[Congressional Bills 109th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H. Con. Res. 144 Introduced in House (IH)]

  1st Session
H. CON. RES. 144

Condemning attacks on United States citizens by Palestinian terrorists, 
                        and for other purposes.



                              May 4, 2005

Mr. King of Iowa (for himself, Mr. Weiner, Mr. Ackerman, Mr. Akin, Mr. 
  Barrett of South Carolina, Mr. Beauprez, Mr. Bishop of Georgia, Mr. 
Burgess, Mr. Burton of Indiana, Mr. Cannon, Mr. Cantor, Mr. Chabot, Mr. 
Conaway, Mr. Crowley, Mr. Doolittle, Mr. Flake, Mr. Franks of Arizona, 
 Mr. Garrett of New Jersey, Ms. Harris, Mr. Hayworth, Mr. Herger, Mr. 
   Holden, Mr. King of New York, Mr. Kline, Mr. Lantos, Mr. Lewis of 
  Kentucky, Mr. Lipinski, Mrs. Maloney, Mrs. McCarthy, Mr. McCaul of 
    Texas, Mr. McGovern, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Nadler, Mrs. Northup, Mr. 
 Norwood, Mr. Otter, Mr. Pence, Mr. Pitts, Mr. Poe, Ms. Ros-Lehtinen, 
 Mr. Rothman, Mr. Saxton, Mr. Sessions, Mr. Shadegg, Mr. Shimkus, Mr. 
    Simpson, Mr. Souder, Mr. Sullivan, Mrs. Tauscher, Mr. Wamp, Ms. 
  Wasserman Schultz, Mr. Weldon of Florida, Mr. Wexler, Mr. Wilson of 
  South Carolina, and Mr. Cleaver) submitted the following concurrent 
   resolution; which was referred to the Committee on International 


                         CONCURRENT RESOLUTION

Condemning attacks on United States citizens by Palestinian terrorists, 
                        and for other purposes.

Whereas since the late Yasser Arafat renounced violence in the Oslo Peace 
        Accords on September 13, 1993, at least 53 United States citizens, 
        including one unborn child, have been murdered by Palestinian 
Whereas on December 1, 1993, in a drive-by shooting north of Jerusalem, Hamas 
        killed United States citizen Yitzhak Weinstock, 19, whose family came 
        from Los Angeles;
Whereas on October 9, 1994, Hamas kidnapped and murdered United States citizen 
        Nachshon Wachsman, 19, whose family came from New York City;
Whereas on April 9, 1995, an Islamic Jihad bomb attack on a bus near Kfar Darom 
        killed United States citizen Alisa Flatow, 20, from West Orange, New 
Whereas on August 21, 1995, in a Hamas bus bombing in Jerusalem, United States 
        citizen Joan Davenny, from New Haven, Connecticut, was killed;
Whereas on September 9, 1995, Mara Frey of Chicago was stabbed in Ma'ale 
        Michmash resulting in her unborn child's death;
Whereas on February 25, 1996, three United States citizens, Sara Duker of 
        Teaneck, New Jersey, Matthew Eisenfeld of West Hartford, Connecticut, 
        and Ira Weinstein of New York City, were killed in a Hamas bus bombing 
        in Jerusalem;
Whereas on May 13, 1996, United States citizen David Boim, 17, of New York City, 
        was killed in a drive-by shooting near Beit El, north of Jerusalem;
Whereas on June 9, 1996, United States citizen Yaron Ungar was killed in a 
        drive-by shooting near Beit Shemesh;
Whereas on July 30, 1997, United States citizen Leah Stern of Passaic, New 
        Jersey, was killed in a Hamas bombing in Jerusalem's Mahane Yehuda 
Whereas on September 4, 1997, a Hamas bombing on Ben-Yehuda Street, Jerusalem, 
        killed Yael Botwin, 14, of Los Angeles;
Whereas on April 19, 1998, an attack near the Israeli town of Maon killed United 
        States citizen Dov Dribben, 28;
Whereas on October 8, 2000, Rabbi Hillel Lieberman, 36, of New York City, was 
        stabbed and killed near Nablus;
Whereas on October 30, 2000, United States citizen Esh-Kodesh Gilmore, 25, was 
        shot in Jerusalem;
Whereas on December 31, 2000, Rabbi Binyamin Kahane, 34, and his wife, Talia 
        Hertzlich Kahane, both formerly of New York City, were killed in a 
        drive-by shooting near Ofra;
Whereas on May 9, 2001, Jacob ``Koby'' Mandell, 13, of Silver Spring, Maryland, 
        was killed in an attack near Tekoah;
Whereas on May 29, 2001, Sarah Blaustein, 53, of Lawrence, New York, was killed 
        in a drive-by shooting near Efrat;
Whereas on August 9, 2001, two United States citizens, Judith L. Greenbaum, 31, 
        and Malka Roth, 15, were killed in the Jerusalem Sbarro pizzeria 
Whereas on November 4, 2001, Shoshana Ben-Yishai, 16, of New York City, was shot 
        and killed during an attack on a Jerusalem bus;
Whereas on January 15, 2002, Avraham Boaz, 72, of New York City, was killed in a 
        shooting near Bethlehem;
Whereas on January 18, 2002, United States citizen Aaron Elis, 32, was killed in 
        a shooting in Hadera;
Whereas on February 8, 2002, United States citizen Moranne Amit, 25, was killed 
        in a stabbing in Abu Tor Peace Forest, Jerusalem;
Whereas on February 15, 2002, United States citizen Lee Akunis, was shot and 
        killed near Ramallah;
Whereas on February 16, 2002, Keren Shatsky, 14, of New York City and Maine, and 
        Rachel Thaler, 16, of Baltimore, Maryland, were killed in a bombing in 
        Karnei Shomron;
Whereas on March 24, 2002, Esther Kleinman, 23, formerly of Chicago, was shot 
        and killed near Ofra;
Whereas on March 27, 2002, United States citizen Hannah Rogen, 90, was killed in 
        a bombing at a hotel Passover seder in Netanya;
Whereas on June 18, 2002, Moshe Gottlieb, 70, of Los Angeles, was killed in a 
        bus bombing in Jerusalem;
Whereas on June 19, 2002, United States citizen Gila Sara Kessler, 19, was 
        killed in a bombing at a Jerusalem bus stop;
Whereas on July 31, 2002, five United States citizens were killed in a bombing 
        of a Hebrew University cafeteria: Marla Bennett, 24, of San Diego, 
        Benjamin Blutstein, 25, of Susquehanna Township, Pennsylvania, Janis 
        Ruth Coulter, 36, of Massachusetts, David Gritz, 24, of Peru, 
        Massachusetts (and of dual French-United States citizenship), and Dina 
        Carter, 37, of North Carolina;
Whereas on March 5, 2003, Abigail Leitel, 14, who was born in Lebanon, New 
        Hampshire, died in a bus bombing in Haifa;
Whereas on March 7, 2003, a shooting occurred in the home of United States 
        citizens Rabbi Eli Horowitz, 52, who grew up in Chicago, and Dina 
        Horowitz, 50, who grew up in Florida, and both were killed;
Whereas on June 11, 2003, Alan Beer, 47, who grew up in Cleveland, was killed in 
        a bus bombing in Jerusalem;
Whereas on June 20, 2003, a shooting attack on a car driving through the West 
        Bank killed United States citizen Tzvi Goldstein, 47, who grew up in the 
        State of New York;
Whereas on August 19, 2003, Mordechai Reinitz, 49, Yitzhak Reinitz, 9, Tehilla 
        Nathanson, 3, of Monsey, New York, Goldie Taubenfeld, 43, of New Square, 
        New York, and Shmuel Taubenfeld, 3 months, of New Square, New York, were 
        killed in a homicide bombing on a bus in Jerusalem;
Whereas on September 9, 2003, a homicide bomber killed United States citizens 
        David Applebaum, 51, originally of Cleveland, and Nava Applebaum, 20, 
        originally of Cleveland, in a cafe in Jerusalem;
Whereas on October 15, 2003, United States citizens John Branchizio, 36, of San 
        Antonio, Texas, John Martin Linde, Jr., 30, of Washington, Missouri, and 
        Mark T. Parson, 31, of the State of New York were killed in a car 
        bombing in Gaza;
Whereas on September 24, 2004, a mortar strike on a housing community killed 
        Tiferet Tratner, 24, a dual United States-Israeli citizen;
Whereas at least another 83 United States citizens have been injured in 
        Palestinian terrorist attacks;
Whereas Palestinian terrorism continues to happen as demonstrated by the bombing 
        in Tel Aviv on February 25, 2005, despite the recent elections and a new 
        sense of optimism in the region; and
Whereas the United States is willing to continue to work with Palestinian 
        leaders under the condition that the newly elected Palestinian 
        leadership reject and take verifiable steps to prevent terrorism: Now, 
        therefore, be it
    Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), 
That Congress--
            (1) condemns the attacks on United States citizens by 
        Palestinian terrorists and demands that the Palestinian 
        Authority work with Israel to protect all innocent individuals, 
        regardless of citizenship, from terrorist atrocities; and
            (2) offers its condolences to the families and loved ones 
        of United States citizens who were killed by Palestinian 
        terrorist attacks.