4060 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) 70

4070 Budget authority, net (discretionary) 7,112 6,404 5,135
4080 Outlays, net (discretionary) 6,663 6,331 6,434
4090 Budget authority, gross 886 865 954
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 147 206 224
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 744 569 648

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 891 775 872
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4123 Non-Federal sources –5 –4 –4
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4143 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations, unexpired accounts 1

4160 Budget authority, net (mandatory) 882 861 950
4170 Outlays, net (mandatory) 886 771 868
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 7,994 7,265 6,085
4190 Outlays, net (total) 7,549 7,102 7,302

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) supports a number of categorical programs designed to improve the health, safety, and protection of all Americans. These activities include immunization and respiratory diseases, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, STDs, and Tuberculosis prevention, emerging and zoonotic infectious diseases, chronic disease prevention and health promotion, public health and scientific services, injury prevention and control, environmental health, global health, programs that reduce the occurrence of birth defects and developmental disabilities, public health preparedness and emergency response, and CDC-wide activities and program support. The FY 2020 Budget provides $140 million for CDC to begin a new initiative to end the HIV epidemic in America. The FY 2020 Budget maintains the proposal to establish a new block grant, proposed at $500 million, to increase flexibility for States to address their population's unique public health needs. The FY 2020 Budget provides $100 million for global health security activities to protect Americans through partnerships and other activities that support public health capacity improvements in countries at risk for uncontrolled outbreaks of infectious diseases.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0943–0–1–999 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 770 642 642
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 115 100 100
11.5 Other personnel compensation 40 34 34
11.7 Military personnel 76 70 72
11.8 Special personal services payments 8 7 7

11.9 Total personnel compensation 1,009 853 855
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 309 255 255
12.2 Military personnel benefits 46 47 49
13.0 Benefits for former personnel 1 1 1
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 55 50 50
22.0 Transportation of things 12 13 14
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 7 6 6
23.2 Rental payments to others 1 1 1
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges 9 18 19
24.0 Printing and reproduction 2 3 3
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 814 625 737
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 180 155 183
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 883 855 315
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities 12 22 25
25.5 Research and development contracts 38 24 28
25.6 Medical care 28 37 44
25.7 Operation and maintenance of equipment 41 44 52
26.0 Supplies and materials 260 401 406
31.0 Equipment 70 52 52
32.0 Land and structures 1 1 1
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 3,889 3,846 3,407
42.0 Insurance claims and indemnities 1 1 1

99.0 Direct obligations 7,668 7,310 6,504
99.0 Reimbursable obligations 269 297 331

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 7,937 7,607 6,835

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0943–0–1–999 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 8,970 8,784 8,808
1101 Direct military average strength employment 820 810 808
2001 Reimbursable civilian full-time equivalent employment 187 178 178
2101 Reimbursable military average strength employment 31 5 5

Buildings and facilities

(including transfer of funds)

For any cost related to the acquisition of real property, equipment, construction, installation, demolition, and renovation of facilities, $30,000,000, which shall remain available until September 30, 2024 .

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0960–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 CDC Buildings and Facilities (0960) 25 25 25

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 7 499 504
1011 Unobligated balance transfer from other acct [075–0125] 240
1011 Unobligated balance transfer from other acct [075–0943] 1

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 248 499 504
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1100 Appropriation 270 30 30
1121 Appropriations transferred from other acct [075–0943] 6

1160 Appropriation, discretionary (total) 276 30 30
1930 Total budgetary resources available 524 529 534
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 499 504 509

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 10 27 25
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 25 25 25
3020 Outlays (gross) –8 –27 –43

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 27 25 7
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 10 27 25
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 27 25 7

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 276 30 30
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 1 12 12
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 7 15 31

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 8 27 43
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 276 30 30
4190 Outlays, net (total) 8 27 43

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0960–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 1 1 1
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities 11 11 11
32.0 Land and structures 13 13 13

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 25 25 25

CDC Working Capital Fund

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–4553–0–4–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0801 CDC Working Capital Fund (Reimbursable) 576 569 569

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 54 48 55
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 6

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 60 48 55
Budget authority:
Spending authority from offsetting collections, discretionary:
1700 Collected 564 576 532
1900 Budget authority (total) 564 576 532
1930 Total budgetary resources available 624 624 587
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 48 55 18

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 195 199 207
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 576 569 569
3020 Outlays (gross) –566 –561 –545
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –6

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 199 207 231
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –2 –2 –2

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –2 –2 –2
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 193 197 205
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 197 205 229

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 564 576 532
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 399 380 351
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 167 181 194

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 566 561 545
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4030 Federal sources –564 –576 –532
4180 Budget authority, net (total)
4190 Outlays, net (total) 2 –15 13

Implemented in fiscal year 2014, CDC's Working Capital Fund has extended availability and serves as the funding mechanism to finance centralized business services support across CDC. Services rendered under the fund are performed at pre-established rates that are used to cover the full cost of operations and future investments. Contributions are collected for services, thereby creating market-like incentives to maximize efficiency and quality.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–4553–0–4–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Reimbursable obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 148 148 148
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 4 4 4
11.5 Other personnel compensation 4 4 4
11.7 Military personnel 3 3 3

11.9 Total personnel compensation 159 159 159
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 50 50 50
12.2 Military personnel benefits 2 2 2
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 1 1 1
22.0 Transportation of things 2 2 2
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 32 32 32
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges 22 22 22
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 31 31 31
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 77 77 77
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 68 68 68
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities 10 10 10
25.7 Operation and maintenance of equipment 57 52 52
26.0 Supplies and materials 1 1 1
31.0 Equipment 12 12 12
32.0 Land and structures 52 50 50

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 576 569 569

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–4553–0–4–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

2001 Reimbursable civilian full-time equivalent employment 1,268 1,551 1,551
2101 Reimbursable military average strength employment 21 79 79

Infectious Diseases Rapid Response Reserve Fund

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0945–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Direct program activity 50

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 41.0) 50

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 50
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1121 Appropriations transferred from other acct [075–0943] 50 50
1930 Total budgetary resources available 50 100
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 50 50

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 50
3020 Outlays (gross) –50

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 50 50
Outlays, gross:
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 50
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 50 50
4190 Outlays, net (total) 50

The FY 2020 Budget provides $50 million for the Infectious Diseases Rapid Response Reserve Fund within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This Fund will provide the ability to respond efficiently and rapidly to emerging infectious disease threats or outbreaks.

Toxic substances and environmental public health

For necessary expenses for the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) in carrying out activities set forth in sections 104(i) and 111(c)(4) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) and section 3019 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, $62,000,000: Provided, That notwithstanding any other provision of law, in lieu of performing a health assessment under section 104(i)(6) of CERCLA, the Administrator of ATSDR may conduct other appropriate health studies, evaluations, or activities, including, without limitation, biomedical testing, clinical evaluations, medical monitoring, and referral to accredited healthcare providers: Provided further, That in performing any such health assessment or health study, evaluation, or activity, the Administrator of ATSDR shall not be bound by the deadlines in section 104(i)(6)(A) of CERCLA: Provided further, That none of the funds appropriated under this heading shall be available for ATSDR to issue in excess of 40 toxicological profiles pursuant to section 104(i) of CERCLA during fiscal year 2020, and existing profiles may be updated as necessary.

Note.—A full-year 2019 appropriation for this account was not enacted at the time the budget was prepared; therefore, the budget assumes this account is operating under the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2019 (Division C of P.L. 115–245, as amended). The amounts included for 2019 reflect the annualized level provided by the continuing resolution.

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0944–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Toxic Substance (Direct) 87 75 62
0801 Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Toxic Substance (Reimbursable) 16

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 103 75 62

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 23 21 24
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1100 Appropriation 75 75 62
1121 Appropriations transferred from other acct [097–0100] 10

1160 Appropriation, discretionary (total) 85 75 62
Spending authority from offsetting collections, discretionary:
1700 Collected 3 3 3
1701 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources 13

1750 Spending auth from offsetting collections, disc (total) 16 3 3
1900 Budget authority (total) 101 78 65
1930 Total budgetary resources available 124 99 89
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 21 24 27

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 41 64 42
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 103 75 62
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 1
3020 Outlays (gross) –79 –97 –71
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –2

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 64 42 33
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –4 –15 –15
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –13
3071 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, expired 2

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –15 –15 –15
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 37 49 27
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 49 27 18

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 101 78 65
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 51 51 42
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 25 46 29

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 76 97 71
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4030 Federal sources –5 –3 –3

4040 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –5 –3 –3
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4050 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –13
4052 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 2

4060 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) –11

4070 Budget authority, net (discretionary) 85 75 62
4080 Outlays, net (discretionary) 71 94 68
Outlays, gross:
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 3
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 85 75 62
4190 Outlays, net (total) 74 94 68

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0944–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 21 20 16
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 2 2 2
11.5 Other personnel compensation 1 1 1
11.7 Military personnel 3 3 3

11.9 Total personnel compensation 27 26 22
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 8 7 6
12.2 Military personnel benefits 1 1 1
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 1 1
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 3 7 9
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 5 5 3
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 22 14 14
25.7 Operation and maintenance of equipment 1 1 1
26.0 Supplies and materials 1
31.0 Equipment 2 1
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 16 13 5

99.0 Direct obligations 87 75 62
99.0 Reimbursable obligations 16

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 103 75 62

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0944–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 214 212 212
1101 Direct military average strength employment 33 33 33
2001 Reimbursable civilian full-time equivalent employment 2 2

World Trade Center Health Program Fund

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0946–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 World Trade Center Health Program—Federal Share (CDC/NIOSH) 432 517 541
0002 World Trade Center Health Program—NYC 48 57 60

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 480 574 601

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 869 872 812
1012 Unobligated balance transfers between expired and unexpired accounts 25 25 25
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 25
1033 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations 11

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 930 897 837
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation (WTC (CDC Direct)) 347 440 487
1200 Appropriation (WTC—NYC DHSS—CDC) 39 49 54

1260 Appropriations, mandatory (total) 386 489 541
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected 36
1900 Budget authority (total) 422 489 541
1930 Total budgetary resources available 1,352 1,386 1,378
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 872 812 777

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 186 225 412
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 480 574 601
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 2
3020 Outlays (gross) –393 –387 –401
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –25
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –25

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 225 412 612
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 186 225 412
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 225 412 612

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 422 489 541
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 225 249
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 393 162 152

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 393 387 401
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4123 Non-Federal sources –50
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4142 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 3
4143 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations, unexpired accounts 11

4150 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) 14

4160 Budget authority, net (mandatory) 386 489 541
4170 Outlays, net (mandatory) 343 387 401
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 386 489 541
4190 Outlays, net (total) 343 387 401

HHS, along with CDC, began implementing provisions of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010 (P.L. 111–347) on July 1, 2011, to provide monitoring and treatment benefits to eligible responders and survivors. CDC serves as the Program Administrator for the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program. The WTC Health Program provides quality care for WTC-related health conditions, conducts WTC research, and maintains a health registry to collect data on victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The WTC Health Program has been extended through FY 2090 under the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Reauthorization Act of 2015 (P.L. 114–113, Division O, Title III). The amounts included for 2019 and 2020 in the Budget reflect estimated Federal obligations for the WTC Health Program.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0946–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 3 3 3
11.7 Military personnel 1 1 1

11.9 Total personnel compensation 4 4 4
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 1 1 1
12.2 Military personnel benefits 1 1 1
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 35 39 39
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 128 157 179
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 10 4 4
31.0 Equipment 4 1 1
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 23 27 27
42.0 Insurance claims and indemnities 274 340 345

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 480 574 601

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0946–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 30 32 32
1101 Direct military average strength employment 9 7 7

National Institutes of Health

Federal Funds

national cancer institute

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the PHS Act with respect to cancer, $5,051,737,000, of which up to $30,000,000 may be used for facilities repairs and improvements at the National Cancer Institute—Frederick Federally Funded Research and Development Center in Frederick, Maryland.

national heart, lung, and blood institute

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the PHS Act with respect to cardiovascular, lung, and blood diseases, and blood and blood products, $3,002,696,000.

national institute of dental and craniofacial research

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the PHS Act with respect to dental and craniofacial diseases, $397,493,000.

national institute of diabetes and digestive and kidney diseases

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the PHS Act with respect to diabetes and digestive and kidney disease, $1,746,493,000.

National institute of neurological disorders and stroke

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the PHS Act with respect to neurological disorders and stroke, $1,956,031,000.

national institute of allergy and infectious diseases

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the PHS Act with respect to allergy and infectious diseases, $4,754,379,000.

national institute of general medical sciences

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the PHS Act with respect to general medical sciences, $2,472,838,000, of which $741,000,000 shall be from funds available under section 241 of the PHS Act: Provided, That not less than $311,236,000 is provided for the Institutional Development Awards program.

eunice kennedy shriver national institute of child health and human development

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the PHS Act with respect to child health and human development, $1,296,732,000.

national eye institute

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the PHS Act with respect to eye diseases and visual disorders, $685,644,000.

national institute of environmental health sciences

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the PHS Act with respect to environmental health sciences, $666,854,000.

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

national institute of environmental health sciences

For necessary expenses for the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in carrying out activities set forth in section 311(a) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. 9660(a)) and section 126(g) of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, $66,581,000.

Note.—A full-year 2019 appropriation for this account was not enacted at the time the budget was prepared; therefore, the budget assumes this account is operating under the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2019 (Division C of P.L. 115–245, as amended). The amounts included for 2019 reflect the annualized level provided by the continuing resolution.

national institute on aging

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the PHS Act with respect to aging, $2,654,144,000.

national institute of arthritis and musculoskeletal and skin diseases

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the PHS Act with respect to arthritis and musculoskeletal and skin diseases, $520,829,000.

national institute on deafness and other communication disorders

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the PHS Act with respect to deafness and other communication disorders, $408,358,000.

national institute of nursing research

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the PHS Act with respect to nursing research, $140,301,000.

national institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the PHS Act with respect to alcohol abuse and alcoholism, $452,419,000.

National institute on drug abuse

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the PHS Act with respect to drug abuse, $1,296,379,000.

national institute of mental health

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the PHS Act with respect to mental health, $1,560,422,000.

national human genome research institute

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the PHS Act with respect to human genome research, $495,448,000.

national institute of biomedical imaging and bioengineering

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the PHS Act with respect to biomedical imaging and bioengineering research, $335,986,000.

national center for complementary and integrative health

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the PHS Act with respect to complementary and integrative health, $126,081,000.

national institute on minority health and health disparities

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the PHS Act with respect to minority health and health disparities research, $270,870,000.

john e. fogarty international center

For carrying out the activities of the John E. Fogarty International Center (described in subpart 2 of part E of title IV of the PHS Act), $67,235,000.

national library of medicine

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the PHS Act with respect to health information communications, $380,463,000: Provided, That of the amounts available for improvement of information systems, $4,000,000 shall be available until September 30, 2021: Provided further, That in fiscal year 2020, the National Library of Medicine may enter into personal services contracts for the provision of services in facilities owned, operated, or constructed under the jurisdiction of the National Institutes of Health (referred to in this title as "NIH").

national center for advancing translational sciences

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the PHS Act with respect to translational sciences, $694,112,000: Provided, That up to 10 percent of the amounts made available under this heading shall be available to implement section 480 of the PHS Act, relating to the Cures Acceleration Network .

office of the director

For carrying out the responsibilities of the Office of the Director, NIH, $1,756,544,000: Provided, That funding shall be available for the purchase of not to exceed 29 passenger motor vehicles for replacement only: Provided further, That all funds credited to the NIH Management Fund shall remain available for one fiscal year after the fiscal year in which they are deposited: Provided further, That $157,065,000 shall be for the Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes study: Provided further, That $520,367,000 shall be available for the Common Fund established under section 402A(c)(1) of the PHS Act: Provided further, That of the funds provided, $10,000 shall be for official reception and representation expenses when specifically approved by the Director of the NIH: Provided further, That the Office of AIDS Research within the Office of the Director of the NIH may spend up to $8,000,000 to make grants for construction or renovation of facilities as provided for in section 2354(a)(5)(B) of the PHS Act .

In addition to other funds appropriated for the Common Fund established under section 402A(c) of the PHS Act, $12,600,000 is appropriated to the Common Fund from the 10-year Pediatric Research Initiative Fund described in section 9008 of title 26, United States Code, for the purpose of carrying out section 402(b)(7)(B)(ii) of the PHS Act (relating to pediatric research), as authorized in the Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act.

Buildings and facilities

For the study of, construction of, demolition of, renovation of, and acquisition of equipment for, facilities of or used by NIH, including the acquisition of real property, $200,000,000, to remain available through September 30, 2024.

national institute for research on safety and quality

For carrying out titles III and IX of the PHS Act, part A of title XI of the Social Security Act, and section 1013 of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003, $255,960,000: Provided, That section 947(c) of the PHS Act shall not apply in fiscal year 2020: Provided further, That in addition, amounts received from Freedom of Information Act fees, reimbursable and interagency agreements, and the sale of data shall be credited to this appropriation and shall remain available until expended.

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Special and Trust Fund Receipts (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–9915–0–1–999 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

0100 Balance, start of year
Current law:
1130 Cooperative Research and Development Agreements, NIH 45 42 42

2000 Total: Balances and receipts 45 42 42
Current law:
2101 National Institutes of Health –45 –42 –42

5099 Balance, end of year

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–9915–0–1–999 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 National Cancer Institute (0849) 5,951 6,170 5,248
0002 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (0872) 3,374 3,487 3,003
0003 National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (0873) 447 462 397
0004 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease (0884) 1,963 2,030 1,746
0005 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (0886) 1,949 2,469 2,027
0006 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (0885) 5,263 5,528 4,755
0007 National Institute of General Medical Sciences (0851) 1,858 1,726 1,732
0008 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (0844) 1,450 1,514 1,297
0009 National Eye Institute (0887) 770 797 686
0010 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (0862) 830 852 733
0011 National Institute on Aging (0843) 2,571 3,082 2,655
0012 National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease (0888) 585 605 521
0013 National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorder (0890) 459 474 408
0014 National Institute of Mental Health (0892) 1,754 1,870 1,630
0015 National Institute on Drug Abuse (0893) 1,161 1,633 1,296
0016 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (0894) 508 526 452
0017 National Institute of Nursing Research (0889) 158 163 140
0018 National Human Genome Research Institute (0891) 557 576 495
0019 National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (0898) 377 389 336
0021 National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (0896) 142 146 126
0022 National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (0897) 304 315 271
0023 John E. Fogarty International Center (0819) 76 78 67
0024 National Library of Medicine (0807) 427 442 380
0025 NIH Office of the Director (0846) 1,806 1,922 1,769
0026 NIH Buildings and facilities (0838) 169 200 200
0027 NIH Cooperative Research and Development Agreements 37 42 42
0028 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (0875) 754 813 694
0029 National Institute for Research on Safety and Quality 256
0031 Type 1 Diabetes 26 274 150

0799 Total direct obligations 35,726 38,585 33,512
0801 NIH Reimbursable - Other 3,958 4,408 3,730
0802 NIH Royalties 146 145 145

0809 Reimbursable program activities, subtotal 4,104 4,553 3,875

0899 Total reimbursable obligations 4,104 4,553 3,875

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 39,830 43,138 37,387

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 992 1,476 782
1001 Discretionary unobligated balance brought fwd, Oct 1 992 1,277
1011 Unobligated balance transfer from other acct [075–0943] 3
1011 Unobligated balance transfer from other acct [075–1700] 22
1020 Adjustment of unobligated bal brought forward, Oct 1 6
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 88
1033 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations 9

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 1,098 1,476 804
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1100 Appropriation 35,792 37,290 32,972
1120 Appropriations transferred to other acct [075–1503] –87
1120 Appropriations transferred to other acct [075–0128] –5
1121 Appropriations transferred from other acct [075–5628] 386 515 335
1121 Appropriations transferred from other acct [075–5736] 13 13

1160 Appropriation, discretionary (total) 36,091 37,813 33,320
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 150 150
1201 Appropriation (special or trust fund) 45 42 42

1260 Appropriations, mandatory (total) 195 192 42
Spending authority from offsetting collections, discretionary:
1700 Collected 3,784 4,439 4,439
1701 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources 137

1750 Spending auth from offsetting collections, disc (total) 3,921 4,439 4,439
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected 4
1900 Budget authority (total) 40,211 42,444 37,801
1930 Total budgetary resources available 41,309 43,920 38,605
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1940 Unobligated balance expiring –3
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 1,476 782 1,218

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 34,682 37,408 40,758
3001 Adjustments to unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 –10
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 39,830 43,138 37,387
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 493
3020 Outlays (gross) –36,720 –39,788 –40,881
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –88
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –779

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 37,408 40,758 37,264
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –671 –565 –565
3061 Adjustments to uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 51
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –137
3071 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, expired 192

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –565 –565 –565
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 34,052 36,843 40,193
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 36,843 40,193 36,699

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 40,012 42,252 37,759
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 11,786 14,161 12,961
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 24,748 25,489 27,729

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 36,534 39,650 40,690
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4030 Federal sources –3,654 –4,439 –4,439
4033 Non-Federal sources –366

4040 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –4,020 –4,439 –4,439
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4050 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –137
4052 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 227
4053 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations, unexpired accounts 9

4060 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) 99

4070 Budget authority, net (discretionary) 36,091 37,813 33,320
4080 Outlays, net (discretionary) 32,514 35,211 36,251
4090 Budget authority, gross 199 192 42
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 17 44 10
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 169 94 181

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 186 138 191
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4123 Non-Federal sources –4
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 36,286 38,005 33,362
4190 Outlays, net (total) 32,696 35,349 36,442

Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays (in millions of dollars)

2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budget Authority 36,286 38,005 33,362
Outlays 32,696 35,349 36,442
Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO:
Budget Authority 150
Outlays 35
Budget Authority 36,286 38,005 33,512
Outlays 32,696 35,349 36,477

This program funds biomedical research and research training. These accounts will continue to be appropriated separately and are displayed in a consolidated format to improve the readability of the presentation. The FY 2020 Budget consolidates the activities of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality within the National Institutes of Health as the National Institute for Research on Safety and Quality. Detailed information is available through the Department of Health and Human Services.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–9915–0–1–999 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 985 1,015 1,044
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 515 527 531
11.5 Other personnel compensation 48 49 50
11.7 Military personnel 18 19 20
11.8 Special personal services payments 194 197 189

11.9 Total personnel compensation 1,760 1,807 1,834
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 514 529 546
12.2 Military personnel benefits 12 12 13
13.0 Benefits for former personnel 2
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 54 56 43
22.0 Transportation of things 5 6 5
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 23 21 18
23.2 Rental payments to others 1 1
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges 38 36 25
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 264 268 194
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 1,327 1,393 974
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 3,374 3,519 3,214
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities 213 282 268
25.5 Research and development contracts 1,577 1,663 1,467
25.6 Medical care 29 29 25
25.7 Operation and maintenance of equipment 143 146 120
25.8 Subsistence and support of persons 2 2 2
26.0 Supplies and materials 240 247 191
31.0 Equipment 192 204 159
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 25,958 28,364 24,412

99.0 Direct obligations 35,726 38,585 33,512
99.0 Reimbursable obligations 4,104 4,553 3,875

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 39,830 43,138 37,387

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–9915–0–1–999 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 12,799 13,193 13,412
1101 Direct military average strength employment 172 177 181
2001 Reimbursable civilian full-time equivalent employment 4,435 4,572 4,573
2101 Reimbursable military average strength employment 96 99 99

National Institutes of Health

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–9915–4–1–999 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Type 1 Diabetes 150

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 41.0) 150

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 150
1930 Total budgetary resources available 150

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 150
3020 Outlays (gross) –35

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 115
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 115

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 150
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 35
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 150
4190 Outlays, net (total) 35

The Budget proposes to extend the Special Diabetes Program for Type 1 Diabetes through fiscal year 2021.

Payment to the NIH Innovation Account, CURES Act

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0147–0–1–552 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Payment to NIH Innovation (object class 94.0) 496 711 492

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 94.0) 496 711 492

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 496 711 492
1930 Total budgetary resources available 496 711 492

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 496 711 492
3020 Outlays (gross) –496 –711 –492

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 496 711 492
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 496 711 492
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 496 711 492
4190 Outlays, net (total) 496 711 492

This account, and a related special fund receipt account, were established to support the execution structure necessary to implement the 21st Century Cures Act.

NIH Innovation Account, CURES Act

(including transfer of funds)

For necessary expenses to carry out the purposes described in section 1001(b)(4) of the 21st Century Cures Act, in addition to amounts available for such purposes in the appropriations provided to the NIH in this Act, $492,000,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That such amounts are appropriated pursuant to section 1001(b)(3) of such Act, are to be derived from amounts transferred under section 1001(b)(2)(A) of such Act, and may be transferred by the Director of the National Institutes of Health to other accounts of the National Institutes of Health solely for the purposes provided in such Act: Provided further, That upon a determination by the Director that funds transferred pursuant to the previous proviso are not necessary for the purposes provided, such amounts may be transferred back to the Account: Provided further, That the transfer authority provided under this heading is in addition to any other transfer authority provided by law.

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Special and Trust Fund Receipts (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–5628–0–2–552 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

0100 Balance, start of year
Current law:
1140 General Fund Payment, NIH Innovation, CURES Act 496 711 492

2000 Total: Balances and receipts 496 711 492
Current law:
2101 NIH Innovation, Cures Act –496 –711 –492

5099 Balance, end of year

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–5628–0–2–552 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 CURES obligations 102 244 157

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 40 48
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1101 Appropriation (special or trust fund) 496 711 492
1120 Appropriations transferred to other acct [075–9915] –386 –515 –335

1160 Appropriation, discretionary (total) 110 196 157
1930 Total budgetary resources available 150 244 157
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 48

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 12 94 233
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 102 244 157
3020 Outlays (gross) –20 –105 –175

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 94 233 215
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 12 94 233
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 94 233 215

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 110 196 157
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 12 39 33
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 8 66 142

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 20 105 175
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 110 196 157
4190 Outlays, net (total) 20 105 175

The Cures Act was enacted into law on December 13, 2016. The Cures Act authorizes $4.8 billion over 10 years for four NIH Innovation Projects and includes amendments to the Public Health Service Act to advance Precision Medicine and other high-priority NIH activities. Amounts appropriated into the NIH Innovation Account are either transferred to the individual institutes and centers or obligated directly in the NIH Innovation Account.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–5628–0–2–552 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 3 6 7
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 1 2 2

11.9 Total personnel compensation 4 8 9
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 1 2 3
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 1
25.5 Research and development contracts 2 1
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 94 233 145

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 102 244 157

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–5628–0–2–552 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 30 59 73
1101 Direct military average strength employment 1 1

10-Year Pediatric Research Initiative Fund

Special and Trust Fund Receipts (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–5736–0–2–552 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

0100 Balance, start of year
Current law:
1140 Transfers from Presidential Election Campaign Fund 13 13

2000 Total: Balances and receipts 13 13
Current law:
2101 10-Year Pediatric Research Initiative Fund –13 –13

5099 Balance, end of year

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–5736–0–2–552 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1101 Appropriation (special or trust fund) 13 13
1120 Appropriations transferred to other accts [075–9915] –13 –13
4180 Budget authority, net (total)
4190 Outlays, net (total)

This special fund was created by the Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act, enacted on April 3, 2014. This fund receives transfers from the Presidential Election Campaign Fund, which are then appropriated to the NIH Common Fund to support pediatric research.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Federal Funds


For carrying out titles III, V, and XIX of the PHS Act with respect to mental health, and the Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness Act, $1,485,047,000: Provided , That notwithstanding section 520A(f)(2) of the PHS Act, no funds appropriated for carrying out section 520A shall be available for carrying out section 1971 of the PHS Act: Provided further, That in addition to amounts provided herein, $21,039,000 shall be available under section 241 of the PHS Act to supplement funds otherwise available for mental health activities and to carry out subpart I of part B of title XIX of the PHS Act to fund section 1920(b) technical assistance, national data, data collection and evaluation activities, and further that the total available under this Act for section 1920(b) activities shall not exceed 5 percent of the amounts appropriated for subpart I of part B of title XIX: Provided further, That up to 10 percent of the amounts made available to carry out the Children's Mental Health Services program may be used to carry out demonstration grants or contracts for early interventions with persons not more than 25 years of age at clinical high risk of developing a first episode of psychosis: Provided further, That $150,000,000 shall be available until September 30, 2022 for grants to communities and community organizations who meet criteria for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics pursuant to section 223(a) of Public Law 113–93: Provided further, That none of the funds provided for section 1911 of the PHS Act shall be subject to section 241 of such Act: Provided further, That of the funds made available under this heading, $15,000,000 shall be available to carry out section 224 of the Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 (Public Law 113–93; 42 U.S.C. 290aa 22 note).


For carrying out titles III and V of the PHS Act with respect to substance abuse treatment and title XIX of such Act with respect to substance abuse treatment and prevention and the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, $3,708,767,000: Provided, That $1,500,000,000 shall be for State Opioid Response Grants for carrying out activities pertaining to opioids undertaken by the State agency responsible for administering the substance abuse prevention and treatment block grant under subpart II of part B of title XIX of the PHS Act (42 U.S.C. 300x-21 et seq.): Provided further, That of such amount $50,000,000 shall be made available to Indian Tribes or tribal organizations: Provided further, That 15 percent of the remaining amount shall be for the States with the highest mortality rate related to opioid use disorders: Provided further, That of the amounts provided for State Opioid Response Grants not more than 2 percent shall be available for Federal administrative expenses, training, technical assistance, and evaluation: Provided further, That of the amount not reserved by the previous three provisos, the Secretary shall make allocations to States, territories, and the District of Columbia according to a formula using national survey results that the Secretary determines are the most objective and reliable measure of drug use and drug-related deaths: Provided further, That prevention and treatment activities funded through such grants may include education, treatment (including the provision of medication), behavioral health services for individuals in treatment programs, referral to treatment services, recovery support, and medical screening associated with such treatment: Provided further, That each State, as well as the District of Columbia, shall receive not less than $4,000,000: Provided further, That in addition to amounts provided herein, $79,200,000 shall be available under section 241 of the PHS Act to supplement funds otherwise available for substance abuse treatment activities and to carry out subpart II of part B of title XIX of the PHS Act to fund section 1935(b) technical assistance, national data, data collection and evaluation activities, and further that the total available under this Act for section 1935(b) activities shall not exceed 5 percent of the amounts appropriated for subpart II of part B of title XIX : Provided further, That of the funds made available under this heading, $4,000,000 shall be available to carry out section 3203 of the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act: Provided further, That none of the funds provided for section 1921 of the PHS Act or State Opioid Response Grants shall be subject to section 241 of such Act.


For carrying out titles III and V of the PHS Act with respect to substance abuse prevention and for the Drug-Free Communities Support Program authorized by the National Narcotics Leadership Act of 1988, as amended, $244,090,000, of which $2,000,000 shall be made available as directed by section 4 of Public Law 107–82, as amended by Public Law 115–271, and $3,000,000, to remain available until expended, shall be for activities authorized by section 103 of Public Law 114–198.


For program support and cross-cutting activities that supplement activities funded under the headings "Mental Health", "Substance Abuse Treatment", and "Substance Abuse Prevention" in carrying out titles III, V, and XIX of the PHS Act and the Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness Act in the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, $97,004,000: Provided, That in addition to amounts provided herein, $42,453,000 shall be available under section 241 of the PHS Act to supplement funds available to carry out national surveys on drug abuse and mental health, to collect and analyze program data, and to conduct public awareness and technical assistance activities: Provided further, That, in addition, fees may be collected for the costs of publications, data, data tabulations, and data analysis completed under title V of the PHS Act and provided to a public or private entity upon request, which shall be credited to this appropriation and shall remain available until expended for such purposes: Provided further, That amounts made available in this Act for carrying out section 501(o) of the PHS Act shall remain available through September 30, 2021: Provided further, That funds made available under this heading may be used to supplement program support funding provided under the headings "Mental Health", "Substance Abuse Treatment", and "Substance Abuse Prevention".

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1362–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0006 Mental Health 1,454 1,525 1,485
0007 Substance Abuse Treatment 3,683 3,738 3,708
0008 Substance Abuse Prevention 248 205 244
0009 Health Surveillance and Program Support 129 129 98
0011 SAMHSA Prevention Fund 12 12

0100 Total, direct program 5,526 5,609 5,535

0799 Total direct obligations 5,526 5,609 5,535
0802 SAMHSA Reimbursables 146 148 30
0810 SAMHSA Reimbursable: PHS Evaluation 134 134 143

0899 Total reimbursable obligations 280 282 173

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 5,806 5,891 5,708

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 2 19 19
1001 Discretionary unobligated balance brought fwd, Oct 1 1 6
1020 Adjustment of unobligated bal brought forward, Oct 1 10

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 12 19 19
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1100 Appropriation 5,013 5,597 5,535
1120 Appropriations transferred to other acct [075–1503] –6
1121 Appropriations transferred from other acct [075–5627] 500
1121 Appropriations transferred from other acct [075–0140] 20

1160 Appropriation, discretionary (total) 5,527 5,597 5,535
Appropriations, mandatory:
1221 Appropriations transferred from the Prevention and Public Health Fund [075–0116] 12 12
Spending authority from offsetting collections, discretionary:
1700 Collected 163 282 173
1701 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources 115

1750 Spending auth from offsetting collections, disc (total) 278 282 173
1900 Budget authority (total) 5,817 5,891 5,708
1930 Total budgetary resources available 5,829 5,910 5,727
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1940 Unobligated balance expiring –4
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 19 19 19

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 4,506 6,127 6,824
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 5,806 5,891 5,708
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 24
3020 Outlays (gross) –4,085 –5,194 –5,857
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –124

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 6,127 6,824 6,675
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –143 –165 –165
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –115
3071 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, expired 93

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –165 –165 –165
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 4,363 5,962 6,659
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 5,962 6,659 6,510

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 5,805 5,879 5,708
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 1,155 1,636 1,593
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 2,913 3,553 4,258

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 4,068 5,189 5,851
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4030 Federal sources –250 –280 –171
4033 Non-Federal sources –2 –2 –2

4040 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –252 –282 –173
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4050 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –115
4052 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 89

4060 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) –26

4070 Budget authority, net (discretionary) 5,527 5,597 5,535
4080 Outlays, net (discretionary) 3,816 4,907 5,678
4090 Budget authority, gross 12 12
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 4
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 17 1 6

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 17 5 6
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 5,539 5,609 5,535
4190 Outlays, net (total) 3,833 4,912 5,684

This program provides Federal support to strengthen the capacity of the Nation's health care delivery system to provide effective substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and mental health services for people at risk for or experiencing substance abuse or mental illness. SAMHSA builds partnerships with States, communities, tribal organizations, and private not-for-profit organizations to enhance health and reduce the adverse impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America's communities.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1362–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 47 48 49
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 2 3 2
11.5 Other personnel compensation 1 1 1
11.7 Military personnel 3 3 3

11.9 Total personnel compensation 53 55 55
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 15 16 17
12.2 Military personnel benefits 2 2 2
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 1 1 1
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 7 7 7
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges 1 1 1
24.0 Printing and reproduction 1 1 1
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 32 33 34
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 132 146 146
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 36 40 37
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities 1 1 1
26.0 Supplies and materials 1 1 1
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 5,244 5,306 5,232

99.0 Direct obligations 5,526 5,610 5,535
99.0 Reimbursable obligations 280 281 173

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 5,806 5,891 5,708

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–1362–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 424 474 479
1101 Direct military average strength employment 31 31 31
2001 Reimbursable civilian full-time equivalent employment 101 101 91
2101 Reimbursable military average strength employment 5 5 5

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Federal Funds

Healthcare research and quality

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1700–0–1–552 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Research on Health Costs, Quality and Outcomes 192 197
0002 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey 70 70
0003 AHRQ Program Support 71 71

0799 Total direct obligations 333 338
0803 Research on Health Costs, Quality and Outcomes (Reimbursable) 26 26

0899 Total reimbursable obligations 26 26

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 359 364

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 22 21 22
1001 Discretionary unobligated balance brought fwd, Oct 1 1 1
1010 Unobligated balance transfer to other accts [075–9915] –22
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 1 1

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 23 22
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1100 Appropriation 334 338
1120 Appropriations transferred to other acct [075–1503] –1

1160 Appropriation, discretionary (total) 333 338
Spending authority from offsetting collections, discretionary:
1700 Collected 1 1
1701 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources 17 17

1750 Spending auth from offsetting collections, disc (total) 18 18
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected 6 8
1900 Budget authority (total) 357 364
1930 Total budgetary resources available 380 386
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 21 22

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 346 335 432
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 359 364
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 1
3020 Outlays (gross) –358 –266 –299
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –1 –1
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –12

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 335 432 133
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –52 –35 –18
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –17 –17
3071 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, expired 34 34

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –35 –18 –18
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 294 300 414
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 300 414 115

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 351 356
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 130 136
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 222 114 299

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 352 250 299
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4030 Federal sources –28 –28

4040 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –28 –28
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4050 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –17 –17
4052 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 27 27

4060 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) 10 10

4070 Budget authority, net (discretionary) 333 338
4080 Outlays, net (discretionary) 324 222 299
4090 Budget authority, gross 6 8
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 8
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 6 8

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 16
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4123 Non-Federal sources –6 –8
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 333 338
4190 Outlays, net (total) 324 230 299

The FY 2020 Budget consolidates the activities of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality within the National Institutes of Health as the National Institute for Research on Safety and Quality.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1700–0–1–552 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 30 31
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 4 4
11.5 Other personnel compensation 1
11.7 Military personnel 1 1

11.9 Total personnel compensation 36 36
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 11 11
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 3 3
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 10 11
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 21 21
25.5 Research and development contracts 142 144
31.0 Equipment 1 2
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 109 110

99.0 Direct obligations 333 338
99.0 Reimbursable obligations 26 26

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 359 364

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–1700–0–1–552 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 263 270
1101 Direct military average strength employment 6 6
2001 Reimbursable civilian full-time equivalent employment 4 1
3001 Allocation account civilian full-time equivalent employment 8 7

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Federal Funds

Grants to states for medicaid

For carrying out, except as otherwise provided, titles XI and XIX of the Social Security Act, $273,188,478,000, to remain available until expended.

In addition, for carrying out such titles after May 31, 2020, for the last quarter of fiscal year 2020 for unanticipated costs incurred for the current fiscal year, such sums as may be necessary, to remain available until expended.

In addition, for carrying out such titles for the first quarter of fiscal year 2021, $139,903,075,000, to remain available until expended.

Payment under such title XIX may be made for any quarter with respect to a State plan or plan amendment in effect during such quarter, if submitted in or prior to such quarter and approved in that or any subsequent quarter.

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0512–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Medicaid Vendor Payments 414,870 420,268 438,844
0002 State and local administration 22,133 21,861 22,527
0003 Vaccines for Children 4,389 4,176 4,761

0799 Total direct obligations 441,392 446,305 466,132

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 41.0) 441,392 446,305 466,132

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 310 15,402 16,784
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 29,936 35,570 37,100
1033 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations 15,114

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 45,360 50,972 53,884
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 284,798 276,236 273,188
Advance appropriations, mandatory:
1270 Advance appropriation 125,219 134,848 137,932
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected 1,087 1,033 1,128
1801 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources 330

1850 Spending auth from offsetting collections, mand (total) 1,417 1,033 1,128
1900 Budget authority (total) 411,434 412,117 412,248
1930 Total budgetary resources available 456,794 463,089 466,132
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 15,402 16,784

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 39,981 46,079 37,100
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 441,392 446,305 466,132
3020 Outlays (gross) –405,358 –419,714 –427,114
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –29,936 –35,570 –37,100

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 46,079 37,100 39,018
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –393 –723 –723
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –330

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –723 –723 –723
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 39,588 45,356 36,377
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 45,356 36,377 38,295

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 411,434 412,117 412,248
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 404,451 404,672 410,329
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 907 15,042 16,785

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 405,358 419,714 427,114
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4120 Federal sources –1,087 –1,033 –1,128
4123 Non-Federal sources –15,114

4130 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –16,201 –1,033 –1,128
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4140 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –330
4143 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations, unexpired accounts 15,114

4150 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) 14,784

4160 Budget authority, net (mandatory) 410,017 411,084 411,120
4170 Outlays, net (mandatory) 389,157 418,681 425,986
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 410,017 411,084 411,120
4190 Outlays, net (total) 389,157 418,681 425,986

Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays (in millions of dollars)

2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budget Authority 410,017 411,084 411,120
Outlays 389,157 418,681 425,986
Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO:
Budget Authority –7,835
Outlays –7,835
Budget Authority 410,017 411,084 403,285
Outlays 389,157 418,681 418,151

Medicaid assists States in providing medical care to their low-income populations by granting Federal matching payments under title XIX of the Social Security Act to States with approved plans.

Medicaid estimates assume budget authority for expenses that are incurred but not reported (IBNR).

Authorized as part of title XIX, Vaccines for Children (VFC) finances the purchase of vaccines for low-income, eligible children. VFC is administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and is funded entirely by the Federal Government.

Vaccines for Children (in millions of dollars)

Obligations 2018 2019 2020

Vaccine Purchase 4,191 3,964 4,467
Vaccine Stockpile 25 24 98
Ordering, Distribution, and Operations 122 136 142
Vaccine Management Contract Support 0 0 0
Evaluation Activities 51 52 54

Total Obligations 4,389 4,176 4,761

Grants to States for Medicaid

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0512–4–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Medicaid Vendor Payments –7,835

0799 Total direct obligations –7,835

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 41.0) –7,835

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation –7,835
1900 Budget authority (total) –7,835
1930 Total budgetary resources available –7,835

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts –7,835
3020 Outlays (gross) 7,835

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross –7,835
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority –7,835
4180 Budget authority, net (total) –7,835
4190 Outlays, net (total) –7,835

This schedule reflects the Administration's Medicaid proposals.

State Grants and Demonstrations

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0516–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0012 Medicaid integrity program 84 102 90
0018 Money follows the person (MFP) demonstration 112 76
0019 MFP evaluations and technical support 1
0021 Katrina Relief 2
0023 Grants to improve outreach and enrollment 1 58
0028 Demo to increase substance use provider under the Medicaid Program 51 1

0799 Total direct obligations 87 324 167

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 87 324 167

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 244 368 293
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 1
1033 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations 10

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 255 368 293
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 206 254 90
1230 Appropriations and/or unobligated balance of appropriations permanently reduced –6 –5

1260 Appropriations, mandatory (total) 200 249 90
1900 Budget authority (total) 200 249 90
1930 Total budgetary resources available 455 617 383
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 368 293 216

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 1,297 901 749
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 87 324 167
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 2
3020 Outlays (gross) –482 –476 –610
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –1
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –2

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 901 749 306
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 1,297 901 749
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 901 749 306

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 200 249 90
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 20 39 15
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 462 437 595

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 482 476 610
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4123 Non-Federal sources –10
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4143 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations, unexpired accounts 10

4160 Budget authority, net (mandatory) 200 249 90
4170 Outlays, net (mandatory) 472 476 610
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 200 249 90
4190 Outlays, net (total) 472 476 610

State Grants and Demonstrations includes funding for grant programs enacted in several legislative authorities, including the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 (P.L. 106–170), the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (P.L. 108–173), the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (P.L. 109–171), the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (P.L. 111–3), the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111–148), the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (P.L. 111–152), the Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 (P.L. 113–93), and the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (P.L. 114–10). The account also includes funding for grant programs enacted in the HEALTHY KIDS Act (P.L. 115–120), the Advancing Chronic Care, Extenders, and Social Services Act (P.L. 115–123), the Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities Act (P.L. 115–271), and the Medicaid Extenders Act of 2019 (P.L. 116–3).

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0516–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

11.1 Direct obligations: Personnel compensation: Full-time permanent - Medicaid Integrity Program 19 27 27

11.9 Total personnel compensation 27 27
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits - Medicaid Integrity Program 9 13 13
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions - Medicaid Integrity Program 56 62 50
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions - Money follows the person (MFP) demonstrations 112 76
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions - MFP evaluations and technical support 1
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions - Grants to improve outreach and enrollment 1 58
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions - Katrina Relief 2
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions - Demo to increase substance use provider capacity under Medicaid 51 1

99.0 Direct obligations 87 324 167

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 87 324 167

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0516–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 188 200 200
1101 Direct military average strength employment 5 5

Payments to the health care trust funds

For payment to the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund, as provided under sections 217(g), 1844, and 1860D-16 of the Social Security Act, sections 103(c) and 111(d) of the Social Security Amendments of 1965, section 278(d)(3) of Public Law 97–248, and for administrative expenses incurred pursuant to section 201(g) of the Social Security Act, $410,796,100,000.

In addition, for making adjustments to the allocation of administrative expenses incurred in prior fiscal years pursuant to section 201(g) of the Social Security Act, such sums as may be necessary: Provided, That such amounts shall not be available for obligation until the Office of Management and Budget approves a justification of the adjustments to the allocation of administrative expenses between the Social Security Administration, Railroad Retirement Board, and the CMS Trust Funds.

In addition, for making matching payments under section 1844 and benefit payments under section 1860D-16 of the Social Security Act that were not anticipated in budget estimates, such sums as may be necessary.

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0580–0–1–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Federal contribution to match premiums (SMI) 249,921 284,288 296,515
0002 Part D benefits (Rx Drug) 69,563 92,070 98,431
0003 Part D Federal administration (Rx Drug) 422 642 861
0004 General Fund Transfers to HI 1,543 1,332 1,323
0006 Federal Bureau of Investigation (HCFAC) 135 135 138
0007 Federal payments from taxation of OASDI benefits (HI) 24,192 23,882 26,472
0008 Criminal fines (HCFAC) 2 88 36
0009 Civil penalties and damages (HCFAC—DOJ and CMS administration) 16 52 52
0010 Asset Forfeiture 22 31 32
0011 State Low Income Determinations 3 4 5

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 345,819 402,524 423,865

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation (definite, annual) 327,124 378,336 397,135
1200 Appropriation (indefinite, permanent) 24,723 23,882 26,472
1200 Appropriation (HCFAC for FBI) 135 135 138
1200 Appropriation (indefinite for HCFAC) 307 171 120

1260 Appropriations, mandatory (total) 352,289 402,524 423,865
1930 Total budgetary resources available 352,289 402,524 423,865
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1940 Unobligated balance expiring –6,470

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 18,743 10,525 54,052
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 345,819 402,524 423,865
3020 Outlays (gross) –348,189 –358,997 –401,440
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –5,848

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 10,525 54,052 76,477
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 18,743 10,525 54,052
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 10,525 54,052 76,477

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 352,289 402,524 423,865
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 339,880 348,473 360,406
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 8,309 10,524 41,034

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 348,189 358,997 401,440
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4120 Federal sources –3,980
4123 Non-Federal sources –228

4130 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –4,208
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4142 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 4,208

4160 Budget authority, net (mandatory) 352,289 402,524 423,865
4170 Outlays, net (mandatory) 343,981 358,997 401,440
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 352,289 402,524 423,865
4190 Outlays, net (total) 343,981 358,997 401,440

Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays (in millions of dollars)

2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budget Authority 352,289 402,524 423,865
Outlays 343,981 358,997 401,440
Legislative proposal, not subject to PAYGO:
Budget Authority –7,786
Outlays –7,786
Budget Authority 352,289 402,524 416,079
Outlays 343,981 358,997 393,654

Payments are made to the Federal Hospital Insurance and Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance trust funds from the general fund of the Treasury to finance Medicare's medical and drug benefits for beneficiaries and administrative expenses that are properly chargeable to the general fund.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0580–0–1–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 343,722 400,542 421,676
42.0 Insurance claims and indemnities (HI Uninsured Federal) 132 127 102
94.0 Financial transfers (Federal admin) 1,965 1,855 2,087

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 345,819 402,524 423,865

Payments to Health Care Trust Funds

(Legislative proposal, not subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0580–2–1–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Federal contribution to match premiums (SMI) –7,696
0002 Part D benefits (Rx Drug) –90

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 41.0) –7,786

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation (definite, annual) –7,786
1930 Total budgetary resources available –7,786

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts –7,786
3020 Outlays (gross) 7,786

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross –7,786
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority –7,786
4180 Budget authority, net (total) –7,786
4190 Outlays, net (total) –7,786

Quality Improvement Organizations

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0519–0–1–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 QIO contracts 478 445 226
0002 QIO support contracts 157 875 444

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 635 1,320 670

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected 172 1,320 670
1801 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources 607

1850 Spending auth from offsetting collections, mand (total) 779 1,320 670
1930 Total budgetary resources available 779 1,320 670
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1940 Unobligated balance expiring –144

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 1,188 867 867
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 635 1,320 670
3020 Outlays (gross) –934 –1,320 –670
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –22

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 867 867 867
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –1,982 –1,616 –1,616
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –607
3071 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, expired 973

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –1,616 –1,616 –1,616
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year –794 –749 –749
3200 Obligated balance, end of year –749 –749 –749

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 779 1,320 670
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 167 720 416
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 767 600 254

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 934 1,320 670
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4120 Federal sources –1,040 –1,320 –670
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4140 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –607
4142 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 868

4150 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) 261
4170 Outlays, net (mandatory) –106
4180 Budget authority, net (total)
4190 Outlays, net (total) –106

Memorandum (non-add) entries:
5093 Expired unavailable balance, SOY: Offsetting collections 50 50 50
5095 Expired unavailable balance, EOY: Offsetting collections 50 50 50

Part B of title XI of the Social Security Act, as amended by the Peer Review Improvement Act of 1982 (P.L. 97–248), provides the statutory authority for the Medicare Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) Program. The mission of the program is to promote the effectiveness, efficiency, economy, and quality of services delivered to Medicare beneficiaries and to ensure that those services are reasonable and necessary. The program is funded through transfers from the Medicare Hospital Insurance Trust Fund and the Medicare Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund. In FY 2012, a Treasury account specific to the QIO Program was established to improve budgetary operations.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0519–0–1–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 27 29 58
11.7 Military personnel 1 1

11.9 Total personnel compensation 30 59
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 9 9 9
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges 1 1 1
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 598 1,280 601

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 635 1,320 670

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0519–0–1–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 236 220 168
1101 Direct military average strength employment 10 10

Program management

For carrying out, except as otherwise provided, titles XI, XVIII, XIX, and XXI of the Social Security Act, titles XIII and XXVII of the PHS Act, the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988, and other responsibilities of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, not to exceed $3,579,427,000, to be transferred from the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund, as authorized by section 201(g) of the Social Security Act; together with all funds collected in accordance with section 353 of the PHS Act and section 1857(e)(2) of the Social Security Act, funds retained by the Secretary pursuant to section 1893(h) of the Social Security Act, and such sums as may be collected from authorized user fees and the sale of data, which shall be credited to this account and remain available until expended: Provided, That all funds derived in accordance with 31 U.S.C. 9701 from organizations established under title XIII of the PHS Act shall be credited to and available for carrying out the purposes of this appropriation: Provided further, That the Secretary is directed to collect fees in fiscal year 2020 from Medicare Advantage organizations pursuant to section 1857(e)(2) of the Social Security Act and from eligible organizations with risk-sharing contracts under section 1876 of that Act pursuant to section 1876(k)(4)(D) of that Act: Provided further, That of the funds made available under this heading, $442,192,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, shall be available for the Survey and Certification Program.

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0511–0–1–550 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Program operations 3,106 2,886 2,446
0002 Federal administration 749 733 748
0003 State survey and certification 409 403 447
0004 Research, demonstrations, and evaluation projects 20 20
0007 ARRA Medicare/Medicaid HIT 37 36 23

0100 Total direct program 4,321 4,078 3,664

0799 Total direct obligations 4,321 4,078 3,664
0801 Clinical laboratory improvement amendments 62 35 40
0802 Sale of data 18 21 20
0803 Coordination of benefits 32 35 35
0804 Medicare advantage/Prescription drug plan 58 88 89
0805 Provider enrollment 10 31 32
0806 Recovery audit contractors 90 80 85
0808 Marketplace User Fees 1,272 1,422 1,235
0810 Risk Adjustment Administrative Expenses 32 49 39
0813 Other reimbursable program activity 13

0899 Total reimbursable obligations 1,587 1,761 1,575

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 5,908 5,839 5,239

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 –9,240 3,123 3,838
1020 Adjustment of unobligated bal brought forward, Oct 1 –162
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 12,330
1033 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations 1

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 2,929 3,123 3,838
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 3 3 3
Spending authority from offsetting collections, discretionary:
1700 Collected 1,832 4,035 3,629
1701 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources 2,204

1750 Spending auth from offsetting collections, disc (total) 4,036 4,035 3,629
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected 2,232 2,560 2,491
1801 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources –88
1802 Offsetting collections (previously unavailable) 101 116
1823 New and/or unobligated balance of spending authority from offsetting collections temporarily reduced –145 –160

1850 Spending auth from offsetting collections, mand (total) 2,100 2,516 2,491
1900 Budget authority (total) 6,139 6,554 6,123
1930 Total budgetary resources available 9,068 9,677 9,961
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1940 Unobligated balance expiring –37
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 3,123 3,838 4,722

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 16,606 4,599 4,568
3001 Adjustments to unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 25
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 5,908 5,839 5,239
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 164
3020 Outlays (gross) –5,553 –5,870 –6,691
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –12,330
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –221

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 4,599 4,568 3,116
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –6,082 –5,839 –5,839
3061 Adjustments to uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –10
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –2,116
3071 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, expired 2,369

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –5,839 –5,839 –5,839
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 10,539 –1,240 –1,271
3200 Obligated balance, end of year –1,240 –1,271 –2,723

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 4,036 4,035 3,629
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 1,774 2,042 1,840
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 2,249 1,192 1,991

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 4,023 3,234 3,831
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4030 Federal sources –4,056 –3,985 –3,579
4033 Non-Federal sources –54 –50 –50

4040 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –4,110 –4,035 –3,629
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4050 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –2,204
4052 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 2,278

4060 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) 74
4080 Outlays, net (discretionary) –87 –801 202
4090 Budget authority, gross 2,103 2,519 2,494
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 172 1,399 1,283
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 1,358 1,237 1,577

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 1,530 2,636 2,860
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4120 Federal sources –314 –159 –36
4123 Non-Federal sources –1,935 –2,401 –2,455

4130 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –2,249 –2,560 –2,491
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4140 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired 88
4142 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 16
4143 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations, unexpired accounts 1

4150 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) 105

4160 Budget authority, net (mandatory) –41 –41 3
4170 Outlays, net (mandatory) –719 76 369
4180 Budget authority, net (total) –41 –41 3
4190 Outlays, net (total) –806 –725 571

Memorandum (non-add) entries:
5090 Unexpired unavailable balance, SOY: Offsetting collections 476 515 559
5091 Expiring unavailable balance: Offsetting collections –5
5092 Unexpired unavailable balance, EOY: Offsetting collections 515 559 559
5093 Expired unavailable balance, SOY: Offsetting collections 1 6 6
5095 Expired unavailable balance, EOY: Offsetting collections 1 6 6

Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays (in millions of dollars)

2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budget Authority –41 –41 3
Outlays –806 –725 571
Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO:
Budget Authority 12
Outlays 2
Budget Authority –41 –41 15
Outlays –806 –725 573

Program management activities include funding for program operations, survey and certification, the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA), Medicare Advantage, Medicare Part D coordination of benefits, recovery audit contracts, and other administrative costs.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0511–0–1–550 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 473 489 490
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 11 11 15
11.5 Other personnel compensation 8 8 9
11.7 Military personnel 15 15 15

11.9 Total personnel compensation 507 523 529
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 157 154 157
12.2 Military personnel benefits 8 8 8
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 5 5 5
22.0 Transportation of things 2 2 2
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 23 23 23
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges 73 73 73
24.0 Printing and reproduction 63 63 63
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 3,030 2,765 2,298
25.6 Medical care 394 403 447
26.0 Supplies and materials 2 2 2
31.0 Equipment 4 4 4
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 33 33 33
42.0 Insurance claims and indemnities 20 20 20

99.0 Direct obligations 4,321 4,078 3,664
99.0 Reimbursable obligations 1,587 1,761 1,575

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 5,908 5,839 5,239

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0511–0–1–550 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 4,206 4,167 4,195
1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 149 142 142
1101 Direct military average strength employment 135 146 146
2001 Reimbursable civilian full-time equivalent employment 252 300 380

Program Management

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0511–4–1–550 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Program operations 12

0100 Total direct program 12

0799 Total direct obligations 12
0801 ACL SHIPs 13

0899 Total reimbursable obligations 13

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 25

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 12
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected 13
1900 Budget authority (total) 25
1930 Total budgetary resources available 25

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 25
3020 Outlays (gross) –15

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 10
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 10

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 25
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 15
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4120 Federal sources –13
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 12
4190 Outlays, net (total) 2

This display includes the effects of proposals related to mandatory funding for the State Health Insurance Assistance Program, resources to implement HHS's legislative proposals in the FY 2020 Budget, and the National Medicare and You Education Program user fee increase.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0511–4–1–550 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

25.3 Direct obligations: Other goods and services from Federal sources 12

99.0 Direct obligations 12
99.0 Reimbursable obligations 13

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 25

Payments to Hospitals

Payments to Hospitals

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0514–4–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Direct program activity 15,290

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 41.0) 15,290

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 15,290
1930 Total budgetary resources available 15,290

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 15,290
3020 Outlays (gross) –15,290

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 15,290
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 15,290
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 15,290
4190 Outlays, net (total) 15,290

This account reflects the Budget's proposals to modify payments to hospitals for uncompensated care and consolidate graduate medical education spending.

Children's Health Insurance Fund

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0515–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Grants to states and US territories 17,310 17,881 18,366
0002 CHIP Redistribution Funds 171
0003 Child health quality 8 22 21

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 41.0) 17,489 17,903 18,387

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 6,442 8,251 10,887
1011 Unobligated balance transfer from other acct [075–5551] 4,632
1012 Unobligated balance transfers between expired and unexpired accounts 101
1020 Adjustment of unobligated bal brought forward, Oct 1 –170
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 2,041

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 8,414 8,251 15,519
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1130 Appropriations permanently reduced –15,352
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 21,590 22,600 23,700
1221 Appropriations transferred from other acct [075–5551] 5,604
1230 Appropriations and/or unobligated balance of appropriations permanently reduced –3,645 –2,061

1260 Appropriations, mandatory (total) 17,945 20,539 29,304
1900 Budget authority (total) 17,945 20,539 13,952
1930 Total budgetary resources available 26,359 28,790 29,471
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1940 Unobligated balance expiring –619
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 8,251 10,887 11,084

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 7,803 5,789 5,258
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 17,489 17,903 18,387
3020 Outlays (gross) –17,282 –18,434 –16,882
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –2,041
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –180

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 5,789 5,258 6,763
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 7,803 5,789 5,258
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 5,789 5,258 6,763

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross –15,352
4090 Budget authority, gross 17,945 20,539 29,304
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 11,703 12,301 11,653
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 5,579 6,133 5,229

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 17,282 18,434 16,882
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 17,945 20,539 13,952
4190 Outlays, net (total) 17,282 18,434 16,882

The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (P.L. 105–33) established the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) under title XXI of the Social Security Act. Title XXI provides Federal matching funds to States to enable them to extend coverage to uninsured children from low-income families. States are able to use title XXI funds for obtaining health benefit coverage for uninsured children through a separate CHIP program, a CHIP Medicaid expansion program, or a combination of both. The Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (P.L. 111–3, CHIPRA) reauthorized the CHIP program and appropriated funding for CHIP through fiscal year 2013. CHIPRA made some modifications to the program, including increased funding for States and territories, and support for child health quality and outreach activities. A contingency fund to assist States who project spending above their available allocated CHIP funds was also created by CHIPRA, and funding is included in a separate account. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (P.L. 111–148) and the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (P.L. 114–10) extended CHIP funding through fiscal year 2015 and 2017, respectively. The HEALTHY KIDS Act (P.L. 115–120) and the Advancing Chronic Care, Extenders, and Social Services Act (P.L. 115–123) extended CHIP funding through fiscal year 2023 and 2027, respectively.

Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0522–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Administration 320 420 397
0002 Innovation Activities 611 602 1,003

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 931 1,022 1,400

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 3,483 2,619 1,597
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 66
1033 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations 1

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 3,550 2,619 1,597
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 10,000
1930 Total budgetary resources available 3,550 2,619 11,597
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 2,619 1,597 10,197

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 1,376 1,228 1,161
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 931 1,022 1,400
3020 Outlays (gross) –1,013 –1,089 –1,226
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –66

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 1,228 1,161 1,335
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 1,376 1,228 1,161
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 1,228 1,161 1,335

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 10,000
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 413
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 1,013 1,089 813

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 1,013 1,089 1,226
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4123 Non-Federal sources –1
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4143 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations, unexpired accounts 1

4160 Budget authority, net (mandatory) 10,000
4170 Outlays, net (mandatory) 1,012 1,089 1,226
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 10,000
4190 Outlays, net (total) 1,012 1,089 1,226

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation ("Innovation Center") was established by section 1115A of the Social Security Act (as added by section 3021 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act). The Innovation Center is tasked with testing innovative payment and service delivery models to reduce program expenditures while preserving or enhancing the quality of care provided to individuals under Medicare, Medicaid, or the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The statute provides $10 billion in mandatory funding for these purposes for fiscal years 2011 through 2019 and each subsequent 10-year fiscal period (beginning with the 10-year fiscal period beginning with fiscal year 2020).

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0522–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 62 60 67
11.7 Military personnel 3 3

11.9 Total personnel compensation 63 70
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 20 20 21
12.2 Military personnel benefits 1 1
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges 3 3 3
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 512 418 777
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 310 448 457
42.0 Insurance claims and indemnities 24 69 71

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 931 1,022 1,400

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0522–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 540 578 578
1101 Direct military average strength employment 22 22

Child Enrollment Contingency Fund

Special and Trust Fund Receipts (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–5551–0–2–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

0100 Balance, start of year 570 3,132 5,604
0198 Rounding adjustment 2
0198 Earnings on investment adjustment –4

0199 Balance, start of year 572 3,128 5,604
Current law:
1140 Interest, Child Enrollment Contingency Fund 27 246 156

2000 Total: Balances and receipts 599 3,374 5,760
Current law:
2101 Child Enrollment Contingency Fund –27 –246 –156
2103 Child Enrollment Contingency Fund –572 –3,128 –5,604
2134 Child Enrollment Contingency Fund 2,562 3,262

2199 Total current law appropriations 1,963 –112 –5,760

2999 Total appropriations 1,963 –112 –5,760
4030 Child Enrollment Contingency Fund 570 2,342

5099 Balance, end of year 3,132 5,604

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–5551–0–2–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 573 2,338 4,632
1010 Unobligated balance transfer to other accts [075–0515] –4,632
1020 Adjustment of unobligated bal brought forward, Oct 1 –2 4
1035 Unobligated balance precluded from obligation (limitation on obligations) –570 –2,342

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 1
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1131 Unobligated balance of appropriations permanently reduced –4,396
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 4,300 4,520 4,740
1201 Appropriation (special or trust fund) 27 246 156
1203 Appropriation (previously unavailable) 572 3,128 5,604
1220 Appropriations transferred to other acct [075–0515] –5,604
1234 Appropriations precluded from obligation –2,562 –3,262

1260 Appropriations, mandatory (total) 2,337 4,632 4,896
1900 Budget authority (total) 2,337 4,632 500
1930 Total budgetary resources available 2,338 4,632 500
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 2,338 4,632 500

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 200 200
3020 Outlays (gross) –200

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 200
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 200 200
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 200

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross –4,396
4090 Budget authority, gross 2,337 4,632 4,896
Outlays, gross:
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 200
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 2,337 4,632 500
4190 Outlays, net (total) 200

Memorandum (non-add) entries:
5000 Total investments, SOY: Federal securities: Par value 1,145 10,236
5001 Total investments, EOY: Federal securities: Par value 10,236 500

The Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (P.L. 111–3) established the Child Enrollment Contingency Fund under title XXI of the Social Security Act. Beginning in 2009, a State may qualify for a Contingency Fund payment if it projects a funding shortfall for the fiscal year and if its average monthly child enrollment exceeds its target average number of enrollees for the fiscal year. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (P.L. 111–148) and the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (P.L. 114–10) extended the Contingency Fund through fiscal years 2015 and 2017, respectively. The HEALTHY KIDS Act (P.L. 115–120) and the Advancing Chronic Care, Extenders, and Social Services Act (P.L. 115–123) extended the Contingency Fund through FY 2023 and FY 2027, respectively.

The Fund receives an appropriation equal to 20 percent of the CHIP national allotment appropriation under section 2104(a) of the Social Security Act. The Contingency Fund is invested in interest bearing securities of the United States, and the income derived from these investments constitutes a part of the fund.

Child Enrollment Contingency Fund

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

The Budget proposes to repeal the Child Enrollment Contingency Fund, because few states can meet the restrictive eligibility criteria to qualify for a payment, and when States do qualify, funds do not need to be spent on children's health. Instead, the Budget proposes funding for a restructured Shortfall Fund, which will be a more accessible safety net for States.

Medicare Health Information Technology Incentive Payments, Recovery Act

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0508–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0801 Incentive payments to hospitals 60 20 15

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 42.0) 60 20 15

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 7
Budget authority:
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected from the HI Trust Fund 71 20 15
1801 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources –10
1823 New and/or unobligated balance of spending authority from offsetting collections temporarily reduced –8

1850 Spending auth from offsetting collections, mand (total) 53 20 15
1930 Total budgetary resources available 60 20 15

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 18 25
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 60 20 15
3020 Outlays (gross) –53 –45 –15

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 25
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –171 –161 –161
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired 10

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –161 –161 –161
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year –153 –136 –161
3200 Obligated balance, end of year –136 –161 –161

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 53 20 15
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 35 20 15
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 18 25

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 53 45 15
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4120 Federal sources –71 –20 –15
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4140 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired 10

4160 Budget authority, net (mandatory) –8
4170 Outlays, net (mandatory) –18 25
4180 Budget authority, net (total) –8
4190 Outlays, net (total) –18 25

Memorandum (non-add) entries:
5090 Unexpired unavailable balance, SOY: Offsetting collections 133 141 141
5092 Unexpired unavailable balance, EOY: Offsetting collections 141 141 141

Rate Review Grants

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0112–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Premium rate review grants 9 19

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 41.0) 9 19

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 3 4 19
1012 Unobligated balance transfers between expired and unexpired accounts 10
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 15

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 13 19 19
1930 Total budgetary resources available 13 19 19
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 4 19

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 69 53 5
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 9 19
3020 Outlays (gross) –19 –33 –4
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –15
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –6

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 53 5 20
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 69 53 5
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 53 5 20

Budget authority and outlays, net:
Outlays, gross:
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 19 33 4
4180 Budget authority, net (total)
4190 Outlays, net (total) 19 33 4

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111–148) added section 2794 to the Public Health Service Act and provided that the Secretary carry out a program to award grants to States for a five-year period beginning in fiscal year 2010. The program provided $250 million in grants to help States develop or enhance their current rate review activities from 2010 through 2014, with remaining unobligated balances subsequently available for state implementation of consumer protections and other insurance reform activities consistent with section 2794(c)(2)(B).

Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan Program

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0113–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan Program (Direct) 87
0002 Administration 81 60

0799 Total direct obligations 87 81 60

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 25.2) 87 81 60

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 332 246 165
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 1

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 333 246 165
1930 Total budgetary resources available 333 246 165
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 246 165 105

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 38 69 94
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 87 81 60
3020 Outlays (gross) –55 –56 –43
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –1

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 69 94 111
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 38 69 94
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 69 94 111

Budget authority and outlays, net:
Outlays, gross:
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 55 56 43
4180 Budget authority, net (total)
4190 Outlays, net (total) 55 56 43

This account funded the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan program (PCIP), which made health insurance available to people who had been unable to purchase insurance due to a pre-existing condition. Enrollees paid monthly premiums similar to those charged in the commercial individual market, and the Federal government paid for remaining costs that exceeded enrollee contributions. The funding for this program, including operating costs, was provided in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111–148). The PCIP program ended in fiscal year 2014, and outlays in subsequent fiscal years reflect program close out and claims run out costs, as well as allowable administrative costs in the current year.

Early Retiree Reinsurance Program

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0114–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 26 26 26
1930 Total budgetary resources available 26 26 26
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 26 26 26

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 11 11
3020 Outlays (gross) –11

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 11
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 11 11
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 11

Budget authority and outlays, net:
Outlays, gross:
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 11
4180 Budget authority, net (total)
4190 Outlays, net (total) 11

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111–148) authorized and appropriated $5 billion for the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program (ERRP). By statute, ERRP sunset on January 1, 2014, and is no longer providing reimbursements to plan sponsors.

Affordable Insurance Exchange Grants

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0115–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0002 Administration 12

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 13
1230 Appropriations and/or unobligated balance of appropriations permanently reduced –1

1260 Appropriations, mandatory (total) 12
1930 Total budgetary resources available 12

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 147 8 1
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 12
3020 Outlays (gross) –48 –7
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –103

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 8 1 1
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 147 8 1
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 8 1 1

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 12
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 7
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 41 7

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 48 7
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 12
4190 Outlays, net (total) 48 7

This program provided funding for Planning and Establishment Grants to States for their activities to implement Health Insurance Exchanges. The Exchanges facilitated the purchase of qualified health plans in the individual market and allowed small businesses to offer qualified health plans to their employees through the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP). Section 1311 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111–148) provided amounts necessary to enable the Secretary to award grants to States beginning no later than March 23, 2011, and allowed for renewal of grants through January 1, 2015. The final round of grants was awarded to States in December 2014.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0115–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
11.1 Personnel compensation: Full-time permanent 3
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 9

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 12

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0115–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 24

Cost-sharing Reductions

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0126–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Cost Sharing Reductions 6,263 6,601
0002 Basic Health Program 1,312 1,374

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 41.0) 7,575 7,975

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 8,076 7,975
1230 Appropriations and/or unobligated balance of appropriations permanently reduced –501

1260 Appropriations, mandatory (total) 7,575 7,975
1930 Total budgetary resources available 7,575 7,975

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 7,575 7,975
3020 Outlays (gross) –7,575 –7,975

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 7,575 7,975
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 7,575 7,975
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 7,575 7,975
4190 Outlays, net (total) 7,575 7,975

Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays (in millions of dollars)

2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budget Authority 7,575 7,975
Outlays 7,575 7,975
Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO:
Budget Authority –6,301 479
Outlays –6,301 479
Budget Authority 1,274 8,454
Outlays 1,274 8,454

Under current law, insurers are required to offer reduced cost-sharing to eligible, low-income consumers. The FY 2020 Budget requests a mandatory appropriation for Cost Sharing Reduction (CSR) payments. The classification of CSRs as an entitlement pursuant to BBEDCA does not determine legal entitlement to a payment or benefit or availability of funding.

Cost-sharing Reductions

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0126–4–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Cost Sharing Reductions –5,070 397
0002 Basic Health Program –1,231 82

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 41.0) –6,301 479

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation –6,802
1200 Appropriation 501 479

1260 Appropriations, mandatory (total) –6,301 479
1930 Total budgetary resources available –6,301 479

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts –6,301 479
3020 Outlays (gross) 6,301 –479

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross –6,301 479
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority –6,301 479
4180 Budget authority, net (total) –6,301 479
4190 Outlays, net (total) –6,301 479

This proposal would fully fund cost-sharing reduction (CSR) payments through calendar year 2020 only for those qualified health plans that did not increase their premium rates to account for the non-payment of CSRs.

Risk Adjustment Program Payments

Special and Trust Fund Receipts (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–5733–0–2–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

0100 Balance, start of year 371 311 297
Current law:
1110 Receipts, Risk Adjustment Program 4,705 4,786 4,022

2000 Total: Balances and receipts 5,076 5,097 4,319
Current law:
2101 Risk Adjustment Program Payments –4,705 –4,786 –4,022
2103 Risk Adjustment Program Payments –371 –311 –297
2132 Risk Adjustment Program Payments 311 297

2199 Total current law appropriations –4,765 –4,800 –4,319

2999 Total appropriations –4,765 –4,800 –4,319

5099 Balance, end of year 311 297

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–5733–0–2–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Risk Adjustment Program Payments (Direct) 3,875 4,800 4,319

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 41.0) 3,875 4,800 4,319

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 1,336 2,226 2,226
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1201 Appropriation (special or trust fund) 4,705 4,786 4,022
1203 Appropriation (previously unavailable) 371 311 297
1232 Appropriations and/or unobligated balance of appropriations temporarily reduced –311 –297

1260 Appropriations, mandatory (total) 4,765 4,800 4,319
1930 Total budgetary resources available 6,101 7,026 6,545
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 2,226 2,226 2,226

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 915 2,191
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 3,875 4,800 4,319
3020 Outlays (gross) –2,599 –6,991 –4,319

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 2,191
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 915 2,191
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 2,191

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 4,765 4,800 4,319
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 348 4,800 4,319
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 2,251 2,191

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 2,599 6,991 4,319
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 4,765 4,800 4,319
4190 Outlays, net (total) 2,599 6,991 4,319

Section 1343 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111–148) established a permanent risk adjustment program for non-grandfathered plans in the individual and small group markets. Risk adjustment is budget neutral within each state and market, such that charges collected from plans with lower than average actuarial risk are used to make payments to plans with higher than average actuarial risk. Risk adjustment may be operated by a State, or by the Federal government in the event a State chooses not to operate risk adjustment. Payments and charges are made in the year following the plan year for which they are calculated.

Transitional Reinsurance Program

Special and Trust Fund Receipts (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–5735–0–2–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

0100 Balance, start of year 285 25
0198 Rounding adjustment 1

0199 Balance, start of year 286 25
Current law:
1110 Contributions, Transitional Reinsurance Program 383

2000 Total: Balances and receipts 669 25
Current law:
2101 Transitional Reinsurance Program –383
2103 Transitional Reinsurance Program –286 –25
2132 Transitional Reinsurance Program 25

2199 Total current law appropriations –644 –25

2999 Total appropriations –644 –25

5099 Balance, end of year 25

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–5735–0–2–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Transitional reinsurance payments 428 241

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 41.0) 428 241

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 216
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1201 Appropriation (special or trust fund) 383
1203 Appropriation (previously unavailable) 286 25
1232 Appropriations and/or unobligated balance of appropriations temporarily reduced –25

1260 Appropriations, mandatory (total) 644 25
1930 Total budgetary resources available 644 241
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 216

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 248 10 10
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 428 241
3020 Outlays (gross) –666 –241

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 10 10 10
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 248 10 10
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 10 10 10

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 644 25
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 419 25
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 247 216

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 666 241
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 644 25
4190 Outlays, net (total) 666 241

Section 1341 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111–148) established a transitional three-year reinsurance program to minimize the impact of high-cost enrollees in plans in the individual market for plan years 2014, 2015, and 2016. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services assessed contributing entities a per enrollee fee to fund the reinsurance program and made payments to issuers in the individual market for enrollees whose medical costs exceed a certain threshold, up to a reinsurance cap. Reinsurance collections and payments were made in the year following the plan year for which they were applicable. Reinsurance collections ended in FY 2018 and outlays in subsequent fiscal years reflect remaining payments, refunds, and allowable administrative activities.

Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan Program Contingency Fund

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0524–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
Credit program obligations:
0705 Reestimates of direct loan subsidy 124 4
0706 Interest on reestimates of direct loan subsidy 11
0709 Administrative expenses 1

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 41.0) 135 5

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 1
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 1

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 1 1
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 135 4
1930 Total budgetary resources available 136 5
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 1

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 4 2 1
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 135 5
3020 Outlays (gross) –136 –6
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –1

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 2 1 1
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 4 2 1
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 2 1 1

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 135 4
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 135 4
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 1 2

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 136 6
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 135 4
4190 Outlays, net (total) 136 6

Summary of Loan Levels, Subsidy Budget Authority and Outlays by Program (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0524–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct loan reestimates:
135001 Startup Loans 17 5
135002 Solvency Loans 117

135999 Total direct loan reestimates 134 5

Administrative expense data:
3580 Outlays from balances 2

The Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan Contingency Fund was established by the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (P.L. 112–240). This fund provides assistance and oversight to qualified nonprofit health insurance issuers that have been awarded loans or grants under section 1322 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111–148).

Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan Program Account

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0118–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
Credit program obligations:
0705 Reestimates of direct loan subsidy 226 231
0706 Interest on reestimates of direct loan subsidy 33 28
0709 Administrative expenses 1

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 41.0) 259 260

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 1
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 1

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 1 1
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 259 259
1900 Budget authority (total) 259 259
1930 Total budgetary resources available 260 260
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 1

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 4 2
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 259 260
3020 Outlays (gross) –260 –262
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –1

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 2
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 4 2
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 2

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 259 259
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 259 259
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 1 3

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 260 262
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 259 259
4190 Outlays, net (total) 260 262

Summary of Loan Levels, Subsidy Budget Authority and Outlays by Program (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0118–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct loan reestimates:
135002 Startup Loans –8 116
135003 Solvency Loans 252 143

135999 Total direct loan reestimates 244 259

Administrative expense data:
3580 Outlays from balances 1

Section 1322 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111–148) authorized and appropriated funding for the Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan (CO-OP) Program. The CO-OP Program fosters the creation of qualified nonprofit health insurance issuers that operate with a strong consumer focus to offer qualified health plans in the individual and small group markets in the States. The Secretary awarded loans to qualified nonprofit issuers to fund start-up costs and reserves, which enabled qualified issuers to meet state solvency requirements. The Secretary issued the final round of loans in December 2014.

Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan Financing Account

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–4418–0–3–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
Credit program obligations:
0713 Payment of interest to Treasury 13 7 7
0742 Downward reestimates paid to receipt accounts 14
0743 Interest on downward reestimates 1

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 28 7 7

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 143 22 24
1020 Adjustment of unobligated bal brought forward, Oct 1 –127
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 3
1023 Unobligated balances applied to repay debt –4

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 15 22 24
Financing authority:
Borrowing authority, mandatory:
1400 Borrowing authority 22 2 2
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected 265 301 565
1801 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources –1
1825 Spending authority from offsetting collections applied to repay debt –251 –294 –565

1850 Spending auth from offsetting collections, mand (total) 13 7
1900 Budget authority (total) 35 9 2
1930 Total budgetary resources available 50 31 26
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 22 24 19

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 3
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 28 7 7
3020 Outlays (gross) –28 –7 –7
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –3
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –1
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired 1
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 2

Financing authority and disbursements, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 35 9 2
Financing disbursements:
4110 Outlays, gross (total) 28 7 7
Offsets against gross financing authority and disbursements:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4120 Federal sources –259 –259
4122 Interest on uninvested funds –6 –5 –5
4123 Non-Federal sources –37 –560

4130 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –265 –301 –565
Additional offsets against financing authority only (total):
4140 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired 1

4160 Budget authority, net (mandatory) –229 –292 –563
4170 Outlays, net (mandatory) –237 –294 –558
4180 Budget authority, net (total) –229 –292 –563
4190 Outlays, net (total) –237 –294 –558

Status of Direct Loans (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–4418–0–3–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Cumulative balance of direct loans outstanding:
1210 Outstanding, start of year 1,893 1,893 1,858
1251 Repayments: Repayments and prepayments –35 –11
1263 Write-offs for default: Direct loans –582

1290 Outstanding, end of year 1,893 1,858 1,265

Balance Sheet (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–4418–0–3–551 2017 actual 2018 actual

Federal assets:
1101 Fund balances with Treasury 16 9
Investments in U.S. securities:
1106 Receivables, net 259
Net value of assets related to post-1991 direct loans receivable:
1401 Direct loans receivable, gross 1,893 1,893
1402 Interest receivable 20 25
1405 Allowance for subsidy cost (-) –1,278 –1,778

1499 Net present value of assets related to direct loans 635 140

1999 Total assets 651 408
2103 Federal liabilities: Debt 651 408
3300 Cumulative results of operations

4999 Total liabilities and net position 651 408

Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan Program Contingency Fund Financing Account

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–4482–0–3–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
Credit program obligations:
0713 Payment of interest to Treasury 4 1 1

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 4 1 1

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 34 9 12
1020 Adjustment of unobligated bal brought forward, Oct 1 –24
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 3
1023 Unobligated balances applied to repay debt –4

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 9 9 12
Financing authority:
Borrowing authority, mandatory:
1400 Borrowing authority 1 2 1
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected 137 5 164
1801 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources –1
1825 Spending authority from offsetting collections applied to repay debt –133 –3 –164

1850 Spending auth from offsetting collections, mand (total) 3 2
1900 Budget authority (total) 4 4 1
1930 Total budgetary resources available 13 13 13
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 9 12 12

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 3
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 4 1 1
3020 Outlays (gross) –4 –1 –1
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –3
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –2
3061 Adjustments to uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 1
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired 1
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 2

Financing authority and disbursements, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 4 4 1
Financing disbursements:
4110 Outlays, gross (total) 4 1 1
Offsets against gross financing authority and disbursements:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4120 Federal sources –134 –5
4122 Interest on uninvested funds –3 –164

4130 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –137 –5 –164
Additional offsets against financing authority only (total):
4140 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired 1

4160 Budget authority, net (mandatory) –132 –1 –163
4170 Outlays, net (mandatory) –133 –4 –163
4180 Budget authority, net (total) –132 –1 –163
4190 Outlays, net (total) –133 –4 –163

Status of Direct Loans (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–4482–0–3–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Cumulative balance of direct loans outstanding:
1210 Outstanding, start of year 480 480 480
1263 Write-offs for default: Direct loans –139

1290 Outstanding, end of year 480 480 341

Balance Sheet (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–4482–0–3–551 2017 actual 2018 actual

Federal assets:
1101 Fund balances with Treasury 9 5
Investments in U.S. securities:
1106 Receivables, net 5
1206 Non-Federal assets: Receivables, net 4
Net value of assets related to post-1991 direct loans receivable:
1401 Direct loans receivable, gross 480 480
1402 Interest receivable 5
1405 Allowance for subsidy cost (-) –291 –429

1499 Net present value of assets related to direct loans 189 56

1999 Total assets 202 66
Federal liabilities:
2103 Debt 65
2104 Resources payable to Treasury 202
2207 Non-Federal liabilities: Other

2999 Total liabilities 202 65
3300 Cumulative results of operations 1

4999 Total liabilities and net position 202 66

Trust Funds

Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund

Special and Trust Fund Receipts (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–8005–0–7–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

0100 Balance, start of year 160,218 164,161 156,887
Current law:
1110 FHI Trust Fund, Transfers from General Fund (FICA Taxes) 241,572 256,909 268,244
1110 FHI Trust Fund, Receipts from Railroad Retirement Board 571 593 607
1110 FHI Trust Fund, Transfers from General Fund (SECA Taxes) 18,516 18,751 20,087
1110 FHI Trust Fund, Civil Penalties and Damages 507 614 575
1130 FHI Trust Fund, Other Proprietary Interest from the Public 2 2
1130 FHI Trust Fund, Basic Premium, Medicare Advantage 393 462 502
1130 FHI Trust Fund, Medicare Refunds 6,051 6,100 6,150
1130 Affordable Care Act Medicare Shared Savings Models (HI) 17 118 3
1130 FHI Trust Fund, Premiums Collected for Uninsured Individuals not Otherwise Eligible 3,533 3,931 4,194
1140 FHI Trust Fund, Federal Employer Contributions (FICA) 3,839 3,816 3,821
1140 FHI Trust Fund, Postal Service Employer Contributions (FICA) 639 660 675
1140 FHI Trust Fund, Interest Received by Trust Funds 7,328 7,039 6,640
1140 FHI Trust Fund, Taxation on OASDI Benefits 24,192 23,882 26,472
1140 FHI Trust Fund, Payment from the General Fund for Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Account 135 135 138
1140 FHI Trust Fund, Transfers from General Fund (criminal Fines) 2 88 36
1140 FHI Trust Fund, Transfers from General Fund (civil Monetary Penalties) 49 52 52
1140 FHI Trust Fund, Transfers from General Fund (asset Forfeitures) 22 31 32
1140 FHI Trust Fund, Interest Payments by Railroad Retirement Board 26 26 28
1140 FHI Trust Fund, Payments from the General Fund (uninsured and Program Management) 1,498 1,307 1,316

1199 Total current law receipts 308,890 324,516 339,574
1210 FHI Trust Fund, Transfers from General Fund (FICA Taxes) –8
1210 FHI Trust Fund, Transfers from General Fund (FICA Taxes) –5
1230 FHI Trust Fund, Premiums Collected for Uninsured Individuals not Otherwise Eligible –223
1240 FHI Trust Fund, Interest Received by Trust Funds 14 301
1240 FHI Trust Fund, Transfers from General Fund (civil Monetary Penalties) 2

1299 Total proposed receipts 14 67

1999 Total receipts 308,890 324,530 339,641

2000 Total: Balances and receipts 469,108 488,691 496,528
Current law:
2101 Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund –3,247 –3,039 –2,878
2101 Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund –303,458 –319,485 –334,568
2101 Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Account –745 –765 –792
2101 Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Account –1,348 –1,354 –1,229
2103 Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund –7,210 –12,886
2132 Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund 8
2132 Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Account 50 49
2134 Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund 3,996

2199 Total current law appropriations –304,744 –331,804 –352,353
2201 Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund –14 –301
2201 Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund 230
2234 Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund 14 301
2234 Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund 15,455

2299 Total proposed appropriations 15,685

2999 Total appropriations –304,744 –331,804 –336,668
3098 Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund –203

5099 Balance, end of year 164,161 156,887 159,860

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–8005–0–7–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Benefit payments, HI 298,824 325,232 346,847
0002 HIT Incentive Payments 44 20 15
0003 Administration, HI 3,536 3,297 2,868
0004 Quality improvement organizations, HI 522 891 452

0799 Total direct obligations 302,926 329,440 350,182

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 302,926 329,440 350,182

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 294
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 4
1026 Adjustment for change in allocation of trust fund limitation or foreign exchange valuation 203
1033 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations 18

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 225 294
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1101 Appropriation (special or trust fund) 3,247 3,039 2,878
Appropriations, mandatory:
1201 Appropriation (special or trust fund) 303,458 319,485 334,568
1203 Appropriation (previously unavailable) 7,210 12,886
1232 Appropriations and/or unobligated balance of appropriations temporarily reduced (Sequester) –8
1234 Appropriations precluded from obligation –3,996

1260 Appropriations, mandatory (total) 299,454 326,695 347,454
1900 Budget authority (total) 302,701 329,734 350,332
1930 Total budgetary resources available 302,926 329,734 350,626
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 294 444

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 35,193 36,685 36,823
3001 Adjustments to unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 5
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 302,926 329,440 350,182
3020 Outlays (gross) –301,430 –329,307 –350,596
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –4

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 36,685 36,823 36,409
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 35,193 36,690 36,823
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 36,685 36,823 36,409

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 3,247 3,039 2,878
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 2,014 1,898 1,850
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 981 746 1,182

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 2,995 2,644 3,032
4090 Budget authority, gross 299,454 326,695 347,454
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 267,704 293,886 315,282
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 30,731 32,777 32,282

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 298,435 326,663 347,564
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4123 Non-Federal sources –18
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4143 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations, unexpired accounts 18

4160 Budget authority, net (mandatory) 299,454 326,695 347,454
4170 Outlays, net (mandatory) 298,417 326,663 347,564
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 302,701 329,734 350,332
4190 Outlays, net (total) 301,412 329,307 350,596

Memorandum (non-add) entries:
5000 Total investments, SOY: Federal securities: Par value 197,835 202,805 195,595
5001 Total investments, EOY: Federal securities: Par value 202,805 195,595 182,709

Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays (in millions of dollars)

2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budget Authority 302,701 329,734 350,332
Outlays 301,412 329,307 350,596
Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO:
Budget Authority –15,685
Outlays –15,685
Budget Authority 302,701 329,734 334,647
Outlays 301,412 329,307 334,911

The Hospital Insurance (HI) program funds the costs of hospital and related care for individuals age 65 or older and for eligible disabled persons.

Status of Funds (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–8005–0–7–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Unexpended balance, start of year:
0100 Balance, start of year 197,520 203,227 196,153

0999 Total balance, start of year 197,520 203,227 196,153
Cash income during the year:
Current law:
1110 FHI Trust Fund, Transfers from General Fund (FICA Taxes) 241,572 256,909 268,244
1110 FHI Trust Fund, Receipts from Railroad Retirement Board 571 593 607
1110 FHI Trust Fund, Transfers from General Fund (SECA Taxes) 18,516 18,751 20,087
1110 FHI Trust Fund, Civil Penalties and Damages 507 614 575
1130 FHI Trust Fund, Basic Premium, Medicare Advantage 393 462 502
1130 FHI Trust Fund, Medicare Refunds 6,051 6,100 6,150
1130 Affordable Care Act Medicare Shared Savings Models (HI) 17 118 3
1130 FHI Trust Fund, Premiums Collected for Uninsured Individuals not Otherwise Eligible 3,533 3,931 4,194
1130 Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund 18
1150 FHI Trust Fund, Interest Received by Trust Funds 7,328 7,039 6,640
1150 FHI Trust Fund, Other Proprietary Interest from the Public 2 2
1150 FHI Trust Fund, Interest Payments by Railroad Retirement Board 26 26 28
1160 FHI Trust Fund, Federal Employer Contributions (FICA) 3,839 3,816 3,821
1160 FHI Trust Fund, Postal Service Employer Contributions (FICA) 639 660 675
1160 FHI Trust Fund, Taxation on OASDI Benefits 24,192 23,882 26,472
1160 FHI Trust Fund, Payment from the General Fund for Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Account 135 135 138
1160 FHI Trust Fund, Transfers from General Fund (criminal Fines) 2 88 36
1160 FHI Trust Fund, Transfers from General Fund (civil Monetary Penalties) 49 52 52
1160 FHI Trust Fund, Transfers from General Fund (asset Forfeitures) 22 31 32
1160 FHI Trust Fund, Payments from the General Fund (uninsured and Program Management) 1,498 1,307 1,316

1199 Income under present law 308,908 324,516 339,574
1210 FHI Trust Fund, Transfers from General Fund (FICA Taxes) –8
1210 FHI Trust Fund, Transfers from General Fund (FICA Taxes) –5
Offsetting receipts (proprietary):
1230 FHI Trust Fund, Premiums Collected for Uninsured Individuals not Otherwise Eligible –223
1250 FHI Trust Fund, Interest Received by Trust Funds 14 301
Offsetting governmental receipts:
1260 FHI Trust Fund, Transfers from General Fund (civil Monetary Penalties) 2

1299 Income proposed 14 67

1999 Total cash income 308,908 324,530 339,641
Cash outgo during year:
Current law:
2100 Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund [009–38–8005–0] –301,430 –329,307 –350,596
2100 Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Account [009–38–8393–0] –1,771 –2,297 –1,909

2199 Outgo under current law –303,201 –331,604 –352,505
2200 Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund 15,685

2299 Outgo under proposed legislation 15,685

2999 Total cash outgo (-) –303,201 –331,604 –336,820
Surplus or deficit:
3110 Excluding interest –1,647 –14,155 –4,150
3120 Interest 7,354 7,081 6,971

3199 Subtotal, surplus or deficit 5,707 –7,074 2,821

3999 Total change in fund balance 5,707 –7,074 2,821
Unexpended balance, end of year:
4100 Uninvested balance (net), end of year 422 558 16,265
4200 Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund 202,805 195,595 182,709

4999 Total balance, end of year 203,227 196,153 198,974

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–8005–0–7–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
41.0 Payment for Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) activities 522 891 452
42.0 Insurance claims and indemnities (benefits) 298,868 325,232 346,862
94.0 Financial transfers 3,536 3,317 2,868

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 302,926 329,440 350,182

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–8005–0–7–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 1 2 2

Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund

(Legislative proposal, not subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–8005–2–7–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1201 Appropriation (special or trust fund) 14 301
1234 Appropriations precluded from obligation –14 –301
4180 Budget authority, net (total)
4190 Outlays, net (total)

Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–8005–4–7–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Benefit payments, HI –15,703
0003 Administration, HI 18

0799 Total direct obligations –15,685

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts –15,685

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1201 Appropriation (special or trust fund) –230
1234 Appropriations precluded from obligation –15,455

1260 Appropriations, mandatory (total) –15,685
1900 Budget authority (total) –15,685
1930 Total budgetary resources available –15,685

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts –15,685
3020 Outlays (gross) 15,685

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross –15,685
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority –15,685
4180 Budget authority, net (total) –15,685
4190 Outlays, net (total) –15,685

In addition, the Budget includes a package of targeted Medicare proposals designed to eliminate wasteful Federal spending, reduce provider burden, and address fraud and abuse. This package strengthens the solvency of the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–8005–4–7–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
42.0 Insurance claims and indemnities (benefits) –15,703
94.0 Financial transfers 18

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts –15,685

Health care fraud and abuse control account

In addition to amounts otherwise available for program integrity and program management, $792,000,000, to remain available through September 30, 2021, to be transferred from the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund, as authorized by section 201(g) of the Social Security Act, of which $614,000,000 shall be for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services program integrity activities, of which $98,000,000 shall be for the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General to carry out fraud and abuse activities authorized by section 1817(k)(3) of such Act, and of which $80,000,000 shall be for the Department of Justice to carry out fraud and abuse activities authorized by section 1817(k)(3) of such Act: Provided, That the report required by section 1817(k)(5) of the Social Security Act for fiscal year 2020 shall include measures of the operational efficiency and impact on fraud, waste, and abuse in the Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP programs for the funds provided by this appropriation: Provided further, That of the amount provided under this heading, $311,000,000 is provided to meet the terms of section 251(b)(2)(C)(ii) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, as amended, and $475,000,000 is additional new budget authority specified for purposes of section 251(b)(2)(C) of such Act: Provided further, That amounts made available under this heading and amounts made available for fiscal year 2020 in section 1817(k)(3)(A) of the Social Security Act shall also be available for the Senior Medicare Patrol program to combat health care fraud and abuse.

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–8393–0–7–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Medicare integrity program 864 898 939
0002 FBI fraud and abuse control 135 138 151
0003 Other fraud and abuse control 282 294 320
0005 Undistributed Savings, HCFAC and SSA –26 –181

0091 Total Mandatory 1,281 1,304 1,229
0101 CMS discretionary 576 599 614
0102 Other discretionary 160 166 178

0191 Total Discretionary 736 765 792

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 2,017 2,069 2,021

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 430 471 472
1001 Discretionary unobligated balance brought fwd, Oct 1 198 201
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 23

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 453 471 472
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1101 Appropriation (special or trust fund) 745 765 792
Appropriations, mandatory:
1201 Appropriation (special or trust fund) 1,348 1,354 1,229
1232 Appropriations and/or unobligated balance of appropriations temporarily reduced –50 –49

1260 Appropriations, mandatory (total) 1,298 1,305 1,229
1900 Budget authority (total) 2,043 2,070 2,021
1930 Total budgetary resources available 2,496 2,541 2,493
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1940 Unobligated balance expiring –8
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 471 472 472
Special and non-revolving trust funds:
1951 Unobligated balance expiring 8
1952 Expired unobligated balance, start of year 28 32 32
1953 Expired unobligated balance, end of year 24 32 32

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 1,764 1,970 1,742
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 2,017 2,069 2,021
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 2
3020 Outlays (gross) –1,771 –2,297 –1,909
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –23
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –19

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 1,970 1,742 1,854
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 1,764 1,970 1,742
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 1,970 1,742 1,854

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 745 765 792
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 148 306 317
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 503 124 268

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 651 430 585
4090 Budget authority, gross 1,298 1,305 1,229
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 355 665 525
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 765 1,202 799

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 1,120 1,867 1,324
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 2,043 2,070 2,021
4190 Outlays, net (total) 1,771 2,297 1,909

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (P.L. 104–191) established the Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control (HCFAC) account within the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund and appropriated funds from the Trust Fund to the HCFAC account for specified health care fraud and abuse control activities of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Justice, and other agencies.

The Budget includes a discretionary request for efforts to safeguard Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) program integrity that will supplement other CMS program integrity funds. See additional discussion in the Budget Process chapter in the Analytical Perspectives volume.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–8393–0–7–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent (CMS) 38 42 42
11.7 Military personnel 2 2

11.9 Total personnel compensation 44 44
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits (CMS) 10 10 10
12.2 Military personnel benefits 1 1
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges 10 11 11
25.2 Other services (CMS/Medicaid) 89
25.3 Other purchases of goods and services from Government accounts (HHS/DOJ) 135 140 147
25.3 Other purchases of goods and services from Government accounts (HHS/OIG) 285 294 319
25.3 Other purchases of goods and services from Government accounts (HHS/OGC) 7 7 8
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources (HHS/CMS) 9 13 15
25.3 Other goods and services from Government accounts (HHS/FDA) 6 6 7
25.6 Medical care (CMS) 1,293 1,431 1,489
92.0 Undistributed –26 –181
94.0 Financial transfers (FBI) 135 138 151

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 2,017 2,069 2,021

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–8393–0–7–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 387 409 409
1101 Direct military average strength employment 17 17

Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund

Special and Trust Fund Receipts (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–8004–0–7–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

0100 Balance, start of year 47,105 67,416 74,724
0198 Rounding adjustment 130

0199 Balance, start of year 47,235 67,416 74,724
Current law:
1110 Fee on Branded Prescription Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Importers, SMI 4,095 4,709 2,800
1130 Other Proprietary Interest from the Public, FSMI Fund 3 3
1130 Premiums Collected for Medicare Prescription Drug Account, FSMI 5,254 5,341 6,051
1130 Payments from States, Medicare Prescription Drug Account, FSMI 11,670 12,142 13,035
1130 Basic Premium, Medicare Advantage, FSMI Trust Fund 476 517 568
1130 Medicare Refunds, SMI 4,827 4,877 4,927
1130 Affordable Care Act Medicare Shared Savings Models, SMI 18 68 3
1130 Premiums Collected for the Aged, FSMI Fund 77,305 84,634 91,149
1130 Premiums Collected for the Disabled, FSMI Fund 13,107 12,696 13,082
1140 Federal Contributions, FSMI Fund 245,714 265,753 285,481
1140 Interest Received by Trust Fund, FSMI Fund 2,322 1,014 1,375
1140 Federal Contribution, State Low-income Determinations, Prescription Drug Account, FSMI 3 5
1140 Interest, Medicare Prescription Drug Account, FSMI 57 26 19
1140 Federal Contribution for Admin. Contribution for Admin. Costs, Prescription Drug Account, FSMI 655 642 662
1140 Federal Contributions for Benefits, Prescription Drug Account, SMI 71,750 67,107 87,246
1140 Miscellaneous Federal Payments, Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund 2 1 1

1199 Total current law receipts 437,252 459,533 506,407
1230 Premiums Collected for Medicare Prescription Drug Account, FSMI –10
1230 Payments from States, Medicare Prescription Drug Account, FSMI –10
1230 Premiums Collected for the Aged, FSMI Fund –2,246
1230 Premiums Collected for the Disabled, FSMI Fund –322
1240 Federal Contributions, FSMI Fund –7,696
1240 Federal Contributions for Benefits, Prescription Drug Account, SMI –80

1299 Total proposed receipts –10,364

1999 Total receipts 437,252 459,533 496,043

2000 Total: Balances and receipts 484,487 526,949 570,767
Current law:
2101 Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund –2,933 –3,006 –2,525
2101 Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund –345,486 –371,229 –397,476
2101 Medicare Prescription Drug Account, Federal Supplementary Insurance Trust Fund –421 –633 –858
2101 Medicare Prescription Drug Account, Federal Supplementary Insurance Trust Fund –88,420 –84,665 –105,548
2134 Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund 19,912 7,308 3,463

2199 Total current law appropriations –417,348 –452,225 –502,944
2201 Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund 7,776
2201 Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund 2,478
2201 Medicare Prescription Drug Account, Federal Supplementary Insurance Trust Fund 100
2203 Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund –7,776
2234 Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund 7,767

2299 Total proposed appropriations 10,345

2999 Total appropriations –417,348 –452,225 –492,599
3098 Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund –312
5098 Reconciliation adjustment 589

5099 Balance, end of year 67,416 74,724 78,168

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–8004–0–7–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Benefit payments, SMI 323,097 360,873 391,252
0002 Transfer to Medicaid for payment of SMI premiums 1,087 1,030 1,123
0003 HIT Incentive Payments 16
0004 Administration, SMI 3,027 3,223 2,573
0005 Quality Improvement Organizations, SMI 252 429 218

0799 Total direct obligations 327,479 365,555 395,166

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 327,479 365,555 395,166

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 1 1
1001 Discretionary unobligated balance brought fwd, Oct 1 1
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 30
1026 Adjustment for change in allocation of trust fund limitation or foreign exchange valuation 312
1033 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations 3

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 345 1 1
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1101 Appropriation (special or trust fund) 2,933 3,006 2,525
Appropriations, mandatory:
1201 Appropriation (special or trust fund) 345,486 371,229 397,476
1234 Appropriations precluded from obligation –19,912 –7,308 –3,463
1236 Appropriations applied to repay debt –1,372 –1,372 –1,372

1260 Appropriations, mandatory (total) 324,202 362,549 392,641
1900 Budget authority (total) 327,135 365,555 395,166
1930 Total budgetary resources available 327,480 365,556 395,167
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 1 1 1

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 26,304 27,918 28,124
3001 Adjustments to unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 5
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 327,479 365,555 395,166
3020 Outlays (gross) –325,835 –365,354 –395,323
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –30

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 27,918 28,124 27,967
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 26,304 27,923 28,124
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 27,918 28,124 27,967

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 2,933 3,006 2,525
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 1,700 1,988 1,739
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 1,078 797 836

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 2,778 2,785 2,575
4090 Budget authority, gross 324,202 362,549 392,641
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 298,989 336,985 362,544
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 24,068 25,584 30,204

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 323,057 362,569 392,748
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4123 Non-Federal sources –3
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4143 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations, unexpired accounts 3

4160 Budget authority, net (mandatory) 324,202 362,549 392,641
4170 Outlays, net (mandatory) 323,054 362,569 392,748
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 327,135 365,555 395,166
4190 Outlays, net (total) 325,832 365,354 395,323

Memorandum (non-add) entries:
5000 Total investments, SOY: Federal securities: Par value 70,589 98,197 104,990
5001 Total investments, EOY: Federal securities: Par value 98,197 104,990 109,728
5080 Outstanding debt, SOY –6,396 –5,024 –3,652
5081 Outstanding debt, EOY –5,024 –3,652 –2,280

Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays (in millions of dollars)

2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budget Authority 327,135 365,555 395,166
Outlays 325,832 365,354 395,323
Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO:
Budget Authority –10,245
Outlays –10,245
Budget Authority 327,135 365,555 384,921
Outlays 325,832 365,354 385,078

The Supplementary Medical Insurance (SMI) program is a voluntary program that affords protection against the costs of physician care and certain other medical services. The program also covers treatment of end-stage renal disease for eligible enrollees. SMI costs are generally financed by premium payments from enrollees and contributions from the general revenues.

Status of Funds (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–8004–0–7–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Unexpended balance, start of year:
0100 Balance, start of year 68,008 96,946 106,000

0999 Total balance, start of year 68,008 96,946 106,000
Cash income during the year:
Current law:
1110 Fee on Branded Prescription Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Importers, SMI 4,095 4,709 2,800
1130 Premiums Collected for Medicare Prescription Drug Account, FSMI 5,254 5,341 6,051
1130 Payments from States, Medicare Prescription Drug Account, FSMI 11,670 12,142 13,035
1130 Basic Premium, Medicare Advantage, FSMI Trust Fund 476 517 568
1130 Medicare Refunds, SMI 4,827 4,877 4,927
1130 Affordable Care Act Medicare Shared Savings Models, SMI 18 68 3
1130 Premiums Collected for the Aged, FSMI Fund 77,305 84,634 91,149
1130 Premiums Collected for the Disabled, FSMI Fund 13,107 12,696 13,082
1130 Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund 3
1130 Medicare Prescription Drug Account, Federal Supplementary Insurance Trust Fund 1
1150 Interest Received by Trust Fund, FSMI Fund 2,322 1,014 1,375
1150 Other Proprietary Interest from the Public, FSMI Fund 3 3
1150 Interest, Medicare Prescription Drug Account, FSMI 57 26 19
1160 Federal Contributions, FSMI Fund 245,714 265,753 285,481
1160 Federal Contribution, State Low-income Determinations, Prescription Drug Account, FSMI 3 5
1160 Federal Contribution for Admin. Contribution for Admin. Costs, Prescription Drug Account, FSMI 655 642 662
1160 Federal Contributions for Benefits, Prescription Drug Account, SMI 71,750 67,107 87,246
1160 Miscellaneous Federal Payments, Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund 2 1 1

1199 Income under present law 437,256 459,533 506,407
Offsetting receipts (proprietary):
1230 Premiums Collected for Medicare Prescription Drug Account, FSMI –10
1230 Payments from States, Medicare Prescription Drug Account, FSMI –10
1230 Premiums Collected for the Aged, FSMI Fund –2,246
1230 Premiums Collected for the Disabled, FSMI Fund –322
Offsetting governmental receipts:
1260 Federal Contributions, FSMI Fund –7,696
1260 Federal Contributions for Benefits, Prescription Drug Account, SMI –80

1299 Income proposed –10,364

1999 Total cash income 437,256 459,533 496,043
Cash outgo during year:
Current law:
2100 Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund [009–38–8004–0] –325,835 –365,354 –395,323
2100 Medicare Prescription Drug Account, Federal Supplementary Insurance Trust Fund [009–38–8308–0] –82,488 –85,125 –106,035

2199 Outgo under current law –408,323 –450,479 –501,358
2200 Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund 10,245
2200 Medicare Prescription Drug Account, Federal Supplementary Insurance Trust Fund 100

2299 Outgo under proposed legislation 10,345

2999 Total cash outgo (-) –408,323 –450,479 –491,013
Surplus or deficit:
3110 Excluding interest 26,554 8,011 3,633
3120 Interest 2,379 1,043 1,397

3199 Subtotal, surplus or deficit 28,933 9,054 5,030
3298 Reconciliation adjustment 5

3299 Total adjustments 5

3999 Total change in fund balance 28,938 9,054 5,030
Unexpended balance, end of year:
4100 Uninvested balance (net), end of year –1,251 1,010 1,302
4200 Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund 98,197 104,990 109,728

4999 Total balance, end of year 96,946 106,000 111,030

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–8004–0–7–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
11.1 Personnel compensation: Full-time permanent 1 1 1
41.0 Payment for Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) activity 252 429 218
42.0 Insurance claims and indemnities 323,097 360,873 391,252
94.0 Financial transfers 4,129 4,252 3,695

99.0 Direct obligations 327,479 365,555 395,166

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 327,479 365,555 395,166

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–8004–0–7–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 7 8 8

Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund

(Legislative proposal, not subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–8004–2–7–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1201 Appropriation (special or trust fund) –7,776
1203 Appropriation (previously unavailable) 7,776
4180 Budget authority, net (total)
4190 Outlays, net (total)

Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–8004–4–7–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Benefit payments, SMI –10,265
0004 Administration, SMI 20

0799 Total direct obligations –10,245

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts –10,245

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1201 Appropriation (special or trust fund) –2,478
1234 Appropriations precluded from obligation –7,767

1260 Appropriations, mandatory (total) –10,245
1900 Budget authority (total) –10,245
1930 Total budgetary resources available –10,245

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts –10,245
3020 Outlays (gross) 10,245

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross –10,245
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority –10,245
4180 Budget authority, net (total) –10,245
4190 Outlays, net (total) –10,245

In addition, the Budget includes a package of targeted Medicare proposals designed to improve drug pricing and payment, eliminate wasteful Federal spending and spending on government-imposed provider burdens, address fraud and abuse, and reform the Medicare appeals process.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–8004–4–7–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
42.0 Insurance claims and indemnities –10,265
94.0 Financial transfers 20

99.0 Direct obligations –10,245

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts –10,245

Medicare Prescription Drug Account, Federal Supplementary Insurance Trust Fund

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–8308–0–7–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Prescription Drug Benefits 81,103 84,656 105,544
0002 Administrative Costs 422 642 861

0799 Total direct obligations 81,525 85,298 106,405

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 81,525 85,298 106,405

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1101 Appropriation (special or trust fund) 421 633 858
Appropriations, mandatory:
1201 Appropriation (special or trust fund) 88,420 84,665 105,548
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1801 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources –7,316
1900 Budget authority (total) 81,525 85,298 106,406
1930 Total budgetary resources available 81,525 85,298 106,406
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 1
Special and non-revolving trust funds:
1952 Expired unobligated balance, start of year 3

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 8,404 7,466 7,639
3001 Adjustments to unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 27
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 81,525 85,298 106,405
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 1
3020 Outlays (gross) –82,488 –85,125 –106,035
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –3

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 7,466 7,639 8,009
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –7,541 –225 –225
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired 7,316

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –225 –225 –225
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 890 7,241 7,414
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 7,241 7,414 7,784

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 421 633 858
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 218 330 331
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 217 131 147

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 435 461 478
4090 Budget authority, gross 81,104 84,665 105,548
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 74,420 77,619 95,548
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 7,633 7,045 10,009

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 82,053 84,664 105,557
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4123 Non-Federal sources –1
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4140 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired 7,316
4142 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 1

4150 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) 7,317

4160 Budget authority, net (mandatory) 88,420 84,665 105,548
4170 Outlays, net (mandatory) 82,052 84,664 105,557
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 88,841 85,298 106,406
4190 Outlays, net (total) 82,487 85,125 106,035

Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays (in millions of dollars)

2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budget Authority 88,841 85,298 106,406
Outlays 82,487 85,125 106,035
Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO:
Budget Authority –100
Outlays –100
Budget Authority 88,841 85,298 106,306
Outlays 82,487 85,125 105,935

Since January 2006, Medicare beneficiaries have had the opportunity to enroll in a comprehensive voluntary prescription drug benefit.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–8308–0–7–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 422 642 861
42.0 Insurance claims and indemnities 81,103 84,656 105,544

99.0 Direct obligations 81,525 85,298 106,405

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 81,525 85,298 106,405

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–8308–0–7–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 4 4 4

Medicare Prescription Drug Account, Federal Supplementary Insurance Trust Fund

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–8308–4–7–571 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Prescription Drug Benefits –100

0799 Total direct obligations –100

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 42.0) –100

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1201 Appropriation (special or trust fund) –100
1900 Budget authority (total) –100
1930 Total budgetary resources available –100

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts –100
3020 Outlays (gross) 100

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross –100
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority –100
4180 Budget authority, net (total) –100
4190 Outlays, net (total) –100

The Budget includes a package of proposals designed to modernize the Part D benefit by realigning incentives and enhancing benefit management.

Administration for Children and Families

Federal Funds

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1552–0–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 State family assistance grant 16,433 16,433 16,433
0002 Territories - family assistance grants 78 78 78
0006 Tribal work programs 8 8 8
0009 Healthy marriage and responsible fatherhood grants 141 148 150
0010 Evaluation Funding and What Works Clearinghouse 44 45 45
0011 Census Bureau Research 10 10 10

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 16,714 16,722 16,724

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 16,739 16,739 16,739
1230 Appropriations and/or unobligated balance of appropriations permanently reduced –2 –2

1260 Appropriations, mandatory (total) 16,737 16,737 16,739
1900 Budget authority (total) 16,737 16,739
1930 Total budgetary resources available 16,737 16,737 16,739
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1940 Unobligated balance expiring –23 –15 –15

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 7,772 8,070 8,256
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 16,714 16,722 16,724
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 2
3020 Outlays (gross) –16,415 –16,536 –16,219
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –3

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 8,070 8,256 8,761
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 7,772 8,070 8,256
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 8,070 8,256 8,761

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 16,737 16,737 16,739
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 11,018 11,495 11,497
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 5,397 5,041 4,722

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 16,415 16,536 16,219
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 16,737 16,737 16,739
4190 Outlays, net (total) 16,415 16,536 16,219

Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays (in millions of dollars)

2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budget Authority 16,737 16,737 16,739
Outlays 16,415 16,536 16,219
Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO:
Budget Authority –1,502
Outlays –1,077
Budget Authority 16,737 16,737 15,237
Outlays 16,415 16,536 15,142

This account provides funding for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant and related activities authorized by the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (P.L. 104–193), as amended by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (P.L. 109–171). The TANF Extension Act of 2019 (P.L. 116–4) authorized TANF through June 30, 2019. The Budget proposes to create a comprehensive demonstration opportunity for states to grow capacity across public safety net benefit programs to reduce dependency; continue and modify TANF to refocus the program on the core principle of promoting employment; continue the 0.33 percent set-aside for TANF evaluation, research, and technical assistance; and to reduce the authorized funding for TANF Family Assistance Grants to States, territories, and tribes by 10 percent.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1552–0–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 8 10 9
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 1 1 1
11.5 Other personnel compensation 1

11.9 Total personnel compensation 10 11 10
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 2 2 2
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 1 1 1
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 1 1 1
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 68 67 68
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 4 20 20
25.7 Operation and maintenance of equipment 1 1
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 16,628 16,619 16,621

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 16,714 16,722 16,724

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–1552–0–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 105 104 97

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1552–4–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 State family assistance grant –1,594
0002 Territories - family assistance grants –8
0012 Promoting Opportunity and Economic Mobility Demonstrations 100

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts –1,502

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation –1,502
1930 Total budgetary resources available –1,502

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts –1,502
3020 Outlays (gross) 1,077

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year –425
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3200 Obligated balance, end of year –425

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross –1,502
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority –1,077
4180 Budget authority, net (total) –1,502
4190 Outlays, net (total) –1,077

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1552–4–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

11.1 Direct obligations: Personnel compensation: Full-time permanent 1

11.9 Total personnel compensation 1
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 29
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions –1,532

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts –1,502

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–1552–4–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 7

Contingency Fund

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1522–0–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Contingency Fund for State Welfare Programs 608 608 608

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 41.0) 608 608 608

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 608 608 608
1930 Total budgetary resources available 608 608 608

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 113 55 66
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 608 608 608
3020 Outlays (gross) –666 –597 –608

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 55 66 66
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 113 55 66
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 55 66 66

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 608 608 608
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 574 545 545
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 92 52 63

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 666 597 608
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 608 608 608
4190 Outlays, net (total) 666 597 608

Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays (in millions of dollars)

2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budget Authority 608 608 608
Outlays 666 597 608
Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO:
Budget Authority –608
Outlays –545
Budget Authority 608 608
Outlays 666 597 63

The Budget proposes to eliminate funding for the Contingency Fund.

Contingency Fund

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1522–4–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Contingency Fund for State Welfare Programs –608

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 41.0) –608

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation –608
1930 Total budgetary resources available –608

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts –608
3020 Outlays (gross) 545

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year –63
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3200 Obligated balance, end of year –63

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross –608
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority –545
4180 Budget authority, net (total) –608
4190 Outlays, net (total) –545

Payments to states for child support enforcement and family support programs

For carrying out, except as otherwise provided, titles I, IV-D, X, XI, XIV, and XVI of the Social Security Act and the Act of July 5, 1960, $2,890,000,000, to remain available until expended; and for such purposes for the first quarter of fiscal year 2021, $1,400,000,000, to remain available until expended.

For carrying out, after May 31 of the current fiscal year, except as otherwise provided, titles I, IV-D, X, XI, XIV, and XVI of the Social Security Act and the Act of July 5, 1960, for the last 3 months of the current fiscal year for unanticipated costs, incurred for the current fiscal year, such sums as may be necessary.

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1501–0–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 State child support administrative costs 3,793 3,924 3,969
0002 Child support incentive payments 577 574 598
0003 Access and visitation grants 10 10 10

0091 Subtotal, child support enforcement 4,380 4,508 4,577
0102 Payments to territories 33 33 33
0103 Repatriation 3 1 1

0191 Subtotal, other payments 36 34 34

0799 Total direct obligations 4,416 4,542 4,611
0801 Offset obligations (CSE grants to States) 13 13 1

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 4,429 4,555 4,612

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 35 141 121
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 159 200 200
1029 Other balances withdrawn to Treasury –32

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 162 341 321
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 2,995 2,922 2,890
Advance appropriations, mandatory:
1270 Advance appropriation 1,400 1,400 1,400
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected 13 13 1
1900 Budget authority (total) 4,408 4,335 4,291
1930 Total budgetary resources available 4,570 4,676 4,612
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 141 121

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 1,263 1,383 1,490
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 4,429 4,555 4,612
3020 Outlays (gross) –4,150 –4,248 –4,308
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –159 –200 –200

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 1,383 1,490 1,594
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 1,263 1,383 1,490
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 1,383 1,490 1,594

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 4,408 4,335 4,291
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 3,754 3,774 3,807
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 396 474 501

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 4,150 4,248 4,308
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4123 Non-Federal sources –13 –13 –1
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 4,395 4,322 4,290
4190 Outlays, net (total) 4,137 4,235 4,307

Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays (in millions of dollars)

2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budget Authority 4,395 4,322 4,290
Outlays 4,137 4,235 4,307
Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO:
Budget Authority 50
Outlays 49
Budget Authority 4,395 4,322 4,340
Outlays 4,137 4,235 4,356

This account provides for payments to States for child support enforcement and other family support programs, including access and visitation programs for families. The Federal share of child support collections is returned to the Treasury in a receipt account. The Budget improves establishment and enforcement procedures by closing loopholes and improving Federal processes. Proposals target systems modernization, increased collections, expanded distribution, and improved program efficiency.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1501–0–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

41.0 Direct obligations: Grants, subsidies, and contributions 4,416 4,542 4,611
99.0 Reimbursable obligations 13 13 1

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 4,429 4,555 4,612

Payments to States for Child Support Enforcement and Family Support Programs

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1501–4–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 State child support administrative costs 49

0091 Subtotal, child support enforcement 49
0103 Repatriation 1

0191 Subtotal, other payments 1

0799 Total direct obligations 50

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 50

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 50
1900 Budget authority (total) 50
1930 Total budgetary resources available 50

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 50
3020 Outlays (gross) –49

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 1
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 1

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 50
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 49
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 50
4190 Outlays, net (total) 49

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1501–4–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 120
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions –70

99.0 Direct obligations 50

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 50

Low income home energy assistance

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1502–0–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 LIHEAP Block Grant 3,641 3,690

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 1 1 1
1012 Unobligated balance transfers between expired and unexpired accounts 1

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 2 1 1
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1100 Appropriation 3,640 3,690
1930 Total budgetary resources available 3,642 3,691 1
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 1 1 1

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 1,421 1,631 1,629
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 3,641 3,690
3020 Outlays (gross) –3,425 –3,692 –1,396
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –6

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 1,631 1,629 233
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 1,421 1,631 1,629
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 1,631 1,629 233

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 3,640 3,690
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 2,248 2,362
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 1,177 1,330 1,396

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 3,425 3,692 1,396
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 3,640 3,690
4190 Outlays, net (total) 3,425 3,692 1,396

The Budget proposes to eliminate funding for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1502–0–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 3 3
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 3,638 3,687

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 3,641 3,690

Refugee and entrant assistance

(including transfer of funds)

For necessary expenses for refugee and entrant assistance activities authorized by section 414 of the Immigration and Nationality Act and section 501 of the Refugee Education Assistance Act of 1980, and for carrying out section 462 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, section 235 of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 ("TVPA"), and the Torture Victims Relief Act of 1998, $1,804,066,000, of which $1,773,066,000 shall remain available through September 30, 2022 for carrying out such sections 414, 501, 462, and 235: Provided, That amounts available under this heading to carry out the TVPA shall also be available for research and evaluation with respect to activities under such Act: Provided further, That the limitation in section 204 of this Act regarding transfers increasing any appropriation shall apply to transfers to appropriations under this heading by substituting "20 percent" for "3 percent": Provided further, That funds made available under this heading shall be available to pay or reimburse other Federal agencies for the costs of construction, improvements to property, and other activities, including structure removal, if such activities are necessary for the purposes of carrying out such sections 462 and 235: Provided further, That such Federal agencies may retain and use such payments and reimbursements to cover costs described in the preceding proviso.

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1503–0–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Refugee and entrant assistance 503 561 470
0002 Assistance for treatment of torture victims 11 14 14
0003 Unaccompanied Children 1,721 1,303 1,303
0005 Trafficking Victims program 24 27 17

0799 Total direct obligations 2,259 1,905 1,804
0801 Reimbursable program activity 190

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 2,449 1,905 1,804

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 190 40 40
1011 Unobligated balance transfer from other acct [075–0350] 17
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 52

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 259 40 40
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1100 Base Appropriation 1,865 1,905 1,804
1121 Appropriations transferred from other acct [075–0350] 16
1121 Appropriations transferred from other acct [075–1536] 30
1121 Appropriations transferred from other acct [075–1700] 1
1121 Appropriations transferred from other acct [075–0142] 5
1121 Appropriations transferred from other acct [075–1362] 6
1121 Appropriations transferred from other acct [075–0943] 17
1121 Appropriations transferred from other acct [075–9912] 1
1121 Appropriations transferred from other acct [075–9915] 87
1121 Appropriations transferred from other acct [075–1515] 13

1160 Appropriation, discretionary (total) 2,041 1,905 1,804
Spending authority from offsetting collections, discretionary:
1700 Collected 10 180
1701 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources 180 –180

1750 Spending auth from offsetting collections, disc (total) 190
1900 Budget authority (total) 2,231 1,905 1,804
1930 Total budgetary resources available 2,490 1,945 1,844
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1940 Unobligated balance expiring –1
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 40 40 40

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 1,002 1,721 1,185
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 2,449 1,905 1,804
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 2
3020 Outlays (gross) –1,661 –2,441 –2,115
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –52
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –19

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 1,721 1,185 874
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –180
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –180 180

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –180
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 1,002 1,541 1,185
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 1,541 1,185 874

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 2,231 1,905 1,804
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 983 1,238 1,173
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 678 1,203 942

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 1,661 2,441 2,115
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4030 Federal sources –10 –180
4033 Non-Federal sources –2

4040 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –12 –180
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4050 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –180 180
4052 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 2

4060 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) –178 180

4070 Budget authority, net (discretionary) 2,041 1,905 1,804
4080 Outlays, net (discretionary) 1,649 2,261 2,115
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 2,041 1,905 1,804
4190 Outlays, net (total) 1,649 2,261 2,115

Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays (in millions of dollars)

2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budget Authority 2,041 1,905 1,804
Outlays 1,649 2,261 2,115
Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO:
Budget Authority 738
Outlays 480
Budget Authority 2,041 1,905 2,542
Outlays 1,649 2,261 2,595

This account provides funds to States and non-governmental organizations to administer the refugee and entrant assistance programs. Funds support cash and medical assistance and social services for refugees, asylees, and other arrivals eligible for refugee benefits. The account also includes funding for the rehabilitation of victims of torture and human trafficking and for the care and placement of unaccompanied alien children.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1503–0–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 10 17 17
11.7 Military personnel 1 2 2

11.9 Total personnel compensation 11 19 19
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 3 5 5
12.2 Military personnel benefits 1 1 1
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 5 8 8
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 275 275 265
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 63 60 50
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities 2 1 1
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 1,899 1,536 1,455

99.0 Direct obligations 2,259 1,905 1,804
99.0 Reimbursable obligations 190

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 2,449 1,905 1,804

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–1503–0–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 85 154 154
1101 Direct military average strength employment 11 11 11

Refugee and Entrant Assistance

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1503–4–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0009 UAC Contingency Fund, mandatory 738

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 41.0) 738

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 738
1930 Total budgetary resources available 738

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 738
3020 Outlays (gross) –480

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 258
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 258

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 738
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 480
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 738
4190 Outlays, net (total) 480

Promoting Safe and Stable Families

For carrying out, except as otherwise provided, section 436 of the Social Security Act, $345,000,000 and, for carrying out, except as otherwise provided, section 437 of such Act, $59,765,000 .

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1512–0–1–506 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Grants to States and Tribes 382 389 363
0002 Research, training and technical assistance 8 10 10
0003 State court improvement activities 32 32 32
0004 Family Connection Grants 2
0005 Personal Responsibility Education (PREP) 73 74 31
0006 Sexual Risk Abstinence Education (SRAE) 64 75
0007 Family Rec. & Reunification 2 3

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 559 582 441

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 28 39 46
1012 Unobligated balance transfers between expired and unexpired accounts 1
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 1

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 30 39 46
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1100 Appropriation 100 100 60
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 503 510 345
1230 Appropriations and/or unobligated balance of appropriations permanently reduced –23 –21

1260 Appropriations, mandatory (total) 480 489 345
1900 Budget authority (total) 580 589 405
1930 Total budgetary resources available 610 628 451
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1940 Unobligated balance expiring –12
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 39 46 10

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 593 657 680
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 559 582 441
3020 Outlays (gross) –481 –559 –569
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –1
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –13

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 657 680 552
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 593 657 680
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 657 680 552

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 100 100 60
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 16 28 17
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 40 63 67

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 56 91 84
4090 Budget authority, gross 480 489 345
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 81 98 100
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 344 370 385

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 425 468 485
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 580 589 405
4190 Outlays, net (total) 481 559 569

Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays (in millions of dollars)

2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budget Authority 580 589 405
Outlays 481 559 569
Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO:
Budget Authority 220
Outlays 25
Budget Authority 580 589 625
Outlays 481 559 594

This account provides funds for a broad range of child welfare services, including family preservation and support services and grants to increase the well-being of and improve the permanency outcomes for children affected by substance abuse, through Promoting Safe and Stable Families. The Budget includes a proposal to expand the Regional Partnership Grants program, to increase funding for the Court Improvement Program, and a one-year reauthorization of Sexual Risk Avoidance Education and the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP).

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1512–0–1–506 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
11.1 Personnel compensation: Full-time permanent 1 2 2
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 26 28 16
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 1
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 3 3 3
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 528 549 420

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 559 582 441

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–1512–0–1–506 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 10 21 21

Promoting Safe and Stable Families

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1512–4–1–506 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Grants to States and Tribes 40
0003 State court improvement activities 30
0005 Personal Responsibility Education (PREP) 75
0006 Sexual Risk Abstinence Education (SRAE) 75

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 220

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 220
1930 Total budgetary resources available 220

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 220
3020 Outlays (gross) –25

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 195
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 195

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 220
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 25
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 220
4190 Outlays, net (total) 25

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1512–4–1–506 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
11.1 Personnel compensation: Full-time permanent 2
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 23
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 3
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 192

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 220

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–1512–4–1–506 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 14

Child Care Entitlement to States

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1550–0–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Mandatory child care 1,178 1,178 1,178
0002 Matching child care 1,710 1,651 1,651
0003 Child Care Training and technical assistance 15 15 15
0004 Child care tribal grants 58 58 58
0005 Child Care Research 4 15 15

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 2,965 2,917 2,917

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1012 Unobligated balance transfers between expired and unexpired accounts 48
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 2,917 2,917 2,917
1930 Total budgetary resources available 2,965 2,917 2,917

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 1,061 1,614 1,712
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 2,965 2,917 2,917
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 9
3020 Outlays (gross) –2,359 –2,819 –3,296
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –62

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 1,614 1,712 1,333
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 1,061 1,614 1,712
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 1,614 1,712 1,333

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 2,917 2,917 2,917
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 1,596 2,167 2,167
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 763 652 1,129

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 2,359 2,819 3,296
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4123 Non-Federal sources –1
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4142 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 1

4160 Budget authority, net (mandatory) 2,917 2,917 2,917
4170 Outlays, net (mandatory) 2,358 2,819 3,296
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 2,917 2,917 2,917
4190 Outlays, net (total) 2,358 2,819 3,296

Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays (in millions of dollars)

2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budget Authority 2,917 2,917 2,917
Outlays 2,358 2,819 3,296
Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO:
Budget Authority 1,295
Outlays 266
Budget Authority 2,917 2,917 4,212
Outlays 2,358 2,819 3,562

This account provides child care subsidies for low-income working families and was established by the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (P.L. 104–193), as amended by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (P.L. 109–171). Since 2010, this account has been temporarily reauthorized by a series of Acts, most recently in the TANF Extension Act of 2019 (P.L. 116–4). The Budget increases funding for this account to ensure federal funding for key child care programs is maintained, given the effects of other Budget proposals on child care spending. The Budget also proposes a $1 billion one-time fund to build the supply of child care for underserved populations and to stimulate employer investment.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1550–0–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 1
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 1
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 5 16 16
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 11
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 1 2 2
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 2,946 2,899 2,899

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 2,965 2,917 2,917

Child Care Entitlement to States

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1550–4–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Mandatory child care 1,000
0002 Matching child care 295

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 41.0) 1,295

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 1,295
1930 Total budgetary resources available 1,295

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 1,295
3020 Outlays (gross) –266

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 1,029
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 1,029

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 1,295
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 266
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 1,295
4190 Outlays, net (total) 266

Payments to states for the child care and development block grant

For carrying out the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990 ("CCDBG Act"), $5,276,000,000 shall be used to supplement, not supplant State general revenue funds for child care assistance for low-income families: Provided, That technical assistance under section 658I(a)(3) of such Act may be provided directly, or through the use of contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, or interagency agreements: Provided further, That all funds made available to carry out section 418 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 618), including funds appropriated for that purpose in such section 418 or any other provision of law, shall be subject to the reservation of funds authority in paragraphs (4) and (5) of section 658O(a) of the CCDBG Act: Provided further, That in addition to the amounts required to be reserved by the Secretary under section 658O(a)(2)(A) of such Act, $156,780,000 shall be for Indian tribes and tribal organizations: Provided further, That none of the funds provided under this heading may be used to implement the national toll-free hotline authorized by section 658L(b) of the CCDBG Act.

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1515–0–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Child Care Block grant payments to States 5,194 5,250 5,250
0004 Child Care Research and evaluation fund 19 26 26

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 5,213 5,276 5,276

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1100 Appropriation 5,226 5,276 5,276
1120 Appropriations transferred to other acct [075–1503] –13

1160 Appropriation, discretionary (total) 5,213 5,276 5,276
1930 Total budgetary resources available 5,213 5,276 5,276

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 1,122 2,792 3,264
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 5,213 5,276 5,276
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 20
3020 Outlays (gross) –3,540 –4,804 –5,013
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –23

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 2,792 3,264 3,527
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 1,122 2,792 3,264
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 2,792 3,264 3,527

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 5,213 5,276 5,276
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 2,732 3,007 3,007
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 808 1,797 2,006

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 3,540 4,804 5,013
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4033 Non-Federal sources –1

4040 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –1
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4052 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 1

4070 Budget authority, net (discretionary) 5,213 5,276 5,276
4080 Outlays, net (discretionary) 3,539 4,804 5,013
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 5,213 5,276 5,276
4190 Outlays, net (total) 3,539 4,804 5,013

This program provides grants to States for child care subsidies for low-income working families and activities to improve child care quality.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1515–0–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
11.1 Personnel compensation: Full-time permanent 2 2 2
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 1 1 1
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 101 48 47
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 1 1 1
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 5,108 5,224 5,225

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 5,213 5,276 5,276

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–1515–0–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 16 16 16

Social services block grant

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1534–0–1–506 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Social Services Block Grant 1,588 1,595 1,700
0002 Health Profession Opportunity Grants 84 85

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 1,672 1,680 1,700

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 30 29 29
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 1,785 1,785 1,700
1230 Appropriations and/or unobligated balance of appropriations permanently reduced –113 –105

1260 Appropriations, mandatory (total) 1,672 1,680 1,700
1930 Total budgetary resources available 1,702 1,709 1,729
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1940 Unobligated balance expiring –1
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 29 29 29

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 467 544 605
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 1,672 1,680 1,700
3020 Outlays (gross) –1,587 –1,619 –1,844
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –8

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 544 605 461
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 467 544 605
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 544 605 461

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 1,672 1,680 1,700
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 1,227 1,279 1,360
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 360 340 484

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 1,587 1,619 1,844
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 1,672 1,680 1,700
4190 Outlays, net (total) 1,587 1,619 1,844

Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays (in millions of dollars)

2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budget Authority 1,672 1,680 1,700
Outlays 1,587 1,619 1,844
Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO:
Budget Authority –1,615
Outlays –1,357
Budget Authority 1,672 1,680 85
Outlays 1,587 1,619 487

The Budget proposes to reduce the authorized funding level for the Social Services Block Grant to $0. The account also provides funding for the Health Profession Opportunity Grants demonstration to provide education and training to Temporary Assistance for Needy Families recipients and other low income individuals for health care occupations in high demand. The Budget proposes extending the demonstration through FY 2020, for current grantees only.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1534–0–1–506 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
11.1 Personnel compensation: Full-time permanent 1 1
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 11 11
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 1,660 1,668 1,700

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 1,672 1,680 1,700

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–1534–0–1–506 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 7 8

Social Services Block Grant

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1534–4–1–506 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Social Services Block Grant –1,700
0002 Health Profession Opportunity Grants 85

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts –1,615

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation –1,615
1930 Total budgetary resources available –1,615

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts –1,615
3020 Outlays (gross) 1,357

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year –258
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3200 Obligated balance, end of year –258

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross –1,615
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority –1,357
4180 Budget authority, net (total) –1,615
4190 Outlays, net (total) –1,357

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1534–4–1–506 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
11.1 Personnel compensation: Full-time permanent 1
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 11
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions –1,627

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts –1,615

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–1534–4–1–506 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 7

Children and families services programs

For carrying out, except as otherwise provided, the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act, the Head Start Act, the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, sections 303 and 313 of the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act, the Native American Programs Act of 1974, title II of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment and Adoption Reform Act of 1978 (adoption opportunities), and part B-1 of title IV and sections 429, 473A, 477(i), 1110, 1114A, and 1115 of the Social Security Act ; and for necessary administrative expenses to carry out titles I, IV, V, X, XI, XIV, XVI, and XX-A of the Social Security Act, the Act of July 5, 1960, the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990, title IV of the Immigration and Nationality Act, and section 501 of the Refugee Education Assistance Act of 1980, $11,187,485,000, of which $37,943,000, to remain available through September 30, 2021, shall be for grants to States for adoption and legal guardianship incentive payments, as defined by section 473A of the Social Security Act and may be made for adoptions and legal guardianships completed before September 30, 2020: Provided, That $10,063,095,000 shall be for making payments under the Head Start Act, including for Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships, and of which, notwithstanding section 640 of such Act,

$25,000,000 shall be available for allocation by the Secretary to supplement activities described in paragraphs (7)(B) and (9) of section 641(c) of the Head Start Act under the Designation Renewal System, established under the authority of sections 641(c)(7), 645A(b)(12), and 645A(d) of such Act, and such funds shall not be included in the calculation of "base grant" in subsequent fiscal years, as such term is used in section 640(a)(7)(A) of such Act:

Provided further, That the Secretary may reduce the reservation of funds under section 640(a)(2)(C) of such Act in lieu of reducing the reservation of funds under sections 640(a)(2)(B), 640(a)(2)(D), and 640(a)(2)(E) of such Act: Provided further, That $164,500,000 shall be for carrying out section 303(a) of the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act, of which $5,000,000 shall be allocated notwithstanding section 303(a)(2) of such Act for carrying out section 309 of such Act: Provided further, That the percentages specified in section 112(a)(2) of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act shall not apply to funds appropriated under this heading: Provided further, That $1,864,000 shall be for a human services case management system for federally declared disasters, to include a comprehensive national case management contract and Federal costs of administering the system: Provided further, That up to $2,000,000 shall be for improving the Public Assistance Reporting Information System, including grants to States to support data collection for a study of the system's effectiveness.

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1536–0–1–506 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0101 Head Start 9,556 10,422 10,063
0102 Preschool Development Grants 256 491
0103 Runaway and homeless youth (basic centers) 54 54 48
0104 Transitional living 55 56 54
0106 Education grants to reduce sexual abuse of runaway youth 17 17 17
0109 Child abuse State grants 85 85 85
0110 Child abuse discretionary activities 33 33 33
0111 Community-based child abuse prevention 40 40 40
0112 Child welfare services 269 269 269
0113 Child welfare training, research, or demonstration projects 18 18 18
0114 Adoption opportunities 39 39 39
0116 Adoption and Legal Guardianship Incentives 75 75 38
0117 Independent living education and training vouchers 43 43 43
0124 Native American programs 52 55 52
0125 Social services and income maintenance research 7 7 7
0128 ACF Federal administration 205 205 205
0131 Disaster human services case management 2 2 2

0191 Direct program activities, subtotal 10,806 11,911 11,013
0301 Community services block grant 715 725
0303 Rural community facilities 20 20
0304 Community economic development 8 9
0308 Domestic violence hotline 9 10 10
0309 Family violence prevention and services 159 164 165

0391 Direct program activities, subtotal 911 928 175

0400 Total, direct program 11,717 12,839 11,188

0799 Total direct obligations 11,717 12,839 11,188
0801 Children and Families Services Programs (Reimbursable) 60 20 20

0809 Reimbursable program activities, subtotal 60 20 20

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 11,777 12,859 11,208

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 330 1,251 655
1001 Discretionary unobligated balance brought fwd, Oct 1 330 1,251
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1100 Appropriation 12,672 12,239 11,187
1120 Appropriations transferred to other accts [075–1503] –30

1160 Appropriation, discretionary (total) 12,642 12,239 11,187
Spending authority from offsetting collections, discretionary:
1700 Collected 40 22 22
1701 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources 17

1750 Spending auth from offsetting collections, disc (total) 57 22 22
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected 1 1 1
1801 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources 1 1 1

1850 Spending auth from offsetting collections, mand (total) 2 2 2
1900 Budget authority (total) 12,701 12,263 11,211
1930 Total budgetary resources available 13,031 13,514 11,866
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1940 Unobligated balance expiring –3
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 1,251 655 658

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 8,269 8,886 10,495
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 11,777 12,859 11,208
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 13
3020 Outlays (gross) –11,060 –11,250 –11,552
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –113

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 8,886 10,495 10,151
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –4 –20 –21
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –18 –1 –1
3071 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, expired 2

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –20 –21 –22
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 8,265 8,866 10,474
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 8,866 10,474 10,129

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 12,699 12,261 11,209
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 4,230 3,988 3,567
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 6,829 7,262 7,985

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 11,059 11,250 11,552
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4030 Federal sources –40 –22 –22

4040 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –40 –22 –22
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4050 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –17

4060 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) –17

4070 Budget authority, net (discretionary) 12,642 12,239 11,187
4080 Outlays, net (discretionary) 11,019 11,228 11,530
4090 Budget authority, gross 2 2 2
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 1
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4120 Federal sources –2 –2 –2
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4140 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –1 –1 –1
4142 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 1 1 1
4170 Outlays, net (mandatory) –1 –2 –2
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 12,642 12,239 11,187
4190 Outlays, net (total) 11,018 11,226 11,528

The request totals $11.2 billion, including almost $10.1 billion for Head Start. This request discontinues funding for the Community Services Block Grant, Rural Community Facilities, Community Economic Development, and Preschool Development Grants.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1536–0–1–506 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 109 120 120
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 3 3 3
11.5 Other personnel compensation 2 2 2
11.7 Military personnel 1 1 1

11.9 Total personnel compensation 115 126 126
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 36 38 38
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 3 4 4
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 17 17 16
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges 2 2 2
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 238 261 264
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 9 15 17
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 46 48 50
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities 2 3 3
26.0 Supplies and materials 1 1 1
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 11,248 12,324 10,667

99.0 Direct obligations 11,717 12,839 11,188
99.0 Reimbursable obligations 60 20 20

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 11,777 12,859 11,208

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–1536–0–1–506 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 1,028 1,140 1,114
1101 Direct military average strength employment 6 6 6
2001 Reimbursable civilian full-time equivalent employment 9 10 10

Children's Research and Technical Assistance

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1553–0–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Training and technical assistance 14 18 12
0002 Federal parent locator service 25 28 25

0799 Total direct obligations 39 46 37
0801 Federal Parent Locator Service reimbursable 22 28 29

0899 Total reimbursable obligations 22 28 29

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 61 74 66

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 12 11
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 3

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 15 11
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 37 37 37
1230 Appropriations and/or unobligated balance of appropriations permanently reduced –2 –2

1260 Appropriations, mandatory (total) 35 35 37
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected 22 28 28
1802 Offsetting collections (previously unavailable) 1 1 1
1823 New and/or unobligated balance of spending authority from offsetting collections temporarily reduced –1 –1

1850 Spending auth from offsetting collections, mand (total) 22 28 29
1900 Budget authority (total) 57 63 66
1930 Total budgetary resources available 72 74 66
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 11

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 30 25 28
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 61 74 66
3020 Outlays (gross) –63 –71 –65
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –3

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 25 28 29
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –6 –6 –6

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –6 –6 –6
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 24 19 22
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 19 22 23

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 57 63 66
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 35 42 42
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 28 29 23

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 63 71 65
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4120 Federal sources –8 –9 –9
4123 Non-Federal sources –14 –19 –19

4130 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –22 –28 –28

4160 Budget authority, net (mandatory) 35 35 38
4170 Outlays, net (mandatory) 41 43 37
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 35 35 38
4190 Outlays, net (total) 41 43 37

Memorandum (non-add) entries:
5090 Unexpired unavailable balance, SOY: Offsetting collections 1 1 1
5092 Unexpired unavailable balance, EOY: Offsetting collections 1 1

This account provides funding for research and technical assistance activities established by the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (P.L. 104–193), as amended by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (P.L. 109–171). The Budget includes a set of proposals that would require changes to statute to provide additional access to the National Directory of New Hires for evidence building and program integrity purposes, while ensuring privacy and security safeguards.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1553–0–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
11.1 Personnel compensation: Full-time permanent 8 9 9
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 2 3 3
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 1 1
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 4 3 3
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 2 3
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 11 11 8
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 8 12 7
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities 1
25.7 Operation and maintenance of equipment 4 5 4

99.0 Direct obligations 39 46 37
99.0 Reimbursable obligations 22 28 29

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 61 74 66

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–1553–0–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 62 68 68

Payments for foster care and permanency

For carrying out, except as otherwise provided, title IV-E of the Social Security Act, $5,745,000,000.

For carrying out, except as otherwise provided, title IV-E of the Social Security Act, for the first quarter of fiscal year 2021, $3,000,000,000.

For carrying out, after May 31 of the current fiscal year, except as otherwise provided, section 474 of title IV-E of the Social Security Act, for the last 3 months of the current fiscal year for unanticipated costs, incurred for the current fiscal year, such sums as may be necessary.

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1545–0–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Foster care 5,054 5,113 5,253
0002 Independent living 140 140 143
0004 Adoption assistance 2,785 2,842 2,931
0005 Guardianship 155 202 217
0006 Technical Assistance and Implementation Services for Tribal Programs 3 3 3
0007 Prevention Services Technical Assistance 1 1 1

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 8,138 8,301 8,548

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 5,639 5,602 5,748
1230 Appropriations and/or unobligated balance of appropriations permanently reduced –1 –1

1260 Appropriations, mandatory (total) 5,638 5,601 5,748
Advance appropriations, mandatory:
1270 Advance appropriation 2,500 2,700 2,800
1900 Budget authority (total) 8,138 8,301 8,548
1930 Total budgetary resources available 8,138 8,301 8,548

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 1,611 1,213 1,638
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 8,138 8,301 8,548
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 82
3020 Outlays (gross) –8,581 –7,876 –8,404
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –37

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 1,213 1,638 1,782
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 1,611 1,213 1,638
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 1,213 1,638 1,782

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 8,138 8,301 8,548
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 7,425 7,002 7,504
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 1,156 874 900

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 8,581 7,876 8,404
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 8,138 8,301 8,548
4190 Outlays, net (total) 8,581 7,876 8,404

Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays (in millions of dollars)

2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budget Authority 8,138 8,301 8,548
Outlays 8,581 7,876 8,404
Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO:
Budget Authority 31
Outlays 31
Budget Authority 8,138 8,301 8,579
Outlays 8,581 7,876 8,435

This account provides formula grants for Foster Care, Adoption Assistance, Guardianship Assistance Program, and the Chafee Foster Care Independence Program, as well as technical assistance and implementation services for tribal programs.

Foster Care—The proposed level will support eligible low-income children who must be placed outside the home. An average of 202,900 children per month are estimated to be served in FY 2020.

Adoption Assistance—The proposed funding level will support subsidies for families adopting eligible low-income children with special needs. An average of 523,000 children per month are estimated to be served in FY 2020.

Guardianship Assistance Program—The proposed funding level will provide payments for relatives taking legal guardianship of eligible children who have been in foster care. An average of 38,400 children per month are estimated to be served in FY 2020.

The Budget includes proposals to create the Child Welfare Flexible Funding Option for title IV-E agencies, create a performance incentive for achieving or exceeding Child and Family Services Reviews outcomes, and to allow states to pay salaries to foster parents who can care for children with complex needs. Additionally, the Budget includes the interaction effects from the proposal to eliminate SSBG funding, which increases costs in the Foster Care and Permanency account due to State agencies shifting eligible expenses previously funded by SSBG to Foster Care and Permanency.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1545–0–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 1 1 1
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 1 1 1
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 32 30 32
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 1
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 8,104 8,268 8,514

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 8,138 8,301 8,548

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–1545–0–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 3 3 3

Payments for Foster Care and Permanency

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1545–4–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Foster care 12
0004 Adoption assistance 11
0005 Guardianship 1
0007 Prevention Services Technical Assistance 7

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 31

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 31
1900 Budget authority (total) 31
1930 Total budgetary resources available 31

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 31
3020 Outlays (gross) –31

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 31
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 31
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 31
4190 Outlays, net (total) 31

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–1545–4–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
11.1 Personnel compensation: Full-time permanent 1
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 6
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 24

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 31

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–1545–4–1–609 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 10

Administration for Community Living

Federal Funds

aging and disability services programs

(including transfer of funds)

For carrying out, to the extent not otherwise provided, the Older Americans Act of 1965 ("OAA"), the RAISE Family Caregivers Act, the Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Act, titles III and XXIX of the PHS Act, sections 1252 and 1253 of the PHS Act, section 119 of the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008, title XX-B of the Social Security Act, the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act, parts 2 and 5 of subtitle D of title II of the Help America Vote Act of 2002, the Assistive Technology Act of 1998, titles II and VII (and section 14 with respect to such titles) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and for Department-wide coordination of policy and program activities that assist individuals with disabilities, $1,996,556,000, together with $36,115,000 to be transferred from the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund to carry out section 4360 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990: Provided, That amounts appropriated under this heading may be used for grants to States under section 361 of the OAA only for disease prevention and health promotion programs and activities which have been demonstrated through rigorous evaluation to be evidence-based and effective: Provided further, That of amounts made available under this heading to carry out sections 311, 331, and 336 of the OAA, up to one percent of such amounts shall be available for developing and implementing evidence-based practices for enhancing senior nutrition: Provided further, That notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, funds made available under this heading to carry out section 311 of the OAA may be transferred to the Secretary of Agriculture in accordance with such section: Provided further, That none of the funds made available under this heading may be used by an eligible system (as defined in section 102 of the Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness Act (42 U.S.C. 10802)) to continue to pursue any legal action in a Federal or State court on behalf of an individual or group of individuals with a developmental disability (as defined in section 102(8)(A) of the Developmental Disabilities and Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 (20 U.S.C. 15002(8)(A)) that is attributable to a mental impairment (or a combination of mental and physical impairments), that has as the requested remedy the closure of State operated intermediate care facilities for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities, unless reasonable public notice of the action has been provided to such individuals (or, in the case of mental incapacitation, the legal guardians who have been specifically awarded authority by the courts to make healthcare and residential decisions on behalf of such individuals) who are affected by such action, within 90 days of instituting such legal action, which informs such individuals (or such legal guardians) of their legal rights and how to exercise such rights consistent with current Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: Provided further, That the limitations in the immediately preceding proviso shall not apply in the case of an individual who is neither competent to consent nor has a legal guardian, nor shall the proviso apply in the case of individuals who are a ward of the State or subject to public guardianship.

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0142–0–1–506 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0101 Aging Services Programs 1,606 1,606 1,575
0102 ACL Program Administration 40 41 39
0103 Integrated Aging and Disability Services Programs 43 43 41
0104 Disability Services Programs 316 321 251
0105 National Institute on Disability, Independent Living & Rehab Research 105 109 90

0300 Total, direct program 2,110 2,120 1,996

0799 Total direct obligations 2,110 2,120 1,996
0801 ACL Reimbursable Programs 95 94 56

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 2,205 2,214 2,052

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 5 9 36
1001 Discretionary unobligated balance brought fwd, Oct 1 4 3
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 3

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 8 9 36
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1100 Appropriation 2,095 2,120 1,997
1120 Appropriations transferred to other accts [012–3507] –3
1120 Appropriations transferred to other acct [075–1503] –5

1160 Appropriation, discretionary (total) 2,087 2,120 1,997
Appropriations, mandatory:
1221 PPHF Appropriations transferred from other accounts [075–0116] 28 28
Spending authority from offsetting collections, discretionary:
1700 Collected 68 55
1701 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources 68

1750 Spending auth from offsetting collections, disc (total) 68 68 55
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected 54 52
1801 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources –30 –27

1850 Spending auth from offsetting collections, mand (total) 24 25
1900 Budget authority (total) 2,207 2,241 2,052
1930 Total budgetary resources available 2,215 2,250 2,088
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1940 Unobligated balance expiring –1
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 9 36 36

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 1,270 1,468 1,339
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 2,205 2,214 2,052
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 3
3020 Outlays (gross) –1,999 –2,343 –2,313
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –3
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –8

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 1,468 1,339 1,078
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –154 –189 –162
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –38 27
3071 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, expired 3

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –189 –162 –162
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 1,116 1,279 1,177
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 1,279 1,177 916

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 2,155 2,188 2,052
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 1,000 1,307 1,229
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 950 1,001 1,037

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 1,950 2,308 2,266
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4030 Federal sources –2 –68 –55
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4050 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –68
4052 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 2

4060 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) –66

4070 Budget authority, net (discretionary) 2,087 2,120 1,997
4080 Outlays, net (discretionary) 1,948 2,240 2,211
4090 Budget authority, gross 52 53
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 1 6
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 48 29 47

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 49 35 47
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4120 Federal sources –55 –52
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4140 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired 30 27
4142 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 1

4150 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) 31 27

4160 Budget authority, net (mandatory) 28 28
4170 Outlays, net (mandatory) –6 –17 47
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 2,115 2,148 1,997
4190 Outlays, net (total) 1,942 2,223 2,258

Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays (in millions of dollars)

2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budget Authority 2,115 2,148 1,997
Outlays 1,942 2,223 2,258
Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO:
Outlays –20
Budget Authority 2,115 2,148 1,997
Outlays 1,942 2,223 2,238

This account funds formula and discretionary grants that provide home and community-based services and supports to assist older adults and people of all ages with disabilities to live independently and to fully participate in their communities. ACL works with states, localities, tribal organizations, nonprofit organizations, businesses and families, and through networks of aging and disability organizations, to provide these services and supports which include nutrition, supportive, caregiver, independent living, and protection and advocacy services.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0142–0–1–506 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
11.1 Personnel compensation: Full-time permanent 21 22 21
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 7 7 6
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 5 5 4
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 41 41 38
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 2,036 2,045 1,927

99.0 Direct obligations 2,110 2,120 1,996
99.0 Reimbursable obligations 95 94 56

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 2,205 2,214 2,052

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0142–0–1–506 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 173 182 173
2001 Reimbursable civilian full-time equivalent employment 15 16 12

Aging and Disability Services Programs

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0142–4–1–506 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0801 ACL Reimbursable Programs 25

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected 25
1900 Budget authority (total) 25
1930 Total budgetary resources available 25

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 25
3020 Outlays (gross) –5

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 20
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 20

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 25
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 5
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4120 Federal sources –25
4180 Budget authority, net (total)
4190 Outlays, net (total) –20

This legislative proposal extends funding for Medicare enrollment assistance programs through 2021.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0142–4–1–506 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Reimbursable obligations:
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 3
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 22

99.0 Reimbursable obligations 25

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 25

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0142–4–1–506 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

2001 Reimbursable civilian full-time equivalent employment 4

Departmental Management

Federal Funds

General departmental management

For necessary expenses, not otherwise provided, for general departmental management, including hire of six passenger motor vehicles, and for carrying out titles III, XVII, XXI, and section 229 of the PHS Act, the United States-Mexico Border Health Commission Act, and research studies under section 1110 of the Social Security Act, $339,909,000, together with $68,840,000 from the amounts available under section 241 of the PHS Act to carry out national health or human services research and evaluation activities, outreach and media campaign initiatives to prevent opioid misuse, and other activities authorized for such funds in this title, as determined by the Secretary: Provided, That of this amount, $53,900,000 shall be for minority AIDS prevention and treatment activities .

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–9912–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 General Departmental Management 470 481 340
0801 GDM Collected (Reimbursable) 157 191 191
0802 HCFAC (Mandatory) 7 10 10
0803 PHS Evaluation (Collected) 62 65 69
0804 MACRA (Mandatory) 5 5 5

0899 Total reimbursable obligations 231 271 275

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 701 752 615

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 11 12 12
1001 Discretionary unobligated balance brought fwd, Oct 1 11 11
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1100 Appropriation 471 481 340
1120 Appropriations transferred to other accts [075–1503] –1

1160 Appropriation, discretionary (total) 470 481 340
Spending authority from offsetting collections, discretionary:
1700 Collected 62 256 260
1701 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources 158

1750 Spending auth from offsetting collections, disc (total) 220 256 260
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected 14 15 15
1801 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources –2

1850 Spending auth from offsetting collections, mand (total) 12 15 15
1900 Budget authority (total) 702 752 615
1930 Total budgetary resources available 713 764 627
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 12 12 12

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 466 492 534
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 701 752 615
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 11
3020 Outlays (gross) –662 –710 –690
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –24

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 492 534 459
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –295 –318 –318
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –156
3071 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, expired 133

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –318 –318 –318
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 171 174 216
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 174 216 141

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 690 737 600
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 336 353 293
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 315 337 382

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 651 690 675
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4030 Federal sources: –179 –256 –260

4040 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –179 –256 –260
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4050 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –158
4052 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 117

4060 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) –41

4070 Budget authority, net (discretionary) 470 481 340
4080 Outlays, net (discretionary) 472 434 415
4090 Budget authority, gross 12 15 15
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 7 15 15
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 4 5

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 11 20 15
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4120 Federal sources: –21 –15 –15
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4140 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired 2
4142 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 7

4150 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) 9
4170 Outlays, net (mandatory) –10 5
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 470 481 340
4190 Outlays, net (total) 462 439 415

Note.—The reimbursable program (HCFAC) in the General Department Management (GDM) account reflects estimates of the allocation for 2020. The actual allocation is determined annually.

General Departmental Management (GDM) funds activities that provide leadership, policy, legal, and administrative guidance to HHS components and support research to develop policy initiatives and improve existing HHS programs. GDM also funds the activities of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, including adolescent health, disease prevention and health promotion, physical fitness and sports, minority health, research integrity, women's health, and programs funded through the Prevention and Public Health Fund.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–9912–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 90 84 96
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 5 4 5
11.5 Other personnel compensation 2 2 2
11.7 Military personnel 2 1 2

11.9 Total personnel compensation 99 91 105
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 28 25 30
12.2 Military personnel benefits 1 1 1
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 4 4 4
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 17 17 17
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges 2 2 2
24.0 Printing and reproduction 1 1 1
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 23 23 14
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 59 72 28
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 76 85 89
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities 6 6 5
25.7 Operation and maintenance of equipment 4 4 4
26.0 Supplies and materials 1 1 1
31.0 Equipment 1 1 1
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 148 148 38

99.0 Direct obligations 470 481 340
99.0 Reimbursable obligations 231 271 275

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 701 752 615

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–9912–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 867 868 978
1101 Direct military average strength employment 11 12 12
2001 Reimbursable civilian full-time equivalent employment 473 470 606
2101 Reimbursable military average strength employment 24 24 22

General Departmental Management

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–9912–4–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0805 DAB (Mandatory Proposal & User Fee Collection) 2

0899 Total reimbursable obligations 2

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 25.3) 2

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected 2
1930 Total budgetary resources available 2

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 2
3020 Outlays (gross) –2

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 2
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 2
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4120 Federal sources: –2
4180 Budget authority, net (total)
4190 Outlays, net (total)

This legislative proposal provides the Departmental Appeals Board (DAB) mandatory resources in user fees to address the Medicare appeals backlog.

Payment to the State Response to the Opioid Abuse Crisis Account, CURES Act

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0146–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Opioid Funding 500

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 94.0) 500

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 500
1930 Total budgetary resources available 500

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 500
3020 Outlays (gross) –500

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 500
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 500
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 500
4190 Outlays, net (total) 500

This account, and a related special receipt account, were established to support the execution structure necessary to implement the 21st Century Cures Act.

State Response to the Opioid Abuse Crisis, Cures Act

Special and Trust Fund Receipts (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–5627–0–2–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

0100 Balance, start of year
Current law:
1140 General Fund Payment, State Response to the Opioid Abuse Crisis, CURES Act 500

2000 Total: Balances and receipts 500
Current law:
2101 State Response to the Opioid Abuse Crisis, Cures Act –500

5099 Balance, end of year

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–5627–0–2–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1101 Appropriation (special or trust fund) 500
1120 Appropriations transferred to other acct [075–1362] –500
4180 Budget authority, net (total)
4190 Outlays, net (total)

The 21st Century Cures Act authorized in 2017 and 2018 grants to states, the District of Columbia, and territories to develop and provide opioid abuse prevention, treatment, and recovery support services.

Office for civil rights

For expenses necessary for the Office for Civil Rights, $30,286,000.

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0135–0–1–751 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Office for Civil Rights (Direct) 39 39 30
0801 Office for Civil Rights (Reimbursable) 10 14 24

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 49 53 54

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 35 33 44
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1100 Appropriation 39 39 30
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected 7 26 15
1802 Offsetting collections (previously unavailable) 2
1823 New and/or unobligated balance of spending authority from offsetting collections temporarily reduced –1 –1

1850 Spending auth from offsetting collections, mand (total) 8 25 15
1900 Budget authority (total) 47 64 45
1930 Total budgetary resources available 82 97 89
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 33 44 35

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 17 24 25
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 49 53 54
3020 Outlays (gross) –42 –52 –58

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 24 25 21
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 17 24 25
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 24 25 21

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 39 39 30
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 32 31 24
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 7 8 8

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 39 39 32
4090 Budget authority, gross 8 25 15
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 2 1
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 3 11 25

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 3 13 26
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4123 Non-Federal sources –7 –26 –15
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 40 38 30
4190 Outlays, net (total) 35 26 43

Memorandum (non-add) entries:
5090 Unexpired unavailable balance, SOY: Offsetting collections 1 1
5092 Unexpired unavailable balance, EOY: Offsetting collections 1 1

The Office for Civil Rights funds activities that carry out the Department's civil rights, nondiscrimination, health information privacy, and security compliance programs.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0135–0–1–751 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 14 16 15
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 1 1 1

11.9 Total personnel compensation 15 17 16
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 5 6 5
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 1 1
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 4 4 1
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 3 1 2
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 9 9 6
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities 1
31.0 Equipment 1 1

99.0 Direct obligations 39 39 30
99.0 Reimbursable obligations 10 14 24

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 49 53 54

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0135–0–1–751 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 135 147 139
1101 Direct military average strength employment 1 1 1
2001 Reimbursable civilian full-time equivalent employment 2 2 2

Office of the national coordinator for health information technology

For expenses necessary for the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, including grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements for the development and advancement of interoperable health information technology, $43,000,000.

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0130–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Health information technology (IT) 60 60 43

0799 Total direct obligations 60 60 43
0801 Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC): Reimbursable 17 15 16

0899 Total reimbursable obligations 17 15 16

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 77 75 59

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 2 1 1
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1100 Appropriation 60 60 43
Spending authority from offsetting collections, discretionary:
1700 Collected 4 15 15
1701 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources 12

1750 Spending auth from offsetting collections, disc (total) 16 15 15
1900 Budget authority (total) 76 75 58
1930 Total budgetary resources available 78 76 59
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 1 1

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 66 68 17
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 77 75 59
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 1
3020 Outlays (gross) –71 –126 –63
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –5

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 68 17 13
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –22 –19 –19
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –12
3071 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, expired 15

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –19 –19 –19
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 44 49 –2
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 49 –2 –6

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 76 75 58
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 43 64 50
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 28 62 13

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 71 126 63
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4030 Federal sources: –17 –15 –15

4040 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –17 –15 –15
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4050 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –12
4052 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 13

4060 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) 1

4070 Budget authority, net (discretionary) 60 60 43
4080 Outlays, net (discretionary) 54 111 48
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 60 60 43
4190 Outlays, net (total) 54 111 48

This program supports coordination, leadership, and development of Federal health information technology activities and Federal initiatives for the nationwide advancement of private and secure interoperable health information technology, in cooperation with participants in the health sector. The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology was authorized in title XXX of the PHS Act as added by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act (P.L. 111–5, Title XIII) and the 21st Century Cures Act (P.L. 114–255), for the purpose of addressing strategic planning, coordination, and the analysis of key technical, economic and other issues related to the public and private adoption of health information technology.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0130–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 18 17 17
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 2 2 2
11.5 Other personnel compensation 1 1 1

11.9 Total personnel compensation 21 20 20
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 6 6 6
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 2 2 2
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 16 17 7
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 10 10 8
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 4 4

99.0 Direct obligations 59 59 43
99.0 Reimbursable obligations 16 16 16
99.5 Adjustment for rounding 2

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 77 75 59

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0130–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 174 162 162
1101 Direct military average strength employment 2 2 2

Office of medicare hearings and appeals

For expenses necessary for the Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals, $182,381,000 shall remain available until September 30, 2021, to be transferred in appropriate part from the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund.

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0139–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals (Direct) 146 175 182

0799 Total direct obligations 146 175 182

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 36 36
Budget authority:
Spending authority from offsetting collections, discretionary:
1700 Collected 93 175 182
1701 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources 89

1750 Spending auth from offsetting collections, disc (total) 182 175 182
1900 Budget authority (total) 182 175 182
1930 Total budgetary resources available 182 211 218
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 36 36 36

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 27 56 3
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 146 175 182
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 1
3020 Outlays (gross) –117 –228 –182
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –1

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 56 3 3
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –38 –106 –106
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –89
3071 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, expired 21

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –106 –106 –106
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year –11 –50 –103
3200 Obligated balance, end of year –50 –103 –103

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 182 175 182
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 100 175 182
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 17

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 117 175 182
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4030 Federal sources –114 –175 –182
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4050 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –89
4052 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 21

4060 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) –68
4080 Outlays, net (discretionary) 3
Outlays, gross:
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 53
4180 Budget authority, net (total)
4190 Outlays, net (total) 3 53

This appropriation funds the operations of the Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals (OMHA), as authorized by the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003. OMHA provides an independent and impartial forum for the adjudication of claims brought by or on behalf of Medicare beneficiaries related to their benefits and care.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0139–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 61 87 105
11.5 Other personnel compensation 1

11.9 Total personnel compensation 61 87 106
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 20 29 33
22.0 Transportation of things 2 1
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 7 8 10
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges 4 8 8
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 12 13 9
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 13 16 10
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities 24 5 1
25.7 Operation and maintenance of equipment 1 1 2
26.0 Supplies and materials 2 2 1
31.0 Equipment 2 4 1

99.0 Direct obligations 146 175 182

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 146 175 182

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0139–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 664 950 1,375

Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0139–4–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0801 Reimbursable program activity 4

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 25.2) 4

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected 4
1930 Total budgetary resources available 4

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 4
3020 Outlays (gross) –4

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 4
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 4
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4120 Federal sources –4
4180 Budget authority, net (total)
4190 Outlays, net (total)

This legislative proposal provides the Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals (OMHA) mandatory resources to address the Medicare appeals backlog. The proposal would establish a post-adjudication user fee for Medicare Parts A and B claim appeals filed by a provider or supplier, or a State Medicaid Agency, with respect to appeals that are unfavorable to the appellant and for appeals that are dismissed.

Public health and social services emergency fund

For expenses necessary to support activities related to countering potential biological, nuclear, radiological, chemical, and cybersecurity threats to civilian populations, and for other public health emergencies, $1,051,591,000, of which $561,700,000 shall remain available through September 30, 2021, for expenses necessary to support advanced research and development pursuant to section 319L of the PHS Act and other administrative expenses of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority: Provided, That funds provided under this heading for the purpose of acquisition of security countermeasures shall be in addition to any other funds available for such purpose: Provided further, That products purchased with funds provided under this heading may, at the discretion of the Secretary, be deposited in the Strategic National Stockpile pursuant to section 319F-2 of the PHS Act: Provided further, That $5,000,000 of the amounts made available to support emergency operations shall remain available through September 30, 2022: Provided further, That $20,000,000 of the amounts made available to the National Disaster Medical System shall remain available through September 30, 2021, for activities related to the Pediatric Disaster Care Program: Provided further, That $5,000,000 of the amounts made available for policy and planning shall remain available until expended, for implementation activities related to the National Biodefense Strategy.

For expenses necessary for procuring security countermeasures (as defined in section 319F-2(c)(1)(B) of the PHS Act), $735,000,000, to remain available until expended.

For expenses necessary to carry out section 319F-2(a) of the PHS Act, $620,000,000, to remain available until expended.

For an additional amount for expenses necessary to prepare for or respond to an influenza pandemic, $260,000,000; of which $225,000,000 shall be available until expended, for activities including the development and purchase of vaccine, antivirals, necessary medical supplies, diagnostics, and other surveillance tools: Provided, That notwithstanding section 496(b) of the PHS Act, funds may be used for the construction or renovation of privately owned facilities for the production of pandemic influenza vaccines and other biologics, if the Secretary finds such construction or renovation necessary to secure sufficient supplies of such vaccines or biologics.

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0140–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund 1,991 2,631 2,667

0100 Direct program activities, subtotal 1,991 2,631 2,667
0801 Reimbursable program (FEMA) 188 162 162
0802 Reimbursable program activity (OPP) 2 2 2

0899 Total reimbursable obligations 190 164 164

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 2,181 2,795 2,831

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 124 437 858
1010 Unobligated balance transfer to other accts [075–0343] –2 –2 –3
1011 Unobligated balance transfer from other acct [075–0943] 429
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 274

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 396 864 855
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1100 Appropriation 2,115 2,021 2,667
1120 Appropriations transferred to other acct [075–0360] –60
1120 Appropriations transferred to other acct [075–0128] –2
1120 Appropriations transferred to other acct [075–1362] –20
1121 Appropriations transferred from other acct [075–0943] 604

1160 Appropriation, discretionary (total) 2,033 2,625 2,667
Spending authority from offsetting collections, discretionary:
1700 Collected 52 82 82
1701 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources 139 82 82

1750 Spending auth from offsetting collections, disc (total) 191 164 164
1900 Budget authority (total) 2,224 2,789 2,831
1930 Total budgetary resources available 2,620 3,653 3,686
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1940 Unobligated balance expiring –2
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 437 858 855

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 4,745 4,478 4,365
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 2,181 2,795 2,831
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 58
3020 Outlays (gross) –2,054 –2,908 –2,943
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –274
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –178

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 4,478 4,365 4,253
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –107 –198 –280
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –139 –82 –82
3071 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, expired 48

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –198 –280 –362
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 4,638 4,280 4,085
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 4,280 4,085 3,891

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 2,224 2,789 2,831
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 512 594 623
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 1,542 2,314 2,320

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 2,054 2,908 2,943
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4030 Federal sources –84 –82 –82

4040 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –84 –82 –82
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4050 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –139 –82 –82
4052 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 32

4060 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) –107 –82 –82

4070 Budget authority, net (discretionary) 2,033 2,625 2,667
4080 Outlays, net (discretionary) 1,970 2,826 2,861
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 2,033 2,625 2,667
4190 Outlays, net (total) 1,970 2,826 2,861

The Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund (PHSSEF) provides resources to support a comprehensive program to prepare for the health and medical consequences of bioterrorism or other public health emergencies. This account includes funding for the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), as authorized by the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act of 2013. Funds will be used for hospital preparedness and other emergency preparedness activities including the National Disaster Medical System and National Biodefense Strategy implementation. The PHSSEF continues to support the advanced development, procurement, and stockpiling of biodefense and pandemic influenza countermeasures.

The PHSSEF also supports the HHS Cybersecurity program, National Security and Strategic Information programs, and the Medical Reserve Corps.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0140–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 98 139 140
11.7 Military personnel 7 9 9

11.9 Total personnel compensation 105 148 149
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 44 53 53
12.2 Military personnel benefits 3 4 4
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 7 9 9
22.0 Transportation of things 1 1
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 9 11 11
23.2 Rental payments to others 14 17 17
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges 2 2 2
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 733 776 805
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 34 32 32
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 115 122 122
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities 4 8 8
25.5 Research and development contracts 557 637 637
25.7 Operation and maintenance of equipment 81 75 77
26.0 Supplies and materials 2 409 403
31.0 Equipment 1 16 16
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 280 311 321

99.0 Direct obligations 1,991 2,631 2,667
99.0 Reimbursable obligations 190 164 164

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 2,181 2,795 2,831

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0140–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 658 933 943
1101 Direct military average strength employment 74 74 74

Transfers from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0145–0–1–552 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 AHRQ 68 58
0002 Office of the Secretary 17 48 15
0003 NIRSQ 41

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 85 106 56

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 88 127 171
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 1

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 89 127 171
Budget authority:
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected 123 150
1930 Total budgetary resources available 212 277 171
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 127 171 115

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 123 119 183
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 85 106 56
3020 Outlays (gross) –88 –42 –77
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –1

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 119 183 162
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 123 119 183
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 119 183 162

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 123 150
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 4
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 88 38 77

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 88 42 77
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4120 Federal sources –123 –150
4180 Budget authority, net (total)
4190 Outlays, net (total) –35 –108 77

Public Law 111–148 established the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund (PCORTF). Beginning in FY 2011, a total of 20 percent of the funds appropriated or credited to the PCORTF was transferred each year to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). As authorized in section 937 of the Public Health Service Act, HHS will disseminate research findings from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute and other government-funded comparative clinical effectiveness research and coordinate Federal health programs to build research and data capacity for comparative clinical effectiveness research. Transferred funds were distributed to the Secretary of HHS and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to carry out these activities. The FY 2020 Budget consolidates the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality within the National Institutes of Health as the National Institute for Research on Safety and Quality. In FY 2020, this institute will continue to obligate remaining resources available until expended. The PCORTF terminates at the end of FY 2019, and the Budget does not propose to extend it.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0145–0–1–552 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
11.1 Personnel compensation: Full-time permanent 3 3 3
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 7
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 22 71 37
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 53 32 16

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 85 106 56

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0145–0–1–552 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 5 5 5

Nonrecurring Expenses Fund

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0125–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Nonrecurring Expenses Fund Projects 131 806 130

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 565 1,116 520
1010 Unobligated balance transfer to other accts [075–0960] –240
1012 Unobligated balance transfers between expired and unexpired accounts 909 610 600
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 13

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 1,247 1,726 1,120
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1131 Unobligated balance of appropriations permanently reduced –400 –400
1930 Total budgetary resources available 1,247 1,326 720
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 1,116 520 590

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 668 544 1,443
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 131 806 130
3020 Outlays (gross) –242 93 201
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –13

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 544 1,443 1,774
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 668 544 1,443
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 544 1,443 1,774

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross –400 –400
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority –400 –400
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 242 307 199

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 242 –93 –201
4180 Budget authority, net (total) –400 –400
4190 Outlays, net (total) 242 –93 –201

The Nonrecurring Expenses Fund is a no-year account that receives transfers of expired unobligated balances from discretionary accounts prior to cancellation. The Fund is used for capital acquisition, including facilities infrastructure and information technology infrastructure.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0125–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 15 93 15
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 3 18 3
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 47 292 46
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 13 81 13
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities 3 19 3
25.5 Research and development contracts 4 24 4
25.7 Operation and maintenance of equipment 17 105 17
31.0 Equipment 26 161 26
32.0 Land and structures 2 12 2

99.0 Direct obligations 130 805 129
99.5 Adjustment for rounding 1 1 1

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 131 806 130

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0125–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 4 4 4

Health Insurance Reform Implementation Fund

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0119–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Health Insurance Reform Implementation Fund (Direct) 5

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 25.2) 5

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 6 1 1
1930 Total budgetary resources available 6 1 1
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 1 1 1

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 18 23 21
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 5
3020 Outlays (gross) –2 –2

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 23 21 19
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 18 23 21
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 23 21 19

Budget authority and outlays, net:
Outlays, gross:
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 2 2
4180 Budget authority, net (total)
4190 Outlays, net (total) 2 2

Section 1005 of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (P.L. 111–152) appropriated $1,000,000,000 to the Health Insurance Reform Implementation Fund within the Department of Health and Human Services. The Fund shall be used for Federal administrative expenses necessary to carry out the requirements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (P.L. 111–148) and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.

Prevention and Public Health Fund

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0116–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 6 6
1012 Unobligated balance transfers between expired and unexpired accounts 6

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 6 6 6
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 900 900 950
1220 Appropriations transferred to other accts [075–0142] –28 –28
1220 Appropriations transferred to other accts [075–0943] –801 –805 –894
1220 Appropriations transferred to other accts [075–1362] –12 –12
1230 Appropriations and/or unobligated balance of appropriations permanently reduced [SEQ] –59 –55 –56
1930 Total budgetary resources available 6 6 6
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 6 6 6
4180 Budget authority, net (total)
4190 Outlays, net (total)

The Prevention and Public Health Fund supports prevention and public health activities. In FY 2020, $894 million is available to support a range of public health efforts intended to prevent disease and reduce health care costs. The Secretary has authority to transfer to accounts within HHS.

Pregnancy Assistance Fund

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0117–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Pregnancy Assistance Fund (Direct) 23 23

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 2
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 25 25
1230 Appropriations and/or unobligated balance of appropriations permanently reduced –2

1260 Appropriations, mandatory (total) 23 25
1930 Total budgetary resources available 23 25 2
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 2 2

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 28 29 23
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 23 23
3020 Outlays (gross) –21 –29 –9
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –1

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 29 23 14
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 28 29 23
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 29 23 14

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 23 25
Outlays, gross:
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 21 29 9
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 23 25
4190 Outlays, net (total) 21 29 9

This appropriation funds competitive grants to States to assist pregnant and parenting teens and women. Annual funding for this program expires at the end of FY 2019. The Budget does request an extension of this program.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0117–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 1 1
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 22 22

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 23 23

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0117–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 2 2

Section 241 Evaluation Transactions Account

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–3902–0–1–552 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0801 Section 241 Evaluation Transactions Account (Reimbursable) 512 516 528

0809 Reimbursable program activities, subtotal 512 516 528

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 25.3) 512 516 528

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Spending authority from offsetting collections, discretionary:
1700 Collected 74 516 528
1701 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources 438

1750 Spending auth from offsetting collections, disc (total) 512 516 528
1930 Total budgetary resources available 512 516 528

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 559 634
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 512 516 528
3020 Outlays (gross) –437 –1,150 –528

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 634
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –556 –630 –630
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –438
3071 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, expired 364

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –630 –630 –630
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 3 4 –630
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 4 –630 –630

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 512 516 528
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 74 516 528
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 363 634

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 437 1,150 528
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4030 Federal sources –438 –516 –528

4040 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –438 –516 –528
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4050 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –438
4052 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 364

4060 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) –74
4080 Outlays, net (discretionary) –1 634
4180 Budget authority, net (total)
4190 Outlays, net (total) –1 634

The Public Health Service (PHS) Act Evaluation Transactions account supports the execution of section 241 of the PHS Act.

Program Support Center

Federal Funds

Retirement pay and medical benefits for commissioned officers

For retirement pay and medical benefits of Public Health Service Commissioned Officers as authorized by law, for payments under the Retired Serviceman's Family Protection Plan and Survivor Benefit Plan, and for medical care of dependents and retired personnel under the Dependents' Medical Care Act, such amounts as may be required during the current fiscal year.

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0379–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Retirement payments 462 476 491
0002 Survivors' benefits 30 31 32
0003 Medical care 115 100 101

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 607 607 624

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1200 Appropriation 607 607 624
1930 Total budgetary resources available 607 607 624

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 62 102 35
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 607 607 624
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 12
3020 Outlays (gross) –556 –674 –623
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –23

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 102 35 36
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 62 102 35
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 102 35 36

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 607 607 624
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 535 577 593
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 21 97 30

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 556 674 623
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 607 607 624
4190 Outlays, net (total) 556 674 623

The number of beneficiaries using the Commissioned Corps system is estimated as follows:

Retirement Pay, Survivor Benefits, and Medical Benefits

2018 2019 2020

Active Duty:
HHS 4,781 4,876 4,859
DOJ, BOP 787 787 787
Homeland Security 471 400 400
EPA 55 55 53
All Other 280 294 312

Total Active Duty 6,374 6,412 6,411
Retirees & Survivors:
Retirees 6,200 6,150 6,300
Retiree family members and survivors 1,135 1,125 1,100

Total Retirement Pay 7,335 7,275 7,400
Total Beneficiaries (active duty, retirees, survivors) 13,709 13,687 13,811

This activity funds annuities of retired Public Health Service (PHS) commissioned officers and survivors of retirees, and medical benefits for active duty PHS commissioned officers, retirees, and dependents of members and retirees of the PHS Commissioned Corps.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0379–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
13.0 Benefits for former personnel 492 507 523
25.6 Medical care 115 100 101

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 607 607 624

Retirement Pay and Medical Benefits for Commissioned Officers

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

The Budget includes a mandatory proposal, effective FY 2021, which shifts the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps retirement pay and survivor benefit costs from mandatory to discretionary.

HHS Accrual Contribution to the Uniformed Services Retiree Health Care Fund

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0170–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Medicare eligible accruals 32 29 30

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts (object class 12.2) 32 29 30

Budgetary resources:
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1100 Appropriation 32 29 30
1900 Budget authority (total) 32 29 30
1930 Total budgetary resources available 32 29 30

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 32 29 30
3020 Outlays (gross) –32 –29 –30

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 32 29 30
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 32 29 30
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 32 29 30
4190 Outlays, net (total) 32 29 30

The cost of medical benefits for Medicare-eligible beneficiaries is paid from the Department of Defense Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Care Fund (10 U.S.C., ch. 56). Beginning in 2006, permanent indefinite authority is provided for a discretionary appropriation of the annual accrual payment into this fund (P.L. No. 108–375, section 725).

General Fund Payment for Unfunded Liability, USPHS Commissioned Corps Retirement Pay and Survivor Benefit Costs

General Fund Payment for Unfunded Liability, USPHS Commissioned Corps Retirement Pay and Survivor Benefit Costs

(Legislative proposal, not subject to PAYGO)

Beginning FY 2021, this account would support the unfunded liability of U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps retirement pay and survivor benefits costs.

Health Activities Funds

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–9913–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 1 1 1
1930 Total budgetary resources available 1 1 1
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 1 1 1
4180 Budget authority, net (total)
4190 Outlays, net (total)

HHS Service and Supply Fund

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–9941–0–4–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0801 Program Support Center 1,447 1,641 1,659
0802 OS activities 449 532 539

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 1,896 2,173 2,198

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 200 206
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 53 250

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 253 206 250
Budget authority:
Spending authority from offsetting collections, discretionary:
1700 Collected 1,711 1,967 1,948
1701 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources 138

1750 Spending auth from offsetting collections, disc (total) 1,849 1,967 1,948
1930 Total budgetary resources available 2,102 2,173 2,198
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 206

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 1,011 1,264 442
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 1,896 2,173 2,198
3020 Outlays (gross) –1,590 –2,995 –1,948
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –53 –250

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 1,264 442 442
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –536 –674 –674
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –138

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –674 –674 –674
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 475 590 –232
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 590 –232 –232

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 1,849 1,967 1,948
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 901 1,967 1,948
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 689 1,028

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 1,590 2,995 1,948
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4030 Federal sources –1,142 –1,967 –1,948
4033 Non-Federal sources –569

4040 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –1,711 –1,967 –1,948
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4050 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –138
4080 Outlays, net (discretionary) –121 1,028
4180 Budget authority, net (total)
4190 Outlays, net (total) –121 1,028

The HHS Service and Supply Fund (SSF) provides a wide range of logistical and support services to components of the Department and other Federal agencies. The Program Support Center includes activities, such as personnel and payroll support, information technology, financial management operations, and administrative services, including acquisitions management, building and property management, telecommunication services, medical supplies repackaging and distribution services, and the Federal Occupational Health Service. The Office of the Secretary activities include the Service and Supply Fund Manager's Office, departmental contracts, audit resolutions, Commissioned Corps force management, web management, claims, acquisition integration and modernization, small business consolidation, grants tracking, the physical security component of the Department's implementation of Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12, and commercial services management.

Most Commissioned Corps officers work for agencies in the Department of Health and Human Services and are reflected in the agencies' personnel summaries. However, some officers are assigned to other Federal agencies. The allocation account section in the following personnel summary shows officers assigned to other agencies, which are paid directly by that agency, either through an allocation account or by directly citing that agency's appropriation.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–9941–0–4–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Reimbursable obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 99 114 117
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 3 3 3
11.5 Other personnel compensation 3 3 3
11.7 Military personnel 6 7 8
11.8 Special personal services payments 10 11 11

11.9 Total personnel compensation 121 138 142
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 32 37 38
12.2 Military personnel benefits 3 2 3
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 3 2 2
22.0 Transportation of things 2 3 3
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 19 17 18
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges 7 9 9
24.0 Printing and reproduction 10 6 6
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 218 182 196
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 1,278 1,555 1,557
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 67 70 72
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities 12 14 14
25.6 Medical care 23 33 32
25.7 Operation and maintenance of equipment 57 49 51
25.8 Subsistence and support of persons 1
26.0 Supplies and materials 41 51 50
31.0 Equipment 2 5 5

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 1,896 2,173 2,198

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–9941–0–4–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

2001 Reimbursable civilian full-time equivalent employment 923 923 923
2101 Reimbursable military average strength employment 75 75 75
3101 Allocation account military average strength employment 1,517 1,481 1,499

Trust Funds

Retirement Pay and Survivor Benefits Payments to Commissioned Corps Officers

Retirement Pay and Survivor Benefits Payments to Commissioned Corps Officers

(Legislative proposal, not subject to PAYGO)

Beginning FY 2021, this account would fund the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps retirement pay and survivor benefit payments.

Retirement Pay and Survivor Benefits Payments to Commissioned Corps Officers

(Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

Beginning FY 2021, this account would fund the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps retirement pay and survivor benefit payments.

Miscellaneous Trust Funds

Special and Trust Fund Receipts (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–9971–0–7–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

0100 Balance, start of year
Current law:
1130 Contributions, Indian Health Facilities 36 48 48
1130 Contributions, N.I.H., Unconditional Gift Fund 5 3 3
1130 Centers for Disease Control, Gifts and Donations 27 15 15
1130 Contributions, N.I.H., Conditional Gift Fund 43 27 27
1130 Contributions to the Indian Health Service Gift Fund 1 1
1140 Interest, Miscellaneous Trust Funds 1 1 1
1198 Rounding adjustment –1

1199 Total current law receipts 111 95 95

1999 Total receipts 111 95 95

2000 Total: Balances and receipts 111 95 95
Current law:
2101 Miscellaneous Trust Funds –111 –95 –95

5099 Balance, end of year

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–9971–0–7–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0002 Gifts 72 72 72
0003 Contributions, Indian Health Facilities 36 36 36

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 108 108 108

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 198 188 244
1020 Adjustment of unobligated bal brought forward, Oct 1 –17
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 4 8 8
1033 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations 61 61

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 185 257 313
Budget authority:
Appropriations, mandatory:
1201 Appropriation (special or trust fund) 111 95 95
1930 Total budgetary resources available 296 352 408
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 188 244 300

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 72 99 50
3001 Adjustments to unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 17
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 108 108 108
3020 Outlays (gross) –94 –149 –149
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –4 –8 –8

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 99 50 1
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year 89 99 50
3200 Obligated balance, end of year 99 50 1

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4090 Budget authority, gross 111 95 95
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 24 15 15
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 70 134 134

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 94 149 149
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4120 Federal sources –61 –61
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4143 Recoveries of prior year paid obligations, unexpired accounts 61 61

4160 Budget authority, net (mandatory) 111 95 95
4170 Outlays, net (mandatory) 94 88 88
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 111 95 95
4190 Outlays, net (total) 94 88 88

Memorandum (non-add) entries:
5000 Total investments, SOY: Federal securities: Par value 34 37 37
5001 Total investments, EOY: Federal securities: Par value 37 37 37

Gifts to the Public Health Service are for the benefit of patients and for research. Contributions are made for the construction, improvement, extension, and provision of sanitation facilities.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–9971–0–7–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 4 4 4
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 1 1 1
11.8 Special personal services payments 4 4 4

11.9 Total personnel compensation 9 9 9
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 2 2 2
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 3 3 3
25.1 Advisory and assistance services 5 5 5
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 27 27 27
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 2 2 2
25.5 Research and development contracts 3 3 3
25.6 Medical care 1 1 1
25.8 Subsistence and support of persons 21 21 21
26.0 Supplies and materials 7 7 7
31.0 Equipment 1 1 1
41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions 27 27 27

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 108 108 108

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–9971–0–7–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 60 60 60

Office of the Inspector General

Federal Funds

Office of inspector general

For expenses necessary for the Office of Inspector General, including the hire of passenger motor vehicles for investigations, in carrying out the provisions of the Inspector General Act of 1978, $80,000,000: Provided, That of such amount, necessary sums shall be available for providing protective services to the Secretary and investigating non-payment of child support cases for which non-payment is a Federal offense under 18 U.S.C. 228.

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)

Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0128–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Obligations by program activity:
0001 Office of Inspector General (Direct) 82 86 80
0801 Office of Inspector General HCFAC Trust Fund 213 233 222
0802 Office of Inspector General (Direct Reimbursable) 15 21 21
0803 Office of Inspector General HCFAC Discretionary 88 91 98

0899 Total reimbursable obligations 316 345 341

0900 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 398 431 421

Budgetary resources:
Unobligated balance:
1000 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1 41 42 14
1001 Discretionary unobligated balance brought fwd, Oct 1 1 3
1021 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations 3

1050 Unobligated balance (total) 44 42 14
Budget authority:
Appropriations, discretionary:
1100 Appropriation 80 80 80
1121 Appropriations transferred from other acct [075–9911] 2 2
1121 Appropriations transferred from other acct [075–0140] 2
1121 Appropriations transferred from other acct [075–9915] 5

1160 Appropriation, discretionary (total) 84 87 80
Spending authority from offsetting collections, discretionary:
1700 Collected 92 108 111
1701 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources 7

1750 Spending auth from offsetting collections, disc (total) 99 108 111
Spending authority from offsetting collections, mandatory:
1800 Collected 192 208 225
1801 Change in uncollected payments, Federal sources 21
1802 Offsetting collections (previously unavailable) 1 1 1
1823 New and/or unobligated balance of spending authority from offsetting collections temporarily reduced –1 –1

1850 Spending auth from offsetting collections, mand (total) 213 208 226
1900 Budget authority (total) 396 403 417
1930 Total budgetary resources available 440 445 431
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
1941 Unexpired unobligated balance, end of year 42 14 10

Change in obligated balance:
Unpaid obligations:
3000 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 78 97 89
3010 New obligations, unexpired accounts 398 431 421
3011 Obligations ("upward adjustments"), expired accounts 2
3020 Outlays (gross) –376 –439 –419
3040 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, unexpired –3
3041 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations, expired –2

3050 Unpaid obligations, end of year 97 89 91
Uncollected payments:
3060 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1 –114 –134 –134
3070 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –28
3071 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, expired 8

3090 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, end of year –134 –134 –134
Memorandum (non-add) entries:
3100 Obligated balance, start of year –36 –37 –45
3200 Obligated balance, end of year –37 –45 –43

Budget authority and outlays, net:
4000 Budget authority, gross 183 195 191
Outlays, gross:
4010 Outlays from new discretionary authority 153 177 174
4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 27 23 19

4020 Outlays, gross (total) 180 200 193
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4030 Federal sources –100 –108 –111
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4050 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –7
4052 Offsetting collections credited to expired accounts 8

4060 Additional offsets against budget authority only (total) 1

4070 Budget authority, net (discretionary) 84 87 80
4080 Outlays, net (discretionary) 80 92 82
4090 Budget authority, gross 213 208 226
Outlays, gross:
4100 Outlays from new mandatory authority 135 189 206
4101 Outlays from mandatory balances 61 50 20

4110 Outlays, gross (total) 196 239 226
Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays:
Offsetting collections (collected) from:
4120 Federal sources –179 –196 –213
4123 Non-Federal sources –13 –12 –12

4130 Offsets against gross budget authority and outlays (total) –192 –208 –225
Additional offsets against gross budget authority only:
4140 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired –21

4160 Budget authority, net (mandatory) 1
4170 Outlays, net (mandatory) 4 31 1
4180 Budget authority, net (total) 84 87 81
4190 Outlays, net (total) 84 123 83

Memorandum (non-add) entries:
5090 Unexpired unavailable balance, SOY: Offsetting collections 1 1 1
5092 Unexpired unavailable balance, EOY: Offsetting collections 1 1

The mission of the Office of Inspector General (OIG) is to protect the integrity of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) programs and the health and welfare of the people they serve. As established by the Inspector General Act of 1978, OIG is an independent and objective organization that fights fraud, waste, and abuse and promotes efficiency, economy, and effectiveness in HHS programs and operations. OIG works to ensure that Federal dollars are used appropriately and that HHS programs well serve the people that use them. OIG fulfills its mission through a broad range of audits, evaluations, investigations, and enforcement and compliance activities. In addition to discretionary appropriations, OIG receives funds through the Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control (HCFAC) account created by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.

Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

Identification code 075–0128–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Direct obligations:
Personnel compensation:
11.1 Full-time permanent 40 40 42
11.3 Other than full-time permanent 1 1 1
11.5 Other personnel compensation 1 1 1

11.9 Total personnel compensation 42 42 44
12.1 Civilian personnel benefits 16 16 16
21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 2 2 2
22.0 Transportation of things 1 1 1
23.1 Rental payments to GSA 5 5 6
23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous charges 3 3 3
25.2 Other services from non-Federal sources 6 11 1
25.3 Other goods and services from Federal sources 2 2 2
25.4 Operation and maintenance of facilities 1 1 1
25.7 Operation and maintenance of equipment 1 1
31.0 Equipment 3 3 3

99.0 Direct obligations 82 86 80
99.0 Reimbursable obligations 316 345 341

99.9 Total new obligations, unexpired accounts 398 431 421

Employment Summary

Identification code 075–0128–0–1–551 2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

1001 Direct civilian full-time equivalent employment 335 344 349
2001 Reimbursable civilian full-time equivalent employment 1,266 1,306 1,321

General and Administrative Provisions


(in millions of dollars)

2018 actual 2019 est. 2020 est.

Offsetting receipts from the public:
075–143500 General Fund Proprietary Interest Receipts, not Otherwise Classified 114 90 90
075–267403 Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan Direct Loan Program, Downward Reestimate of Subsidies 15
075–275830 Downward Reestimates of Subsidies, Health Centers 1
075–310700 Federal Share of Child Support Collections 609 596 585
075–310700 Federal Share of Child Support Collections: Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO 10
075–322000 All Other General Fund Proprietary Receipts Including Budget Clearing Accounts 1,083 34 34
General Fund Offsetting receipts from the public 1,821 721 719

Intragovernmental payments:
075–388500 Undistributed Intragovernmental Payments and Receivables from Cancelled Accounts –729

General Fund Intragovernmental payments –729


General provisions

SEC. 201. Funds appropriated in this title shall be available for not to exceed $50,000 for official reception and representation expenses when specifically approved by the Secretary.SEC. 202. None of the funds appropriated in this title shall be used to pay the salary of an individual, through a grant or other extramural mechanism, at a rate in excess of Executive Level V, except that this section shall not apply to the Head Start program.SEC. 203. Notwithstanding section 241(a) of the PHS Act, such portion as the Secretary shall determine, but not more than 2.9 percent, of any amounts appropriated for programs authorized under such Act shall be made available for the evaluation (directly, or by grants or contracts) and the implementation and effectiveness of programs funded in this title.'

(transfer of funds)

SEC. 204. Not to exceed 1 percent of any discretionary funds (pursuant to the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985) which are appropriated for the current fiscal year for HHS in this Act may be transferred between appropriations, but no such appropriation shall be increased by more than 3 percent by any such transfer: Provided, That the transfer authority granted by this section shall not be used to create any new program or to fund any project or activity for which no funds are provided in this Act: Provided further, That the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate are notified at least 15 days in advance of any transfer.SEC. 205. In lieu of the timeframe specified in section 338E(c)(2) of the PHS Act, terminations described in such section may occur up to 60 days after the effective date of a contract awarded in fiscal year 2020 under section 338B of such Act, or at any time if the individual who has been awarded such contract has not received funds due under the contract.SEC. 206. None of the funds appropriated in this Act may be made available to any entity under title X of the PHS Act unless the applicant for the award certifies to the Secretary that it encourages family participation in the decision of minors to seek family planning services and that it provides counseling to minors on how to resist attempts to coerce minors into engaging in sexual activities.SEC. 207. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no provider of services under title X of the PHS Act shall be exempt from any State law requiring notification or the reporting of child abuse, child molestation, sexual abuse, rape, or incest.SEC. 208. None of the funds appropriated by this Act (including funds appropriated to any trust fund) may be used to carry out the Medicare Advantage program if the Secretary denies participation in such program to an otherwise eligible entity (including a Provider Sponsored Organization) because the entity informs the Secretary that it will not provide, pay for, provide coverage of, or provide referrals for abortions: Provided, That the Secretary shall make appropriate prospective adjustments to the capitation payment to such an entity (based on an actuarially sound estimate of the expected costs of providing the service to such entity's enrollees): Provided further, That nothing in this section shall be construed to change the Medicare program's coverage for such services and a Medicare Advantage organization described in this section shall be responsible for informing enrollees where to obtain information about all Medicare covered services.SEC. 209. None of the funds made available in this title may be used, in whole or in part, to advocate or promote gun control.SEC. 210. In order for HHS to carry out international health activities, including HIV/AIDS and other infectious disease, chronic and environmental disease, and other health activities abroad during fiscal year 2020:

(1) The Secretary may exercise authority equivalent to that available to the Secretary of State in section 2(c) of the State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956. The Secretary shall consult with the Secretary of State and relevant Chief of Mission to ensure that the authority provided in this section is exercised in a manner consistent with section 207 of the Foreign Service Act of 1980 and other applicable statutes administered by the Department of State.

(2) The Secretary is authorized to provide such funds by advance or reimbursement to the Secretary of State as may be necessary to pay the costs of acquisition, lease, alteration, renovation, and management of facilities outside of the United States for the use of HHS. The Department of State shall cooperate fully with the Secretary to ensure that HHS has secure, safe, functional facilities that comply with applicable regulation governing location, setback, and other facilities requirements and serve the purposes established by this Act. The Secretary is authorized, in consultation with the Secretary of State, through grant or cooperative agreement, to make available to public or nonprofit private institutions or agencies in participating foreign countries, funds to acquire, lease, alter, or renovate facilities in those countries as necessary to conduct programs of assistance for international health activities, including activities relating to HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases, chronic and environmental diseases, and other health activities abroad.

(3) The Secretary is authorized to provide to personnel appointed or assigned by the Secretary to serve abroad, allowances and benefits similar to those provided under chapter 9 of title I of the Foreign Service Act of 1980, and 22 U.S.C. 4081 through 4086 and subject to such regulations prescribed by the Secretary. The Secretary is further authorized to provide locality-based comparability payments (stated as a percentage) up to the amount of the locality-based comparability payment (stated as a percentage) that would be payable to such personnel under section 5304 of title 5, United States Code if such personnel's official duty station were in the District of Columbia. Leaves of absence for personnel under this subsection shall be on the same basis as that provided under subchapter I of chapter 63 of title 5, United States Code, or section 903 of the Foreign Service Act of 1980, to individuals serving in the Foreign Service.


(transfer of funds)

SEC. 211. The Director of the NIH, jointly with the Director of the Office of AIDS Research, may transfer up to 3 percent among institutes and centers from the total amounts identified by these two Directors as funding for research pertaining to the human immunodeficiency virus: Provided, That the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate are notified at least 15 days in advance of any transfer.'

(transfer of funds)

SEC. 212. Of the amounts made available in this Act for NIH, the amount for research related to the human immunodeficiency virus, as jointly determined by the Director of NIH and the Director of the Office of AIDS Research, shall be made available to the "Office of AIDS Research" account. The Director of the Office of AIDS Research shall transfer from such account amounts necessary to carry out section 2353(d)(3) of the PHS Act.SEC. 213. (a) Authority.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Director of NIH ("Director") may use funds authorized under section 402(b)(12) of the PHS Act to enter into transactions (other than contracts, cooperative agreements, or grants) to carry out research identified pursuant to or research and activities described in such section 402(b)(12).

(b) Peer review.—In entering into transactions under subsection (a), the Director may utilize such peer review procedures (including consultation with appropriate scientific experts) as the Director determines to be appropriate to obtain assessments of scientific and technical merit. Such procedures shall apply to such transactions in lieu of the peer review and advisory council review procedures that would otherwise be required under sections 301(a)(3), 405(b)(1)(B), 405(b)(2), 406(a)(3)(A), 492, and 494 of the PHS Act.

SEC. 214. Not to exceed $100,000,000 of funds appropriated by this Act to the institutes and centers of the National Institutes of Health may be used for alteration, repair, or improvement of facilities, as necessary for the proper and efficient conduct of the activities authorized herein: Provided, That funds for projects in excess of $3,500,000 shall not be obligated unless such projects are approved by the Office of Management and Budget .'

(transfer of funds)

SEC. 215. Of the amounts made available for NIH, 1 percent of the amount made available for National Research Service Awards ("NRSA") shall be made available to the Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Administration to make NRSA awards for research in primary medical care to individuals affiliated with entities who have received grants or contracts under sections 736, 739, or 747 of the PHS Act, and 1 percent of the amount made available for NRSA shall be made available to the Director of the National Institute for Research on Safety and Quality to make NRSA awards for health service research.SEC. 216. (a) The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority ("BARDA") may enter into a contract, for more than one but no more than 10 program years, for purchase of research services or of security countermeasures, as that term is defined in section 319F-2(c)(1)(B) of the PHS Act (42 U.S.C. 247d-6b(c)(1)(B)), if—

(1) funds are available and obligated—

(A) for the full period of the contract or for the first fiscal year in which the contract is in effect; and

(B) for the estimated costs associated with a necessary termination of the contract; and

(2) the Secretary determines that a multi-year contract will serve the best interests of the Federal Government by encouraging full and open competition or promoting economy in administration, performance, and operation of BARDA's programs.

(b) A contract entered into under this section—

(1) shall include a termination clause as described by subsection (c) of section 3903 of title 41, United States Code; and

(2) shall be subject to the congressional notice requirement stated in subsection (d) of such section.


(transfer of funds)

SEC. 217. Effective during the period beginning on November 1, 2015 and ending January 1, 2021, any provision of law that refers (including through cross-reference to another provision of law) to the current recommendations of the United States Preventive Services Task Force with respect to breast cancer screening, mammography, and prevention shall be administered by the Secretary involved as if—

(1) such reference to such current recommendations were a reference to the recommendations of such Task Force with respect to breast cancer screening, mammography, and prevention last issued before 2009; and

(2) such recommendations last issued before 2009 applied to any screening mammography modality under section 1861(jj) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395x(jj)).


(transfer of funds)

SEC. 218. The NIH Director may transfer discretionary amounts identified by the Director as funding for opioid addiction, opioid alternatives, pain management, and addiction treatment among Institutes and Centers of the NIH to be used for the same purpose 15 days after notifying the Committees on Appropriations: Provided, That the transfer authority provided in the previous proviso is in addition to any other transfer authority provided by law.'


SEC. 219. Of the unobligated balances available in the "Nonrecurring Expenses Fund" established in section 223 of division G of Public Law 110–161, $400,000,000 are hereby permanently cancelled.SEC. 220. Funds appropriated in this Act that are available for salaries and expenses of employees of the Department of Health and Human Services shall also be available to pay travel and related expenses of such an employee or of a member of his or her family, when such employee is assigned to duty, in the United States or in a U.S. territory, during a period and in a location that are the subject of a determination of a public health emergency under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act and such travel is necessary to obtain medical care for an illness, injury, or medical condition that cannot be adequately addressed in that location at that time. For purposes of this section, the term "U.S. territory" means Guam, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, or the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.SEC. 221. (a) IN GENERAL.—Under the conditions listed in subsection (b), the Secretary or the head of a major organizational unit within the Department may in this fiscal year enter into a reimbursable agreement with the head of another major organizational unit within the Department or of another agency under which—

(1) the head of the ordering agency or unit delegates to the head of the servicing agency or unit the authority to issue a grant or cooperative agreement on behalf of the ordering agency or unit;

(2) the servicing agency or unit will execute or manage a grant or cooperative agreement on behalf of the ordering agency or unit; and

(3) the ordering agency or unit will reimburse the servicing unit or agency for the amount of the grant or cooperative agreement and for the service of executing or managing the grant or cooperative agreement.

(b) CONDITIONS.—The conditions for making an agreement described in subsection (a) are that—

(1) amounts are available;

(2) the head of the ordering agency or unit decides the agreement is in the best interest of the United States Government; and

(3) the agency or unit to execute or manage the grant or cooperative agreement is able to provide that service.

(c) PAYMENT.—Payment shall be made promptly through the Intra-governmental Payment and Collection system at the request of the agency or unit providing the service. Payment may be in advance or on providing all or part of the service, and shall be for any part of the estimated or actual cost as determined by the agency or unit providing the service. A bill submitted or a request for payment is not subject to audit or certification in advance of payment. Proper adjustment of amounts paid in advance shall be made as agreed to by the heads of the agencies or units on the basis of the amount of the grant or cooperative agreement and the actual cost of service provided.

(d) LIMITATIONS ON FUNDS.—A condition or limitation applicable to amounts for grant or cooperative agreements of the ordering agency or unit applies to an agreement made under this section and to a grant or cooperative agreement made under such agreement.

(e) OBLIGATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—An agreement made under this section obligates an appropriation of the ordering agency or unit. The amount obligated is deobligated to the extent that the agency or unit providing the service has not incurred obligations, before the end of the period of availability of the appropriation, in—

(1) awarding the grant or cooperative agreement; or

(2) providing the agreed-on services.

(f) NO EFFECT ON OTHER LAWS—This section does not affect other laws about reimbursable agreements.

SEC. 222. The Department of Health and Human Services may accept donations from the private sector, nongovernmental organizations, and other groups independent of the Federal Government for the care of unaccompanied alien children (as defined in section 462(g)(2) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 279(g)(2))) in the care of the Office of Refugee Resettlement of the Administration for Children and Families, including monetary donations, medical goods and services, school supplies, toys, clothing, and any other items and services intended to promote the wellbeing of such children.SEC. 223. Funds appropriated in this Act to accounts that received appropriations in title II of division B of Public Law 115–254 for the administrative expenses of programs or activities for which appropriations are not provided in this Act shall be available for necessary expenses to carry out the closure of such programs or activities. SEC. 224. For fiscal year 2020 and each subsequent fiscal year, the notification requirements described in sections 1804(a) and 1851(d) of the Social Security Act may be fulfilled by the Secretary in a manner similar to that described in paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 1806(c) of such Act. SEC. 225. Notwithstanding section 1864(e) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395aa(e)), the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall charge health care facilities or entities fees in cases where such facilities or entities have been cited for deficiencies during initial certification, recertification, or substantiated complaint surveys to cover all or a portion of the costs incurred for conducting substantiated complaint surveys and revisit surveys on such health care facilities or entities. Such fees shall be in addition to any other funds available for conducting such surveys and shall be credited to the "Department of Health and Human Services— Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services—Program Management" account, to remain available until expended, for such purpose. No such fees shall be charged to an Indian Health Program (as that term is defined in section 4 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act). SEC. 226. Section 340B of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 256b) is amended—

(a) in subsection (a)(5)(C)—

(1) by striking "A covered entity shall permit" and inserting "(i) DUPLICATE DISCOUNTS AND DRUG RESALE.—A covered entity shall permit" and;

(2) by inserting at the end the following:

"(ii) USE OF SAVINGS.—A covered entity shall permit the Secretary to audit, at the Secretary's expense, the records of the entity to determine how net income from purchases under this section are used by the covered entity.

"(iii) RECORDS RETENTION.—Covered entities shall retain such records and provide such records and reports as deemed necessary by the Secretary for carrying out this subparagraph.".

(b) by adding at the end the following new subsection: "(f) REGULATIONS.—The Secretary may promulgate such regulations as the Secretary determines necessary or appropriate to carry out the provisions of this section.".

SEC. 227. (a) IN GENERAL.—A State or tribal organization which receives grant funds attributable to appropriations under the heading "Department of Health and Human Services—Administration for Community Living—Aging and Disability Services Programs" to carry out programs under parts B, C, D, or E of title III (with respect to States) or under title VI (with respect to tribal organizations) of the Older Americans Act of 1965 (OAA) may elect to transfer up to 100 percent of such received funds among such title III or title VI programs (respectively), subject to OAA sections 306(a)(9) and 307(a)(9) but notwithstanding any otherwise-applicable limitations on such transfers under the OAA or such heading.

(b) NOTIFICATION OF PROPOSED TRANSFER; SECRETARIAL APPROVAL.—A State or tribal organization which elects to make a transfer under subsection (a) shall notify the Secretary of Health and Human Services of such proposed transfer, including a description of the amount to be transferred, the purposes of the transfer, the need for the transfer, and the impact of the transfer on the provision of services from which the funding would be transferred. The Secretary shall approve any such transfer unless the Secretary determines that such transfer is not consistent with the objectives of the OAA.

(c) RULES OF CONSTRUCTION.—No transfer of grant funds by a State or tribal organization under this section shall be construed—

(1) as inconsistent with the authorized use of such funds under the OAA, including for purposes of OAA administration and oversight by the Secretary; or

(2) to relieve the State or tribal organization from applicable reporting requirements under the OAA regarding the use of such funds.

SEC. 228. Funds made available to the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) in this or any other or prior Acts that are available for acquisition of real property or for construction or improvement of facilities shall also be available to make improvements on non-federally owned property located directly adjacent to property owned by HHS or a component thereof, provided that the primary benefit of such improvements accrues to HHS or the component thereof funding the improvements. SEC. 229. Funds appropriated in this or any prior Act or the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that are available for salaries and expenses of employees of the Department of Health and Human Services shall also be available for the primary and secondary schooling of eligible dependents of HHS personnel stationed in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the possessions of the United States at costs not in excess of those paid for or reimbursed by the Department of Defense. SEC. 230. Notwithstanding section 12(b) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, funds made available by this Act for the "NIH—Office of the Director" account shall also be available to establish and operate the Research Policy Board authorized by section 2034(f) of Public Law 114–255. '

(Including transfer of funds)

SEC. 231. (a) The Secretary may reserve not more than 0.25 percent from each appropriation made available in this Act to the accounts of the Administration of Children and Families identified in subsection (b) in order to carry out evaluations of any of the programs or activities that are funded under such accounts. Any such funds reserved under this section may be transferred to ''Children and Families Services Programs'' for use by the Assistant Secretary for the Administration for Children and Families and shall remain available until expended: Provided, That such funds shall only be available if such Assistant Secretary submits a plan to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate describing the evaluations to be carried out 15 days in advance of any such transfer.

(b) The accounts referred to in subsection (a) are: ''Low Income Home Energy Assistance'', ''Refugee and Entrant Assistance'', ''Payments to States for the Child Care and Development Block Grant'', and ''Children and Families Services Programs''.

SEC. 232. REAUTHORIZATION AND MODIFICATION OF CDC LOAN REPAYMENT PROGRAM. Section 317F of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247b-7) is amended—

(a) in subsection (a),—

(1) in paragraph (1), by striking "$35,000" and inserting "$15,000";

(2) in paragraph (2), by striking "3 years" and inserting "2 years"; and

(3) by adding the following new paragraph: "(3) HEALTH PROFESSIONAL.—For purposes of this section, the term 'health professional' includes information technology specialists and data surveillance specialists."; and

(b) in subsection (c), by striking "1995 through 2002" and inserting "thereafter".


(Including transfer of funds)

SEC. 233. There is hereby established in the Treasury a fund to be known as the "Federal Emergency Response Fund" (the "Fund"). Amounts in the Fund shall be available, in addition to any other amount appropriated for such purposes, to carry out titles II, III, and, XVII of the PHS Act, and domestic preparedness activities and global health; to prevent, prepare for, or respond to a chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear defense threat; or to prevent, prepare for, or respond to an emerging infectious disease; and may be used to purchase or lease, and provide for the insurance of, passenger motor vehicles for official use in foreign countries. Amounts in the Fund may only be used for such threats or emergencies that the Secretary determines have significant potential to occur and potential, on occurrence, to affect national security or the health and security of United States citizens, domestically or internationally. The Secretary may transfer to the Fund in this fiscal year and hereafter such amounts as are necessary from any discretionary amounts (pursuant to the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985) appropriated in this and subsequent Acts, provided that no such appropriation is reduced by more than 1 percent. Such transferred amounts shall remain available until expended. When implementing response activities, amounts in the Fund may be transferred to other accounts of the Department of Health and Human Services for the purposes provided in this section. The Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate shall be notified promptly of the initiation of response activities under this authority, and of any transfer made under the authority provided in this subsection. The Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate shall receive a report not later than 45 days after the end of each quarter in a fiscal year on the unobligated balances in the Response Fund and all actual obligations incurred for that fiscal year, including obligations by program, project, or activity. The transfer authorities in this section are in addition to any other transfer authority otherwise available to the Department of Health and Human Services. Products purchased using amounts in the Fund may, at the discretion of the Secretary of Health and Human Services, be deposited in the Strategic National Stockpile under section 319F-2 of the PHS Act. SEC. 234. Funds appropriated in this Act, or any other Act making appropriations for fiscal year 2020, to any component of the Department of Health and Human Services that are available for activities to address opioid use shall also be available to such component to carry out activities authorized under the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act or under an amendment made by such Act. SEC. 235. Any assessment or user fee charged pursuant to section 1311(d)(5)(A) of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act shall be available for any other Federal administrative expenses the Secretary incurs for activities related to the Exchange program, in addition to any other purposes authorized by law: Provided, That such collections shall be credited to the "Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services—Program Management" account and shall remain available until expended for the purposes described in this section.

(Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 2019.)